03. The Adventures of Chance Fletcher

A gay story: 03. The Adventures of Chance Fletcher CH 03 – The Adventures of Chance Fletcher – Cleaning Out Everything

As he was on the road so much, Chance needed all the help he could get on the domestic front. He was lucky enough to be able to afford that help and had a private chef who came in once a week and prepped all his meals for him in advance so all Chance had to do was warm them up. This was a huge relief as Chance hated cooking and, if honest with himself, pretty bad at it, mostly because he didn’t care.

The other house service Chance indulged in was twice a week house cleaning. Not only would the trusty Mrs. Westcott clean everything that didn’t move out of her way, she also organized everything out of place, did the laundry, the beds and the dishes. As far as Chance was concerned she was a legitimate angel and he made sure she knew how much he appreciated her.

So it was a bit of a shock when Chance walked into his kitchen and found….NOT Mrs. Westcott. There was Chance, standing there, shirtless, in loose hanging linen pajama pants, expecting to find a pot of brewed coffee and his domestic angel, instead he found a startlingly handsome blonde man, spraying the granite counters and wiping them down.

“Oh….,” started Chance and then let his voice trail off as he genuinely did not know what to say to this good looking man cleaning his kitchen. The other man looked up and in a flash took in Chance’s muscular frame and the distinct press of a very nice, meaty cock up against pajama pants.

“Mr. Fletcher, hi, hi, don’t be alarmed, I’m Teo Anders and I’m only filling in briefly for Mrs. Westcott, the agency sent me? Not that anyone could actually fill in for Westie, she’s a bit of a legend.” He said all this in a bit of a rush, and Chance, who had only just woken up, was following about half of it.

“Okay.” said Chance, striding towards the fancy coffee pot, which was one of the few kitchen appliances he could work properly, “Is she okay?”

“Yes, oh gosh, yes, she’s just not feeling great today, which is really unlike her, as I said she’s a legend, so when they asked for someone to cover for her, of course I said yes, honestly she’s so good to all of us, I’d do anything for her.” responded Teo with a nervous little shrug.

“You doing okay?” asked Chance, “You seem a bit nervous, are you okay being here?”

“Yes, I’m sorry, do I? I guess I do, I am just always a bit nervous I guess, just my personality. No problems here though, you have a beautiful condo and honestly, it hardly needs anything, it’s already so clean. Not that I don’t have anything to do…,” he added hastily.

With the coffee quickly pouring into his usual mug – the one with the big handle – Chance was already feeling a little more relaxed.

“It’s okay man, I wasn’t saying you didn’t.” he said with a charming smile that had melted more than one heart. “I just don’t want you to feel nervous.” Chance started to laugh, “The reason it’s so clean is probably because I’m not here that often, I mean that’s definitely not going to get it dirtier!”

Teo seemed to unwind a little bit, “Yeah, that would definitely help!”

Chance caught the other man checking him out again. Realizing what was going on with Teo, Chance decided to really take in this man who was once again cleaning the same piece of countertop.

Teo had a compact build; not too short, a nice taper to him, wide shoulders, nice trim waist. Great definition in his arms that were really well framed in the dark blue golf shirt he wore with the beige uniform pants. The same outfit he’d seen Mrs. Westcott in a thousand times, but definitely more intriguing on Teo. With a fair complexion, the aforementioned blonde hair and a very sweet face, that was still nervous but had some mischief shadowed in there somewhere, Teo made a very nice package. Speaking of packages, he didn’t seem short in that area either if the bulge in his pants was anything to go by.

Chance’s coffee was full up, so he grabbed his cup to head back to his bedroom. He wanted to quickly go through the headlines for the news that day on his tablet before really committing to the day. Missing Mrs. Westcott was enough of a surprise.

“Okay, Teo..right? Let me know if there’s anything you need or you can’t find something, by some miracle I think I’m working here for the day.”

“Sounds great Mr. Fletcher, and if you need anything, please let me know, cause that’s literally what I’m here for, you know anything you need or want.”

From anyone else this could sound sexy or perhaps even suggestive, but coming out of Teo’s mouth it was rushed and back to nervous.

“Just call me Chance, okay? Please? I can’t handle Mr. Fletcher in my own home.” Chance said with a smile.

“You got it sir! Uh, Chance, Mr. Chance, yeah Chance.” responded Teo in quick response, flashing back a smile of his own.

As Chance left the room, Teo stopped cleaning, realizing he had cleaned the same space on the counter around ten times. He put down the rag and the spray bottle.

