MARS Ch. 04

A gay story: MARS Ch. 04 TUESDAY

A young black man steps out of the shower. His dick is soft, but it’s dangling size is a tree sticking out of a bush. There are tattoos up and down his body. One are two hands reaching for each other on his middle right arm. The upper left has a detailed sun. There’s a gun on his lower left back, a pistol shooting a bullet. An afro sits on his head, he picks the wet curls out with a comb. He dries himself, happening to look at his phone when the screen lights up. On top of his selfie is a messaged from his neighbor downstairs. “Cum.” Vehren says.

Jack Schaefer grins a bright smile. He responds, “On my way.” There’s a Pitbull Massif resting on the couch at the center of the exceedingly clean apartment. Once he’s clothed in a green tank and blue jeans, he slips into new black Jordans at the door. No shoes allowed in his house. He says bye to ‘Coz’ and leaves the apartment.

Downstairs, he reaches door ‘1A’ and knocks. Vehren opens the door in a robe. His hair is down, and a hungry look takes his eyes. “Hey.” Jack says.

“Hey.” I respond. “Are you ready?” I give him a deep look.

“I’m always ready, baby.” He stares in return, tilting his afro. We’re broken up by distorted German. I look at the caller ID, seeing Moeko’s name. ‘Psycho Teddy’ is abruptly interrupted when I answer the phone. “Hello?”

“Hey, Vehren. I told you we were meeting at five, but the coach wants to meet earlier.”

“How earlier?”

“Around one or so.”

I roll my eyes. “It’s eleven now. How far am I going?”


My jaw drops. “Are you fucking kidding?”

“No, I’m not! I hate when you talk to me that way. This was your idea, Vehren. Not mine.”

I face away from Jack. “You couldn’t find anywhere that isn’t across the damn state?”

“No, actually, I couldn’t. Not without scandals and bad reputation.”


“You’re right. Guess who referred this place?”

I play with my jaw. “Who?”

“Your good friend, Tsioni.”

My brows furrow. “Zugar Belladonna referred you a beauty pageant?”

“Yes, actually. I guess she’s friends with me on Facebook cause when I made a post about looking for beauty pageants for kids, she highly recommended ‘Little Suns’. Her daughter is in the pageantry. She’s four like Eris.”

My face settles. “Oh.”

“Yeah, so calm the fuck down.”

The tension comes back. “How was I supposed to know?”

Moeko scoffs hard. “You work with her, Vehren!”

“I barely see the girls, Moe. I’ll have to talk to her, I guess.”

“Her daughter’s coach is Eris’ coach. I’ll send you the address.”

“Fine.” I look back at Jack, who was busy scrolling through my computer. “I’m busy, Moe. I’ll see you at one.”

“Eris is excited about this whole thing. I hope she wins, honestly. She’s so beautiful. Whatever, you have to go. Bye, Vehren.”

I smile. “I know she is. Bye, Moe.” I hang up the phone and face Jack. “Sorry, that was my baby mama.”

“Sounds like it. Everything okay?”

I sit on the bed. “Father duties call. I wanted to go a little longer than like thirty minutes.”

“Do you still want to do it?”

The corner of my lips pierce into my cheeks. “Not really.”

“Let’s just chill. Smoke some weed and talk?”

“Sure.” I stand up, taking his hand and leaving my bedroom. “What do you want to talk about?”

“I’d love to get to know you more.” We sit on the couch. I start packing the bowl as continues. “I know where you work, your favorite position, and you have a daughter named Eris. That’s about it.”

“I don’t know anything about you except your name. I’ve been with so many guys, it’s hard to keep track of names and personalities.”

“How many have you been with?”

“My body count has to be in the two-hundreds. I’m not exaggerating that, either.”

“Fuck, two hundred? No wonder you can’t keep track.”

I hand him the bong. “I’m a whore, what can I say?”

“I’m a whore, too.” He takes a hit. “I’ve been with at least forty women.”

“That’s not too bad.”

