Two Boys and their Dad

Incest gay stories: Two Boys and their Dad. Author: kaneporter. A dad and his two boys find out they like to play more than just sports…. The story is including: Fiction, Boy, Boy / Boy, Incest, Teen Male / Teen Male, Young genres.

Incest gay stories: Two Boys and their Dad – Chap 1

Author: kaneporter

Hi there! This is my first attempt at fiction. This is going to be a gay incest based story which I intend to span out over many small posts. Hopefully it will get better as it goes on! This part is just establishing the setting so there’s no sex in this post, but there will be in part 2. Also the dad is yet to appear, but rest assured he will! Thanks again 🙂

“Jesus, how is it even possible to sweat this much?” thought Jake as he frantically paced his room. His long, messy blond hair was visibly damp as he wiped his brow again, seemingly only seconds after the last time. His grey gym shirt stuck in random places on his firm young body uncomfortably and his racing heartbeat made him feel dizzy and sick.

Jake was 20 years old and studying Media at university. He didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life but he liked movies and TV so it made sense – at least it made sense to him. He’d realised he was gay at quite a young age. For the first few years, it didn’t bother him at all. But then the world piped up and wasn’t shy about telling him just how disgusting he was.

Jake was a smart kid – their arguments were stupid, and he knew it without a glimmer of doubt. What he didn’t know, however, is if everyone around him knew that. Jake had a good life at home, a younger brother, Cody, who cared he about deeply, a loving mother, and an exceptionally supportive father. In his heart, Jake knew his family would never turn their backs on him because of his sexuality, but the truth was he just didn’t have the balls to risk it.

As Cody, who had just turned 18, was getting older, Jake realised that by keeping this part of himself concealed, he was damaging his relationship with his brother.

Brothers talk about girls, right? Make rude jokes. Jake didn’t want to lie to his family, but he didn’t want them to know the truth either. The only way to do that was to keep that side of his life on complete lockdown. Jake loved his family, and he wanted to keep them in his life. He was going to have to come out, and he was going to have to do it soon.

Jake looked at the clock in the corner of his computer screen. 4:30. Cody would be home any second. Jake swept his flowing blond hair out of his face, his pounding heartbeat audible in the empty house. He could still back out. It wouldn’t be a failure – or at least, nobody would ever know to judge it a failure. The front door slammed shut. “Well fuck, here goes nothing.”

Cody slumped his school bag on the floor, exhausted. He too was sweaty, but not a cold sweat like his brother’s, he simply was perspiring after a long walk home following after-school rugby. His lighter, but longer, raggedy blond hair clumped together from sweat and dirt. He stood at around 5ft 10, a couple of inches shorter than his brother. He kind of liked that – while the boys’ age difference was less significant now and they were equals in almost every way, Cody liked how the size difference reminded everyone that Jake was still his big brother. It was comforting.

As he usually did after a long day at school, Cody grabbed a drink and headed up to his brother’s room to chill with him for a while before starting on his homework. He would normally find Jake sat at his desk working on some project or another, so he was surprised to find him sat on the edge of the bed, looking visibly anxious.

“Cody,” Jake called out “come here for a minute, would you?”

“What is it bro?” Cody asked tentatively.

Jake paused for a moment, his breath became shallow until he took one large inhale.

“I want to tell you something. It’s something I’ve kept secret all my life, and it’s caused me a lot of stress and anxiety in the past.’

“What is it?” Cody placed his hand on his brother’s shoulder. The sincerity of the moment was alien to them both, but Cody sensed the seriousness in Jake’s voice.

“Okay… I’m just gonna say it. And just know this doesn’t change anything. Please don’t think of me of any less of a man, I’m still your brother. I always will be.”

With those words, Cody immediately relaxed.

“Cody… I’m gay.”

The silence seemingly lasted hours. In reality, a few seconds passed before an amused Cody let out a small chuckle. Jake pushed Cody’s hand of his arm.

“Don’t laugh at me you asshole. I can’t help it, it’s just the way I am. I thought I could trust you…”

“No, no! Brother, I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you. It’s just funny.” Cody smiled warmly. “That’s three for three!”

“What are you talking about?” Jake asked, confused.

“I’m bi.”

“No way!” Jake joined in the laughter, not believing the revelation his brother had just made.

“Yeah! And even if I weren’t, you really thought I would think less of you for being gay? I’m insulted, dude.” Cody got up and lightly punched his brother’s arm.

“I don’t believe it.”

“Start believing it, big bro. Oh, and you should talk to dad.” Cody smirked as he started to unbutton his school shirt.

“Dad? Why?” Jake asked, still smiling in amazement and confusion.

“Probably better to ask him” Cody said, knowingly. He took his shirt off, revealing his soft, smooth body. His skin was pale but his small, defined muscles were clear. He had been working on his chest and arms recently, but his most impressive asset were his abs – a hangover from his athletics years. Jake couldn’t help but lean back slightly and rub his own chest at the sight of his younger brother’s classic perfection. Cody threw his shirt at Jake’s head as he left his room for the shower.

