London Calling Pt. 01

A gay story: London Calling Pt. 01 Author’s note 1: This story is a spinoff of the incest story “Operation Fuck Me Daddy” and the second part of a trilogy. It’s not necessary to read that story first (it would be nice if you did), and there’s no incest in this story. This is the first gay male story that I’ve written, and I hope I’ve done it justice. This story will alternate POV by chapter. This is a very nerdy story. One last thing -the title of each chapter comes from a song written by an English artist or group -some are easy, some are not. Leave your guesses in the comments and don’t forget to vote – keep in mind that I’m an artist, and I’m sensitive about my shit! love, cg74

Author’s note 2: for The Professor. Oranges.



Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Heathrow Airport. Local time is 1135 hours and the temperature is 21 degrees celsius.

I can’t believe I’m here. I should probably pinch myself. Yeah, I’m still here.

I’ve worked so hard for this. I, Cecil James – magna cum laude graduate in accounting from Howard University, 25 year old nerd, and (dare I say it) handsome devil – have finally made it to London. On Monday I start a 3 month internship with Wallingford Worldwide – THE financial services firm. There are fifty interns from all over the world, and I beat out hundreds of applicants to be one of the lucky ten from the United States to get this opportunity. My dad Marcus and my sister Gina were so happy for me. Dad is also an accountant; he has a small but thriving accounting firm back home in suburban Virginia. When I’m done with this internship I’ll probably join the family business.

Wallingford Worldwide and London is my opportunity to spread my wings in more ways than one. I’ve known I was attracted to men and women since I knew what attraction was. I like girls just fine and had my share, but the older I get the more I find myself wanting to be with a man. Share my life with a man. Love a man. I’ve met a few guys, but none of them seem to click.

Problem is, almost every man I’ve met wants the “Big Black Cock Thug” fantasy. Don’t get me wrong, my dick is nice, thick, and long, but I’m no thug. I’m not here to fulfill the stereotype of what someone thinks a Black man should be. I’m Cecil, and I’m awesome. Miss me with that foolishness.

But enough of that. Time to get off this plane. I gather my things, suffer through customs, and get to baggage claim. That’s where I see a cute redhead holding a sign with my name on it.

“Hi, I’m Cecil James.” I smile and offer my hand.

“Hi Cecil, welcome to London! I’m Kate with Wallingford. I’m here to help you get settled. Do you have everything?”

I told her that I did and we made our way to the waiting car and onto the M4 into London.

Kate was great company; we talked about London, the internship, and life in general. In another life I’d definitely ask her out, but that’s not me anymore. We arrived at my hotel in the heart of Kensington – home for the next week until I moved into my own apartment (or should I say flat?). Kate told me about the informal brunch for all the interns on Sunday; apparently brunch is a thing in London just like it is in the states. I got all the info, assured her I’d be there, and got settled into my hotel.

I pinched myself again. Yeah, this is still real. I Skyped with my sister and dad (they’re acting kinda strange-what’s up with that?), let them know I’m good, and now it’s time to explore.

I spent the next few days acquainting myself with London – I was a total tourist. I did the double decker bus tour. I took a run through Hyde Park. I saw the Changing of the Guard. I went to the market in Brixton. I did the obligatory walk near Abbey Road. I went on the London Eye and rode the Tube everywhere. I had a ball. My Instagram was full of pictures.

And the men! The men are so fine! There’s just something about that English accent that makes me all crazy horny and keeps my dick half hard. London is man candy central and I’ve got a sweet tooth.

Before I knew it, Sunday was here. I took an Uber to the the brunch spot. I tried on a couple of things before I decided on my brunch look – dark denim jeans, a blazer over a white button down, leather slip ons, a scarf, and of course my Andrew Christian boxer briefs. I’d fuck me.

I walked in, said hello to Kate, found the interns from Wallingford, and made my way around the room. Everyone was really excited about this opportunity. I was talking with the other interns from the states when I heard a voice in the background. The most incredible English accent I have ever heard. Like Colin Firth as Darcy but with just enough Idris Elba thrown in to make it sound sexy.

“But that’s exactly why Star Trek Into Darkness didn’t work. Why was the Enterprise under water? Beyond is a much better movie.”

OH. MY. GOD. Someone who feels the same way I do about that horrible movie!

My stomach did a slight flip flop. If he looks as good as he sounds I’m in trouble. I do a casual turn towards the sound of that voice.

Yep, in trouble.

Standing there was one of the most beautiful humans I’ve ever seen in my life. Tall, like me. Dark hair that was a little long and had a slight curl. Beautiful eyes. Broad shoulders that look like they work out often. Not a skinny build – a solid man -just the way I like them. His cashmere sweater looked nice with his trousers (I am in London – they say trousers here) and his black ankle boots. I couldn’t see his ass, but I’m sure it was just as fabulous as the rest of him. It was like Byung Hun-Lee had a younger brother that was born in London, worked out, and wanted to be an accountant.

So. Much. Trouble. And he’s walking this way.

“Hello Cecil,” he said, looking at my nametag. “I’m Nicholas Rhee. Pleased to meet you.” He smiled as he shook my hand. He gave me a nice firm handshake, which I returned in kind. No weak sauce here.

I thought British people were supposed to have horrible teeth. If so, no one told Nicholas Rhee. His smile was so radiant I felt it all through my body. His eyes got wide as he shook my hand; was he feeling what I was feeling? If there is a higher power, this man has to be gay. No way fate could be this cruel.

“Hi Nicholas. Pleased to meet you as well. I couldn’t help but overhear your take on Into Darkness. It’s nice to know there’s a Trek fan among my fellow interns.” I smiled at him, and that began an animated chat about all things Star Trek. He was almost as hard core as me. Our conversation flowed easily and when Kate tapped on her champagne flute to get our attention, I was sad we had to pause. The room turned to towards Kate as she spoke.

“Hello Interns! I’m glad that you all are here to become a part of the family at Wallingford Worldwide. I hope you take this time to learn all you can, because we are going to put you to work. As we told you in your welcome packet, you’re going to rotate between 4 different sections of Wallingford – Mergers & Acquisitions, Accounts Payable, Auditing, and Taxation. You’ll be in a group with nine other interns, and you’ll spend at least two weeks in each section, with the last two weeks spent in the specific area that interests you the most. At the end of the three months we hope that you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of all the opportunities available to you as a new CPA or Chartered Accountant. Now, you’ll find tables with your name on them – please take a seat and meet your team as well as your liaison within Wallingford. Again, we welcome you to London!”

We all clapped as Kate finished her speech and went off to find our names and meet our team.

Please let Nicholas be on my team. Please let Nicholas be on my team…both teams.



Please let Cecil be on my team. Please let Cecil be on my team…both teams.

I was enjoying myself at this intern brunch. I had to work doubly hard to get this opportunity – my mum is a senior vice president at Wallingford, and I wanted to do this without her help. I didn’t tell her that I applied after graduation from the London School of Economics, and I’m glad she wasn’t too angry at me. Korean moms don’t play around.

Which is why she doesn’t know I’m gay. None of my family does. I don’t think they’re ready for their son to be iban – one of the many names Koreans call gay people. My parents have been in England for decades, and I was born and educated here. I think they’d be fine with my sexual orientation, but I’m not that eager for that conversation just yet.

But I just met Cecil James. And now I want to have all kinds of conversations with his cock.

When I shook his hand I felt an actual spark. I’ve been with a few guys, but Cecil is something else all together. He is so bloody fit with that American swagger that drives me crazy. He looks like the singer Maxwell with Craig David mixed in just to make it hotter. When I saw him standing there with the other Yanks I almost forgot about my conversation about Star Trek just so I could stare at him.

I had to go introduce myself. I’m not that ‘stereotypical’ Asian gay man that’s small, and fem, and submissive. I’m a dominant top who loves to be in control, and I am confident in everything I do.

Until I shook Cecil’s hand. And felt that spark. And saw that smile. Everything is now off kilter.

I listened to Kate make her introduction and went off in search of my name and my team.

“So it looks like we’re going to be teammates,” Cecil said as he sat down next to me. “I’m glad we’re going to be working together.” He smiled at me with that sexy smile; I smiled back.

Soon enough the rest of our team filled in the seats at our table – five girls, three guys, and our liaison, Henry.

Everyone seemed excited by the opportunity and Henry was very encouraging. He gave us the skinny on the corporate culture at Wallingford and told us some important things that we that we all needed to know.

“Wallingford has strict rules about fraternization between interns,” he said, turning very serious. “There have been some problems in the past and we want to prevent it from happening in the future. Now we know that you will probably meet people that you like here, and that’s fine. But PLEASE, keep it outside of work and off Wallingford property or else you will lose your job and lose this opportunity. As long as you work hard and abide by this rule you will have a great time at Wallingford and I’m here to help you with whatever you need. I’ll see you bright and early at 9 AM on tomorrow.”

We all exchanged information and the brunch was about to break up. I saw Cecil talking with another girl from our team quite intimately. Did I read this wrong? Is he not gay?

Oh well, maybe I’ll just lust from afar. I started to gather my things when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and standing there was Cecil.

“I hope that you and I can be friends. It was really great to meet you,” he said, offering his hand for me to shake again.

“It was great to meet you also, Cecil. I hope we do get to speak again.” I shook his hand, feeling the spark. He gave me a long look that I couldn’t quite interpret, but it wasn’t a turned off look, that’s for sure.

He turned to walk away, but I couldn’t let him go so easily. Here goes nothing. I called after him.

“Cecil, do you have plans this evening? I know work starts tomorrow, but there’s a trivia night in Clapham every Sunday. I usually go with a couple mates, if you’re interested. I promise I won’t have you out too late, and it’s really casual.”

Cecil smiled that smile that I’m beginning to love so much. “Nicholas that would be great. I love trivia nights, and I don’t think I’ve been to Clapham before. Sounds like fun.”

“Okay, Can I meet you at your hotel lobby, say around 6:30? Trivia night starts at 8, and that should give us enough time to grab a bite to eat at the pub and secure our seats before trivia starts. We should be back around 10. We’ll take the tube over to the pub, and Uber back. Is that okay?”

“Sounds like a plan. It’s a date.” Cecil gave me the address of his hotel, and we went our separate ways with the promise to meet up later. I headed to the tube station with a spring in my step.

I have a date with Cecil James. What am I going to wear?



I have a date with Nicholas Rhee. What am I going to wear?

The brunch was good. I met Amy, who I hit it off with immediately. She was from my part of the country and we both had an accountant dad that we were following into the family business. She was still looking for a place to stay and since I had a spare room, I asked if she wanted to stay with me. Having a flatmate would help cut down on costs. London is not a cheap place to live.

“Cecil, that would be awesome! Thank you so much for the offer.” Amy gave me a hug, just as Nicholas caught my eye. I really hope he doesn’t think I’m straight.

I told Amy matter of factly, “Just so you know, I’m gay. Bisexual really, but I strongly prefer men, and if that’s a problem for you then you need to make other arrangements.”

She threw back her head and laughed, so loudly that people looked in our direction. “My girlfriend will be very happy that you and I are roommates. And even if I didn’t have a girlfriend, you wouldn’t bother me in the least. Love who you love.” She leaned in for another hug and whispered in my ear: “Besides, I think that cute guy in the black sweater likes you. He can’t take his eyes off of you.”

I smiled. “Yeah, Nicholas is nice.” Amy gave me an amused eye. “Oh, it’s NICHOLAS…I see that you two have already met. Be careful. Remember the fraternization rule.”

“We haven’t made it that far! And don’t worry. I’m a big boy. I can handle it. Let’s talk more tomorrow about move in dates, okay?”

“No problem Cecil. I’m glad this can work out. See you tomorrow.”

Amy and I parted and I gathered my things to leave. I saw Nicholas, shook his hand again, felt the spark. What is this feeling? I can’t stop looking at him. I hope he doesn’t notice me staring like a teenaged girl.

Next thing I know, I’m agreeing to a trivia date tonight and giving him the address of my hotel. We both have work tomorrow, but there’s no way I’m passing up the opportunity to spend more time with him.

I Uber back to the hotel. It’s 2 PM -four and a half hours until Nicholas gets here. I get my things ready for tomorrow – grey suit, my lucky tie, white shirt, oxfords. I take a quick nap – the time change is still fucking with me a little. Time to get ready for my date.

I step in the shower, thinking about how good Nicholas looked today. That sweater filled out by his nice body. The smile. Goodness, that smile. My hands drift to my dick. I stroke while I think about those eyes smiling up at me while he deep throats my dick. Faster now, while I bend that body over and fill him full of cum…my name on his lips…calling me Cecil over and over…feeling him tighten his hole around me as I send him over the edge…

“FUCK!!” I spray all over the shower, breathing hard as I come down from my orgasm high. I got myself ready and soon enough it’s a quarter after 6. He said casual, so I keep it simple -jeans, tshirt, kicks, hoodie, fitted. I make my way to the hotel lobby, the butterflies in my stomach growing with anticipation.

