MY LADY HAS ANOTHER MAN WHILE I WATCH by CecilBCK <br/> “Jean Pierre is coming to visit us next Monday afternoon baby. As you know it is a holiday. “His partner Judy is overseas still and she told me on the phone he is missing her and their sex life, so I invited him around,” … Read more

Serpent’s Salvation Ch. 06

A gay story: Serpent’s Salvation Ch. 06 This story is fiction, copyrighted and property of the author. It can only be reprinted with permission of the author. Any resemblance to anything or anybody is one hell of a coincidence. If M/M stories offend you or are illegal for you to view, scram. * He was … Read more

Vampiric Love Chpt. 3 by Paralyzed

A gay adult story: Vampiric Love Chpt. 3 by Paralyzed , This is the final installment of this series unless i get enough positive feedback to wright another. One Year Later I woke up in dimly lit room, with a small window on one side next to an elegant bed that I was now laying … Read more

The Human Bearer Ch. 30

A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 30 The Human Bearer 30. As he had suspected, the elevator voice still didn’t seem to care that he wasn’t a strapping 7-footer with half of his body covered in snake skin, so the way down was uneventful. The eerie silence wasn’t so eerie anymore, and Riordan took … Read more

Still in the Closet – Well, Almost Ch. 02

A gay story: Still in the Closet – Well, Almost Ch. 02 I’m 42 years old with a lovely wife, and a great home in the San Diego suburbs. I have a good job in sales and travel a lot. It’s a long story, but not that unusual I guess. I got a few blowjobs … Read more

Discovering Boys Ch. 04

A gay story: Discovering Boys Ch. 04 # Hi everyone, I know it’s been years since the last update. I thought I’d revisit the story of Jake, Matt, and David and see if I can’t carry it on where I left off. *** Life, just occasionally, can be bliss after all. David lay on me, … Read more