“See you later then” Jake called, relieved but puzzled by Cody’s parting remarks. He smiled. That wasn’t even close to how he predicted that conversation going. He returned to his desk to continue with his school work, eagerly awaiting his dad’s return from work later that evening.


1 thought on “Two Boys and their Dad”

  1. Enjoyed your stories want to hear more about you Mike and Cody. Got to jerk off now after reading your stories. Waiting for more chapters!


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Two Boys and their Dad – Chap 2

Incest gay stories: Two Boys and their Dad – Chap 2

Jake had one eye on his coursework and another on the little clock in the corner of his screen. He wasn’t nervous this time, but intrigued. The sweat that clung to his body an hour ago was all but gone, apart from the damp patches left on his shirt and a peculiar and unpleasant moistness in his formally white ankle socks, which had gone a bit transparent around the toes.

“Gross” he muttered, as he pulled the limp cotton from his feet, throwing the socks aside. He decided it would be a good idea to have a little wash and change his shirt before his dad got home, so he headed off to the bathroom.

Before he could open the bathroom door himself, it flew open dramatically and Cody walked out. He held a towel loosely around his waist and smirked as he passed his older brother in the corridor.

“God damn” thought Jake. Cody looked like a model from one of those cringe-worthy cologne adverts. Droplets of water slowly descended his perfectly formed body, reflecting light from every shape and line. His skin looked soft and supple as it was still hot from the undoubtedly scorching shower Cody would have just subjected it to. It took everything Jake had not to just grab Cody’s towel off him, throw him against the wall and grind against his beautiful body.

“Boundaries, Jake” he mentally affirmed.

Jake watched as his younger brother walked to his own room before heading into the bathroom. He took his sweaty shirt off and threw it in the washing basket. He turned the tap, the cold water reacting against the hot steam in the room. He splashed some cold water on his face, chest and underarms, feeling instantly refreshed. He took a moment to look at himself in the mirror.

He was similar to his little brother in a lot of ways, but there were some noteworthy differences. Jake had never been into athletics, his sports tended to be more combative in nature. His chest was well formed and defined, as were his arms. He didn’t have a visible six-pack, but his abdomen was hard and strong. His skin was slightly darker than his brother’s, he took after his dad in that way. He also have a fine trail of hair from his waist to his bellybutton, whereas Cody was completely smooth. He looked deep into his own blue eyes for a moment, then went back to his bedroom.

Just as Jake grabbed a fresh t-shirt from his drawer and started to pull it over his head, he heard a key scratching around the lock on the front door. “Daddy’s home” Cody called from his own room with a smug knowing in his voice. Jake headed downstairs to greet his father.

Mike was an incredibly handsome man. He’d recently turned 50 but you would never had thought it to look at him. His businessman haircut, now greying, framed a serious, but kind face. He’d played football as a younger man and now played rugby with his work’s team. He kept in great shape, his chest and arm muscles clearly visible through his suit.

He wasn’t defined as his sons, maybe, but he didn’t have the sort of time the boys did to waste entire days in their home gym. Mike held a senior position at small accounting firm which provided a comfortable lifestyle for his family, but at the cost of his free time. He loosened his tie and placed his brown leather briefcase on the floor, before looking up to see his oldest son, Jake.

“Hi dad” said Jake with a great smile on his face. Jake had nothing but respect for his father and enjoyed an extremely nice relationship with him.

“Hey son, how was your day?” replied Mike, happy to see one half of his greatest pride and joy greeting him at the door.

“Meh – fine. Nothing to report. How about yours?”

“Oh, you know. Work’s work. Happy to be home with my boys. Where’s your brother?” Mike answered. He didn’t particularly enjoy his work, but he loved coming home every day.

“He’s just got out of the shower” Jake replied, eager to discover the meaning of Cody’s earlier cryptic remarks.

Mike went into the kitchen to make himself a coffee and Jake followed him in. His bare feet were cool against the tiled floor. He was a few inches shorter than his father, and when he followed him so tightly on his heels, he looked like a lost puppy. Jake’s mother had noticed it before and pointed it out to Mike, who thought it was the most adorable thing in the world. Mike turned on the kettle before leaning on the island in the middle of the kitchen. Jake pulled up a stool opposite him and watched as his father made his coffee.

They stayed there in silence for a few moments, looking at each other as Mike took a sip of his coffee. Jake was ready to tell his father what he told his brother just an hour ago. He wasn’t nervous at all this time. Cody’s remarks made him think perhaps Mike already knew – or at least, Cody was certain he wouldn’t mind. Jake took a deep breath.

“Pop, we’re close right?” he started.

“I like to think so, son. Why? Is there something you wanted to talk about?” Mike said with a paternal sincerity.