I don’t even know if Nicholas is a bottom. I’ve every man I’ve been with I’ve topped, trying to satisfy that Big Black Cock fantasy. I’d bottom, but there’s no one that I’ve met so far that makes me wants to bend over and give up my ass. The fact that I’m even thinking about it makes my dick twitch.

Maybe Nicholas is the one. I’d bottom for that smile.

I step off the elevator to the lobby, turn left and…my breath leaves my body. How does one man make jeans look so good? He’s dressed just as casual as I am, but he wears it like an Ozwald Boateng suit. Damn he’s fine. I was right, his ass is just as nice as the rest of him. He turns as I approach.

“I see you’re early. What’s up Nicholas?” I smiled. “Hey Cecil, I can’t help it. Early is on time. Glad you could make it.” He smiled back at me and leaned in for a bro hug. I took that hug…damn he’s solid. And he smells good. I probably held on too long, but fuck it. He’s hot. I really don’t need my dick to get hard right now. I reluctantly let go.

“My mates couldn’t make it tonight, so it’s just you and me, if that’s okay.” He looked a little anxious standing there biting his lip, but I couldn’t figure out why. I get him all to myself.

“That’s totally okay. Let’s go”. With that we make our way to the South Kensington tube station, and 30 minutes later we’re in Clapham. We find the pub, get seated, order, and find ourselves in a secluded table but open enough for the trivia to come later.

“So, what’s your favorite movie?” asked Nicholas. On the ride over we found that we shared a love of British gangster movies, and had seen most of them. Just one more thing we have in common.

I drank my beer, celebrating my first real pint in a London pub. “That’s easy, Layer Cake. Daniel Craig as Mr X? So good. I’ve seen it so many times I know the dialogue by heart.”

“I can’t even hear Duran Duran anymore without thinking of Morty pouring that coffee pot on Freddie’s head,” Nicholas said, digging into his fish and chips. “And the flashback with Crazy Larry?”

“FUCKING FEMALES IS FOR POOFS!” We said in unison, probably a little too loud. We laugh, and I feel really comfortable with him. I like this guy.

“Are you a poof, Nicholas?” I had to know, and I didn’t want to beat around the bush.

“If you’re asking if I fuck females, the answer is no. When I younger and trying to figure out my sexuality, I had sex with two girls, but I quickly figured out that girls did nothing for me. What about you Cecil? Do you fancy pussy?” Nicholas asked, looking at me with an amused challenge in his eyes.

“I have had my share of girls -I identify as bisexual. But the older I get the more I’ve come around to Crazy Larry’s way of thinking. A woman isn’t what I want anymore.” I took another swallow of beer, holding Nicholas’ gaze. When did it get so hot in this pub? My dick is feeling tight in my jeans.

“So, what do you want mate?” Nicholas asked.

“I want a man who gets me, not some stereotype of what they think I should be. I want it all, romance, fun, dates, and good sex. I want to be free to be me. What about you?” I can’t believe I just put it out there like that, but in for a penny, in for a pound.

“I hear you about stereotypes. Most people see me and think I’m submissive because I’m Asian, and that they can walk over me. They learn quickly that they are bloody mistaken”, Nicholas said, looking annoyed. “But I want the same as you – someone who will accept me for me, and really good sex.” He smiled that smile then, making my dick get excited. I shifted in my seat.

“Do your parents know you’re gay?” I asked. “My sister knows that I like men. My dad doesn’t know, but that’s going to change once I get back to the states. I don’t think he’d have a problem. He would want me to be happy and a good accountant.”

Nicolas laughed. “My parents don’t know yet. I think they’d want me to be happy more than anything. I’m their only child, so they’re already pestering me for grandchildren. And yeah, they’d want me to be a good accountant.”

Our conversation flows freely. I learned that Nicholas collects watches and really wants to travel; I told him about my love of music and how I wanted to get into politics one day. We both play tennis, run, and like to spend time in the gym. Time passed like it was nothing. Soon it was time for trivia, and the announcer stepped up to his booth.

“Okay trivia nerds! It’s time for our Sunday Trivia Showdown! Tonight’s winner gets 100 pounds and their meal for free; second place gets 50 pounds and their meal for free. Are you ready?”

A cheer went up around the pub as everyone got ready to play. The announcer spoke again.

“Tonight’s theme is Star Trek. Both rounds will be Star Trek related questions – the actors, the ships, everything. Set your phasers to stun!”

Nicholas and I looked at each other with big smiles on our faces. This money was ours.

“Are you ready Captain?” I asked.

“Make it so Number One.” Nicholas said. “Engage!”



We won! Of course we won – we’re Star Trek nerds. The look of triumph on Cecil’s face warmed my insides- we are both competitive and it shows.

Cecil and I have so much in common it’s scary. I really enjoyed our date, but we’ve got a big day tomorrow. The Uber sped through the city on our way back to Cecil’s Kensington hotel.

“How long are you in the hotel?” I asked Cecil. We were sitting in the back of the Uber, holding hands.

“Until this weekend. I have a furnished flat for three months, and I already found a roommate to share expenses,” Cecil said, rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb. Who knew such a small thing could be so hot? “That girl you saw me talking with at the brunch – her name is Amy and she’s going to move in with me on Saturday. And yes, she knows I like the fellas. She’s got her own girlfriend.” He squeezed my hand, like he knew that I needed that reassurance.

“That’s cool. My parents live in Belsize Park, and I live with them for the time being. London is expensive.” I hope he didn’t give me too much shit about living with my parents. I’m a 24 year old man for Christ’s sake, but even with my parents being well off I still can’t afford a flat.

“I live at home as well. When I get back to the States that’s going to change, though. No worries mate”. Cecil smiled wide, obviously getting comfortable with British slang. “Belsize Park, huh? That’s a nice area. How do you say it? Posh. You a posh boy Nicholas?”

His hand was still holding mine, but then he hooked his leg with mine, and looked deep in my eyes.

Bloody. Hell.

“I’m British Cecil, we’re all a little posh.” I smiled and removed my hand from his and instead rubbed up and down the top of his thigh. Gosh I was being forward. “You like posh boys?”

“I like this posh boy.” Cecil put his arm around me, pulling me closer. Is he going to kiss me right here in the Uber?

“We’re here gentlemen.” The Uber driver smiled; he was a little too interested in what was going on in the back of his car. We quickly got out and stood off to the side of the hotel entrance. London is a 24/7 city, but as far as I was concerned we were the only people here.

“Thank you for a great night Nicholas. I really enjoyed myself”, Cecil said, grabbing my hand again.

“It was my pleasure Cecil. What do you want to do with the money we won?” I grabbed his other hand and moved closer. I was breathing a little hard, and so was he. My cock was getting hard, I hope his was too. My gaze dropped to his lips, so luscious and kissable. I wonder what they’d look like around my cock.

“Well, we could go out again. This weekend, after I move out of the hotel. It’d be a good way to celebrate our first week of work, right?” There was a hitch in Cecil’s voice.

“That’s a great idea. Do you dance? Like house music?” I couldn’t take my eyes off his lips. God I wanted to kiss him. I stepped even closer into his personal space.

I didn’t think Cecil’s smile could get any bigger. “I’m a Black bisexual man Nicholas. That part of the stereotype I’ll own. I love house music.”

“How about we go to Fabric? We could go shake our asses and drink until we can’t drink anymore.” Fabric would be fun for the both of us, and I haven’t been in a while. I could stand a good night out.

“I’ve heard about Fabric! They just reopened. Yes, let’s go to Fabric. It’s a date. I can’t wait to see your ass shake, Posh Boy”. Cecil was excited, and that makes me excited.

We stood there, smiling at each other like idiots and holding hands. Neither one of us wanting to go.

I sighed. “Right. Well, we both have a big day tomorrow. I should let you get some rest. I did promise to get you home by 10. I try to keep my promises.” I reluctantly let go of his hands and stepped back. “See you tomorrow bright and early?”

“Count on it.” Cecil smiled. “Thanks again Nicholas. Have a great night.” He turned toward his hotel. I grabbed his hand.

“I hope this isn’t too forward, but I’ve been thinking about this all night.” I pulled him closer to me and lowered my mouth to his.

There is no candy that exists that’s sweeter than a kiss from Cecil James. I lightly brushed his lips, but he was having none of this. He grabbed my face, and the next thing I know he’s kissing me like I belong to him. He slightly bit my bottom lip before his tongue entered my mouth. I kissed him back just as eagerly, suddenly hungry and trying to devour his mouth. I was becoming addicted to the taste just that fast. I could kiss him forever.

I heard the doorman from the hotel clear his throat from behind me. We were in the middle of Kensington after all. We pulled apart from each other, breathless.

“Whoa.” Cecil said, with a dazed look on his face.

“Whoa indeed.” I was feeling dazed myself. “I should go Cecil. I don’t want to keep you…uh…up.” I smiled then, proud of my double entendre.

“Good night Cecil.”

“Good night Posh Boy.”

He went into his hotel, and I stood on the sidewalk for a few minutes before I hailed a cab and went home. Luckily my room at my parents house has a private entrance, so they couldn’t see how worked up I was. I quickly shed my clothes and got ready for bed with a half hard cock. It’s nice and thick but average length; I’ve heard no complaints.

Right now it feels thick and swollen as I tug on it, thinking about kissing Cecil. Touching Cecil. Fucking Cecil. Letting Cecil fuck me…whoa. I’ve never bottomed before. But I would for him.

My hand got slick with precum as I imagined Cecil sliding into my ass…wrapping my legs around him…kissing him while he drills me hard and fast…oh shit…

“Dammit!” Cum. Everywhere. I clean myself up and drift off to thoughts of tomorrow…and Cecil.

Monday morning found me and 49 other interns in a conference room at Wallingford Worldwide, ready to begin the internship that could make or break our careers. I went up to see my mum before the day started just to remind her that I didn’t want her to interfere. I got this internship on my own merit – we have different last names – and I wanted whatever came next to be something I earned and not given to me.

We all took seats with our teammates and our mentor, Henry. I snuck a look over at Cecil in his grey suit. Damn, that man is fit. I smiled, he smiled. We agreed at our date on Sunday to keep our outside work activities between us – don’t want to get on the wrong side of the fraternization rule.

The morning was spent meeting all the mentors, department heads, filling out paperwork, and finally, meeting the CEO himself, Sir David Wallingford IV. His great grandfather founded this firm, and it passed down from David to David until Sir IV (the nickname the tabloids gave him) became CEO at the fairly young age of 40. He’s one of the most eligible bachelors in London because he is quite handsome, with dark hair and vivid green eyes, not to mention crazy rich. I rather fancy him, but he’s probably straight as an arrow and the boss.

Besides, I fancy Cecil more.

“Are you two ready to move in Saturday?” I asked Cecil and Amy. We were sitting at our table eating lunch.

“I am so ready to get out of my hotel,” said Amy. “I can’t wait to have a room with a door I can close and not worry about a maid opening it while I’m in the shower.”

“Maybe she fancies you,” Cecil smirked.

“I hope not. She’s so not my type. Nicholas, you gonna help us move on Saturday?”

“Sure, I can help. I can grab my dad’s ute and get you both moved in. It’s not a problem.”

“Thanks Nicholas! How can we repay you for helping us out? I know Cecil and I would be super grateful, right Cecil?” Amy was watching Cecil and me with a sly smirk on her face.

I looked over at Cecil, who was trying his best to look anywhere but at me.

“Well, Cecil and I had plans to go to Fabric this Saturday. Want to tag along? Bring your girlfriend?”

Amy really has to learn that in London, we are a reserved people. She actually did a little yelp expressing her joy.

“HELL YEAH I wanna go to Fabric! I’ll text my girlfriend. Thanks Nicholas & Cecil!”

We all got up and went back to work.

The first week at Wallingford was a busy one – meeting everyone, getting the hang of things. We rotated between divisions, and our group started with auditing. Auditing was chaired by Desmond Grayson, the 6th Viscount of Grayson and childhood mate of Sir IV the CEO. We’re talking old money here. But like most of the old British families, the name was worth more than the family had in their coffers, so he worked here.

“I know you think that you know many things about accounting, but this is my department, and it will run my way.” The Viscount actually sneered as he attempted to look down at us, but he just wasn’t that tall. “You will learn the Wallingford way, and most importantly, you will learn my way.”

Maybe it was just me, but I think he reserved a special sneer for me and Cecil. This is going to be a long rotation.

