Bi-sexual stories: Arcade Cocksucker. Author: byronnnn. True: Late night at the arcade brings a young, fem, midnight cocksucker to my fan. The story is including Dark Fantasy, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Cum Swallowing, Erotica, Gay, Mature, Teen, Young theme.
Bi-sexual stories: Arcade Cocksucker
Author: byronnnn
Always been a sucker for suckers. Show me a willing mouth and my dick is hard right now. Don’t matter to me— male, female, queer, fairy, dyke, whatever. Like them fresh-faced, smooth, fem, and eager. If you like dick in your mouth, I got a good seven-and-a-half for ya. Long as you swallow.
And I can tell you, it’s a helluva lot easier to get a queer to spread his mouth than it is to get a woman to spread her legs—–generally speaking of course—-and hell, I love the feel of a warm & wet & moving mouth. So much more fucking action than pussy.
I’ve had my share of girls who sucked dick. Some liked it and were pretty good while others only did it because they liked me. Won’t have no girlfriend who don’t take it in her mouth and let me do my business. Same with you queerboys. All I want is your mouth. Then you swallow. I don’t chase girls for pussy. I chase them for their mouths. I don’t hang with queers who are into cornholing but if they’re a cocksucker, hell yeah.
All I fuck are mouths. Haven’t chased pussy for over 15 years but I been out after “mouth” for 25 and I fucked a helluva lot of them. Know which ones are the best, far as I’m concerned? Those obsessed with dick in their mouth and nothing else comes close for them.
I’m Alexander, 45, decent looking, oversexed, head-huter, a bit on the nasty side. I think you get the pic.

So, it was about midnight a little over a year ago and I found myself horny and stroking and it wasn’t exactly setting my rocks on fire so I headed to an adult arcade just for the hell of it.
Not much happening there. Thought about going to the booths to see if I could a bj but I’m not often into such randomness and I don’t like the idea of some bearded butch-ugly sucking my dick when I’m into smooth femmies. Also wasnt looking to have problems getting caught by some cop sting.
I strolled the magazine aisles and faced the hetero ones while glancing at the queer ones. Found couple of nasty cocksucking mags, quickly paid for them, tucked the brown baggy under my left armpit, and hurried to the door and briskly passed through to the cool and dark night.
Didn’t get far.
Suppose I was in too much of a rush that I didn’t even see him but a young guy with full and thick and long brown hair asked me the random-odd question, “Hey—Uh—So, is there anything I can do for you?”
I was like, “What?” I mean, what the hell?
“Like hang out so you’re not alone or get you some weed or . . . I don’t know . . . like maybe suck on your dick?”
He was a cute boy. Figured him for high school since he looked like it and also he was outside the arcade and not inside. Cute, somewhat fem from what I could tell and—-hell—-he had said the magic words, “suck on your dick.” If that’s how he liked using his mouth then who the hell was I to argue? Besides, schoolboy out after midnight looking for dick on a school night had to be pretty damned cock-needy.
First thought was to ask how old he was. Second thought was that was the last question I wanted to ask. Don’t really wana know.
“You’re a cocksucker?” I asked. I already knew the answer. I just wanted to call him a cocksucker and see how he reacted.
He smiled like a shy little girl and nodded. “I love to suck,” he said.
I remember looking at him for quite a few seconds while I assessed the opportunity and his eyes assessed the bulge in my snug cotton pants. Wasn’t hard to see he really wanted to get down there and hell, his need to suck seemed more than my need to jizz in someone’s mouth. Love them like that.
“You swallow?” I asked.
He nodded. “I will. Promise.”
Yeah, well, faggots lie. Some promise deep-throat when they never done it. Some promise swallow but run away spitting. What the hell. I was horny. Take a chance.
“Yeah kid, come on.”
I led him to my older van.
“This is my hot rod project,” I told him as we got in. “Been working on it two years. Haven’t got far.”
He smiled and said he liked it. Yeah, well sure he would since panel vans with carpeted floors are great places to get down and suck some strange pervert’s dick.
“You do this much?” I asked.
“Some times,” he said. “I would do it more but . . . ” He explained how he lived with relatives who were watchful but they went to bed at 11pm and he snuck out when he could and went to various places to find horny guys.
I started the van. Never turned the lights on.
The arcade sat sideways to the street so that the front was facing a parking lot that separated the front of the arcade from a small shopping plaza. Guided the van to behind the shopping plaza and into a dark area where no one hardly went.
Told him my name was Alexander. Said his was Sean.
“You ready to suck some dick, boy?” His head nodded big time. Cool. Love them eager ones. Stretched my legs and unzipped my pants and pulled his head over and pulled out my dick and that queer boy wrapped his cocksucking mouth around my shaft and I let out an “ahhhhhhh” sound ‘cuz his mouth felt so fucking good on my rock-hard prick. Thinking all the while, Yeah baby, suck it. Suck my dick you cocksucking faggot!