“Oh nice job loser.” He thought to himself. He knew Chance was hot, he’d heard the stories and when he’d find out he was going to be filling in for Westie he’d googled him. However the pictures just did not do the man justice.

“He looks like a cross between Henry Cavill and Ryan Reynolds.” pondered Teo. With a sinking feeling deep in his stomach, Teo realized he’d already been afflicted with his age-old problem. Whenever he was around an attractive man he became sweaty and babbling. I must really think this guy is hot then, pretty sure he thinks I’m a total idiot. Teo decided to just do his job. Not think about his hot but temporary boss, not how handsome he was, not that he could most likely do laundry on his abs, not how good it would feel to be wrapped up in those really well muscled arms, not how amazing it would feel to kiss those perfect lips or feel that stubble rubbing up on his face, or down his neck…or between his thighs….

Enough! With a bit of a dejected, but resolute sigh, Teo decided to tackle the living room for tidying, vacuuming and dusting, and then get going on the laundry.

Chance was propped up in bed, still reading about the ups and downs – mostly downs – of the day’s news. His plan was to get up soon, shower, dress and look at the notes that had been sent over by his latest client. A large ad firm in Dallas that had been working with a tech company that had a great product, but the marketing was the weak link. Chance had some ideas but wanted to see what they’d already thought of before he started in on it.

Teo had gotten finished with the non-existent dusting in record time – naturally, and nothing had been out of place. He figured at least there would be something to launder. Teo knew he was supposed to be there for at least 8 hours, that’s what the contract was set up for, 16 hours a week, two days a week, but he had no idea how he was going to fill all that time.

As he began making the rounds to gather things to wash, the guest bathroom for towels, the kitchen towels, the OTHER guest bathroom – “Man this is the biggest Condo I’ve ever been in.” Teo thought ashe made his way towards Chance’s bedroom.

As he walked through the door, despite the size of the rest of the place, he was still taken aback. The bedroom was the entire width of the condo in length. On the left were massive floor to ceiling windows with a gauzy fabric over them, and Teo could see black out blinds behind them, now rolled up. The massive bed – “There’s no way that’s not custom.” thought Teo – was the biggest bed he’d ever seen and was layered in crisp white sheets and a simple but elegant cashmere blanket. Chance tended to run hot when he slept, so the blankets were at a minimum. The floors were a warm, honey-colored marble, but thick white rugs made it feel warm and not stark. The walls seemed to be various shades of beige, except the end wall, it had a rich, blue color. Taking the rest of the room in, Teo saw the matching, ultra mid-century modern teak furniture, scattered around that took up a fraction of the space in the giant room. On the end wall there were two doors, one that led to a massive closet/dressing room, and the other he assumed was an ensuite, but the door was closed.

Teo correctly assumed, the laundry would be found in the walk-in closet and so headed that way. He found the basket and began grabbing the few articles of clothing that were in there to add to the growing pile he was putting together. The closet itself was as impressive in size as it was in organization and he could see Mrs. Westcott’s hand in the way everything was in its place and spaced just so. As she had trained Teo, it wasn’t hard for him to see her signature look and gift for tasteful, practical arrangement. There was a set of drawers in the middle of the room, like an island, and it had a few glass topped jewelry boxes on it with watches and cufflinks inside, otherwise the space was clear and the lights in the closet bounced off the polished black marble surface. Teo spun around to head to the laundry room and felt like he’d walked into a wall.

“Ooff!” said Chance as Teo walked directly in to him. “Oh my god, Mr. Fletcher, Chance, I’m so sorry, I didn’t hear you come in, I was just…..,” Teo trailed off as he took in what he’d walked into.

There was Chance, with an amused look on his handsome face, still damp from the shower, the dark hair on his chest curling slightly, as it led straight down his abs to in a perfect pattern to be called a treasure trail and what a treasure it was. Chance had walked into the closet to grab some clothes for the day and was, predictably, completely naked.

Teo’s eyes moved helplessly lower and took in all of Chance, his flaccid cock was sexier than a lot of the ones Teo had seen hard. Hanging low, uncut and framed by a trimmed bush of hair and two weighty, promise-filled balls. Teo went from babbling to struck mute and barely able to swallow. All this on top of two thick, well-muscled thighs – the ludicrous thought of “Well the man definitely does not skip leg day.” flitted through Teo’s head – and perfectly furred, long legs. Even his feet were sexy and Teo wasn’t even someone who usually noticed feet.