Friday finally came and our mentor Henry invited the group out for an after work drink at a pub in Soho.

Amy brought a pint over to our table. “So Henry, what’s up with Grayson? Is he always such a wanker?” Amy is also getting used to British slang, and everyone laughed at her horrible attempt at a British accent.

“Amy, all I can tell you without talking out of turn is to keep your head down and learn everything you can. The Viscount does not suffer fools. And keep your thoughts about him to yourself. He has ears and eyes everywhere. The last two people to leave the intern program were sacked because he caught them violating the fraternization policy, or he had help finding out they did it. He lives for that. Just be careful and finish the rotation.” Henry then made a toast and the warning was soon replaced by laughs of friends blowing off some steam.

Cecil stood off to the side talking with some of the other interns. He was such a presence; everyone wanted to talk to him. He asked such intelligent questions this week; even the Viscount couldn’t find fault with his knowledge. We made eyes and he made his way over to me. Just his walk turns me on. Love that swagger.

“Hey Nicholas. Thanks again for helping us move tomorrow. I promise that I’ll make it worth your while.” That look he gave me made me want to bend him over this table right now.

“No problem mate. I’ll ring over about 8? We can get you and Amy moved and grab lunch after?”

“That’s great. Amy’s hotel is around the corner from mine; it should be easy for you to get us picked up.” Cecil took my hand and moved me over to a quiet corner of the pub. He pressed me up against the wall and moved in closer, his breath hot in my ear. “That kiss on Sunday wasn’t nearly enough for me. I want to taste all of you. You good with that Posh Boy?” He licked my neck and pressed his body against mine. My cock was just as hard as his. I wanted to melt into his arms.

But he’s not the only one wants a taste. I pull him closer, grab his waist, and switch our positions; now he’s up against the wall and my breath is hot in his ear. “You’ve been teasing me all week with those suits showing off that bum and that pretty smile. I’m going to make you beg for it Cecil. You want it, you gotta come and get it.” I nibbled on his ear and felt him moan and shake. I could fuck him right here.

“Um, guys? Get a room maybe? People are watching. People we work with.” Amy brought us back to reality. We pulled apart, breathless and wanting more. Cecil went to the bathroom and I sat down next to Amy and took a long hard drink of my pint. How am I losing control like this?

“So, tomorrow at 8:30 Amy? I’ll stop at Cecil’s hotel first and then we can both get you sorted.” I had to change the subject.

“That’s great Nicholas. Again, thanks for the help. My girlfriend will meet us at the flat so she can help unload your car.” Cecil made his way back to our table, looking at me with a weird look.

“I think I’m going to call it a night guys. I need make sure all my stuff gets packed. See you tomorrow.” He gathered his things, and I followed after.

“How are you getting back to your hotel?”

“Thought I’d walk off my beer.”

“May I walk with you?”


We fell into a comfortable silence for a few minutes as we navigated the busy Soho streets headed back to Cecil’s hotel.

“Are you always Nicholas? Are you ever Nick or Nicky?” Cecil asked after a moment.

“I’m Nicholas to most people. My family calls me Nicky sometimes. Why do you ask?”

“Americans have nicknames. My family never calls me Cecil, I’m always Cease. Why do you think I call you Posh Boy?”

I laughed. “You are the only person who will ever call me that. I’ll have to think of a name for you that no one else can call you but me”.

“Make it a good one, okay?”

We got quiet again and soon enough we were back at his hotel. We again stood off to the side of the entrance, watched by the same doorman from Sunday night. I grabbed his hands in mine.

“What are we doing Cecil? It’s obvious that we’re attracted to each other, right? I know I want to get to know you better, and I think you want to get to know me better too. Am I alone here?”

“No Nicholas, you’re not wrong. I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you at the brunch. You look so good to me and you’re just as smart as you are handsome. There’s just one problem.” Cecil looked down for a minute, and spoke very quietly. “It’s not a problem, really. Just a new mindset on my part. I’ve never bottomed before. But when I look at you I want to fuck you and be fucked by you. That’s never happened before.”

I looked at him, stunned. He was feeling the same way I do? How was this possible?

“Cecil, I think you may have done a Vulcan Mind Meld while I wasn’t looking, because I’ve been feeling the same way about you. I’ve never bottomed either. But I saw you in those jeans at our date and I’ve been wanting to feel you inside me and be inside you too. This is crazy we’re both feeling this way.”

“So, what do we do about it? You want to take my virginity, and I damn sure want to give it to you. You want me to take your virginity, and you damn sure want to give it to me. Are you ready for this?”

“I am if you are. Let’s take it as it comes. I say we get you moved in tomorrow, hang out for a little while, go to Fabric and dance the night away, then whatever happens happens. That okay?”

“That works for me mate. If you are good then I am good.”.

“Does that mean I get a kiss before you go?”

“Did you even have to ask?” Cecil pulled me close and took possession of my mouth again. He kissed me long and deep. I felt his desire from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, and especially in my cock. I felt him harden against me, and I know he felt my arousal against him. I changed the kiss, pushing my tongue in his mouth, letting him know that I wanted him just as much as he wanted me.

Again, the world dropped away as I kissed him, until I heard the doorman clear his throat. Again.

Bloody doorman.

We broke apart, still holding hands to not sever our connection.

“See you tomorrow morning, Posh Boy.”

“Good night Cecil. See you tomorrow.”

He let go of my hand and went back to his hotel. I took a cab home to Belsize Park and fell asleep with thoughts of Cecil’s ass swallowing my cock.



Writer’s note: I’ve always wanted to write an over the top British villain, because the best movie villains are always British. This guy’s an asshole and is inspired by a British asshole I met (you know who you are…). Because he’s an asshole, he says, does, and thinks very horrible things and listens to the worst band in the world. I in no way condone this, but it’s necessary for the story. If you have issues, you may want to skip this chapter. cg74

“Are you sure Smythe?”

“That’s what you saw?”

“Okay, thanks for informing me. I’ll take it from here.”

Desmond Grayson hung up the phone, the wheels turning in his head with ill intent.

If there was something to hate, he hated it.

He hated the fact that had to work at this godforsaken company instead of tending his family’s ancestral lands. Nevermind that his father and Wallingford’s father had been friends since grammar school and he grew up with him like a brother, he hated Sir IV. What a stupid name. He wasn’t real nobility – Graysons were born into nobility. He didn’t understand why his father took up with Wallingford’s sort. It should be Grayson Worldwide.

He hated gays…bloody tossers. Not even real men.

He hated blacks…bloody niggers. Go back to where you came from, savages.

He hated chinks…who cares what country they’re from? They’re all slanty eyed freaks.

He had a nigger and a chink in his intern rotation this week. How dare Sir IV let this…this trash in his company? Why should he care if they’re good accountants? They’re niggers and chinks, they can’t be good at anything except shining his shoes. Brexit should have taken care of all of this – why were they here?

And the nigger had the nerve to act like he was smart when answering questions. Fucking affirmative action hire. That new American president will get that sorted out and soon.

And now Smythe calls to tell him that not only are they beneath him, but they’re also bloody faggots.

The wheels turn faster and faster. They can’t be allowed to stay at Wallingford Worldwide.

He got the last two wankers sacked from the intern program because they were gay, and everyone knows those perverts can’t keep their hands to themselves. He’ll get rid of these two as well.

He grabbed his coat and made his way to the elevator, still deep in thought about his plans.

At least he could go out on a Friday and do one thing he liked.

Nickelback. The best band in the world. Better than the Beatles. And he had front row seats.



I want Posh Boy to fuck me. In the ass. Again and again and again. Then I want to fuck him in the ass. Again and again and again.

That’s what I’m thinking as I get all my stuff moved from my room onto the bellman’s cart to meet Nicholas downstairs. There wasn’t much, but it was bulky. I’m going to miss the hotel, but I’m ready to move into my place.

After our talk last night I came in the shower – again – thinking about Nicholas. This time I was sucking his cock before I took him in the ass. It’s comforting to know he is feeling the same things I am. I don’t know where this is going yet, but I’m having fun getting there.

I got a text from Nicholas:around the corner. meet me outside and I’ll help you load your stuff.

I moved the cart outside just as he pulled up in the sickest Land Rover Defender I’ve ever seen. British green (of course) and ready for safari. And the best part of the car? Nicholas in the driver’s seat looking like the man of my dreams. That smile! He gets out, pops the boot open, and helps me & the doorman get my stuff in the back.

I turn to shake the doorman’s hand and give him a generous tip for all his help while I was staying here.

“Thanks for all of your help mate. You’ve made my stay here great.” I tell him as I’m getting in the passenger seat.

“I’m going to miss the show when this one comes around,” nodding at Nicholas in the driver’s seat. “I like it when he says goodnight to you Mr. James.”

“Well, what do you say Nicholas, wanna give him one last show?”

“Oh yes Cecil. Let’s make it a good one.”

“Well come here Posh Boy.”

I lean in and kiss Nicholas. I trace the outline of his lips with mine, loving the feel of his mouth on my tongue. I nibble on his bottom lip a little, making his lips cherry red. Then I give him small little kisses all over his lips, forcing his lips open little by little until my tongue is in his mouth. He lets out a small moan as I kiss him deeper and deeper. I can’t help it – I run my hands in his hair while he changes the kiss and now he’s kissing me deeper and deeper…

And then I hear it. The doorman is clearing his throat again. I break away reluctantly just in time to turn and see the doorman adjust his package with a huge smile on his face.

“Boys, I feel like I should tip you for that show. You are welcome back any time.”

We drive off on the way to get Amy. “I already texted her to let her know we are on the way,” Nicholas said. “Now I’m really glad I wore what I wore today.”

We were both dressed super casually – t-shirts, loose fitting basketball shorts, and trainers. But I could see Nicholas’ hard cock. I’m hard myself. That kiss was scorching. I reach over to his side of the Rover (It’s still weird to be sitting on this side of the car and there’s no steering wheel) and put my hand down his shorts.

“I’m glad you wore these too. Easy access for me. I can’t wait to taste you Posh Boy.” I rub my hand on his dick. It’s the first time I’ve touched him and I like what I feel. I can’t wait to feel him all over me.

“Cecil, if you want to make it to the flat in one piece, you’d better stop. Oh my god.” Nicholas’ voice was strained as he squirmed in his seat. I reluctantly remove my hand and smile as we head to Amy’s hotel.

“Hello Boys!” Amy was all smiles as we pulled up to her hotel. We got her and her stuff in the Rover and headed to our home for the next three months.

I’ve always wanted to be in Camden. The market, the clubs, the music – all of it speaks to my soul. It was the only place I wanted to stay, and I found a great place overlooking the lock. Nicholas put on Amy Winehouse – a Camden girl – and we sang ‘Fuck Me Pumps’ all the way to my flat. It’s not too far from Posh Boy in Belsize Park.

Two hours later, we were all moved in and worn out. Amy’s girlfriend Fiona came over to help us move and she was really great. Amy beams when she looks at her. I wonder what it’s like to love someone like that – just their face makes you happy.

Amy and Fiona left to go hang out before we all meet up later to go to Fabric. Nicholas brought clothes to change in – we’re hanging out for the day as well. He looks so good sitting next to me on the sofa, feet propped up on the coffee table, drinking his water and watching Sky Sport. An empty pizza box sits on the table.

He looks so comfortable. Like he belongs here.

“I can’t believe you’re a Chelsea fan. I really did like you,” I teased. I really like English Premier League, but damn if I didn’t hate all things Chelsea.

“I can’t believe you like Spurs! I mean, really Mags?”

“Mags? Is that my nickname Posh Boy? How in the world did you come up with that? Mags? Like the old lady from the Hunger Games? You gonna kill me?” We both laughed.

“No Mags. This time the odds are in your favor.” He smiled and turned to look at me.

“It’s short for Magnet. You don’t see the way people gravitate to you. You are like a sun and we’re all the planets that get to be in your orbit. I just want to be stuck to you all the time. So, Magnet.”

I was speechless. Gobsmacked. No one had ever said something so sweet to me in my life.

“Do you not like it?” Nicolas was looking anxious again, which means he bites his bottom lip, which I happen to find incredibly sexy.

I scooted closer to him. I ran my fingers thru his hair. I kissed his face all over. Then I kissed his lips. Then I stuck my tongue down his throat, kissing him breathless, and when we finally came up for air, I answered his question.

“What do you think Posh Boy? What else can I do to convince you how much I like my nickname?”

Nicholas’ eyes went from anxious to lusty in seconds.

“I can think of a few things Mags. Convince me”.



Mags kissed me again, claiming my mouth for his own as he ran his hands all over my body. Soon enough my shirt was on the floor and so was his.