“Sort of, I just wanted to tell you something really. I hope… Well, no, I know… I mean, I know you’ll still love me…” Jake started to mumble. This wasn’t going as smoothly as he’d predicted a moment ago.

“Always, son. Always. What is it?”

“I’m… well I’m gay dad. Um, yeah. That’s it really.” Jake looked to the ground, breaking contact with his dad for the first time since he came home.

“Hey, Jake. Look at me” commanded Mike. “You and your brother are the most precious things in my life. If you thought for a moment that I could ever not love you as much as I do now then I apologize. That’s my bad. Because I would hope you and Cody know there is nothing you could say or do that would ever change that.”

Jake was taken aback for a moment. Mike’s words were perhaps the best any father could say to his son as he came out. Tears formed in Jake’s eyes. He got down from the stool, rushed around the island, and embraced his father with all his strength. Mike put his hand on his son’s head as it rested on his firm chest.

“You know, I’m actually so pleased you told me this” said Mike as he continued to hold his child.

“You are?”

“Now you can join the Man Club” Mike chuckled.

“The Man Club?” Jake was confused. Again.

Mike’s vibe changed, he became serious all of a sudden, which didn’t make sense – nobody had said anything to change the tone of the conversation.

“Who else have you told about being gay? Have you spoken to your brother?” Mike asked, gently pulling Jake’s head back so they could make eye contact.

Jake was unsettled by the change in tone. “Yeah, I have. He said the same thing actually. That I should talk to you.”

“Did he tell you…?”

“That he’s bisexual, yeah he did. I was pretty shocked but he acted like it wasn’t a big deal.”

“I know, I found a couple of years ago.” Mike smiled again.

“Oh. How come you never told me?” asked Jake.

“It wasn’t my secret to share.” Mike paused for a moment. Jake accepted his father’s statement and concentrated once more on the epic hug they were participating in.

“Listen, I want to tell you something, and you might find it disturbing.” Mike started.

“After the speech you just gave, I don’t think I can get away with judging you ever again. What is it?” Jake laughed, but his dad’s tone had gone serious again.

“When I found out about your brother, he was very confused. In fact he was a bit upset and he wasn’t sure of his identity.”

“I bet. At least being gay, I knew what I was. I guess being bisexual is kinda worse. Like at the start, he probably didn’t know who he was.” Jake sympathized.

“That’s exactly right, son. He was so lost, and it broke my heart that something like his sexuality was causing him so much pain. That’s when he asked me something, and I said yes.”

“What did he ask you dad?” Jake had an idea, but he was certain he was being crazy.

“He was so unsure of himself, he needed answers to his questions. He asked if he could experiment with me… sexually.” Mike paused, looking his son dead in the eye.

Jake loosened his grip slightly. He was shocked. No, he was more than shocked. He was in a state of absolute disbelief. His dad and his brother had been playing together, sexually. It was an earth-shattering revelation. But he wasn’t disgusted.

The silence hanged in the room for a while, Jake scanned the room, regaining his bearings.

“I get it, dad. I don’t think it’s disgusting. In fact, I think what you did for him was amazing.” Jake looked back at his father and they tightly hugged once more.

“Well, I did get something out of it myself too…” Mike smirked. “Now, don’t feel any pressure in the slightest, but I would like to offer the same to you. Anything you want to know, do or try – you got it.”

Jake considered it for a moment. Sex with his father, the man that made him? Would Cody be involved? Is this the “Man Club” his dad was talking about?

Jake allowed the pause, he didn’t mind letting his dad know that he was taking time to contemplate his proposal. “So what’s the Man Club?”

“Ah, the Man Club is a name Cody and I came up with. After a while, our play wasn’t experimentation anymore, it was just play. We were both having fun, and so we called our special little father/son secret the Man Club. A club open to you, of course, Jake – once you’ve been initiated” Mike smirked again. He looked down at his boy who looked so damn adorable. He was wearing a grey t-shirt that was too big for him and basketball shorts that hung off him so freely. His sculpted body planted on the ground, looking up at him with excitement in his eyes.

“Are you a virgin, son?” Mike asked.

Jake looked up at him, slightly embarrassed. He was a virgin, and 20 years old. All his friends had sex for the first time years ago.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Jake. I’m glad my boy’s first time will be with his daddy.” Mike said with the widest grin on his face. Jake blushed. “Well, let’s get you started. Time to take your rightful place in the Man Club, my son.” Mike finished his coffee and put the mug in the sink.

“Let’s go, son” Mike said as he ruffled his son’s beautiful blond hair.

Mike headed towards the stairs and started to climb them, his loyal son right behind him.

“Let’s go to your room, shall we?” suggested Mike.

“Yes pop” Jake replied.

Mike walked into Jake’s bedroom, as Jake followed him along the corridor he saw his little brother, Cody, in his own room. As he led on his bed, wearing nothing but some grey jogging pants, he smiled at his older brother.

“Welcome to the Club, brother” he called, knowing what was in store for his beloved sibling.


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