Vampiric Love Chpt. 3 by Paralyzed


A gay adult story: Vampiric Love Chpt. 3 by Paralyzed ,

This is the final installment of this series unless i get enough positive feedback to wright another.

One Year Later

I woke up in dimly lit room, with a small window on one side next to an elegant bed that I was now laying in, across from the bed was a big mirror, three doors inside the room one leading to a closet another a bathroom and the last to the outside, it had been exactly one year since I was brought to the werewolf manor, the were wolves were great, they didn’t use me to their advantage, I didn’t have to do anything for them, they respected me and I in turn respected them, they knew what I could do and honored that I wouldn’t fight for a useless reason, of course I helped out now and then but I refused to fight vampires, I couldn’t let them find me, I hadn’t taken off the earring that Leonardo had given me either, I wanted him to think me dead, it was better for him….

I got up dressed and went out into the dining hall where I met King Ashnard, he was a great ruler, I was given a place next to him as an advisor and as a champion, I was brought here ten months before, exhausted and weak from looking for this place I collapsed in the wilderness next thing I knew I woke up in the bed I sleep in still, when I awoke I was immediately questioned and interrogated, just to make sure that I wasn’t an enemy and that I was actually only seeking asylum. Once they knew of my special powers and strength I was placed as their champion, since I left the Vampire’s domain I had grown wiser and stronger, turns out the werewolves were a lot like the vampires, the same type of transformation, the same training, the same special powers, they even chose their weapons in the same fashion.

King Ashnard: Matthew, they is something we must discuss, please come to the throne room with me.

I knew something was up; usually the king was in his throne all day and seldom left he usually sent messengers to gather people to see him. He led the way to the throne room, once in there he raised his hand to signalize attention to all of the guards and messengers.

King Ashnard: Leave we have important matters to discuss, I shall call if I need you.

The messengers and guards filed out while I floated in the middle of the room with and waited for the King to be seated, weird thing about the wings once I left the Vampire’s domain, my wings could not retract into my body, I had to settle for them to fold out and then fold back in.

King Ashnard: Matthew, our war with the Vampires is growing to a turning point, it has been decided that our opposing armies shall meet on the fields of Asphodel, in one months’ time.

The fields of Asphodel was a giant field plagued by destruction, it was so torn by war and destruction that it got the name the fields of Asphodel after the fields of death in the Underworld, all of the magical creatures agreed to fight here in full scale wars because it would hurt the land anywhere else and the fields were so far gone nothing could hurt nor heal the land though many tried.

King Ashnard: Also, we will not be allowed to grant you asylum anymore you will have to leave in three days if you still refuse to fight vampires.

Matthew: But, King, why must you refuse me asylum? Have I not proven that I am not your foe?

King Ashnard: Yes, you have but you have not proven that you are an ally.

Matthew: Fine, I shall leave King Ashnard.

I walked out of the throne room and walked the corridors until I reached my room, I opened the window and walked out onto the balcony, and jumped up onto the railing, I started crying the scene reminded me of when I left Leonardo…. No, I had to be strong, but I did not know where to go. What could I do? I had a very vague and unpredictable plan that just might work, I had to try it.

I ran back into the throne room, everyone in there was stunned to see me again.

Matthew: King Ashnard! I challenge you’re authority to rule!

King Ashnard: Matthew! What is this treachery!?

Matthew: Wolverine law states that any citizen may challenge for a right to the throne. I have been living here exactly one year I am considered a citizen.

King Ashnard: Fine then, I shall stomp you, what is your challenge then?

Matthew: One on One in the arena.

King Ashnard: Hah! You will never beat me.

Matthew: We shall see your majesty.

The guards escorted us to the arena, the challenge had spread like wildfire when we stepped out onto the arena it was full with people who had come to watch us fight the King versus the supposed god slayer with magical powers. I had the advantage no one had seen me fight, but I had seen the King’s fighting technique hundreds of times, bash the opponent’s head in that was his style. Four guards brought out a wagon and opened it showing a wide variety of weapons.

Guard: Challenger may choose first.

Matthew: Oh no please you first your majesty.

He chose a giant two-handed axe; I chose a Chinese style long sword.

Guard: Challengers please go to opposite sides of the arena.

We walked to opposites sides of the arena, and the guard ran to start the arena challenge he first sent two guards to open the up the spikes, they would pull a wheel and spikes would protrude from all sides of the arena, making it easier for someone to die. He then pulled out a giant megaphone.