Finally I get to see that body that I’ve been lusting after, and it was all I imagined and more. I laid him back on the sofa and eased my body on top of his, kissing him and grinding my cock into his.

I licked his neck, his shoulders, his earlobe. He smells so good – all earthy and sweaty from moving into his place. I moved down and licked his nipples, first the left and the right. His caramel skin is so beautiful against my own. I wanted to lick him all over.

“Ahhhh! Yes baby…” Cecil moaned as my mouth made him tremble. His hands were on my ass but they soon fell to his sides as he gave into the pleasure.

A rush of confidence and power went thru my body, watching this beautiful man enjoy what I was doing to him. Watching him be at my mercy. I couldn’t wait to get my cock in his tight hole. The fact that he wanted to give it to me as much I wanted to give it to him made me feel so good.

I put my hand down his shorts. Damn! Mags feels so thick and long and hard between my hands. His precum acts as lube as I jack his cock slow and steady.

I lean into his ear. “I can’t wait to taste you Mags. To feel your cock in my mouth. To feel that tight ass of yours around my cock. You want that love? You want me to fuck you?”

Cecil moaned and cursed and babbled…I took off my clothes and finally, I was naked on top of the man that enchanted me from the first moment I saw him. I kissed him again – I can’t ever get enough.

I grabbed his cock and my cock at the same time. I went back to my slow and steady pace – rubbing and jacking us together. Feeling his big cock slide against mine. I was losing my control.

I looked at Cecil, who was lost in his pleasure. Head thrown back, eyes blown and filled with lust…he was so beautiful.

“Nicholas, I can’t…please!” Cecil begged.

“Come for me baby. I can’t last much longer either. Come with me.” I increased my tempo now, jacking us harder and faster.

“Fuck! Fuck! AHHHHHHH!” Cecil came, exploding all over his stomach and my hand. I called his name as I came soon after, watching our come pool together on his body. He looked so good covered in come, all fucked out and boneless. I collapsed on top of him – letting the come cool between us. Who cares about a wet spot when you feel this good? Not me.

“That was…incredible,” I said to him as I finally caught my breath.

“Posh boy that was more than incredible.” He kissed me again, which made my cock jump, which in turn made his cock jump which made me want him again.

“We’re never getting off this couch If you do that Mags. I don’t want Amy and Fiona to walk in and see us here. Let’s go shower and get out in the city.”

‘Yeah, we should probably get up and get going. Take a shower with me?” I kissed Cecil again and let him lead me to the shower.

As soon as I stepped in the shower, I knew Cecil had plans for more than getting clean. He kissed me and soon I felt my back hit the shower wall, my cock in his hand, getting harder and harder.

“You wanna fuck me Posh Boy? I wanna fuck you too. I want to take that ass. Fuck you until you scream my name. Ruin you for any other dick but mine. You want that baby? Want me to fuck you?” Cecil threw my words back at me and all I could do was moan as his hand coaxed my cock back to rock hard. He kissed me over and over. He sucked on my nipples and made me shudder. He kissed his way down my body and then his tongue snaked around the head of my cock.

Bloody Hell.



Nicholas’ knees went weak as my tongue touched his cock. His cock was so pretty and thick, stouter than mine but with a slight curve to the right. I traced every single vein on his cock. He tortured me with his slow strokes on my cock earlier and I’m going to totally return the favor. I licked his slit and was rewarded with a taste of precum in my mouth.

He tastes so good, and the water is getting cold. I’m greedy. I wanted to go slow but I can’t stop.

I heard Posh Boy cry out as I took him all the way down my throat, relaxing my mouth to let him in. I put one hand on his balls and lightly juggled them in while I tightened my mouth on him. I felt his hand grab my head as he fucked my mouth. Damn…If he fucks my mouth like this I can only imagine how he’ll feel in my ass.

“dduckchida…Mags…oh fuck… I can’t hold out much longer!”

Is he speaking Korean? Damn that’s hot! Listening to him lose control is making me lose control. I take my hand off his balls and make my way to his hole. I hollowed out my mouth because I know he’s about to cum and I want to swallow every drop.

I ran my finger around the outside of his hole and Nicholas screamed. I looked up at him just as the tip of my finger found it’s way inside his tight body.

“FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” Nicholas came so hard I almost didn’t taste it as it made it’s way down my throat. He grabbed my head as he poured himself into me. I swallowed it all. I grabbed my own dick as I got up and kissed him hard- tasting himself on my lips as I jacked myself and came all over him yet again.

No words were needed as we used the remaining hot water to wash our bodies and catch our breath. We finally got out of the shower and got ourselves ready to get explore Camden.

“I can hear you thinking Posh Boy. What’s going on?” Nicholas was putting on his shoes; we were both almost ready to go.

“Cecil I’ve never felt this way about someone so soon. You drive me crazy. I just haven’t been this way before, and I…”

I stopped him with a kiss.

“Nicholas, I feel the same way. You make me lose all my cool. I’m just going to enjoy this and I hope you do too. I want to be stuck to you like you want to be stuck to me. Are we good baby?”

He nodded and smiled…biting that lip again like he does when he’s nervous. It made me want to kiss him again, so I did.

“Show me your city Posh Boy.”



This is the best day.

Cecil and I went all over Camden. We ate Korean BBQ tacos in the market. We shopped for silly souvenirs and proper hats. We took photos in front of Jazz Cafe for Cecil’s Instagram. I’ll have to take him to a concert there one night.

We had a ball. I love being in his company. We talked about anything and everything. Being with him makes me happy in a way I can’t describe.

Soon enough we made our way back to his flat to get ready for tonight at Fabric. I bought our tickets already so no waiting in the queue for us. Amy and Fiona are going to meet us at the pub for our pregame meal – gotta eat something to soak up all that alcohol.

I sent a quick text to my mum to let her know I wouldn’t be home tonight, and slipped into the shower with Mags. This is starting to become a habit.

I loved his body. Watching the water cascade over his skin did things that my cock really liked. I licked the middle of his back, tasting his skin before I grabbed him from behind, hugging him tight and palming his cock.

“You don’t want to go to Fabric do you Posh Boy? Keep that up and we won’t go anywhere”. Cecil is breathless at my touch. Damn I can’t wait to fuck him.

“Mags, we’re going to Fabric. And I’m going to hold you just like this on the dance floor while you grind that ass all over me, and then I’m going to bring you home and give you all the dick you can handle.” I grabbed his dick harder now, stroking him with purpose.

“You talk a lot of shit for a Chelsea fan. But if I remember correctly it was you who came with just the brush of my finger at the tip of your tight little hole. Maybe I’m going to bring you home and fuck you”.

“So how do we solve this? Who gets to bottom first? It’s obvious you want me just as much as I want you, Mags. And talking shit about Chelsea only gets you in trouble.” I remove my hand from his dick, making him moan in frustration.

“I have an idea. Chelsea plays Spurs tomorrow, right? If your team wins, you fuck me. If my team wins, then I fuck you. What do you say?”

“I say you’re giving me that arse tomorrow Mags. Chelsea’s gonna kick arse tomorrow, and I’m gonna fuck yours.” I drop to my knees and take him balls deep, sucking his head tight and fast, and jacking him at the same time. I knew he wouldn’t last long.

“ohshitohshitNicholasdamnsuckitbaby…” I like it when I make him babble. And just like that, I’m rewarded with a mouth full of Mags. He tastes so good that I have to share with him. I get up and kiss him, letting him taste himself on my lips.

“Posh boy, it’s on. Let’s get ready”.



“Fiona, you’re insane. I know this now. No way Jonathan Kent tells Clark to let those people die. Man of Steel sucks donkey balls.”

Nicholas, Amy, and Fiona are all laughing at me as we make our way to Fabric. We’ve been at a pub nearby pre-gaming and getting food. I had my first meat pie – not too bad. Now we’re ready to get our dance on.

But first, a little nerd rage.

“Okay, I’ll concede that point. But it had some good points right?” Fiona, Amy’s girlfriend, loves this movie. Everyone must have some kind of flaw, and this is hers.

“The only thing good about that movie is the sexiness that is Henry Cavill, and even he looked like he didn’t want to be there.” We laugh again. “You better be glad Amy loves you, because liking that movie can’t be good for your dating life Fiona. It’s bad enough Nicholas is a Chelsea fan, but love for Man of Steel is a dealbreaker.” I look over at Posh Boy, who has the nerve to look offended. I smile. Giving him shit for Chelsea is going to be my new favorite hobby.

“Hey! Don’t put me into this. I hate that movie. And you’re just mad because you know we’re kicking Spurs’ arse tomorrow. How do you say it in the States? Don’t hate? Don’t hate Mags. It’s not a good look on you.”

I grab him and pull him close to whisper in his ear. “My dick in your ass is a good look on you though.” I’m rewarded with a shiver from him. I kiss his neck and let him go with a smile.

Amy grabs Fiona’s hand and pulls her close for a kiss. “Yes, I love her, despite her love of bad movies. Cecil, you have to have to have a bad movie that you love. What’s your favorite bad movie?”

“The best bad movie ever has to be Under the Cherry Moon. My dad loves that movie. Prince gets shot in a white suit and there’s not a speck of dirt or blood? That’s badass.”

“Okay guys, I’ve got our tickets. Let’s go dance!” Nicholas grabs my hand and I follow.

Fabric is packed! We get sorted and make our way to room one. Fiona immediately pulls Amy on the floor and they start shaking it to the music. Nicholas and I hang back by the bar. He leans into my ear close so I can hear him over the music.

“What do you think?”

“This place is awesome. Thanks for bringing me Nicholas.” I squeeze his hand. He moves in front of me and shakes his hips. “Wanna dance?” Damn he looks good.

“I would, but I don’t wanna embarrass you on the floor. I can get down.”

Nicholas raises his eyebrow at me, a slow smile and a look of challenge on his face.

“You don’t listen to much K Pop do you Mags?”

“Can’t say that I do, Posh Boy.”

“Watch and learn mate. Watch and learn. Come with me.”

Nicholas leads me out to the floor. We get a few looks from the assholes, but I don’t even care. I wish they’d try me.

Posh Boy has moves! Watching his ass in those jeans has me really wanting to take him home.

Soon enough I lose myself in the music, the steady thump of the bass making my body move and the feeling of Nicholas’ body on mine making me all sweaty. Fabric’s main room has a vibrating floor, so you really feel the beat in your chest. I love it when the club gets like this. One nation under a groove.

Amy and Fiona are dancing close by, and nudges me to get my and Nicholas’ attention. She waves us close to her. “Don’t point, but look up in VIP to your left. Is that who I think it is?”

We both look up at VIP. In a booth is a handsome green eyed older man with a twink on his left and a busty redhead on his right. They’re all kissing each other. Soon, the redhead puts her hand down the twink’s pants as the older man kisses her neck.

Holy. Shit. We both turn to Amy, mouths wide open.

“See! It is him! I knew it! I guess he’s not as straight as we thought!”

Sir David Wallingford IV, the boss of all bosses, is having the night of his life, and it’s hot as hell.

“We should send him a bottle. Let’s take our hundred pounds and send him a bottle of whatever that can get us. What do you say mates?” Nicholas is already calling over a hostess.

“Why the hell not?” I say. We get the hostess, explain what we want, and she’s off to VIP.

“Come on guys, let’s go back to the floor.” We go back to the dance floor, keeping one eye on VIP to see if our gamble pays off.

The hostess take a bottle of what looks to be gin to Sir IV’s table, and points at us on the dance floor. He spots us and we wave. He smiles, thank goodness! We’re not going to be fired! He whispers something to the hostess, and we go back to dancing.

Thirty minutes later, I feel a tap on my shoulder. It’s the hostess.

“Sir Wallingford has requested the presence of your party in VIP. Follow me.”

I turn and look at my friends – I mouth “OH MY GOD!” to them as we make our way up the stairs and to VIP. Sir IV meets us at the door.

“Thanks for the bottle of gin. You’re in the new intern class, right?” We tell him yes and introduce him to Fiona, and he introduces us to his friends. We’re all making small talk as he asks us how things are going – of course we’re going to say awesome- It’s Sir IV!

“Davey…can we go now? I wanna suck your cock.” The twink is pulling on Sir IV’s arm, whining. The redhead is on the his other side, rubbing his arm and looking like she can’t wait to fuck him. He kisses the twink and the redhead, then he smiles at us.

“As you can see, I’ve got my hands rather full. I asked you to come up here to thank you again for the bottle and offer you my table for as long as you like – drinks on me. VIP is yours. Good night all.” Sir IV and his dates leave as we stand there in shock.

“VIP! Holy Shit! What should we do?” I take a seat at the table. This is incredible.

“What should we do? We dance! We drink! This will never happen again. Let’s make the most of it!” Amy grabs Fiona and they dance.

