What Happened Last Night Ch. 04


A gay story: What Happened Last Night Ch. 04 The room smelled of heat and sex. The air was thick and sultry and the only breeze was from the harsh panting of the man kneeling on the bed. His eyes were closed, long lashes quivering against flushed cheeks, and his fingers were clenched around the bedclothes. Long black hair that hung in sweat-moistened locks swayed back and forth with the movements of his body.

The cause of those movements was poised behind him, thrusting eagerly into the heat beneath him. His own sweat darkened hair clung about his face, nearly concealing the scar that proclaimed his identity to the world. The younger man’s fingers were braced against his lover’s pale hips; and his eyes were intensely focused with his intent to prolong and to cause pleasure. The telltale stains beneath Sean’s body spoke of how well Mathew’s efforts were succeeding.

A slurping noise caught Mathew’s attention and his prick throbbed within the warm channel that encased it. He looked up in time to see Joserlin pushing his own dick into Sean’s mouth. The slick wet sounds, the moisture glistening on flesh, and the saltiness accumulating on his lips were more than he could control against, and he lost his slow gentle rhythm as his hips started pistoning back and forth. His hand crept under his lover, striving to bring him to completion.

Sean was pushing himself back onto Mathew’s dick, trying to force the penetration deeper with each thrust without ever completely allowing Joserlin’s prick to slip from his lips. The motions of Mathew’s calloused palm over his sensitized flesh brought him off with a smothered moan around the cock in his mouth. The vibrations of throat and spasming of his channel quickly excited his partners. With a low cry of triumph, Mathew reached his climax and lost himself within the throes of passion. When his muscles finally relaxed and his penis slipped limply from Sean’s arse.

Mathew and Sean quickly changed positions around Jos’ now prone body, Sean was still suckling the man’s cock when Mathew began licking Jos’ inner thighs and higher up to his ball sack and puckered opening. With a sigh and a smile of relief, Joserlin ejaculated into Sean’s mouth, watching with joy as the other man eagerly swallowed all of the cum.

Finally the three sated men lay together, hands, arms and legs entwined, to revel in the post-coital bliss before thy each drifted off to sleep. But, just before Sean’s eyes closed for the last time that night, he heard a murmured “Love you,” from his newest black haired bed partner.


Sean opened his eyes. An empty bed, no signs of Mathew anywhere, and semen-slicked underclothes made him realize that it had all been but a dream. But ‘love you’? That was something he both dreaded and yet most desired hearing from his lovers. Even if it was only from his dream lovers. So why did it sound so wrong to hear it from dream-Mathew’s lips? Wasn’t that what the other night had taught him? To yearn for the time when he and Mathew could bugger each other senseless?

Joserlin. No, just because Joserlin had been the first male partner to exchange “I love you’s” with him after the act, that wasn’t enough to erase all of the humiliation and jealousy and pain that the affair with Mathew had stirred within Sean’s heart. No one deserved to be let off the hook like that. There had been so much doubt in the beginning of their relationship, and then to learn that his trust had been misplaced, he couldn’t forgive that so easily. He refused to do so. Yet it was still Joserlin… the only child hood friend to have exhibited any signs of intelligence… the only person who had set out with careful words and even more careful touches to pull Sean out of his utter solitude and loneliness…

Oh bugger it all. Maybe the morning would arrive with answers in tow. A quick trip to find a damp cloth and soft towel saw him and his bed relatively clean and dry, a tug to pull the covers closer about himself, and Sean fell into a restless sort of slumber for the rest of the night.

* * * * * * * *

Joserlin opened his eyes. An empty bed, no signs of Sean anywhere, and semen-slicked underclothes made him realize that it had all been but a dream. But ‘love you’? That was something he both dreaded and yet most desired hearing from both of his chosen lovers. Even if it was only from his dream lovers. So why did it sound so wrong to hear it from dream-Mathew’s lips? Why was he beside himself with want to hear the words fall from Sean’s lips? Why did he want to carve his own love for Sean into a stone and set it for the world to see? And why was he still sitting in a puddle of his own cum?

Joserlin sighed and sat up on the side of the bed. Flicking on the light he stumbled his way to the bathroom and opped into the shower. Clean and somewhat less sleep fogged, he was soon sitting at his desk, a pen in hand and a scrap of paper in front of him. He had always thought better if he scribbled it down as he went. This time was no different, and before long he had a number of ideas worked out that could explain his recent actions and how he could conceivably repair some of the damage he’d caused. The next step in his plan… how to explain it all so that Sean would hear him out?

It took a few hours and several more sheets of paper, but he’d soon arranged what he thought was a workable plan. Crawling back into his bed as the first rays of sunshine started to slip between the curtains, Joserlin realized how glad he was that today was Saturday. Not only did he not have to teach classes this morning, but neither did Sean, and he knew that the man he loved wouldn’t be up until later in the day so Mathew wouldn’t have any way of getting ahead of him in winning Sean‘s heart. A twitch of his hand extinguished the lights on his desk, and the weary professor relaxed into sleep.

* * * * * * * *

Mathew opened his eyes. An empty bed, no signs of Sean or Jos anywhere, and semen slicked underclothes made him realize that it had all been but a dream. But ‘love you’? That was something he both dreaded and yet most desired saying to his lovers. Even if it was only from his dream lovers. He wanted so badly to say it to Sean and have him say it back. But love was so complicated, all he was after was a good solid fuck with the man whose voice could forge iron and ignite entire firestorms of lightening in his nerves. A good night of buggering would be just the thing to get it out of his system. Who knew… maybe Sean would even let him have another go later on.

Mathew laid back in his bed, covers shoved down well below his waist while his hands smoothed his cum into the shaft of his dick and through the dark hairs of his bollocks. He quickly latched on to the memory of the dream and revelled in brining the feelings to life. If he could now just get the aloof professor into his room, then it wouldn’t have to be his hand coaxing the fluids from his cock… it could be the older man’s hand… or his mouth… or his…

Mathew’s thoughts trailed off as his fantasy became more erotic and the blood left his head to pool in lower extremities. Fast and faster moved his hand over turgid flesh, thumb trailing erratically over the head of his prick teasing the piss slit and smearing fluids to use as a sort of lubrication. Movement, rasping breaths, eyes closed, concentrating solely on the hand on his dick and the fingers tracing odd patterns on the skin of his bollocks; all ceased as his muscles tensed, heralding his twitching member releasing his emissions onto his hand and sheets. Slowly, he brought his hand to his mouth and began to lick the cum from his skin.

Several hours later, Mathew awoke, cum stained, chilled from not having pulled the sheets back to cover his body, but ultimately refreshed for his activities. How much better it could have been with live bed mates was his only thought for several hours.

* * * * * * * * *



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