“It’s nothing compared to you.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“No.” He takes another hit before handing me the bong. “I find that interesting about you.”

“Most guys do.” I take a hit.

He sits back. “That’s good weed.”

“You got it for me.” I chuckle. “Where do you get your weed?”

“Dispensary. I work at Good Plantz in Auburn Hills. I used to deal off the streets though.”

I raise my eyebrows. “You work at a weed shop? No shit.”

“I can get you so many discounts on really good weed. Not that industry, overproduced shit. I’m talking dank weed like back in the day.”

“Back in the day… You say that like you’re my age.”

“I am your age.” He squints. “I’m twenty-five.”

“I’m damn near thirty, babe.” I huff a smile.

“You sure don’t look it.”

I lower my head. “Thanks. I’ve been feeling like I’m getting old lately. I don’t have the stamina like I use to. Not even during sex. I used to be able to go at least twelve hours. Now, an hour is my max. I’m tired.”

“With your body count, I bet you are. That’s okay though. Maybe it’s time to slow down.”

“I don’t want to slow down.” I eye him. “I like the pace of my life.”

“What do you usually do?”

“Aside from stripping, clubbing, making music.”

“That’s right. How’s that ghostwriting position?”

I smile. “I haven’t started yet.”

He joins. “Well, it’s a start. The industry can be hard.”

“What do you know about the industry?”

“I know a little bit. My friend makes music from time to time and showed me how to make beats and whatnot. It’s cool.”

“What do you use?”

“Fruity Loops. What about you?”

“Logic Pro.”

He huffs. “Oh, you fancy, huh?”

“I guess so. I only wanted to use the best, so I saved for the best. Bought my MacBook for that very software.”

“I wanna hear your music.” He comes in closer.

My eyes gaze to his plush lips. “Let me work on it a little more.”

“You scared?” He smirks.

“No.” I pop my shoulder, leaning in. “It’s just not ready.”

Jack holds my chin up. “When it’s ready let me know.”

“Yeah…” I kiss him, deeply. It was so hard not to. His lips pull me in like magnetics, strong ones like they use in the military. Mine smashes into his, adding tongue in between smacks.

Jack pushes me into the couch, dominating me gracefully. He moans into my mouth, lifting himself off to give me a long look. “When you’re done with your daughter, I’d like to see you again.”

I smirk. “Am I that intoxicating?”

“You are, Vehren.” He kisses me once. “You’re special.”

I swallow. “Please don’t fall in love with me.”

His mouth drops. “I think it’s too late.”

My head tilts. “Jack. I wouldn’t be a good partner.”

“Why do you say that?”

I blink and push him off. A deep sigh releases before I spoke, “I’ve cheated on every partner I’ve been with.”

He matches my blink. “You have?”

“Well… yeah. I cheated on my baby mama with my first boyfriend. Then, I cheated on my second boyfriend with my baby mama and got her pregnant. And in my last relationship…” My head tosses from side to side. “I slept with his uncle.”

His jaw drops. “Why?”

My eyes hit the bong. “I didn’t know it was his uncle. He was offering to pay money for sex and at the time, I was willing to do it. I didn’t think he’d be mad because I’ve done it a couple of times before.” I fall back on the couch. “I always took pictures and videos of my ‘sessions’. When I showed it to him he was so appalled he broke up with me and kicked me out of his house. I was homeless for a few weeks.”

“I’m so sorry.”

I cock my brow. “You’re sorry? Why?”

“You didn’t deserve to be homeless. You didn’t know it was his uncle and he was okay with you sleeping around.”

“For money, yeah. Got him some nice jewelry and a PlayStation.”

“That’s not your fault.”

“What about when I cheated on Moeko? My baby mama. She didn’t deserve that. Granted, I was fifteen and stupid.”

“What happened with your second boyfriend?”

I pinch my shoulders in. “Fontaine Dah King. That fucker coated me with bruises. I just wanted to feel comfortable again.”