I look over at Nicholas. “Dance with me Posh Boy. Come get chocolate wasted.” I shake my hips and crook a finger, beckoning him to me. He laughs.

“You’re so lame Mags.” He comes over, kisses me, and we grind against each other all night.



Bloody. Fucking. Chelsea!!

Last night we closed Fabric down. I don’t think I’ve ever been that drunk in my life, and I’m an Englishman. We had a ball in VIP drinking on Sir IV’s dime. Cecil stayed sober enough to get us all home safely.

I woke up in my pants in Cecil’s bed with a wicked headache and no Cecil. Bollocks!

Just as I walked out of the bathroom, a shirtless Cecil walks in with cup of coffee.

“Thought you might need this.” He chuckles.

“Thanks Mags. I don’t even remember getting here.” I gratefully drink my coffee, my synapses finally starting to fire. “Not that I’m complaining, but how did I get half naked in your bed?”

“I put you there. We got back about 4 this morning. You and Amy were wasted. Fiona got her to bed and I got you to bed. I got you out of your clothes, and despite your drunken requests, I put you to bed.” Cecil sat on the bed and kissed me on my forehead. “You’re a kinky fucker Posh Boy. The things you said you wanted to do made me blush.”

I groaned. “Cecil what did I say? Did we do anything last night?”

“You said something about a wand, a sleeve, and a porno. And no. We slept. You were in no shape to say yes – I wouldn’t take advantage of you in that way. When we finally fuck I want you sober and well aware of who’s making you scream.”

“Wanker.” I grumble as Cecil laughs at me. “What time is it? Has the match started? Where are Amy and Fiona?”

“It’s 10:30, No, and they’re in the other room. Fiona’s giving Amy this same talk. Let’s get clean, get dressed, get food, come back here and watch Spurs beat the bricks off Chelsea. Sound like a plan?”

“Yeah, everything except the Chelsea losing part.” We make our way to the shower and get clean quickly, then head out with the girls for food. They’re going over to spend the day with Fiona’s family, so we part after that.

Now Cecil and I are back in the flat, and Chelsea is losing one -nil in the 85th minute. I’m biting my nails. Even though I want Cecil to fuck me, I really don’t want Chelsea to lose. I take a swig of my beer as I watch the clock wind down and Chelsea shit the bed.

“Get ready Posh Boy! That ass is mine!” There’s a minute left in stoppage time, and bearing a miracle, I’ve lost this bet.

“Bollocks! You win Mags.”

I’m fucked.


“To Dare Is To DO!” Cecil is singing Spurs chants with a huge smile on his face. He leans over to kiss me. “Are you mad Nicholas? If you keep pouting I’m going to to sing Can’t Smile Without You. No one wants that.” Another quick kiss and he’s off to the kitchen to grab water bottles for us both.

“So how does this work Cecil? Do you want me to just bend over right now?” I follow behind him to the kitchen and lean over the counter, my ass high up in the air. Cecil stops and looks at me with a smile. He sits the water bottles down and steps behind me, grinding his pelvis up against my ass. I get hard despite my nervousness.

“Is this what you want Nicholas? You want me to take you hard and fast right here on this counter?” He reaches around to unbuckle my jeans, grabs my cock and strokes me hard.

“I don’t know. Oh fuck Mags. Don’t stop.” I hips are moving as I back my bum to feel more of his hard cock. Maybe I do want him to take me right here, right now.

And as soon as it begins, it ends. Cecil takes his hand off my cock and backs away from me. I turn around as best as I can with my pants and trousers around my legs, confusion plain as day on my face.

“Mags! What the hell?” Cecil comes close again, puts my cock back in his hand, and strokes me as he kisses my neck.

“I don’t want to rush you, and you don’t know what you want yet. When we do this I want you to be sure. It doesn’t have to happen today. In fact, let’s do this. Since I won the bet, I decide what happens. I want you to go first, because I’m sure I want you to fuck me.” He looks deep into my eyes, and kisses me tenderly.

Next thing I know Cecil drops to his knees and engulfs my cock with one gulp.

“MAGS! OH SHIT!” My hands go to his head as he lavishes my cock with his mouth. He sucks me hard and fast, over and over as he takes me down his throat. I think about how his ass will feel around my dick and if it will be as hot and tight as his mouth. I’m fucking his face now and he’s just taking it. I couldn’t stop if I wanted to; I’m that far gone with the thought of being Cecil’s first.

“Gonna put my cock all up in that hole Mags. It will be my ass. Made for my cock. Fuck you so hard you’ll feel it the next day.” I don’t know why all of this is coming out of my mouth, but I mean every single word.

“Gonna come Mags.” I try to warn him but he just sucks harder and harder and then I feel his finger graze my hole. Again.

“FUCK!” Cecil holds my hips still as I pour hot come down his throat.

Cecil gets up and kisses me. I taste myself on his lips as I breathe hard into his mouth. Letting him take my mouth over and over. Finally he comes up for air. I pull up my trousers and we get ourselves together.

“You talk so much shit Posh Boy. You gonna back it up?”

“Only one way to find out. You ready?” I don’t take my eyes off him and he doesn’t take his eyes off me. I take his hand to lead him to his bedroom and …

I can hear Amy’s laughter as the keys rattle the lock. Fuck.



Maybe a roommate wasn’t the best idea I’ve ever had. I reluctantly pulled back from Nicholas.

“Hey Cecil, Hey Nicholas, how are – shit. Whatever I interrupted, I’m sorry.” Amy had a pensive look on her face.

“It’s not a problem roomie. How’s Fiona?”

We make small talk with Amy for a little while. Maybe it’s a good thing she walked in when she did – I’m not exactly ready for her to hear me moaning Nicholas’ name.

“I think I’m going to head home guys. I’m sure my dad thinks I stole his Rover. Let me get my stuff. ” Nicholas heads to my room to get his things and I follow, closing the door behind me.

“Sorry things got interrupted.” I hold him from behind and bury my face in his neck. He feels so good and so solid. I love his body.

“Me too Mags. I’m glad she came in before we got started though. Not exactly keen for her to hear me. I’m shy.” We laugh.

“You are anything but shy. You approached me, remember?” I flop down on the bed as I watch him gather his stuff. “The first night I spent in this apartment I had you in my bed. How am I supposed to sleep without you now?”

Nicholas sat on the edge of the bed, all packed. “I was drunk off my ass mate. It doesn’t count. So, what do you want to do Mags?”

“Other than you? Sleep. It’s been a busy few days. Where are we right now, me and you?”

Nicholas leaned over to kiss me. “How about we’re boyfriends? You wanna be MY boyfriend?”

I smiled into the kiss. “Sure, you can be MY boyfriend. We can wear matching boxers. Be all smug like Bridget Jones.” Nicholas got comfortable next to me on the bed with his head on my chest. I ran my hands through his hair.

“What about your parents? Are you going to tell them? If you do or not, it’s up to you. You do what’s best for you. No rush, seriously.”

Nicholas sighed. “I’m going to tell them this week. Probably when I get home. It won’t take long for people to know we’re dating, and I’d rather them hear it from me directly than from the Wallingford grapevine.” He ran his hands up and down my chest. “Besides, the sooner everyone knows you’re taken, then better it is.” He kissed me again, possessively, as if to make his point.

“If you kiss me like that again you’re not going home Nicholas. Get up.” He made his way to the door.

“One last thing. I’ve been thinking about this for a while.”

“I don’t like the sound of that. Should I be nervous Posh Boy?” He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me square in the eyes.

“Not at all. I think we should go to one of the walk in clinics. Get tested for everything. The first time I make love to you I want to feel you. No condoms, no barriers. Just you. Just me. And when you make love to me I want to feel you too. What do you think?” He bit his lip, anxious for my reply. So sexy. Damn.

“I like way you think. That’s a great idea. I want to feel you too.” I kissed him again, wanting to feel him right now. Before I knew it my hands were tugging at his shirt, trying to get his clothes off. I heard his bag hit the floor and he was kissing me back and this is insane! I broke the kiss and stepped back.

“You. Go home. Text me later.” I kiss him and walk him to our door, kiss him again, and send him home. I lean against the door, take a deep breath, and close my eyes.

“You have got it soooo bad Cecil. When are you gonna fuck him?” Amy shakes her head and laughs at me.

“I see how you look at Fiona. You got it bad too. And I was about to fuck him, but SOMEBODY walked in. Wonder who, ROOMIE?” I sat by her on the sofa.

“I’m really sorry Cecil.”

“No worries. You live here too. But we gotta work something out. Can’t exactly put a red hanky on the door. And I know you want to be here with Fiona too. It’s just our first time together. I want it to be good for him.”

“I’m going to Manchester with Fiona this weekend to hang out with her cousins. So you’ll have Friday night until Sunday afternoon to get busy.”

“Thanks Amy. Oh, and we made it official. We’re dating. We’re not broadcasting it, but you should know if anyone asks.”

Amy squeaks in pleasure.

“Cecil! I’m so happy for you! Nicholas is great, and so are you. Just don’t get in trouble at Wallingford. I don’t know what I’d do if Fiona worked with me. I’d have trouble keeping my hands off of her.”

‘That’s because you’re a pervert. Nicholas and I have standards.” I laugh as she throws a pillow at me.

Nicholas Rhee is my boyfriend. Life is good.



Cecil James is my boyfriend. Life is good.

Deep Breath.

I got back to my flat on Sunday afternoon, returned my dad’s Rover, had dinner with my folks, and told them that I was gay. I told them that not only that I was gay, but that I was also dating someone, and that he was a fellow intern. And the reason that I was telling them is because although it was a new relationship it was a serious one, and eventually I’d like them to meet him in the future.


They took it better than I thought. They asked me if I was sure (I am), if there was a girl out there that could change my mind (hell no), and if I was being safe (of course). Then they asked about grandchildren (not yet). When the conversation went to visiting my jobu and jomo in Seoul later in the year, I knew they were fine.

The rest of the week went great. Cecil and I started sitting closer together at lunch. We never touched at all or acknowledged each other in any kind of way , but people knew we were dating. Most people were supportive and the people who weren’t could bugger off. One of the other mentors, Smythe, kept hanging around us more often. Something about him doesn’t sit quite right – I can’t put my finger on it -but he’s been okay

The only problem has been finishing the auditing rotation with the Viscount Grayson. Any thoughts of working in the auditing department after my internship evaporated after this week. I think he also knows that Cecil and I are dating, because he saved the worst of his vitriol for us. Everytime we asked a question we were ignored or berated. He’s insinuated that we don’t belong in this program so many times I know Cecil wanted to punch him. It’s been so bad, I’ve thought about mentioning it to my mum. I decided against it because we’re only here a few more days and I want to handle this on my own.

The best part is hanging out with Cecil after work – he makes dealing with the Viscount seem like nothing more than a hangnail. We went to the clinic near the Euston Tube Station on Monday and got all of our tests completed. We should hear back on Thursday. We’ve been to the gym – pushing each other to work out harder. Cecil cooked dinner a couple of nights, and we managed to make it to a concert at the Jazz Cafe one night. We were a bit knackered getting into work but spending time with each other was worth it.

Friday finally came and with it the end of the auditing rotation. The only thing to do was to celebrate with our mates, so all the interns met down at the pub for drinks. Even though we’re not at work, Cecil and I still decided to keep the PDA down to the minimum.

“So did you hear back from the clinic?” Cecil asked while we were waiting for another round. “Not that I was worried, but everything came back clear. I’m clean, are you?”

“Got my email this morning – I’m clean too.” I smiled. “Now I can fuck you like I want to. Where’s Amy?”

“She’s on her way to Manchester to meet more of Fiona’s family. She won’t be back until Sunday afternoon. Can you stay the weekend?” Cecil grabbed my hand under the table.

“As if you could keep me away. How about we stop by that Tesco near your flat, grab a bunch of food and drink, lock ourselves in your place, and fuck all weekend?” I couldn’t help it, being cool be dammed. My pants were spouting a semi. I lifted his hand and kissed it.

“You’re so romantic and filthy all at the same time Posh Boy, but are you sure Tesco is okay? I mean, you live in Belsize Park. Don’t you want Marks and Sparks? Waitrose? Tesco might be too common for you.” He laughed hard at me then, tears in his eyes. Those laughs stopped with a gasp of pleasure when I grabbed his cock under the table and stroked it a little through his trousers and whispered in his ear:

“We’ll see how much you laugh when you’re under me begging me to let you come Mags. We’ll see just how romantic and filthy I am when my Posh Boy cock is making you shake. Anything else you want to joke about Mags?” The look of lust from him was unmistakable.