He didn’t start with manic speed like he was trying to get me off in two minutes. Instead, that queer boy closed his eyes and just softly sucked. Ahhhhhh yeah, love them kind of queers! Them slow suckers, at least at the start. Cocksuckers lemme tell ya, that’s how you do it! Soft and slow and lots of saliva. I don’t like messy bjs but I love wet mouths.
After a couple of minutes, he pulled off and licked his way down to my daddy nuts. He licked softly and then gathered one into his mouth and soft-sucked with a little tongue teasing. Put my hand on his head and told him he was a good cocksucker and he nodded and mumbled something. I didn’t care what the hell he said. All I wanted his mouth to do was suck and suck and suck. He was a cocksucker. That’s why cocksuckers have mouths.
He licked his way up my prick and circled the head and then that queer boy kissed my dick like a long lost lover. Damn boy! Why dont ya just fall in love with it & marry it?
Then he sucked softly about half way down and up and down and up and did it slow. He added his right hand to the other half of my dick and he used his hand and mouth to slow-stroke me nearly to the edge. I put my hand on his head and told him to keep sucking my dick like that and the queerboy did just what I told him to do. That’s what all you cocksuckers should do.
I can’t take something like that for more than 10 minutes usually but his touch was so perfect & his mouth was doing it just like a pussy & I just leaned back and closed my eyes and kept telling him to keep sucking on his daddy’s dick. Hell, if I was that much older than him, then it’s same thing and I know theres lots of queerboys who wana be daddy’s cocksucker, even if I’m not really their daddy.
Gotta say it was hot and I had a raging boner. Stiff as a rock and I wasn’t about to let it cum yet. I kept that fagboy sucking slow and soft with that soft mouth and he just stayed right down there and sucked my dick. Gotta love that about them pure faggot cocksuckers. Theyre so eager to please they just do what the fuck you say. There aren’t enough like that but he was one of them.
Eventually I pulled his hair until his face came up and my dick pulled from his cocksucking mouth & slapped against my abdomen, like some slab of meat landing flat on the floor.
I pulled his head up a little and leaned forward and looked into his eyes. Damn! Some cocksuckers are sooooo fucking queer. You can see it in their eyes. Love it. They zone out when they get a nice hard dick to suck on. Their eyes get all fucking dazed & dreamy and like they are in heat and that’s how Sean was.
“You deepthroat, boy?” I asked.
His head tilted and his shoulders lifted and I said, “If you ain’t a for-real deepthroat then we’re not going there, but at least you’ll let me fuck your mouth, right?”
He quickly nodded and it was among his favorite things to do.
I motioned for him to get in the back and lay on the padded and carpeted floor with his head against a pillow on a sidewall of the van. He was quick to obey. Nearly laughed at his helpless need for my dick in his queer mouth. Gotta love those cocksuckers who are like that.
I straddled him and put my dick to his lips and circled it around. Put both hands on his head and drove my shaft into his fucking mouth. Oh fuck yeah, does that feel good! Driving my dick into a soft, wet, warm cocksucking mouth. Ahhhhh fuck yeah!
I fucked enough mouths to know how to go without gagging those who got gag reflexes. Ain’t into gagging. I want pussymouth not pukeymouth. I want smooth fucking, not the gag-and-jerk kind.
My penis went into the kid’s mouth slowly and I was growling the entire time it pressed into him. Poor little cocksucker. Nothing he could do now. I was on top of him, pressing him with my weight, my hands on his head, & my dick like a pole in his head. Yeah cocksucker, gonna fuck you good, no way out of it now—-although I didn’t say those things out loud.
“Just hold still bitch. Just hold still. Just need to use that queer mouth. Won’t take all that long. Just hold still & let me do it.”
I laughed inside once again because his head was nodding with obedience even though I didn’t ask for or need his agreemet.
“You’re a cocksucker boy so this is what you need to do. I got a boner & you got a mouth so now we’re going to make the most of both. Just hold still and let me fuck you!”
I started very, very, very slow. I would say it was 10 seconds going in and 10 seconds coming back up. Very very slow. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
His queer eyes closed. He sighed. He was in dreamland. Good, stay there faggot while I screw you silly and finally get my nuts off.
I changed to five second strokes which is still hellishly slow. Wanted that cocksucking schoolboy to know that us daddy types take our time. We don’t usually just fuck & go. We slow-breed and make love and take our time to enjoy the feel of them warm wet mouths and then when we got our breeding in, we pump our loads into you.
Then, increased to three second strokes. He hadn’t moved. Wondered if he died. Overdose of dick. Didn’t matter, Mouth was still warm. Might as well fuck it.
Then, I re-set my knees & got a different grip on his head. Getting ready for the final fucking. Good and hard and til I dumped in his queer cocksucking mouth.
Asked him if he liked it. His head gave big nods. Asked him if he was ready to get fucked in the mouth and swallow jizz and his head moved even bigger & he hummed & nearly squealed. Faggirl. Like a fag and like a girl. Gotta love it.