Jack tilts his head down. “None of these sound like they were entirely your fault.”

“But it’s cheating, nonetheless. I clearly can’t control myself.” I huff. “Would you be okay with me sleeping around.”

He shakes his head slowly. “Honestly, no. But you wouldn’t do it again would you?”

“No. I wouldn’t. As long as no one puts their hands on me. And I don’t plan on prostituting again.” I swallow. “But I don’t want to be in a relationship. I spoiled myself.”

He stares at me. “You’re too tough on yourself.”

I lower my eyes. “I have to be.”

“No, you don’t.” Jack stands up.

“Where are you going?”

“You have somewhere important to be. I don’t want to hold you up.”

“Are you disgusted by me?” I look up to him.

He smiles. “No, I’m not. You intrigue me, actually.”

“Thank you for not throwing me away after I told you something so personal.”

“Has someone done that before?”

“A couple people.”

He bites his lower lip. “I won’t do that.” Jack heads to the door, opening it. “I’ll see you tonight?”

I nod my head. “Yeah.”

Google Maps directed the way to Melvindale, a factory city on the outside of lower Detroit, to some woman’s house across from the high school. I park on the curb in front of the one story, brick house. On the other side of me was an empty baseball field. Making sure I was at the right location; I check Moeko’s message on my phone. A blonde woman opens the door once I look up again.

I snatch my purse and get out of the car. My hand waves to her as I cross around my hood. “Hello. Are you Prue?”

“I am.” The slim woman in a blue dress comes down the cement porch and shakes my hand. “Prue Dahlia.” She’s a pretty woman with no specific smell-meaning she was a Beta.

“Moeko is right behind me, I just got off the phone with her.”

“That’s no problem. You must be Vehren. Moeko has talked a lot about you.”

“That’s me. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to show my face. I work a lot.”

She looks down the street as she asks, “Where do you work?”

“I’m a dancer at a club called Milky Way Playhouse.”

Prue blinks. “A stripper?”

I keep my head straight. “Yeah.”

“That’s… interesting.” Prue’s eyes lighten up upon a silver Town and Country pulling into the driveway. Moeko parks the van and gets out and slides the back door open. Eris gets out, running directly to me first. I pick her up and kiss her cheek as Moeko greets Prue. Prue pinches Eris’ cheek as she asks in a high pitch. “Ready for some beauty practice, baby girl?”

“I wanna look like a princess!” Eris shouts in my ear.

“You’re going to, darling.” Prue heads for the door and we follow her.

After about an hour of getting Eris into her fluffy pink dress and she was ready to go walk down the hallway. Prue instructs her and leads by example, putting her hands on her hips and strutting in place. Eris copies her, adding more bounce to step.

There’s pop music playing from the stereo, which Eris dances to as she reaches the living room. Both Moeko and I cheer her on from the couch.

“Yes, girl! Work it!” I say clapping my hands. Eris jumps to the center of the room and boogies in place.

“Show them what a princess is all about!” Prue cheers. Eris is having a good time, jumping around, and waving her arms. There’s this grin on her face that grows bigger every time her green, brown-ringed eyes land on us. She doesn’t catch onto the beat, but for a toddler she’s doing great in her little pumps.

When she prances around, she looks like a little star. I couldn’t help but smile. However my smile doesn’t last long when I realize the show is next week. I have no idea how she’ll perceive the crowd. Will she love them like I do, or coward away like Moeko? We’re comfortable now, but the stage is a different story.

At the end of practice, while Moeko wiped her makeup off, I kneeled by her side and asked, “Are you scared about being on stage?”

Eris looks at me and thinks. Her head shakes. “No.”

“You’re not? Why?” Moeko rubs the lipstick off.

“I wanna be just like Daddy.”

My heart sinks. Moeko gives me a sharp look, but my eyes remain on my daughter. “What do you mean?” I ask.

Eris pinches her lips together. “I want to dance on stage.”

“Who told you I danced on stage?”