It was at this point he realized he’d dropped the pile of clothes he had been gathering and desperate for distraction from his shock, embarrassment, nervousness and giant erection that had popped to attention in his pants seemingly instantly, Teo dropped to his knees to pick up the scattered items.

“Hey, Teo, it’s okay, seriously, don’t worry about it.” Chance’s voice was low and kind and Teo looked up at him from the floor to realize Chance was now directly in front of him. Teo took a deep breath, and thought, “Oh fuck it, if I get fired, it’ll be worth it.” Courage he didn’t know he had, caused his hand to lift and rest on Chance’s well-defined upper thigh as he almost whispered, “If there’s anything I can do to make it up to you…sir.” Teo glanced up and saw Chance’s face break into a grin as he replied, “Well, seeing as you’re down there…..”. That was all the encouragement Teo required.

The next thing Chance knew, and with the speed of a cat, he could feel Teo’s warm mouth, caressing his cock, his tongue exploring, his warm hands cupping his balls lightly. Chance began to harden right away, and as he did he could feel the licks of Teo’s insistent tongue, encouraging the blood flow that was pumping now with single purpose. Teo grabbed Chance’s substantial semi-hard shaft and now that his cock head had emerged, pushed as much of Chance’s hardness as he could into his velvet-like mouth.

Chance murmured with a low growl, “Fuck that feels good, you’ve done this before haven’t you?” Teo’s only response was to begin pumping his hand around Chance’s shaft a little quicker and more firmly as Chance, now almost fully engorged, adjusted his angle to give Teo as much of him as possible.

Teo keeps licking, sucking, pleasuring Chance until his cock is throbbing, Teo’s only thought “He tastes as good as he looks, how is that even possible?”. Fully immersed in getting Chance’s seed into him, Teo now holds down Chance’s shaft with one hand at the base, and while still pleasuring the head, uses his other hand to stroke and pump the rest of him. Chance moans even more, throws his head back and just gives himself over to this oral expert who really knows his way around a blow job.

While taking Chance to the brink, tasting those sweet drops of pre-cum in his mouth, Teo is surprised to feel strong arms, lift him off the floor, and finds himself face to face with a grinning Chance, his face infused with lust and longing. Chance pushes Teo up against the island, and starts to kiss him. Chance reaches behind Teo’s head, with both hands on the side of his head and kisses him deeply, penetratingly and leaving no doubt that Chance is as into Teo as Teo is into Chance. At the depth of Chance’s kiss, Teo goes weak, just wanting to be whatever Chance wants him to be.

Still kissing Teo, Chance’s fingers find the top of his uniform pants and expertly undoes them, allowing Teo to slide out of them, at the same time, they break briefly as Chance pulls Teo’s blue golf shirt over his head, and instantly resume kissing. Teo wriggles out of his boxer briefs and pushes his socks off with his own feet, leaving him as naked as his boss.

At this point, both men are running on instinct, Chance picks up Teo’s firm body and carries him over to the bed, simply by wrapping his arms around him while still kissing. Chance sit’s him down on the edge and Teo immediately goes back to work on Chance’s swollen dick, doing everything he knows he enjoys himself. With a little start of surprise, he feels Chance move him backwards onto the bed, and then feels himself being lowered flat while Chance gets in position to straddle his face, that gorgeous cock right over his mouth, and that’s when he feels Chance’s warm mouth take his throbbing hardness in wrap around his own cock. “Oh fuck” thinks Teo “I really didn’t think it could get any better, I was so wrong”. Both men fall to their tasks. Bringing as much pleasure with their mouths as possible.

As the two men are moaning, the pre-cum is flowing from both of them, each feeding the other, soon the men find their groove and begin mirroring each other. As Teo feels what Chance is doing to his penis, he does the same back to Chance’s gorgeous member. Then the reverse happens, Chance takes his lead from Teo, mirroring the other man’s movements. They suck each other’s balls, massaging them in their mouths, fully tonguing the shaft, and making the very most of each other’s big, meaty lollipop cock heads.

Teo is a bit surprised when he feels Chance’s tongue slip deep down the crack and head to his hole. “Does he want me to follow?” Teo thinks, some of his unsureness creeping back. As if reading his mind, he hears Chance murmur “Oh yes.” with his head buried between Teo’s thighs. Instructions received!

Theo feels Chance alter his angle and he happily plunges his face in between the perfectly molded ass cheeks, letting his long tongue find the way. He reaches that tight rosebud hole and begins working his tongue around and around, then plunging it into the tight circle, he feels Chance’s pleasure ripple through him and low growls from his throat let him know he’s definitely doing the right thing. In further response Chance copies his movements and soon Teo feels like he’s practically thrashing like a fish out of water; it just feels so good. “Goddamn,even this man’s tongue has muscles.” Teo thinks. They continue on for some time, teasing, massaging, and bringing deeply rooted pleasure to the most intimate of places.

