The Island, chapter 05 by Robert Michael Shook

A gay adult stories: The Island, chapter 05 by Robert Michael Shook ,
Ch. 5/15
The two youngsters started their day by going out to gather food

for their breakfast. Neither had an appetite for sex, which was

unusual since they had practiced early morning sex for a while

now. Both seemed to realize that their backsides were not quite

ready for another screwing, and after their wild night of

passionate fucking, neither seemed too interested in exchanging

blowjobs.After a leisurely breakfast, the two headed down to their pond to
have their morning bath. After playing in the water for a while, the
two lovers were startled by an unusual sound coming from the
depths of the rain forest. It seemed as if every animal in the jungle
had been awakened at once, and there was a commotion of
sounds, many sounding panicky. Jimmy had never heard quite a
commotion in his life, but he knew that the cause for this uproar
was not good. It could only mean that danger was approaching,
and all of the animals knew it.

Jimmy looked towards his monkey friend, who was turning his
head in all directions, seemingly trying to see and hear in all
directions at once. The monkey looked scared. Jimmy noticed that
he actually began to tremble. The monkey jumped in surprise
when he heard other monkeys chattering in the nearby trees. The
monkey knew that these animals were from his tribe. They were
gathering in the trees now, seemingly deciding to take cover there
from whatever was approaching.

Jimmy noticed that a larger monkey appeared on a low branch.
The monkey glanced around, and when it saw the two on the
ground, it started to screech and chatter at them. The monkey
beside Jimmy jumped up and started like it was going to head for
the trees. It stopped for a moment and looked back at Jimmy, and
then back at the trees. Jimmy knew that his friend was being
called by his tribe. The monkey in the tree was most likely his
mother. Jimmy also realized that his friend did not want to leave
him there.

The young monkey turned and ran back to Jimmy, chirping at
him, and poking him with his hand. Jimmy knew at once that they
monkey was asking him to go with him. His friend wanted him to
go into the trees with him where he would be safe.

Jimmy had never had any interaction with other monkeys, just his
young friend. Half of him was afraid of approaching the others in
the tribe, however, this fear was quickly being replaced with a
fear of being trapped by whatever scared the other animals.

Jumping to his feet, Jimmy began to follow his friend, first at a
fast walk, and then at a run when the monkey took off full speed
for the trees. The monkey leapt and landed a few feet up on the
tree. Almost at once he began to scurry up the tree, climbing it
expertly. Jimmy stopped at the trunk of the tree and looked up.
The other animals were high up in the tree. He could see three or
four in the tree he was under. The remainder of the tribe was
spread throughout nearby trees.

Jimmy knew that he could climb trees. He sensed that he was
good at climbing, however, the thought of climbing this tree up to
where the monkeys were, scared him. When his young friend
stopped at a branch about ten feet from the ground and began
chirping at him, Jimmy focused back on his situation, and
wrapped his arms around the trunk of the tree, lifting his feet up a
bit to try to climb it.

After several false starts Jimmy was able to get a foothold, and he
began to slowly climb upwards. By the time that he reached the
branch where his friend had been, the younger monkey was
already three quarters of the way up the tree. Jimmy looked up
and saw how far he had to climb. Glancing down, Jimmy began
to get dizzy. He didn’t realize that he had climbed so far. He told
himself that he shouldn’t look down, and with new determination
he looked up and began to climb.

Several minutes later Jimmy reached a branch where his friend
sat. The young monkey chattered at him, and grinned his full face
grin at him. It was obvious that his friend was happy that he was
there and safe. Jimmy could tell, however, that the other monkeys
were not so happy that he was there. Looking around him he saw
that all eyes were upon him. He could hear grunts and angry-
sounding chattering. The other monkeys did not know what to
make of this human up in the tree with one of their children, but
they felt no threat from him. It was of they realized that he was a
harmless child. They would eventually treat him like an orphan
and adopt him into the tribe, upon which time he would have to
learn the ways of the tribe, including attitude before superiors.