“Grandma. She said you make money off of dancing like a popstar.”

I stare at her longer than I intended. “She say anything else?”

Eris shakes her head. “Do you really dance like a popstar?”

I glance at Moeko, who didn’t stop staring at me. “Yes, I do.”

“I wanna do that.”

I smile. “You’re going to. This pageant is no different than what I do. I dress up and perform in front of a crowd. I give it my all, Eris. I smile the entire time.”

“Do I have to smile?”

“You have to grin, baby girl.” I flick her little chin. “Let me see those teeth.” Eris makes a fat smile, flashing her baby teeth. “There it is. You’re so pretty.”

“Like a princess?”

“Just like a princess.”

Going home was a boring option that would waste gas and patience. My work bag sat in my backseat ready to be sweated out tonight. I don’t have a real reason to go home, so I don’t. Instead, I made my way to ‘The Pynk Tavern’.

The Pynk Tavern is beneath an apartment building on the corner of East Congress Street directly across the street from Milky Way. It’s owned by an alpha woman named Lupita Solis, who is a lesbian activist. The building is only nine months younger than Milky Way, officially making Bush and East Congress one of the first gay blocks in Detroit.

I have three hours before my shift, meaning drinks are a requirement. It’s crowded in here, booming with pop music. The color pink is featured in all the signs and lighting, but inside is mostly brick. It’s dark in here, only the bar and table seats are truly lit well. There are primarily lesbians in here, alpha women with scents of forestry and oceans. A few feminine men sit by the bar. I make my way over there when I’m suddenly touched by a hand.

“Hey, babe.” Sevena Cande flashes the gap between her upper teeth. “Glad to see you here.”

“What’s up?” I face her.

She looks at the bar behind me. “Just getting drinks for me and the girls.”

“Who’re you here with?”

“Misty ad Cleo.” Sevena points to the lounge deep in the tavern. I see the blonde Misty and brunette Cleo, both dressed in skimpy but sleek club fits. “You?”

“Just waiting for Milky Way to open.”

“Aren’t we all. You getting drinks?”

“Yeah.” I turn around, eyes landing on the bartender, Tony.

“Sit with us?”

My eyes jet back to her. “No thanks. You know those girls don’t like me.”

“They like you!”

I tilt my head. “None of the girls like us. You’re the only girl I fuck with.”

Sevena holds her hands together, popping her breasts out from her exposing dress. “I’m honored.”

“You should be.”

“What are you getting?” Sevena leads to the bar.

“Bloody Mary.”

“Okay.” Sevena jumps between two omegas, leaning on the empty stool. The pale omega on the left has short, bright blue hair banged over his matching eyes. On the right, dark green fades from his natural blonde roots, and his hair falls to his broad, tan shoulders. Sevena eagerly asks the alpha male bartender, “Can I get two strawberry daiquiris, a Bloody Mary, and cranberry vodka please?”

Tony cleans a glass, nodding his head upon hearing the request. “Got it.”

“Excuse you?” The blue-haired omega scoffs. “Someone is sitting there.”

Sevena looks at him with a stank face. “Who?”

“Does it matter?” The green head responded roughly. Sevena folds her arms and humps, coming over to my side. He watches her, eyes landing on me. A smile lifts his sunken cheeks. “Vee!”

“Hey.” I say to Indica.

“Why are you just standing there?” Xander pats the empty seat. “Come sit.”

Sevena’s jaw drops. “I thought someone was sitting there?”

“Yeah, it’s Vee.” Indica chuckles. As I sit, Tony trays red drinks and slides it over beside Xander. Sevena grabs the tray, hands me my drink, and smooches at me before she leaves. “How are you, baby?” Indica softly holds my hand, resting his pointed chin on his palm.

“Made it to twenty-eight.” I sip my drink.

“Happy belated birthday!” Xander exclaims. “Sorry I missed it.”

“It’s no big deal.”

“Stayin’ long?” Indica asks me.

“A couple of hours. I gotta work tonight.”

