Dumb Jock Roommate Ch. 07 by SluttyNaughtyJock


Dumb Jock Roommate Ch. 07 by SluttyNaughtyJock <br/> Jon was anxious because the football team’s first game was set for Friday. I could see him prancing around in our room all day, and he was so distracted I had to slap him lightly on one of his massive arms to get him to notice me. … Read more


Still in the Closet – Well, Almost Ch. 02


A gay story: Still in the Closet – Well, Almost Ch. 02 I’m 42 years old with a lovely wife, and a great home in the San Diego suburbs. I have a good job in sales and travel a lot. It’s a long story, but not that unusual I guess. I got a few blowjobs … Read more


C3 S2 White Coats and Black Suits


A gay story: C3 S2 White Coats and Black Suits Crick… Crick… the cheap couch threatened to break as the large handsome black bull kept jabbing Danilo with his almost foot long and soda can thick dick. Danilo looked at the camera, moaned and bit his lips but all he wanted to do was pee. … Read more


My best friend by freemen212121


A gay adult story: my best friend_(8) by freemen212121 , It was friday night. About 11:30pm, when me and my friend Derek were chillen on my corner house’s side porch. It had a screen around it, and a couch. My friend Derek was on the couch, and i was on a hamock next to it. … Read more


Vortex Quest Bk. 03 Ch. 06


A gay story: Vortex Quest Bk. 03 Ch. 06 == VORTEX QUEST 3-6 == == DEMIGODS BETWIXT == The academy had gyms for the Hellions. Chay wasn’t quite sure how much of their physique was inherent but the skull-headed warriors apparently still needed to train to stay at their extreme peak. Naturally, he found Goro … Read more


Unexpected Adventure


A gay story: Unexpected Adventure This story begins when I was just out of the US Army, I was 21 looking for a job and was in pretty good shape physically and mentally, never considered myself handsome but I wasn’t bad to look at, could hold a conversation and was very athletic. While I was … Read more