“You have two hours Nicholas. Two hours to get your Posh Boy shit talking ass home, get clothes, shower, and whatever else you need, and get to my place. I’m going to go to Tesco, go home, shower, and wait for you. Don’t make me wait too long baby.” Now I’m looking at him with lust.

We each catch an Uber to our respective destinations. I take a very thorough shower and pack a bag with a few clothes (don’t think I’ll be needing much), condoms (just in case), lube, toys, and a suit for Monday morning at work. I tell my bumo I’ll see them Monday, and head over to Camden.



Can this Uber move any faster? Damn traffic.

I get to Tesco and pick up a few essentials: water, fruit, beer, crisps, pizza, breakfast stuff, condoms. The guy at the checkout gives me a thumbs up and a smile when he sees what I bought.

Yeah, I’m getting laid.

I walk the few blocks to my place, put away the groceries, make sure the place is clean, and send a quick text to Amy:

Nicholas is staying the weekend. If you come home before Sunday afternoon I will cut something off and they will be things you will miss! xoxo

I know that will get a reaction; we watched Kill Bill 1 & 2 the other day. I get an almost instant reply:

LOL! I will text before I start back on Sunday. Fiona’s staying over Sunday night. And don’t make me show you the five point palm exploding heart technique! Have fun!

Cool. No Amy. I take a long hot shower. Why am I so nervous? I’ve kissed him, I’ve sucked him, I’ve touched every part of him. I know I want him inside me. Why am I so nervous?

And then it hit me – I love Nicholas Rhee. I don’t know how this happened so fast, but I love him. I have to love him if I want to bottom for him. I love him.

Fuck. Does he feel the same way? Now I feel like a teenaged girl. This is not good.

I don’t have more time to contemplate this because there’s a knock on the door. Nicholas.

“Hey Posh Boy.”

“What’s up Mags?”

We kiss. Tender, soft, and expectant. I’m so ready for this.

“I brought some food with me. And don’t give me shit for going to Waitrose. It was on the way.” I put his things away in the fridge while he put his bag in my bedroom.

I’m on the sofa, looking for something to watch on the TV, and Nicholas comes to sit beside me. He’s gotten comfortable with no shoes and socks on, just like he lives here. We put our feet up on the coffee table.

“You still ready for this? We don’t’ have to if you don’t want to, you know that.” He kisses me again, before biting his lip. So damn sexy.

“No, I want to do this. More than I thought I would. I’m nervous, but not about this and not about us.” I kissed him again. His lips feel hungry against mine, and I’m just as hot for him. He leans me back on the sofa and gets on top of me, kissing my lips, my face, my neck. I feel my hard dick against his as he kisses my ear, making me squirm and wiggle and moan underneath him. He nudges me up a little to get my shirt off, rubbing his hands all over my chest and making my nipples harden under his touch. He smells so good, like cologne and soap and sky. I bite back another moan as he takes my nipple in his mouth.

“Nicholas…baby…yes..don’t stop…please..” I didn’t even know my legs were around him until he looked down at me. “Tell me what you want Mags. What do you want baby?”

“Fuck me. Please fuck me.” I want that man inside me. Now.

Nicholas gets up off the sofa and offers me his hand. “Okay baby, let’s go.” I take his hand and we go to my room.

Nicholas Rhee is going to fuck me. I smile, that rhymes.



Cecil climbs on the bed and gets on his back. I can see that hard cock tenting his shorts and I can’t wait to see him all laid out and naked for me. His eyes are on me as he takes long slow breaths. I stand at the end of the bed and get undressed, never taking my eyes off his as my shirt, trousers, and pants hit the floor. I stand there stroking myself as I look at my man on the bed, ready for me. So beautiful and all mine.

“You good Cecil?” He nods at me. I smile and walk around the bed, grabbing the pillows and placing them at the bottom of the bed. He never takes his eyes off me. I stand back at the bottom of the bed, cock in hand. “Take off those shorts Cecil.” He rushes to comply as his shorts come off, showing me that fit caramel body. He whimpers a little and reaches for his cock to stroke it. “No.” He looks at me, confused. I haven’t been really dominant with him before. This is a test to see if he likes it. I really hope he does.

“I don’t want you to touch yourself. Tonight that cock belongs to me. I’m the only person who can touch it. I’m the only person who can make you come tonight. You’re mine tonight Cecil. Are you good with that?”

“You are so sexy when you say such naughty things with that voice. mmmmmmmmmm”. He moves his hand from his cock, hands balled up in the sheets and hips moving back and forth.

“You didn’t answer the question Cecil. Are you good? Does that cock belong to me tonight?” I stroke him a little and his eyes lose focus.

“Yes Yes Yes Nicholas oh my god I won’t touch it…FUCK! Don’t stop please!” I smile. He’s ready. I take my hand from his cock to the sound of a moan of impatience from Mags. “Now now, don’t be impatient. There’s something better coming. Turn over.” As he turns I arrange the pillows so that his arse is lifted up higher. I gasp.

There is Cecil James, his arse all there for me to explore. My cock gets even harder. I lick my lips.

I climb on the bed and kiss his neck. “Thank you for this gift Cecil. I will always be thankful. Now I want to fuck you. Is that okay?”

“Yes Nicholas, Fuck me.” I know I keep asking but everytime he says it I get more turned on.

My tongue licks down his spine, making him shiver at my touch. I kiss the small of his back. And I finally do what I’ve wanted to do for so long. His arse cheeks are so nice and tight, sitting there like a ripe orange. I lick his left cheek, and he raises up off the pillow. I lick his right cheek, and then I can’t help it. I bite.

“FUCK! Do that again Posh, please.”

I bite the left one, and he moans again. I bite back and forth listening to him moan and cry and scream and hump the pillow, trying to come. Oh no, that won’t do. I stop and smack his ass slightly, his cheeks vibrating at my touch. Fuck me that’s hot!

“Are you trying to come Cecil? Didn’t you agree that your cock belonged to me tonight? I’m not ready for you to come.”

“But it feels so good Nicholas no one has ever done this to me baby I can’t help it please please.”

“But I can make you feel even better. Can you take it? Can you hold out for me baby?”

He takes a deep breath. “Okay Posh. I can do it.”

“Good Man. Now get those hips back up for me.” He settles back on the pillows, hips and ass up in the air. I part his ass cheeks, and rub my thumb over his pretty pink hole. He immediately clenches, making his hole even more pretty and making me so bloody hard. I take a deep breath to steady myself.

“You like that Mags? This belongs to me as well. That pretty pink hole, ready for me to slide my cock deep inside. Thank you Cecil.” And with that, I part his cheeks and lick my tongue over his hole. Damn he tastes good. Cecil is incoherent as I work my tongue all over his hole, darting in and out and doing my best to tongue fuck him into delirium. I smell his soap and his musky flavor as I taste him, getting him all wet and ready for my cock. Soon enough, he’s raising his hips to meet my tongue, so I grab his thighs to hold him in place while my tongue continues to drive him crazy. His moans are getting shorter and shorter – he’s getting close. I pull my tongue out of his ass.

“Turn over Cecil.” He turns on his back. I arrange the pillows again and he pulls his legs all the way up, leaving his hole open and exposed for me. All mine. He’s looking at me with a mixture of lust and anxiousness on his face.

“You look so beautiful like this Cecil. All open and ready for me to fuck you. Are you ready for my cock baby?”

“Yes Posh please please please I can’t wait please!” He keeps wanting to touch his cock, so his hands are gripping the sheets hard, breathing shallow.

I grab the lube off the side table and apply a generous amount to my fingers, then I rub the lube all over his hole. I never take my eyes off his.

“One finger Cecil. Breathe and let me in baby.” Slowly I push my index finger into his needy ass, watching his face as he adjusts to this new sensation. I work my finger back and forth, looking for any signs of discomfort.

“More Nicholas. Please.” I add another finger, giving him time to adjust. I move in him faster now, scissoring my fingers to give him more pleasure. And then I go deeper, hitting his prostate.

“FUCK! Oh God that feels so good yes please please please fuck me…” Cecil’s head is thrashing back and forth as my fingers bump up against his prostate again and again.

I pull my fingers out of him, ignoring his cries of protest. I take the lube and pour a good amount on my cock, which is harder than it ever has been before. I lean into kiss him, swift and hard.

“Okay Cecil, I need you to breathe for me.” I line up my cock to his hole, and slowly push the tip and wait for him to adjust. He soon nods, and I push forward into that tight heat, bottoming out in that ass. I fight my own orgasm as I try to stay still long enough for Cecil to adjust .

“Nicholas, please, move, please! You feel so good.” I started slow and steady, long strokes that had him moaning and cursing and saying yes and more and fuck as I move faster, and faster, and soon enough my hips are snapping at his arse, with him moving back against me, matching me thrust for thrust. His ass is squeezing my cock so hard I know I’m not going to last. This feels like nothing else I’ve ever experienced.

“So tight for me baby. So tight. All for me. gi boon i nuh moo jo a.”

All you can hear in the room are grunts and moans as we both chase our orgasm. I grab Cecil’s cock, leaking all kinds of precum, and start to stroke him.

“Come with me Mags. Come for me Cecil.” My hips move faster and faster as I stroke him faster and faster. I can’t wait to see him fall apart from the feeling of my cock in his ass.

“Posh! I’m coming! Fuck!” Cecil erupts all over my hand and his stomach, shaking uncontrollably.

His hole grabs my cock so hard as he comes I come right after. “MAGS! UH UH UH!” I come deep inside Cecil, my hips still moving as I feel my orgasm from the tip of my head to my toes. Eventually I rest, my cock going soft inside him. I look down at Cecil and he looks just as spent as I feel, eyes all blown out and fucked out. I take my cum covered fingers and lick Cecil’s essence off my hands, then I kiss him deeply, sharing his taste with him.

“Be right back.” I head to the bathroom and get a warm washcloth, and return to my man. I clean him up and lay down next to him, my head on his chest.

“You okay Mags?” I hope this experience was good for him, because it was incredible for me. It was so wonderful to do this with someone I love –

Whoa. Love.

I love Cecil?

I love Cecil.

I love Cecil!

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. So lost in my thoughts I didn’t even hear Cecil talking to me.

“You with me Nicholas? You went away for a second.”

“Sorry Cecil. Are you okay?”

“I’m better than okay. I’m fucking awesome. That was amazing. No one has ever. I mean. that was my first, but no one has ever…”

“No one has ever told you not to touch your cock? Was it okay?” I was worried that he wouldn’t like it.

“It was great. I mean, I didn’t know that would turn me on. I think it’s because it’s you, and I trust you.”

I kissed his chest.

“Thank you for that trust Mags.” I scoot up to kiss him. And kiss him, and kiss him some more. We smile at each other like idiots.

“You speak Korean when you’re about to come sometimes. Do you know how hot that is?”

“nuh-bak-eh upss-uh Cecil.” I can’t live without you.

I look deep into his eyes again, hoping that he can see the love there despite the words I’m not ready to say. “I don’t know what you just said, but I’m pretty sure you mean it.” He kisses me now, hips grinding into mine. I can feel him getting hard again, which makes me hard. “Every word Mags, every single word. But if you don’t stop that we’re going to start Round two. You ready?”

“Oh yes Posh Boy. You gonna fuck me again?” A wicked thought comes to mind. I mean, I did bring all the toys…

“What’s that look Nicholas? Should I be scared?”

“Do you trust me Mags? You know I would never hurt you, right?”

“I trust you. Nicholas. What do you have in mind?”

It took me forever to figure out what I said to Cecil when I was drunk, but once I did, I knew we had to do it. I gathered the necessary items from my bag, and turned to Cecil.

“This is a cordless wand, this is a sleeve, and we’re gonna do some porno shit.” I grin as Cecil looks at me warily.

“So this is what you meant when you were drunk after Fabric. Kinky fucker.” He leaned back on his elbows, curiosity getting the best of him. “How does this work?”

“I can show you better than I can tell you. Let’s move these pillows.” I place two pillows behind his back and the other two under his hips. Perfect. My dick is hard again.

“This cock still belongs to me? This hole still mine?” I kiss him before he can answer, my hands rubbing up and down his chest.

“Yes, yes Nicholas. All yours.” Cecil takes a deep anticipatory breath. This is gonna be fun.

I kiss his chest again. His pelvis. I swirl my tongue in his belly button. The tops of his thighs. His knees. He’s arching his hips trying to get my lips near his cock. I give him a stern look and he grumbles, but he’s still. He’s mine to play with. All mine. But I don’t want to keep him waiting, so I lick his cock all over, taking him deep in my mouth and cradling his balls with my free hand. Cecil is moaning incoherently again, trying to raise up off the pillows and fuck my mouth, his cock leaking precum and tasting incredible.

Not today my love. I have other plans for you.