“Ooh,” Xander looks at Indica. “We should hit up Milky Way!”

Indica shakes his head. “I have to work tonight, too. Can’t get too fucked up.”

“I understand.” I sip anyways. “Where do you work again?”

“White Castle. I’m working the night shift.” His eyes roll. “It always fuck up my sleep schedule.”

“I don’t get off until three am. I completely understand. Thursday night is always awful for me because I have to get up the next morning to pick up my daughter.”

“That’s rough. I guess since we’re talking about kids: I have news.” Xander takes a deep breath.

“What is it?” I ask.

His excitement dies down. Xander makes sure no one is listening before leaning in. “I’m pregnant.”

Both our jaws drop, Indica and I look at each other. Indica speaks for me. “Are you sure?”

“I’m eleven weeks.” Xander lifts his shirt, exposing the slight bulge in his stomach.

“With Teddy’s?” I ask.

Xander nods. “He doesn’t know yet. I just found out.”

“Congratulations?” Indica cocks his brow. “I guess that’s why you aren’t drinking.”

“Nope. I’ll be sober for the next eight months. Everything virgin.” Xander drops his head.

“Hey, I think it’s beautiful you’re having a kid.”

He looks at me. “You do?”

“Yeah. It’s annoying how beta religious folk get so up in arms about abortion, until a man gets pregnant. Unbelievable how they disconnect from the fact that omega males exist rather they like it or not.”

“They believe our babies are defects. I don’t think so.” Xander looks down. “I’m actually excited.”

“You should be. Consider it a blessing.”

He squints his eyes at me. “Can you not have children?”

I pinch my lips together. “No, I can’t. I had my uterus removed when I was thirteen.”

Xander’s jaw drops. Indica speaks up. “Let me guess, for religious reasons?”

“What gave it away?” I scoff.

“I’m so sorry, Vee.” Xander shakes his head. “That’s inhumane. You didn’t consent, did you?”

“Not really. I know that I wouldn’t have it done if it were up to me.”

“Did it affect your heats?”

“Yeah, they’re irregular now. I haven’t had a heat in two months.”

“Damn. Mine comes every few weeks.” Indica scoffs. “Maybe I should have mine removed.”

“Why would you do that?” Xander asks.

“Let’s face it, I won’t be having any kids. I don’t even like bottoming.”

“I’ll tell you all about it.”

“When are you going to tell Teddy?” I ask.

“Tonight. I’m going to surprise him.”

“Will he be happy?”

Xander nods. “You don’t have to worry, Vee. Teddy is a good guy. He’ll be ecstatic.”

“That’s good.”

“A drink for Xander?” Indica calls over Tony, asking for a shot of whiskey. Tony whips us up two glasses and slides them over to us. Xander denies the drink and Tony goes down to a couple of lesbians at the end. “Cheers for Xander.” Indica lifts his glass.

I lift mine. “To a healthy delivery and baby.” Our glasses clack and we chug the whiskey.

“Thanks, guys.”

“It’s no problem, buddy.” I wrap my arm around him.

‘Goodies’ by Ciara plays throughout the LGBT Level. Troi rocks his hips center stage. He’s sensual with his movements, carefully removing the tight tank before a scarce crowd. I came inside, separating from the patron whose name I’ve already forgotten. My eyes scan for a new potential suiter, head lifted and shoulders straight.

As I search the floor, ignoring those who don’t interest me, XTC approaches me in a colorful getup. They’re makeup matches the rainbow spit up on the straps and bikini. “There you are!”

“Are you looking for me?”

“Yeah, I got this guy asking for you by name. He and his pal want two dancers.

They’re in the back lounge.”

“Who is this guy looking for me?”

“His name is Dreezy. Do you know him?”

I shake my head. “No, I don’t.”

“They’re paying, though.” XTC shrugs. “You in?”