Guard: Let the match begin.

I used my powers, that I had been practicing secretly with just in case I was challenged and so I could prove that I was special indeed, and through the King into the wall causing him a spike to run through his body, I knew it wasn’t over though the King was a virtual tank, and sure enough he pulled himself out from the tank now with a huge hole in his chest.

He ran at me in furious rage, his axe raised, but what I lacked in strength compared to his I made up with speed, I ran up side stepped and sliced at his rib cage making a huge has across his ribcage. I remained untouched for the moment. I threw my sword at him, and once again made a hole in his body; I used my powers to bring the sword back to me now covered in blood.

The King stopped as if contemplating his tactics, he then rushed me again, I got ready to block him just in case he was ready for my sidestep, I went to block his axe but he feigned his first attack and slashed at me, hitting me full on in the chest, I had a huge gash in the middle of my chest. The pain was intense, but I could not lose everything was riding on this battle.

Matthew: No! I will not lose! I cannot lose!

The force exploded from me sending the King flying once again into the spikes, he pulled himself from the spikes again, now I was afraid he was a monster, how could one person sustain so much damage to their body? He had four holes straight through his body and a huge gash across his left ribcage, he started his trek across the arena again, but he gave in, he dropped half way across.

Matthew: Medics! Get him out of this place!

The paramedics came a got the King out of the arena and in the clinic.

The guards came and escorted me to the mess hall where I could now throne myself. The manors inhabitants gathered around me.

Matthew: I, Matthew, arena champion, champion of the people, and God slayer, I am your new King, I promise to be the best King you have seen, I will pave through this war, I will change the outcome greatly, I will live up to my name, I promise you that.

The inhabitants cheered, turns out that the King, was ruling with an iron fist and throwing his power around and bypassing laws for himself.

First order of business I needed to get in contact with Leonardo’s father, I sent a messenger with a request to meet with Leonardo’s father right after the war.

I brought all the inhabitants once again to the mess hall so I could speak.

Matthew: Fellow inhabitants of this manor there is an important issue that we must discuss today, the war with the vampires. I need to know did Ashnard cause this war or do you the people want to fight the Vampires. Please leave the room if you do not want this war to happen.

No one left the room that I could see.

Matthew: Ok then, now I may not be of your blood, I am not even your race but I will strive for victory in this fight, we shall win over the vampires, I myself have felt their injustice personally, we shall win this war and when this is over, we shall rule over the land well and forever long!

A wave of cheers spread through the hall.

Matthew: Now, please calm down, I would like all battalion commanders to come to throne room immediately everyone else dismissed.

I moved to throne room with the commanders following close behind, I went and sat on the throne the commanders walked into a line and kneeled to show fealty.

Matthew: Please stand, you do not have to show fealty to me. You twelve are the commanders of this army; I have information that you must know for this upcoming war I want the war to be fought my way.

Commanders: Yes sir!

Matthew: First, no killing when it is unnecessary if I find that, any vampire was killed when they couldn’t fight, that man will immediately be discharged and jailed.

Matthew: Second, You will take as many prisoners as possible like I said before no unnecessary killings.

Matthew: Third, No mistreatment of prisoners.

Matthew: Fourth if any vampire brought prisoner is of my age and called by the name of Leonardo I want him brought to me, immediately.

Matthew: That is all now go tell your subordinates.

Commanders: Yes sir!

Day of the battle

My army was positioned towards the distant sight of the vampire army. I sent a messenger to talk bring the leader of the vampires to my tent so we could discuss what would happen to the losing army the prisoners, and other things.

The messenger came back quickly with Leonardo’s father.

Leonardo’s father: Well, well look who it is I was wondering when I would see your face again, not like this though.

Matthew: I know, but that isn’t why I brought you here.

Leonardo’s father: I know you came to discuss the rules of this war.

Matthew: Yes, I wanted to agree on simple terms.

Leonardo’s father: I plan on destroying your army Matthew I don’t care what you do, we shall destroy you.

Matthew: Fine, then leave I hope you know what you are doing for your people’s sake.

He left, I went to get my battle gear on, I was going to wear a light black suit just like the rest of the soldiers, no one thought I was going to fight, but I planned on it, I would exactly like any of the other soldiers except for of course the wings.

