

Discover the tantalizing world of 'Beta-Kappa-Delta,' a captivating gay erotic sex story that explores desire, passion, and connection. Dive into a thrilling narrative filled with unforgettable characters and steamy encounters. Perfect for readers seeking sultry escapism and LGBTQ+ romance. Read more for your exclusive access!<br/>

Disclaimer: So what if there really is a fraternity named Beta-Kappa-Delta? Grow up, it’s just a damn story.

Whoever came up with ‘Hell Week’ should be hogtied and put in front of a firing squad. The things frat boys will make a guy go through in order to join their ranks is positively obscene. There were fifteen of us. It was known right off the bat that by the time the week is over, most of us won’t still be here. I, for one was determined not to fall. My father was a member of Beta-Kappa-Delta, as was his father before him and his father before him. I was encouraged…nay…_expected_ to accomplish nothing less. My father and grandfather were still alive and they have to be the hardest men to please in the history of mankind. Throughout my life, I always felt that nothing I did was ever good enough…until I got accepted to this college on a sports scholarship. Then suddenly, it was as if the Heavens parted and I, the once invisible middle child was a ray of hope for the entire family. I had an older sister who was a straight-A student, Valedictorian and president of her college debate team. When my younger brother came out of the closet to my parents last year, they kicked him out. This should give you some idea of what is at stake here.

The gentlemen standing next to me in a straight line right now have drive and determination written all over their faces. Of course, right now, most of that drive and determination has been covered up with various Avon products and long, frizzy wigs. In the four days we’ve been at this, we’ve been subjected to numerous humiliating, mortifying and even hazardous trials. Some of us have had to attend class wearing maxi pads on the outside of our pants, some have been forced to dress like a woman, carry a log of dog shit in one hand for an entire day without putting it down, some still have been raided in the showers, some have had to go on meaningless scavenger hunts through teacher’s desks and offices, and as for me, I had to be a man-slave for a day. I was assigned to one of the frat brothers and was expected to wait on him hand and foot, grant his every wish and crawl around on my knees and beg for kindness when other students were around. I was to do all this wearing a tight black, spaghetti-strap dress and a long blond wig. Todd, my “master” even went so far as to have me paint my nails and shave my legs. I’m uncomfortable, embarrassed and itchy and all I want is to get this over with.

“Hey, slave, go down the hall and get me a soda.” Todd grins down at me as I get up from crouching at his feet in the cafeteria. It seemed like everyone in the whole school was here and laughing at me. Truth be told, I was happy to get out of here for a few minutes. I hated doing this for Todd, he is such a cocky asshole. He’s been groping and feeling me up all day, trying to maximize my humiliation. When I’d been idle, he’s made me crouch down in between his legs and hold on to his knees, and a few times made me rest my head in his lap during class. When I struggle to my feet in my awkward heels, Todd cups my ass firmly with one hand as he puts a few quarters into my palm. “Hurry back, sweet cakes.” As I scurry off with a bitter scowl, I hear him whack his friend on the shoulder. “He looks real good in a dress, doesn’t he? Almost like he’s used to it. Heh heh.”

“Fucking bastard…” I mumble to myself, pumping the quarters into the soda machine angrily. “When I get accepted, I’m gonna get you back soooooo bad, you son of a bitch.” I push the button and the frigging machine jams. I pound on it mercilessly.

“Hey, miss, you need some help?” I feel a strong hand place itself gently on my shoulder.

I turn around angrily, gritting my teeth. “Piss off, asshole!” I’m even more humiliated when I see that it’s some guy from my Soccer team, Billy, a tall, muscular brunette who’s always been friendly to me.

Billy jerks back in astonishment, his green eyes wide, his strong, chiseled jaw slacked. “Nelson?? Izzat you?! Sorry, man, I didn’t…”

I frown, wrapping my arms around myself and turning my face away from him. “It’s okay. I’m only doing this to get into a frat.”

He smiles, putting his hands in his pockets nervously. “I figured as much. You okay? I didn’t mean to piss you off.” I glance up at him and he’s making this sad face. He was one of those guys that looked his best when he did that. It makes me smile and shake my head.

“I’m fine. I just…I mean, this soda machine is against me. This frat guy wants me to go fetch him some diet coke and it just ate the quarters…and I can’t carry money in this thing and…”

“Nelson, relax. This machine’s pretty tricky. You just gotta know how to handle it.” He digs out 75 cents out of the tight jeans he poured himself into this morning, presses the bar until it says it needs the money, then he drops them in. And what do ya’ know? Bing, bang, boom, here comes the soda can. He even bends over and gets it for me so I won’t have to in this dress. I thank him and as he passes me the can, our hands touch. Right then, I could swear that an energy passes between us. We’re looking into each other’s eyes and he bites his lip. I’m the first to blink and recoil, holding the can into my stuffed chest shyly. The break of contact leaves me feeling a little chilly.

“Thanks a lot, Billy. I hope I’ll see you Monday for practice. I’ll pay you back then.”

“He grins wide and waves a hand at me. “Aw, don’t worry about it. It’s 75 cents; it won’t make or break me. I’ll definitely see you there.”

“Cool, thanks again.” I smile at him then turn to leave. He’s just standing there, watching me with an awkward smirk. He was good-looking enough to be a movie star; twice as good-looking as most of the so-called “heartthrobs” I see girls fawning over in magazines. I suddenly realize what I’m thinking and stop myself, quickly scurrying out of the room. Was it being dressed up like this that was making me see Billy as attractive? I mean, I’ve never been attracted to a man before in my life, why start now?

Alright, getting rock-hard at the dinner table when my brother announced that he was gay doesn’t count.

“Ahh, there you are, slave. What took you so long? I nearly died of thirst!” I should be so lucky.

“The machine wasn’t cooperative, Master.” I kneel back down when he notions me to with a forefinger.

“Is that a wig, Todd?” One of his friends, this airhead cheerleader tugs as my wig, pulling it off of me. “Omigawd! It looked like his real hair!” I run a hand through my real hair, shaggy and dirty blond with long bangs that halfway covered my blue eyes with thick blond lashes. My slender face was likewise covered in soft, golden peach fuzz. How I longed for it to one day grow into a beard so I’d no longer look like an abnormally athletic twelve-year old.

“Leave my slave alone, Patti, you can have him tonight if you’re good.” Todd traces my jaw line with a finger, staring deep into my eyes before slapping my wig back on and commanding me to put my head in his lap. I shut my eyes in horror at the thought of that anorexic demon hag having her way with me, but nothing was more important that getting into the frat, was it?

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