“Yes.” I follow XTC pass the bar and dressing room down a narrow hall. In the back is a purple room with a single pole and mirrors surrounding the walls. It’s dank in here, two men sit on adjacent leather couches. Both are alphas, typical in smell and nature. Black men with mean grins. One of them looks familiar.

“Yo, yo, Mars.” He spoke.

I cock my brow. “Do I know you?”

“I’m Dreezy, baby.” Dreezy has a grill as upper teeth. He reeks of cheap weed. Such a goofy face, I can’t take him seriously. That’s when a memory hits me; one of him bro-hugging Fontaine.

“Hell no.” I frown, pointing at him. “You’re Aundre; Fontaine’s brother.” I snap my head to XTC. “My ex-boyfriend.”

Their jaw drops as they look at the other guy. “What about him?”

“I don’t know him.” I go back to Dreezy. “But I fucking know this guy. Looked right through me when his brother busted my face.”

“That was the old me, man.” Dreezy shook his head. “Whatever Font did to you was wrong and I’m sorry. I just want a dance from you, see what the rave is all about.”

“What rave?” I lean in, extending my words. “You’re not gay.”

“No, but your little ho campaign online says fucking you is like fucking a woman.”

“I would never fuck you.”

“So dance for me. I already paid.”

XTC holds my shoulder. “Is this guy giving you problems?”

I give Dreezy a side stare. “Why should I dance for you?”

He exhales. “Because I’m experimenting. I’d appreciate if you didn’t tell Font I was here.”

“You seriously think I still talk to Font?” I scoff.

His mouth opens. “Nah.” Dreezy pulls out a stack of money, setting it on the stage.

I look at XTC. “If he breaks the rules once…”


“More than Deonte.” I side-eye him. “Ban his whole fucking family.” Dreezy smiles, leaning back and getting comfortable. I look at the other guy. “What’s your name?”

“Derrick.” His voice is deep. He’s a handsome guy but has a mean-looking face.

“Be nice.” I said, caressing XTC’s chin. I look at them and lift my head. “Ready, babe?”

XTC nods, heading to the purple jukebox as I close the door. My eye hits the pole. ‘Dance For Me’ by Beyonce sets the tone for the room. My right hand grips the pole and I swing around. XTC touches their body, skimming their manicured hands up their slim waist. Slowly, they step on the platform, squatting to grab the pole beneath me.

I do body rolls on Dreezy’s side, tilting my head back to stare at him. He looks just like his younger brother, except with facial tattoos and a goatee. My hand flips down my bikini, exposing my brown nipple. I pinch my shoulder in, seeing Derrick stare back.

My butt pops out, a wedgie forms from the thong. I sway my hips, twerking with the beat. XTC gets on their knees, pretending to kiss the floor. His ass is naturally round like a plum, I give it a little slap, running my hand up their spine. XTC gets up in a squatting position, gripping my fake cheeks. I flip around for Derrick to give a view of my ass.

“Show your pussy.” Derrick asks, flashing a smaller stack than before. I look at XTC and nod my head. XTC thumbs the thin string and pulls it aside. My puffed, brown star is revealed.

Dreezy plops next to Derrick. “Damn, you’re used.” He smiles. “You got a porn star pussy.”

“Remove it.” Derrick commands. I sigh to myself, pulling down the thong. My balls and dick flop out and I turn around. XTC stands as well, giving me a soft look.

“Suckable dick.” Dreezy breathes. “Touch yourself.”

“This isn’t porn.” I say bluntly.

“Why not? You got the body for it.”

“I’m an erotic dancer. I perform dance moves not masturbate until I cum.”

“Yeah, but I wanna see what you look like cumming.” Dreezy rubs his hands together.

I blink. His comment makes me more uncomfortable than usual. “I’m not doing this.” I throw my hands up, putting back on my underwear.

“Why? It’s your job.” Dreezy barks.

“Because I know what you’re doing. You’re not here for a dance. You’re here to harass me.”

“Because of my brother?”

“Death by association.” I leave the room, stopping in the hall for XTC.

“Are you okay?”

