Brian The B/S Builder Pt. 02


A gay story: Brian The B/S Builder Pt. 02

Although this piece has gay and straight seduction elements, its primary purpose is to tell a morality story that ends (sort of) happily. It is moral because the good triumph after tribulations and challenges.


George said “We must meet every evening in the pub. They want to see me seduce you.”

I replied “It gives me some company. Its really lonely back in Brian’s caravan.”

George said “Tell your wife that you have found a good friend. Ask her permission to stay with me on her working nights. You must still fuck her on her days off.”

I asked George “How do you know about my marital arrangements?”

George replied “They talk about it.”

But I still didn’t know who “they” were.


For a week George and I sat at the same table in the pub. We chatted, played darts and drank the local beer.

On Maggie’s nights at work, I was glad that I could spend the night with George. We didn’t do anything sexual. I wanted to see him take a shower. He behaved like a perfect gentleman.


George said “I need some proof that I turn you on. I have a Viagra tablet for you to take when we are in the pub. It takes up to half an hour to make you hard. It is the lowest dose. I am going to make a move on you tonight. Rebuff me at first then give in.”

That night in the pub, George’s right hand rested on my left thigh. He squeezed a little. His hand didn’t leave my leg. I quite liked him doing that to me, But I took his hand away. As planned George replaced his hand. I let it rest.

I was a little nervous, but I didn’t say or do anything.

He massaged my upper thigh, chatting away the whole time. His hand was just inches from my balls.

I was getting an erection from the tablet and from my sexual thoughts about George.

George whispered “Go to the loo. Let them see you are visibly excited. Use the urinal until you go soft.”

I did as he instructed. At one stage a man came in and stood beside me at the communal urinal. It was one of those that ran its whole 5 foot length with no privacy breaks. He could easily have stood a few feet away, but chose to stand beside me.

I wasn’t soft enough to be able to pee. I just stood there with an erect dick.

The man made it obvious he was looking at my prick. He said nothing. Funnily enough I wasn’t embarrassed even with a strange man watching me. He took out his dick and stood there pretending to want to pee.

Finally I was flaccid and able to pass water. The man shook his willy, even though he hadn’t urinated. He left. I placed my flaccid penis back inside my trousers.

I went past a lot of men who looked knowingly at me. I sat next to George. The men still looked over at us. I told George about what had just happened in the pub toilet. The man who was in the loo smiled at George. George smiled back at him.

George then whispered “Hold hands as we leave.”

We held hands all the way back to George’s house. I liked being with George. For the first time I was glad that Maggie and I had left Bournemouth. I liked being with George and what was even better George liked being with me. My like for George was becoming a lust for him.

I was amazed that George had given me an erection just by fondling my leg.

George explained “That man who came in is a referee for a large bet, which I have to win. Me giving you an erection will help me to collect £6,000. But I have one more hurdle to jump over before I cross the winning line.”


I asked “And what is that hurdle?”

George said “You must stay overnight with me even on Maggie’s days off.

If I am right then your wife will put up only token resistance to your request. She has good reasons not to object. If she presses you about us, tell her about having an erection, but leave out the Viagra bit.”


George continued “Admit that we have showered together but have never even kissed.”

We hadn’t showered together. I wouldn’t have minded being naked with George. But the leg squeeze was the height of our lovemaking.

I was torn. George was a great replacement when Maggie wasn’t available. But it was a leap of faith to give up assured nookie for a pretend romance with George. Except I didn’t really want it to be a pretend romance. I lusted for both George and Maggie.


The next day I asked Maggie “Is it okay for me to stay over with George every night? It saves a lot of hassle getting back from the pub. I sleep better in a proper bed. I feel better if George and I can make an early start on our garden. I will have more energy for our lovemaking.”

Maggie said “You are seeing George quite a lot lately. Everyone knows that he swings both ways. Are you fucking him? or is he anal fucking you? or are you both sodomising each other?”

I said “I like George and I have feelings for him. But he respects that I am a married man. He knows that I worship the ground you walk on. He wants us to be happy.

To answer your question I did walk into his shower when he was using it. He told me to get out, but I didn’t. We never did anything other than that.”

Maggie said “I suppose its understandable. George is pretty fit. Okay, but no monkey business.”


George was right. Maggie had only put up token resistance. I had hoped that he was wrong and Maggie would refuse and fight to keep my twice a week lovemaking.

Something real and exciting was happening in this rural backwater. I was falling in love with George and falling out of love with my wife.

I stayed that night with George.

I asked him “So does this mean that you are going to collect £6,000 from “them”? Are you going to tell me who they are? Does this mean that I can not stay with you? and are you going to reveal what the bad news is.”


George replied “I sure as hell am going to get the bastards to shell out the £6 grand. But winning the bet is only the first part of my plan.

Don’t worry. All will be revealed. But yes, you will be my guest until the plan is fully complete. Once it is all over and my plan is complete, we can discuss our future.

Until then, its still pretence. You may feel different once I tell you about your bad news.”

With all the excitement I had forgotten about George giving me bad news. And I still didn’t know what part the £6,000 had in his overall plan.

To be continued


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