Better Late Than. Ch. 2.


A gay story: Better Late Than. Ch. 2.

This is a standalone story in two parts, but regular readers may recognize a character or few!

Tess O-Meter Green.


Previously in Betters…

He didn’t miss the uncertainty in Luc’s eyes, before the lights faded. “Don’t be an idiot. You’re not going anywhere tonight,” he confirmed. Replacing the pillows from where they had been dislodged and relaxing onto the bed with a grateful groan.

Luc crawled up from the foot of the bed and curled on his side, facing Connor. Connor could see the shape of him and a glint from the window light in his eyes.

“Not close enough.”

He felt Luc wriggle a little closer. Could feel the warmth of his skin, not quite touching, and his breath ghosting across his face. The hairs on his arm rose with a crawling sensation.

“Not close enough,” he rasped. Opening his arms this time, as Luc squiggled as close as he could. Head on Connor’s shoulder. Legs entwined.

As Connor drifted away, he heard Luc let out a long, happy sigh.


Thirty seconds later Connor grumbled as something broke into his dreams. “Fmmppgghhffff!”

An annoying hand gripped his shoulder and shook him gently. “Con, wake up.”

He rolled slightly and scowled at Aydin, who was leaning over him with a smug and delighted smile on his face. “This better be good,” he warned. “Like alien attack, fire, or plague, good.”

“More like you need a shower and it’s 11.30am good,” Aydin grinned and stood back quickly as Connor flailed for his phone.

“What the fuck!”

“It’s all good. Hey Luc,” he added as Luc, one side of his face covered in pillow creases, blinked up at him. Luc just grunted and rolled over, showing them his back and ass.

Aydin chuckled and tugged the sheet up a little before Connor could. “Everything’s prepped, I’m good to open. I just didn’t want you to break your neck on the stairs panicking.”

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Aydin,” Connor tried to untangle his bit of sheet and stand.

“Whoa, whoa. Slow down,” Aydin pushed him back. “I don’t need that impacting my retinas.” He grinned when Connor laughed. “Take your time. It’s fine.”

Connor nodded and rubbed his eyes as Aydin made himself scarce.

Twenty minutes later he walked into the kitchen just as Aydin pulled a panini that smelled like cheesy heaven from the grill.


“God. If you were still an employee I’d give you a raise,” Connor grabbed the plate and followed Aydin into the bar.

Aydin passed him an orange juice and then made them both a coffee. “Are you alright?”

Connor nodded and swallowed. “You knew he was up there last night.”

Aydin wrinkled his nose and failed to hide a smile. “Yea, well. His friends were watching you watching him all night and they encouraged him to take the plunge. I decided to do you both a favor.” He raised an eyebrow like a challenge, but Connor just snorted a laugh.

“We’re good, Aydin. I’m not pissed off at you.”

Aydin sipped, then set his coffee down and wiped a hand over his brow. “Phew,” before going to open the doors.

When he came back he noted the pensive expression on Connor’s face. “What? You’ve started thinking, haven’t you?”

“How drunk was he last night?” Connor worried at his lip.

“He wasn’t,” Aydin reassured him. “He only had two drinks. About three hours apart. Do you think I would have let him pull that stunt if I wasn’t sure of that?”

Connor wilted under the fiery glare. “You’re right, sorry. I’m being an ass.”

“Speaking of?”

“No. No way!”

“Come on,” Aydin whined. “I always share mine with you.”

“And you’ve yet to notice that I never, never ask you to.”

“Just a couple of little details.”

Connor just subtly gave him the finger and took his plate back to the kitchen. Leaving Aydin to deal with their first customers.

It was a nearly an hour later and Aydin was slicing coffee cake for a table of four, when he heard pounding feet on the stairs.

Luc appeared. His hair was wet, his shirt was in his hands, and he had a look of wary shock on his face.

“Morning, cutie,” Aydin semi laughed at his expression. “What’s up?”

“Did you see? Did you see this? I can’t believe this!”

“I see nipples,” Aydin confirmed, deadpan. “Why would you be flashing your nipples at me? Not that I’m complaining about the view, mind you!”

Luc rolled his eyes and stalked over. Aydin thought his face looked adorable, all frowny and annoyed. “This,” he indicated his shoulder. “I mean, what the fuck?”

“Ah,” Aydin nodded, all sympathy. “So you’d be speaking of the giant hickey that appears to be the only thing keeping your neck and shoulder attached at this point in time.”

Luc let out an exasperated sound which was something between a wasp stuck behind a window and a cat trapped in a closing door.

Aydin considered, “Hmmmm. How is it so big? Connor’s mouth isn’t that big.” He paused. “Well, not quite.”

Luc snorted a laugh despite himself. “It’s not funny. I can’t hide this.”

“Not without a neck brace or an entire Max Factor factory, no.”

“What am I gonna tell Nana?”

“That you got mugged by a vampire who’d misplaced his dentures?” Aydin offered.

Luc tried not to laugh, but then gave up and sank weakly onto a chair.

“Where’s that coffee cake?” Connor strode into the kitchen. Changing direction when he spotted Luc. “Hey, good afternoon, my little sprite.”

“Urghh,” Luc’s head crashed onto his arms.

“What’s that?” Aydin asked, his ears perking up.

Connor was trying to find a space to place a kiss now, as Luc squirmed and evaded under him. “He’s small and perfect. Like a little sprite.”

“I suppose he does have some sprite-like qualities,” Aydin considered.

“Don’t encourage him,” Luc shot a warning look at Aydin, and Connor took the opportunity to land a kiss on his cheek.


“I like it,” Aydin beamed.

Narrowing his eyes at both of them. “And do sprites bite?” Luc emphasized each word.

“Oh, to be sure. They’re known to be quite mischievous little things, and feisty at times. I wouldn’t put it past them.”

Luc just bared his teeth and growled.

Aydin laughed. “I’m going to deliver these,” he said balancing the plates. “Then I’m going to come back and make you lunch.”

Connor sat for moment observing Luc. “I was rough,” he said quietly, tracing the faint smudges on Luc’s arms, and torso.

“I’m fine,” Luc told him. “But this!” he pointed at the hickey. “What do I tell Nana?”

“Tell her I was hungry,” Connor suggested, and they both snorted with laughter.

Shaking his head, Luc pulled his shirt on. It only half covered the mark.

“Does it hurt?”

“No. Just triggering acute embarrassment.”

Connor leaned in with a soft kiss. “I’ll keep my biting to unseen areas in future,” he murmured against Luc’s lips, before nipping.

When he pulled back Luc’s eyes were wide and searching on his. “In future?” he asked.

“As I believe I made clear last night. I’m not nearly done with you,” he leaned in again. “That okay?”

“MmmmHummmm,” Luc mumbled some sound of agreement and sank into the kiss.

“Put the lad down,” Aydin requested as he came back. “I need to feed him.”

Connor leisurely finished the kiss and then stood. Smiling as a dazed Luc gripped the table.

Aydin rolled his eyes as Connor strutted out. “Well isn’t he like the fox who got invited into the hen house?” he stated as he placed some juice in front of Luc.


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