I take my mouth off his cock, leaving him hot and bothered. I grab the sleeve and some lube, coating the inside to make it all nice and slick. I rub the rest of the lube on my hand on his dick, and applied some more lube to his hole and to my own dick. I tease him with a finger, feeling him tighten around me as he cries out in pleasure and in pain when I withdraw. I can’t wait to fuck him again.

I attach the sleeve to the head of the wand, making sure it’s fitting nice and snug. I look over at Cecil, who just realized what I was going to do.

“You’re not going to let me come are you?” Cecil looks excited and scared. I love it.

“Not until I’m ready for you to. Can you handle this?”

“I guess we’ll see.” Cecil takes a deep breath. “I’m yours tonight Posh Boy.” And with that, he settles into the pillows and spreads his legs wide in invitation.

Fuck that’s hot. My cock just got hard as steel. I growl and settle in between his legs and slide his dick into the sleeve. I look at him and he nods. I turn the wand on the lowest setting.

“OhfuckmegodfuckingshitnicholasdammitFUCK!” Cecil’s eyes rolled in the back of his head as his body contorted in pleasure, hands balled into fists.

“You like this baby? You like the way I make you feel?” I slowly move the wand up and down the long length of his cock, watching him thrash back and forth on the bed, cursing and moaning my name.

Watching him like this makes me want to fuck him right here right now. Instead, I turn the wand up to the second setting.

“NICHOLAS PLEASE!! FUCK BABY PLEASE!” Cecil’s eyes get wide as his back comes up off the bed, the pillows flying to the floor. He’s sweating now as he just moans please please please over and over.

I want to finger him to make sure he’s ready for my cock but I think he’ll come if I touch him, so I just pull him close to me and drive my cock in with one solid thrust.

“AHHHHHH! POSH!” I feel the vibrations from the wand as I fuck him hard and fast, my hips driving into him. I turn off the wand and ease the sleeve off his cock, taking him into my hand as I fuck him into the mattress. Neither one of us is going to last long. I can already feel my balls tighten. I change the angle of my hips, hitting his prostate in that special spot. His hole clenches down harder, making me cry out.

“Come Cecil. Come for me baby. Nae salang.” My love. I stroke his cock, my hips going back and forth and back and forth and “Fuck!” I spill my seed deep inside Cecil.

“Yes baby! Coming!” I feel Cecil shoot all over my hand, his chest, his stomach, and a little on his chin. I collapse on top of him, the sensations still too much for us to move, chests heaving. I finally get up, grab another warm washcloth, and wipe us down. We still haven’t spoken a word as I climb in bed next to him and settle in with my chest on his back, spooning.

“You okay Cecil?” I kiss the back of his head. I hear a deep yawn.

“Nicholas, I am so beyond okay. I am just…sated. Happy. Sore. Sleepy. Thank you for taking my virginity.”

“Thank you for trusting it to me. It was the best gift I’ve ever received.” I yawn and pull him tighter. So good, so warm. Mine.

“But tomorrow it’s my turn. You ready Posh?” Cecil snuggles into my arms.

“Tomorrow I’m yours.”

And with that, we rest.




Posh Boy has the nerve to smile. Fucker.

“Are you really that sore Mags? Here have some bacon.” Nicholas holds a strip of bacon up to my lips and I take a bite.

My boyfriend made me a late breakfast in bed. It’s the least he can do, given that he wore my black ass out last night. I hope I make him feel half as good as he made me. That man fucked me six ways from Sunday and I LOVED it.

And I know now more than ever that I love him. Completely. Hopelessly. Even though right now he’s annoying as hell.

“Am I really that sore? Really Posh? Are you serious?” I take another bite of the egg he feeds me. “I still feel like you’re inside me fucking me. Get that look off your face, you asshole!” I throw a napkin at the smug look on Nicholas’ face; he’s so taken with himself.

“Then my job is done. I told you that I’d fuck you so good you’d feel it the next day, and I did.”

He’s preening.

He’s actually preening.

I can’t let this continue. He’ll be even more impossible with his snooty ass.

Time to talk shit about Chelsea.

“You know what you look like? The cock of the walk. Just like that cockerel on the top of the Spurs crest. All proud. Looking like a winner. Like a proper Spurs fan. Maybe I should get you a shirt.”

His face goes from proud to pissed off so fast. My stomach hurts I’m laughing so hard.

“Bugger off Cecil! Eat your own breakfast.” With a huff, he gets off the bed and stomps off to the living room, which makes me laugh even harder. “You big blue baby!” I shout after him.

I finish the breakfast he made me and take the plate into the kitchen. I find him sitting on the sofa watching TV.

“You’re covered in my come Posh Boy. I’m covered in yours. Come take a shower with me.” I walk very gingerly to the bathroom, start the water, and hop in. Nicholas follows soon after. No words are spoken as we tend to our bodies.

“You can’t be mad about my Chelsea joke.” I shampoo his hair, my fingers massaging his scalp.

“No, I’m not mad, it was funny. I’m just thinking about stuff.” He washes my chest.

“You’re thinking about me fucking you.” I maneuver him under the water so I can wash the shampoo out.

“I want this Cecil. I want this so much. I don’t know why I’m so nervous.” He closes his eyes as I apply the conditioner and he runs the body buff up and down my back.

“I think I know, especially after last night. It’s control. You’re feel like you’re going to give up control, and it bothers you.” I turn him around to wash his back as he takes a deep breath.

“You’re right. My heart knows that it’s you and I’m fine and my head knows too, both of my heads actually, but …I don’t know what’s wrong. I’m sorry Cecil.”

We’re both clean. I turn off the shower and I head to the bedroom as Nicholas finishes up in the bathroom. Eventually he comes out of the bathroom with a towel slung low on his hips, hair still wet from the shower, looking fine as fuck, smelling good, and biting his lip because he’s anxious. So sexy. He sits on the bed next to me.

“Are you mad at me Mags?” I kiss his face. How could I be mad at this face that I love so much?

“No Nicholas, I’m not mad. I get it. But I think I know how to get us past this.”

“You do? Let’s hear it!” He turns to me, eager.

“I don’t quite understand this control issue, but I know that it’s important for you. I’m not asking you to give up control or surrender. I just want to make you feel as good as you made me. You won’t be fucking me today though- I really am sore and worn out and I need a day to recover from how you put it on me.”

We smile. I kiss his cheek, and then I continue.

“You will decide when we are back in this bedroom today, but if we come in here, I will be inside you, and it will be because you want me inside you. You control when I fuck you. If you want me to fuck you, you will take my hand and lead me in this bedroom to make love to you. But you can’t touch yourself today. If you come today it will be cause you’re loving me inside you. Is that fair? Is that okay?”

“That’s great. Thank you for being so understanding Cecil.”

“No worries mate. Now go find something for us to watch while I finish up in here, okay? Get something to drink?” He nods and leaves for the living room, and I hear the TV.

I have a plan. I’m going to get that ass. And he’s going to give it to me.

I go the bathroom, brush my teeth. Shave and make sure I use the aftershave I know Posh likes to smell on me, and brush my hair. I pull out the baby oil and get myself all nice and shiny, taking great care to shine up my ass. The bite marks are still visible. I sport a semi as I head back into the bedroom, thinking about Nicholas biting my ass last night, and how good it felt. I look in the drawers and find my tightest black muscle tank – the one that’s a size too small – and pull it over my chest. I tease my nipples so they’re little hard pebbles. I find my black Andrew Christian soccer jock thong and slip it on, making sure the straps are straight. I take a look in the mirror. I couldn’t resist me either. I slip on a pair of loose fitting shorts over the jock.

Time to clean my flat. I give him two hours before he is begging me to fuck him.

I go out in the living room. Nicholas is watching The Simpsons, two bottles of water and a bowl of potato chips on the table. I go to the kitchen and grab the cleaning supplies and the vacuum.

Here goes nothing.

“Mags! It’s my favorite episode of the The Simpsons! The one where Homer…what are you doing?”

“I’m cleaning Posh. I don’t want to live in a pig sty. Hold this will you?” I hand him the plug to the vacuum as I take off my shorts, jock and ass on display. I hear him gasp as he looks at my shiny ass, no doubt looking at the bite marks he put there. I turn around to see a look of shock and lust on his face – just where I want him. I take the plug. “Thanks baby.” I turn back when he grabs my hand.

“Yes Posh?”

“You said I couldn’t fuck you today.”

“I did say that.”

“You also said that I would control when you fuck me.”

“Yeah, I said that as well.”

“But you…but that…but but but…bloody hell Mags! Look at you!”

“Yes, you have a problem with my cleaning attire?” I rub a hand up my stomach as I lift up the shirt a bit, his eyes watching the entire time.

“Mags, I..I..jejang!” He’s speaking Korean again. He may not make it two hours.

“I meant it when I said you control when I fuck you, but I didn’t say that I would make it easy for you, now did I? Now if you don’t mind, I have housework to do. And remember, no touching yourself.”

T minus 15 minutes.

I kiss him on the cheek and adjust the jock right in front of his face as he groans in frustration. I can tell his dick is hard, and mine is getting there. I do a bend at the waist, exposing my ass as I plug in the vacuum. He’s cursing in English and Korean now, mumbling something about topping from the bottom as he squirms on the couch. I pretend not to notice, doing my best to look unbothered as he gets worked up.

T minus 20 minutes.

When my sister and I were kids, my dad cleaned house on Saturdays to an 80’s brit pop playlist, and the habit stuck to this day. I put on my wireless headphones and started the “housecleaning playlist” on my phone. First up – Level 42. I vacuum along to “Something About You”, shaking my ass and singing to the music as I clean my place. I can feel Nicholas’ eyes on me as I clean the floor. By the time I get over to the sofa where he’s sitting, The Human League is playing in my ear. He’s got his legs tucked under him, trying to do anything but touch his dick. I vacuum in front of him just as the chorus of the song starts. I can’t help it. I break out my best Mick Jagger imitation as I tease my boyfriend, my hips swaying as I sing for him:

Don’t you want me baby? Don’t you want me? Ohhhhh…

He reaches out to touch me, but I shake my head. “Thanks for moving your legs.” He sits up as I go past him dick first, close enough for my jock to brush him in the face. He groans again.

T minus 45 minutes.

This time I do a stripper worthy squat to the floor as I unplug the vacuum. I grab my bottle of water from the table and drink it in his face, a little bit escaping my mouth and getting my shirt wet. Posh shakes his head as I smile – he’s enjoying this. I put away the vacuum and open the dishwasher.

T minus 50 minutes.

“Posh, if you’re done with that bowl, could you bring it in here? I want to put it in the dishwasher.” I can hear him leap off the sofa to bring me the bowl as I’m bent over loading the dishwasher.

“Mags, you are trying to kill me.” He turns to go back to the sofa. I grab him from behind and pull him close as I grind my dick on his ass. “No baby, I’m trying to fuck you.” I reach around and palm his dick as I grind on him and kiss the back of his neck. “Don’t you want me to fuck you?” He takes a deep breath.

“Yes. I want you to fuck me. Please.”

“Are you sure?”

“Very. Bloody. Sure. Fuck me Cecil. Please.”

I take off my headphones as I follow him back to the bedroom.

T minus 60 minutes.

I knew he wouldn’t make it two hours.

We stand in the bedroom and he’s biting his lip again. I kiss him, long and sweet.

“What do you want me to do Nicholas? Tell me what you want.”

He gets comfortable on the bed.

“Kiss me.” I kiss him again, then kiss all over his upper body – his neck, his arms, his fingers, his elbows, his chest. I suck on his nipples, making him moan.

“So good Mags, so good. neomu joha.”

“What now Nicholas, tell me what you want.”

“My cock, touch my cock.”

I kiss down his body to his cock, and stroke him lightly before taking him in my mouth, sloppily sucking him as he moans and whimpers.

“My ass Cecil, Get it ready for your cock.”

I kiss his balls, getting them wet with my spit. I kiss the inside of this thighs. I lick under his balls, making him moan,and then I lick that hole that I’ve been wanting for so long.

“Mags! Baby!”

Posh is going crazy as I lick and lick and lick. I can’t get enough. he pulls his legs up as I fuck him with my tongue. I get lost in pleasing him as I bury my face in his ass, tonguing him over and over. I slowly insert my finger in his hole as I tongue fuck him – feeling him tighten around me as he tries to hold on to his control. My dick gets harder and harder. I need to fuck him and soon.

“Fuck me Cecil, please baby, please fuck me, I’m ready.”

No need to tell me twice. I grab the lube and apply it to my dick and fingers and his hole. I go back to insert my finger in his ass to prepare him when he stops me.

“No. no fingers. I want you.”

“I don’t want to hurt you baby. Are you sure?”