“You want it baby?” I continued. “You want it, I’ll give it you. Fuck you right in that sweet little mouth!”
Started fucking faster and always with expert depth; never gagged him. Just fucked his mouth. Fucked even faster. Then held his head and fucked fucked fucked it. Yeah baby, just let me breed that mouth. Leaned forward and my upper body was against the sidewall of the van. Hands gripped his head and my rock-hard cock was fucking like a piston and twitching with need.
So, once I got into the earnest-fucking part of things, there was no way he stop it. Had him where a lot of queers have been—-pinned to a wall with a boner ready to jizz and he damned-well was going to stay under me until I did it right in his cocksucking mouthpussy.
Hammered his mouth and began to feel lust boiling and my balls tightening and he was moaning like a little school girl which turned me on and my dick felt harder than ever.
I was ready! Ready! My cock was beginning to quake. I gripped that cocksucker’s head like a vice and held it in place and had my dick about four inches in his mouth and then I reached the pinnacle and over the top and my dick blasted that faggot with a huge first-spurt of spunk. He choked but only a little and my cock pumped another spurt into that queerboy and then another and another and another and another and my balls were busting & I was shaking while I just kept pumping jizz into that queer’s mouth. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh felt so fucking good!
He began squirming and trying to push me away but hell, he told me he wanted me to jizz in his faggot mouth so I wasn’t about to let him off easy. So I held him in place and just pumped jizz into him. Was just about finished unloading when his head twisted violently and rolled to his stomach while holding his hand over his mouth. His eyes were dreamy but also seemed fearful and tearful and traumatized.
I got off of him and sat on the floor. I laughed. I love it when a queer cant handle my dick or my spunk.
“You said you was gonna swallow it faggot. Remember?”
His was slow to nod. I believed he was indeed going to swallow and that he needed some time to recover. He sat up and looked at me. His eyes was open and somewhat wide. He pointed at his mouth.
“You going to swallow that queerboy?”
He nodded. He had a trace of a smile which I figured was a good sign.
He nodded again. He pointed to his mouth again. He looked me in the eyes. He brought his face a few inches closer to mine.
Then he gulped.
His head twisted and his face squinched and his hand waved by the side of his head as if it’s manic motion would somehow help my chunky oyster to go down his throat.
It seeemed like a couple of minutes but probably was less when he opened his eyes and then moved clsoer to me and opened his mouth with an empty-mouth smile, like he was proud he swallowed that shit. Whatever faggot, long as you do it. I know my face became like greasy sleaze but dammmmm I love watching queers swallow my load. So fucking hot!
“Yeahhhhhhhhh baby!” I said.
I tried to fuck him again but he rebuffed my advances and said it was late and he had school but he wanted to suck my dick anytime and all the time into the future.
Didn’t know about that. Little young for me. But I’ll be damned, next time I was horny and couldn’t get any of my regs to suck my dick, I sent that fagboy a text and he was all over it and wanting not just to suck but to get fucked in the mouth, something he said he never really done before.
So yeah. Got a motel room in a bum neighborhood. No sooner than I’m in the room, sucker-Sean comes from around the side of the motel and into my room and he’s practically diving face-first into my crotch.
I didn’t wait. Fucked his mouth and was unloading in less than 10 minutes after he come into the room.
Why so fast?
Well hell, I was horny. Horny, horny. And, I told that queer if he comes to me he better plan on staying and taking a few loads. That meant I could screw him quick the first time and get my nuts off which I needed so much to do and he would stay and let me fuck him for 2-3 hours so I could take more time then.
Gotta say, he took a lot of dick and damn, does that queer ever love it. I tell him to suck & he sucks for long as I say. I tell him I wana fuck his mouth & he stays down there and lets me fuck long as I want and over and over. And that fagboy swallows like a champ. I ALWAYS cum in his mouth and he ALWAYS swallows.
Still seeing him from time-to-time but got himself a boyfriend who’s getting that pussymouth now. Sean sneaks away to see me about every couple of months.
It’s great fucking but not often enough and he still don’t deep-throat. I would teach him DT if I saw him more often but takes getting throatfucked more than once every couple of months to get to be a true deepthroat.
So, still looking for another “perfect” cocksucker. Had one years ago. Hard to find them but damn, worth looking for. You know the kind. Subbies, obedient, all about cock in their mouths and nothing else. Suck like sweet little lambs, take throat-fucking in any position, do it for hours, always craving it, etc. Mouthwhores. Mouthsluts. Mouthnymphs.
Hard to find good mouthpussy. Even harder to find good throatpussy. If you know of any, lemme know, would ya? So Cal here.
Sean’s good and he gets me by but I wana faggirl for a girlfriend. One who will suck my dick when I say and lay down and let me fuck the shit out of her mouth and throat til I pump her full of jizz—-over & over!
Yean, that’s what I’m talkin’ about!
Reading about other cocksuckers gets me in the mood to go out and prowl for the COCKS of strangers to SUCK in PUBLIC PLACES.