I shake my head. “I just need a cigarette.”

“Go. I’ll handle them.”

“Thanks.” I peel away to the dressing room to snatch a pack from the locker. The Dante is dancing on the floor, not able to see me leave. In the Girl’s Den, I make myself small when going through the crowd. I get some looks, but nothing like the one from a patron sitting in the lounge. I recognize the face and stop. It’s Fontaine.

I hurry to the exit, passing by Deonte and a line of people trying to get in the club. Curving around the black paneled building, I head to the back through the parking lot. I smoke the cigarette, trying to catch my breath. I know what’s going to happen next, I just have to wait.

“Vehren,” Fontaine walks around the corner, catching me under a single light. “We need to talk.”

“No, we don’t. Leave me alone.” I snap. “You’re banned.”

“Upstairs, babe.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re here with your brother.”

“Aundre is here?” Fontaine chuckles hard.

“I want nothing to do with you.” I take another swig.

“You owe me.”

“I don’t owe you shit!” I shout.

Fontaine grips my throat, slamming me into the wall. I drop the cigarette, trying to peel away his fingers. “I’m tired of playing games with you. I’m not the same person you fucked over.” He presses his thumbs into my apple.

“…Please… I.. can’t breathe.”

“I’ll actually kill you, Vehren. I know people who don’t give a single shit. I’m not fucking around.” Blackness surrounds his eyes; they stare right through me. I claw at his face, but he pulls back. “You’re fucking doing this for me, rather you like it or not.” A tunnel vision forms around my sights. Tension fills my head and my chest. I try to gasp for air, but he’s too tight around my throat.

He releases and lunges at the ground. My left wrist snaps on impact, and I let out a horrifying holler. My throat stung and ached, I held it with my unharmed hand. Tears stream down my face as I gasp for air. I don’t look up; fear prevents me from doing so. “Do you want to fucking die?”

“Vehren?” An alpha calls my name. Deonte comes around the corner and immediately jumps on Fontaine. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” He pounces on the ground. Deonte punched Fontaine repeatedly, that’s when I’m able to look.

“He choked me.” I whimper.

Deonte gets up, taking Fontaine with him. He shoves Fontaine against the wall, doing the exact same thing he just did to me. “You like choking people buddy? I can do the same thing.”

Fontaine tries to pry his fingers off but can’t. Deonte takes pleasure in choking him, smiling deviously from his bleak cries. He does let go, watching Fontaine cough like me. “Get the fuck outta here before I call the cops.” Fontaine gives me a look before walking to his black Dodge truck. “Are you okay, Mars?”

“I can’t really move my hand.” Touching my swollen wrist wasn’t an option.

“Do you need to see a doctor?” Deonte examines my hand.

My head nods. “I can take myself.” Walking felt like I was moving through sand. It was hard not to shake or cry.

“I’ll let The Dante know. Just go, man.”

“Thank you. I can’t go back there. His brother and friend are upstairs. I believe it was an ambush somehow. I don’t know.” My head lowers.

“Next time I see him, I’m straight calling the cops.”

“I’m sure he has warrants.” I scoff.

“Who is he, Mars?” Deonte’s eyes pierce through mine.

I blink a few times. “My ex. He wasn’t a pimp when I met him, but he was abusive. I stayed for the money, sex, and drug life.” I shake my head, unable to look at him. “I knew he was a bad man, but I felt I was one as well.”

“You’re nowhere near as bad as him.”

“I know that now.” I stare off into the parking lot. “I should go.”

“Go. We’ll talk later.”

“Okay.” I go inside through the back where no one would see me. Not even the dancers, as the stairwell led directly to the dancer’s room. No one was in there; everyone was out watching Jay Blonde perform. I hurried to grab my things, panicked when someone was going to come in. I don’t want anyone seeing me like this, they’ll ask a million questions I can’t answer. No one came in, and I was able to leave work swiftly. Once I passed the Pynk Tavern, I cried the rest of the way home.

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