Desire Ch. 01

Desire Ch. 01

Dive into the passionate world of “Desire Ch. 01,” where desire ignites and boundaries blur. Join our characters on a journey of exploration, intimacy, and self-discovery as they navigate their deepest fantasies. Uncover the thrill of connection and sensuality in this captivating gay sex story that promises to leave you breathless.

Hi… This is my first story on here. I hope you like it. Please vote and post comments. I’d really like constructive critiques.


“Daddy’s home. Daddy’s home!”

Luke looked up from cleaning the spilled juice on the coffee table, his pale blue gaze riveted on the front door. Eoin was at the door, excitedly jumping up and down with all the energy of any three-year-old. Luke’s lips crooked up into a small smile as he finished cleaning the juice. Jules sure was taking his sweet time getting inside. Maybe he should go see what was taking so long.

The front door opened just as he stood up, and Luke saw Jules, laden with plastic bags. “Hey, Eoin, I know you want to greet your daddy, but why don’t you go get him a soda from the fridge?”

“But I wanna see Daddy!” Eoin’s little face scrunched up in a scowl, no doubt trying to imitate his father.

“Come on, Bud, please? We can play outside tomorrow.” Luke tacked on the incentive with a grin, knowing full well that the three-year-old would take the bait.

“Okay! Daddy, what kind you want? Mount Do or Coke?”

Jules threw a grateful smile to Luke, and then turned back to his son. “I’ll take a Mountain Dew, please.”

“Okay! Comin up!” Eoin shot out of the living room like a rocket, racing into the kitchen.

Luke quickly went to his best friend and grabbed a few bags. “I was wondering why you were so late,” he said, grinning. “What’d you do, rob the whole store?”

Jules snorted and headed to his bedroom. Luke followed, dropping his bags on the bed next to the ones Jules had. “I had to finish my Christmas shopping for my son. It is the first week of December. Now I just have to get a few things for my mom, my brother, and of course, you.”

“You don’t need to get me anything, Jules. You know that.”

“Right. I know Christmas is your favorite time of the year. I also remember the pain you could never quite hide when we were kids and your parents forgot about the holiday.”

“But we’re adults now. I’m too old for gifts.”

Jules’s lips quirked up in that crooked grin that made Luke’s heart race. Damn, he was gorgeous. Jules was six feet four inches tall. He had real muscles, the kind you get from actually working, not a gym. He had naturally light golden skin, dark brown hair down to the backs of his knees and vibrant green eyes. Today he wore faded jeans with grease and oil stains that molded quite nicely to his ass, a black T-shirt tight enough to be a second skin, and tan, scuffed work boots he should have been thrown away last year. At least his shirt looked clean.

Jules grabbed the hem of his shirt and, in one fluid move that never failed to make Luke jealous, pulled it up over his head. The move stretched his six-pack, his biceps bulging just a little. Luke felt his gaze following just behind the shirt, pale blue gaze taking in every inch of bared skin. When he finally looked up, his eyes met Jules’s vibrant green gaze. The air seemed to thin, making it hard to breathe. Jules opened his mouth to say something, but then Eoin appeared in the room with the can of Mountain Dew, dispelling the electric atmosphere.

“Here, Daddy! I reached it all by myself on the shelf! Can we go to the pawk now? Can I see what’s in the bag?” Eoin launched himself up onto the bed and started to reach inside one of the bags.

“No!” Luke and Jules said simultaneously. Luke swooped the little boy up into his arms, making him giggle. “No, you may not see the contents of the bags. They are not for little eyes.”

“But I wanna see.” Eoin gave Luke big green eyes and a sad face. He had to hand it to the kid: he really knew how to get Luke and his daddy to relent. However…

“No, son, you may not see. They are your Christmas presents, and if you see them now, I’ll have to take them all right back to the store before they close.” At Eoin’s horrified expression, Jules chuckled. He came close and ruffled his son’s hair. “I bet if you ask real nice, Luke will stay over longer. Maybe even for dinner.”

Eoin turned to look back at Luke, who still held the little boy, and, in a very sugar-coated voice asked, “Will you, Luke? I want you to stay for dinneh. Pleeeeaase?”

Luke gave Eoin a very serious expression, as if he were thinking about it. “Hmm, I don’t know… I should go home and feed my cats… Maybe some other time?”

Giggling, Eoin said, “But Luke, you don’ have cats.”

Feigning shock, he said, “I don’t?”

“Nope. No cats.”

“Well, then I must except your very generous offer to stay for dinner. After all, who wants to go home to a cold and lonely apartment?”

“Yay! Daddy, he said he’ll stay!”

Smiling, Jules said, “So I heard. Why don’t you go occupy Luke for a few minutes while I take a shower?”


“Piggy back ride?” Luke suggested.


“Alright. Let’s see if we can talk your daddy into putting you on my back.” Jules grabbed Eoin and, once Luke turned around, placed him on his back. “Thanks, Dad.”

“Thanks, Dad!”

Luke galloped out into the short hall, into the living room, through the kitchen, and through the dining room, ending up back in the hall, Eoin squealing and giggling behind him. After making the circle a second time, Luke calmly walked into the living room and let Eoin drop onto the couch.

“Again, again!”

“No, not again. You’ll break my poor back if we do it again.”

“Can I go play then?”

“Sure. Go ahead to your room and play.”


Luke shook his head, smiling. Kids hogged all the energy. When he was sure Eoin was in his room playing, he went back to Jules’s room, quietly shutting the door behind him. He went to the bed, gathered up all the bags, and went to the closet. Standing up on his toes, Luke was able to place all the bags onto the top shelf in the closet. Next, he bent down to collect all the dirty clothes, depositing them into the hamper. Honestly, was it really so hard for Jules to keep his room devoid of dirty clothes? Oh, well. He was done in here, so he could leave.

His eyes swept the room one last time for any clothes he might have missed. Nothing. He was turning around to leave when Jules strode through the door to the in-suite bathroom, completely naked except for the long hair. His eyes immediately followed Jules’s ‘happy trail’ to the piece of meat between his legs. He tried looking away, but couldn’t. It was a good thing Jules wasn’t paying attention to where Luke’s eyes were.

“Where’s Eoin?”

“Hmmm?” Luke jerked his gaze up to meet Jules’s.

“Oh, he’s in his room playing.”

“I see you cleaned up my dirty clothes. Again. And put away the gifts. Thank you.”

“No problem. I’m just, uh..” His voice trailed off when Jules, still naked, bent over to reach inside a drawer, his ass in the air. Luke’s hands itched like hell to grab his hips and yank him down onto his throbbing dick. He realized he had taken a step closer. Jules straightened, a pair of pajama bottoms in one hand, and turned around to face Luke.

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