I walked out onto a platform and looked at my army, twelve groups of fifty soldiers so in all there were 613 fighters including the commanders and myself.

Matthew: My people, I have just talked terms with the vampire leader, he is going to try and destroy us all, we will not allow this, but no matter how dirty they fight, no matter how wrong they are we must not sink to their level we are not the monsters they are. We must win this war with as little bloodshed as possible nothing is accomplished with death but if it comes to that it happens we must stop this opposing force, we shall win!

And with that the wolverine army marched off to engage the vampires, I flew low behind them planning on getting involved myself.

One hour later

The battle raged on the latest war report claimed that we have forty casualties’ one-hundred deaths and one-hundred and fifty prisoners. The battle was in our favor I myself captured some ten of fifteen vampires. I had just killed another vampire who refused to surrender, that’s when I spotted it the sword that seemed so familiar I didn’t know why though. I saw it run toward me that’s when I saw who was holding it, Leonardo… I ran up to him, and before he could even look at him gave him a kiss.

Leonardo: Matthew…

I got him to come back to camp with me. I brought him back to my tent. Where he proceeded to explode at me.

Leonardo: Matthew! I can’t believe you! I thought you were dead all this time! I thought they killed you! Why didn’t you tell me!

He continued to yell at me and cry at the same time pounding at my chest doing absolutely nothing, trying to figure out why I had “betrayed” him.

Leonardo: Why don’t you answer!

Matthew: I did it…. I did it to protect you Leonardo.

Leonardo: Protect me from what!

Matthew: From the werewolves I knew they would have killed you without a second thought, I thought you would have been happier without me, or thinking me dead, that way you could continue on with the rest of the vampires.

Leonardo: Why would you ever think of doing that!

Matthew: Because I love you…

I kissed him, our tongues met half way mingling with each other, I brought him around and onto the table, getting out of our clothes and still trying to kiss in the process, he came down and started to suck on my cock, bringing that wildest of pleasures that I hadn’t felt in more than a year, he stopped before I came and just like last time.

Leonardo: I want you inside me.

He laid down on his back on top of the table, and I entered him, it was tight, I started slow pulled all the way out and then all the way back in, I started to speed up and was only encouraged by the moans that came from Leonardo, I started fucking him with wild abandon, nothing else mattered anymore, how much Leonardo hated me for making him think I was dead, not even the war, all that mattered was that we were together again. I started to jack him off while fucking him.

Leonardo: Oh, Oh god! I’m Cumming!

Matthew: Me too Leonardo!

I came inside him and we laid there exhausted for what seems like hours, which was only ten minutes. We dressed and went outside where immediately guards surrounded Leonardo.

Matthew: It’s ok he’s with me.

They lowered their guard at which point a messenger ran through the group of guards.

Messenger: King, news of the war front! The vampire legion has surrendered we have won!

Leonardo: King?

Matthew: Heh, funny story actually, I challenged their old King for the position.

Matthew: Messenger bring me the vampire leader I need to speak with him.

Leonardo: So should I bow for you too! Hah!

Matthew: Leonardo I am sorry but I cannot have you in the tent when your father is there.

Leonardo: Ok, I will be waiting for you though.

Matthew: Ok, we will catch up on news later.

He left and five seconds later Leonardo’s father was brought into the room.

Matthew: So you were going to destroy us right? Well this is about the time you start asking for mercy for your people.

Leonardo’s father: Never! They can all die for all I care their just pawns in my conquest for the world!

Matthew: Guards!

Four guards rushed into the room.

Matthew: Get rid of this man, he is not fit to run a nation, kill him.

The four guards dragged Leonardo’s father out of the room.

One hour later, all of the vampire prisoners were released and brought in front of the platform, with all of the surviving werewolves close behind.

Matthew: This war is over, here now are the survivors, and I hope now that all of you have learned a lesson, the vampires, and the werewolves should live together in harmony under one rule, then and only then shall that group rule over the land, I am the outcome of that harmony, a true god, the previous ruler of the vampires was unfit he was mad with power and consumed with uncontrollable greed. He has been stopped now we the vampires, and we the werewolves will unite and become one, we shall be the one true gods united, the unstoppable force, we will rule over this earth with great strength, and we shall rule forever more.

Cheers rose from both the werewolves and the vampires. Therefore, when twenty years later everyone had wings and silver hair, everyone had remembered the great king’s words.

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