Chance breaks first, turns around slowly and now lowers himself on to Teo, this time, face to face, kissing him again. As the kisses deepen, Teo lets his legs wrap around Chance’s waist as he surrenders to this beautiful man, wanting him, to want him in the only way one man can take another.

Chance lifts them both off the bed, and moves all the way up the bed with Teo’s legs wrapped around him. “I need to be inside of you.” he growls softly. “I can’t imagine you being anywhere else right now” murmurs back Teo. Chance chuckles in response.

Reaching for lube, Chance covers his massive cock and rubs some into Teo’s waiting hole, letting his finger slip inside him to get him ready. Teo moans and pushes back, so needing to get fucked.

Teo pulls his legs back even higher and hooks them over Chance’s very well built shoulders, stretching himself for maximum penetration. Chance grins, kisses Teo and begins to tease the other man, positioning himself touching the tight hole, he moves his hips, massaging him with his swollen head. Teo, feeling the hardness so close, desperately tries to pull him closer, willing Chance’s cock to enter him.

Teo lets out a moan as finally, finally he feels Chance enter him, the slight resistance lasting only a moment as his body obeys his wants. Chance slides into Teo, and Teo can’t take enough of him in. Teo begins moving first, using his legs to push further on to Chance, Chance takes his cue and begins moving back. The pumping rhythm soon matching each other’s thrusts. Teo feels his eyes roll back and Chance hits that sweet spot of pleasure, deep within him. An involuntary “Uggghhhhhh!” coming out of his mouth, matching the thrusts and hits that are assailing his sensitive source of leg quivering satisfaction. They’re equal pleasure being met and returned, the two men continue pounding, the pace picking up as Chance drills into him, the sensations not stopping for Teo, the position feeling perfect.

Chance then kisses him again and Teo finds himself desperate for the kisses as well, feeling Chance’s tongue in his mouth while his cock is in his ass sends Teo over the edge, without even realizing it, he’s coming, all in a rush, the most powerful orgasm Teo has ever felt. His moans turn into a whine as Teo feels himself gushing cum, more cum than he knew he had in him, over his tight, flat stomach, upon to his chest, all over Chance’s chest, he can’t stop, it just keeps flowing. How hands are locked on to Chance’s firm ass, willing him to fuck him deeper, Teo realizes he’s not longer in control, it’s entirely his body’s experience now.

Chance yells “Fuuuuck!” as he witnesses Teo’s hands-free gush of an orgasm and feels he’s about to blow too, he wants his seed mixed with Teo’s, gripped by this, he pulls out of Teo and Teo seeing what’s going on, even in his own spasms, grips Chance’s rock hard shaft, and begins to stroke his cock in a tight grip.

Which apparently was not even necessary, Chance was already there. Teo sees Chance’s cock head swell and his shaft, somehow, get even stiffer and then he is being sprayed. Hosed down in thick, creamy cum spurts. Chance sounds like he’s in pain, his release is so powerful and intense. Teo, covered before, is drenched in their combined semen. Pooling in his belly button, sprayed up his throat and onto his face, his chest entirely covered. Teo’s tongue flicks out to taste the cum on his lips and feels his own cock give another spasm of aftershock at the deliciousness of it. “Naturally his cum tastes amazing.” thinks Teo.

Chance then flops down pinning a very happy Teo to the bed. Chance’s hands grab Teo’s as he lifts himself enough to kiss him, softly, while lightly pinning Teo down. Teo grins, his nerves entirely dissipated, like the contents of his balls in that moment. “Well I guess there’s some laundry to do now.” he says.

Chance begins to laugh, Teo joining him, both men a little shocked at what took them in its grip. “Well I gotta give you something to do, right? Have to keep Mrs. Westcott’s work ethic alive.” he quips back.

“Oh my god,” says Teo, “I hope I was as good as she is.” Causing Chance to laugh even harder.


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“This is new territory for me, in the domestic help department.” responds Chance. “But hopefully, it’s territory I can explore again?”

“Well,” says Teo “You’re the boss, it’s literally what I’m here for, you know, anything you need or want.” This time, the innuendo is not only crystal clear but delivered with a new-found flirty confidence.

Chance wrapped the other man deeply in his arms and began kissing him again, thoughts of laundry not very high up in either man’s mind at that moment.

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