Eventually the monkeys around him began to settle down. Instead
of watching him, they were nervously glancing around, as if
expecting the anticipated danger to appear any second. Jimmy
wasn’t sure what the danger was, but he could feel the fear
coming from the animals, and he knew that he should be afraid as

As minutes turned into an hour, Jimmy began to get tired. He was
not made for the trees, that much was obvious. Whereas the
monkeys seemed to be comfortable sitting motionless on the
branches, it was uncomfortable for him. Jimmy began to wonder
what would happen if the danger continued on into the night. It
was obvious that the monkeys could sleep in the trees, but he
knew that he couldn’t. As soon as he fell to sleep, he would
probably fall from the tree and kill himself. He knew that at some
point soon, he would have to leave the trees for the more familiar

After about two hours Jimmy could take it no longer. His legs
hurt from squatting on the tree limb, and he felt as if he would fall
to the ground any minute. Reaching over, he stroked his friend’s
head, and then moved to climb down from the tree. At first it
looked as if his friend would follow him, but after a warning from
his mother, and a grunt from what looked to be the “boss”
monkey, his friend sat still. The monkeys began to stare at the boy
again. A few chattered at him, seemingly in warning, not to climb
down to the ground. Jimmy could not obey their wishes. He
knew that he couldn’t stay in the tree any longer. After a long
climb the boy finally reached the ground. Looking around briefly,
he headed off to his clump of bushes, and crawled inside to

Jimmy sat in his bedroom for what seemed to be several hours.
Every once in a while he would crawl out to the opening and
glance around, however, he never seen anything out of order.
When he glanced towards the trees, he could see the monkeys,
still sitting quietly on the limbs, looking around and waiting.

Jimmy decided that he couldnUt stay cooped up in his “house” all
day. He did not have a stockpile of food set aside. That was going
to be one of their tasks that day, prior to having the warning
sounded by the animals. Jimmy decided to climb out of his bushes
and scout around. As he exited his little doorway, he noticed that
the jungle was unusually quiet. He could hardly hear a sound
from the animals. He knew that something was wrong, because
by that time of the day the jungle was alive with millions of

Cautiously, Jimmy started off, heading away towards his pond.
He decided to get a drink and see if he could see or hear anything
from there. He couldnUt. After refreshing himself, he decided to
wander around a bit and see what he could find.

The boy wandered around for close to an hour, keeping pretty
much to the jungle, hoping that it would give him cover from
whatever was out there. He did not see or hear anything.
Eventually he decided to go to the cliffs which overlooked the
beach on the far side of the island. This is the spot at which he had
awoken on the island. He decided to see if perhaps someone was
there. His heart began to race when he thought that it might be
someone looking for him.

Moving a little faster, he began to cover greater ground. He knew
his surroundings by now, and he knew that if he kept up his pace
he would be to the cliffs in about five minutes. Jimmy was driven
now by the thought that it was humans which had scared all of the
animals silent.

Someone must have come from him, he thought. It was these
thoughts which allowed him to race towards his destination. If
someone had come for him, perhaps they would have all the
answers to the questions which had been nagging him since he
woke on the beach.

Reaching the cliff tops, Jimmy went down to his hands and knees
and crawled closer to the edge so that he could see over onto the
beach. His heart was beating fast in his chest as he looked down
onto the sand. At first he could see nothing, and he moaned in
disappointment. He then decided that perhaps the people looking
for him had gone into the jungle. He figured that he would sit up
on the cliffs until they returned, and then he could signal them.

Jimmy sat watching the beach for almost an hour before he
spotted anything. At first he thought that what he had seen was an
animal darting in and out of the under growth, but when he was
able to focus on the spot again, he definitely saw a person run
quickly out of the bushes, only to disappear back into them once

Jimmy shook his head thinking that he was seeing things. He
thought that he had seen a child, and a naked child at that. He
continued to sit there a few more minutes, however, whatever he
had seen did not appear.

– End of chapter 5

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