What Happened Last Night Ch. 04

A gay story: What Happened Last Night Ch. 04 The room smelled of heat and sex. The air was thick and sultry and the only breeze was from the harsh panting of the man kneeling on the bed. His eyes were closed, long lashes quivering against flushed cheeks, and his fingers were clenched around the … Read more

The Farmer & Dale Ch. 02

A gay story: The Farmer & Dale Ch. 02 The next day arrived bright and sunny. Dale gazed out the window at the perfect weather as he sipped his morning cup of coffee. He felt groggy. He’d slept fitfully, tossing and turning, worrying and obsessing about what would happen today. Generally driving himself insane, at … Read more

Discovering Boys Ch. 04

A gay story: Discovering Boys Ch. 04 # Hi everyone, I know it’s been years since the last update. I thought I’d revisit the story of Jake, Matt, and David and see if I can’t carry it on where I left off. *** Life, just occasionally, can be bliss after all. David lay on me, … Read more