“I want you Cecil. you won’t hurt me. Fuck me Mags. Please.”

I can’t say no to that. I apply more lube just in case, and slowly push all seven inches in his ass, bottoming out.

“Oh God..So tight Posh, so fucking tight. You feel so good baby. Can I move?” He nods, and I start slow at first, moving my hips back and forth, slow and shallow strokes until I’m sure he’s comfortable. His tight heat feels so good on my dick, and his ass grabs me as I move deeper and deeper, brushing against his prostate and making him jump. I fuck him in earnest now, leaned over him as I hit his prostate over and over and over again. I whisper in his ear.

“You like my dick in you don’t you? You like feeling me inside you, making you feel like this. We’re just getting started baby. I’m going to make you come over and over and over. Fill your ass up with my cum.”

“Mags Feels so good so good. I wanna come. Please let me come!”

“You don’t have to beg. I want you to come. Come Nicholas. Come as much as you want.”

I speed up now, fucking him as hard as I’ve ever fucked anyone.

“Coming! Mags! Oh! Oh! jejang! FUCCCCCKKKKKK!”

His dick explodes as he comes all over us. I few more strokes and I come right behind him, spilling my seed deep as I do my best to breed his ass. “POSH! Ahhhhhhh!”

I collapse on him, spent. Nicholas is twitching, the aftershocks still going through his body. I pull out of him and spoon him as he shakes and shivers, his body and mind coming back to earth.

“Mags. I…I…I never…Oh God…” I hold him closer. “Shhh baby. Don’t talk. I’ve got you. I’m right here. You were wonderful. Thank you.”

“Okay Cecil. I…Okay.” Next thing I know, he’s asleep.

That sounds like a great idea, so I sleep too.



“Mags, fuck me, Mags Ohhhhhh!”

“Yeah Posh, take that dick baby. Take it!”

Why was ever I nervous about this? Mags feels so good in my ass. I’m riding him like a fucking stallion. Hips moving back and forth, his hand on my cock, trying to make me come. I’m squeezing his dick with my ass, trying to make him come. I am a slut for his cock, and he’s a slut for mine. I throw my head back, lost in my pleasure. My balls start to tighten. Cecil is thrusting up inside me faster; he’s almost there.

“Fuck Fuck! I’m coming!”

“Me too Posh! AAAAAAAHHHH!”

I love it when we come together. I swirl my finger in the pooling come on his stomach and trace his lips with my finger. Then I kiss him, tasting us on his lips. I smile at my man, looking fucked out and happy.

“You so nasty Posh Boy.”

“You like it Mags. You know you do.”

“We’re both nasty. But you’re nastier. I don’t want you to move, but we’re gonna be late. Let’s go shower.”

I ease myself off his cock and we hit the shower to get ready for the work day.

It’s been over two months since we we took each other’s virginity, and things have been going so well. We’ve completed all the rotations at work -we’re now in the last two weeks where we concentrate on our chosen speciality. Cecil chose Mergers and Acquisitions and I chose Taxation. I’m over here practically everyday, so we take the Tube into work together.

Last month Cecil met my parents and it went smashingly! Cecil tasted kimchi for the first time and loved it, which made my Mum happy. Dad bonded with him over cars and he chose Mum’s area for his speciality at work. Now we go over there at least once a week for dinner – they love him as much as I do. I haven’t met Cecil’s dad – he wants to tell him that he’s bi first, and he wants to do it in person. He said he’s got this weird vibe with his sister every time the subject of his Dad comes up, and he wants to make sure everything is okay. I’m going to come over a few weeks after and meet his family. It’s my first trip to America, and I can’t wait.

We’re making all these plans with family, but we haven’t really talked about the future. About what happens after our internship ends. What happens to us if we aren’t offered jobs at Wallingford. I know he loves me, and he has to know that I love him, but we haven’t actually SAID It to each other. I’m going to bring it up tonight after work. I think I need to hear the words.

“Come on you two! Quit sucking each other’s dicks! We’re going to miss our train!” Amy and Fiona, who is here just as much as I am, are waiting for us in the living room. We’re out of the door five minutes later – the four of us, out and proud, ready to take on the world.

“You have no room to talk Amy. I distinctly remember hearing the words ‘Fuck me Fee’ over and over and OVER again.” We all laugh as we make our way down the escalator, mind the gap, and make our 20 minute silent ride from Camden to London Bridge Station. All of our offices are in the Shard, which makes getting to work really easy.

“See you guys later. Love you Amy.” Fiona kisses Amy and goes up to her office, with Amy close behind. Wallingford occupies several offices on several floors in the Shard; my area is on a lower floor than Cecil’s.

“See you at lunch Posh?”

“Okay Mags. Have a good day.”

“You too. I love you.”

Cecil got a look on his face of panic, like he said something he didn’t mean to say. I think all the breath left my body as I looked at him.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“I said I love you Nicholas Rhee.”

“Well, it’s a good thing that you do, because I love you too Cecil James.”

We stood there for a minute, grinning at each other just like when we first kissed outside his hotel in Kensington.

“We need to go to work.”

“Yeah, we look like bloody gits standing out here in the middle of the street.”

I pull him close to me and hold his face as I kiss him. The man I Iove and who loves me. The world fell away.

“GET A ROOM YOU BLOODY TOSSERS!” Someone shouts at us from across the street. I release his face, smiling.

“Just like that damn doorman Posh.” We enter the building.

“We’re going to be late. See you at lunch?”

“Okay. Love you.”

We walk into the building. What is Smythe doing here? I nod at him and head to the elevators.

What a great day.



Again, the Viscount is an asshole who does and says asshole things. If you want, you can skip this chapter. Love, cg74

“Sir, I got a picture, but it’s not quite what you want.” Smythe shows the Viscount his phone.

“Are they in the building?” The Viscount looks at the photo again. “This looks like they’re on the street! I need them in the building Smythe! This is no use to me if they’re not on Wallingford property!”

“But Sir, Cecil and Nicholas are decent blokes. I don’t know about -”

The Viscount gets up from behind his desk, and pushes Smythe into a chair. He sneers at him, upset that he didn’t execute the plan correctly.

“You like your job, right Smythe?”

“Yes but -”

“No buts! And you want to keep your job, right Smythe?”

“Yes but -”

“NO! We have to stick to the plan. Rhee and James must be gone. Now what can we do to manipulate this photo?”

“Are you talking Photoshop Sir? I guess we could find someone to make it look like they were in the office. But why Sir?”

“BECAUSE THEY DO NOT BELONG HERE!” Spittle flew out of his mouth as he raged at Smythe. “If we keep allowing this…this…trash into our country and our company there will be no room for us! We have to keep them out of Wallingford!”

He went back to his desk, opened a drawer, pulled out some money, and gave it to Smythe. “Here’s 500 pounds. Get that photo looking like they’re on company property, and make sure that it’s good enough for Wallingford to believe it. I want either one or both of them gone.” Smythe all but runs out of the office closing the door behind him.



I didn’t mean to say I love you, it just slipped out. But I’m not sad I said it – I love Nicholas and he loves me.

We practically ran home after work that day so we could make love to each other. The issue of who bottoms isn’t an issue anymore – we both love it and we just switch. It was great to wake up the next day with him wrapped around me, all in love. We’ve been saying I love you in English and Korean ever since, and it’s so great.

Gah…all this lovey dovey crap is turning me into a girl. Let me get back to work.

Our internship ends in two days and I go back to the states next week. Nicholas and I haven’t really talked about the future, but I can’t see me without him right now. My dad and sister are acting weird, so I want to go home, talk to them first, and then invite Nicholas over. I can’t wait to show him America and introduce him to my family. If we get jobs at Wallingford, then we’ll be back here and who knows what will happen next? As long as it happens with him, then I know it will all work out.

I’m working on my final assignment for Mergers and Acquisitions when I feel a tap on my shoulder. “Cecil, could you get your things and come with me?” Henry says, with a weird look on his face. Is this my job offer? Am I in trouble? I’m nervous as Henry takes us to the top floor of the Shard – Sir IV’s floor.

His admin shows us into his large office. Behind the ornate desk is Sir IV; Smythe and the Viscount Grayson are sitting in chairs in front of the desk. The Viscount’s smile is huge as he looks at me – this cannot be good.

I’m scanning my brain for whatever it is that I may have done when Sir IV interrupts my panic. “Hello Mr. James, please have a seat. Do you know why you’re here?”

“I’m sorry Sir Wallingford, but I am not sure. Is everything okay?”

“It is most certainly NOT okay Mr. James!” The Viscount’s smile has turned into a sneer, and my stomach is doing flip flops. Definitely not good.

“Calm down Desmond!” Sir IV looks irritated. “Cecil, we have received evidence that you have violated the fraternization rule.”

What the hell! I try to calm my nerves. There’s no way Posh and I did anything on Wallingford property. We were so careful.

“Sir Wallingford, I don’t understand. There’s no way that I-”

“I’m afraid that we have photographic evidence that you and Mr. Rhee did indeed violate the rule. As a result, your participation in this program is terminated. I wanted to tell you myself because I think you are an incredible young man and this can be a learning experience for you. We will be happy to provide you with positive references when you go to your next opportunity. I’m sorry Cecil.”

With that, Sir IV turned his head to his computer, effectively dismissing us.

I got fired. I don’t have a job anymore. No Wallingford. No London. I had no idea how I made it in the elevator nor did I hear Henry talking to me. I felt him shaking me.

“Cecil! Cecil! You with me?”

“Yeah, I’m here. What just happened?”

“Grayson is what happened. He had it in for you and Nicholas from the start. Were you ever intimate with Nicholas at all at work?”

“No, never. I promise Henry. I think I’m going to be sick -”

Henry gets me to the bathroom where I promptly lose my stomach.

“Can you get to your flat okay? Should I call Amy or Nicholas?”

“No. Please don’t call them. I’ll be okay. I’m going to go home and figure out some things. Thanks for everything Henry.”

“Cecil, this isn’t the end. I really think Grayson is up to something.”

“It is the end for me. See you Henry.”

I walk outside of the Shard for the last time, hail a cab and make my way to Camden.

What am I going to do?

I’m throwing my things in suitcases when the phone rings. Amy.

“Hello Amy.”

“What the FUCK Cecil! The rumors are flying – what happened?”

“Sir IV says he has photographic proof that Posh and I broke the fraternization rule. I don’t know how, but he does. I have been dismissed from the program.”

“ You guys never even held hands at work! This is BULLSHIT Cecil! Have you talked to Nicholas?”

“No. I tried calling but I think he’s in some kind of conference and he doesn’t have his phone. He’s going to be fine – his mom works there. They’re not going to fire him.”

“You need to talk to him Cecil. He’s going to be pissed once he finds out.”

“No, I’m going home Amy. I called Delta and they did some magic. I leave on a flight in 4 hours. I’m on my way to Heathrow.”

“But Cecil! You can’t leave!”

“Yes I can. The rent on the apartment has been paid until the end of the month. You and Fiona are welcome to stay here until the lease ends. I can’t stay here.”

“Cecil please, just stop and think for a second. You can’t -”

“No! Amy..Sorry. I don’t mean to shout. I just need…” I bite back a sob. “Tell Posh I love him, and I’ll call him soon. Talk to you later.”

I don’t even try to stop the tears.


One long delay at Heathrow, two long layovers in France and Germany, and I’m finally back home. I didn’t call my dad or sister before I left – I just wanted to get home, and I didn’t know how to tell Dad that I got fired. Best to tell him in person.

My voicemail, email, and texts are full of messages from Posh. He’s confused and angry and hurt, and I don’t blame him. I really should have talked to him, but I wanted to be home. I’ll call him once I’ve got myself together. I just want to sleep in my own bed.

Home. I get my things out of the back of the Uber and unlock the door. That’s when I hear it.

“Daddy, are you going to come on babygirl’s face?” That sounds like my sister Gina. Maybe she’s role playing with a new boyfriend. My sister is kinky – who knew?

“FUCK…Gina…FUCK!” Whoa…that sounds like my Dad.

No. Oh HELL no. I take a step into the living room.

Is Gina sucking…???

Is Dad …??

Well, that explains why they’ve been acting so weird. Gina’s not bad at this. I clap. That deserves some applause.

“That was impressive. I need to take lessons.” I smile.

They look up at me like deer in headlights.

“Hi Gina, Hi Dad. Is there something you want to tell me?”


Author’s note: This is the end of part one of London Calling. Cecil’s story dovetails with his dad and sister in Operation Fuck Me Daddy parts 7-9. It’s an incest story, but Cecil is not involved in the incest part. The adventures of Posh and Mags will conclude in London Calling part two – and I promise it won’t be so long this time. Thank you for reading, and don’t forget to vote! Love, cg74

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