The Interns (Part 4)


A gay sex adult stories: The Interns (Part 4) by

Jaime Regan felt pretty good about himself, but then again, when didn’t he? He was healthy, goddamned attractive, he was hung, and his boring day-to-day job as an intern in a big corporate building had suddenly got a little more interesting.

It was an interesting day indeed when Jaime had entered the bathroom and found naughty little Levon Cole shooting his load all over the place. Levon was cute. Not only was he hot and sexy, but he also tried so hard to be the alpha male. Jamie liked a guy in charge.

And so did Levon, apparently. Jaime couldn’t help but notice the way Levon looked at their boss, Jim Scott. Sure, the guy was a gorgeous beast, but Jaime always thought he was too old for him. Levon, however, was impressed, and had happily done every assignment Jim had thrown at him. Maybe this could be used to his advantage, Jamie had figured. And Jaime also liked having the advantage.

In fact, Jaime had the advantage right now, as he sat in his parked car across the street from Levon’s house, masturbating himself in the darkness of the night.

“I love you, Levon,” Jaime whispered as he came all over his steering wheel. “Morning, Levon,” Jim Scott said as he emerged from his car in the parking lot.
Levon strode through the lot, bundled against the winter chill. “Hey, Jim,” he replied.
Jim caught up with Levon as they entered the building. “Where’s your mom?”
“She’s taking a sick day.”
“Ah, that’s too bad,” Jim said with a strange grin on his face.
They waited in silence in the lobby for an elevator to come. Levon couldn’t help but feel awkward.
An elevator came and they both entered. God, twelve floors up in awkward silence? Levon thought.
But as they hit the sixth floor, the elevator came to a sudden stop. The small room lurched and the lights dimmed. Levon went to push the emergency call button when Jim placed a hand on his arm.
“Don’t.” he said, looking at Levon with steely eyes.
“What do we do?” Levon asked.
Without a word, Jim leaned in and kissed Levon on the lips. Surprised, Levon backed into the wall, but didn’t refuse. Jim reached down and grabbed Levon by the crotch as his tongue explored his employee’s mouth.
Jim broke away from the kiss and got down on his knees. He unzipped Levon’s pants and reached in to find an already hard cock. Levon leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes and let Jim take over as his boss stroked his cock. Pure pleasure jolted up his body as he felt a mouth close around his dick.
Suddenly, Levon felt the all too familiar feeling of cum rising in his shaft, and without time to control himself, Levon began shooting hot semen down Jim’s throat.
No, no, no! Levon screamed in his mind. Not now!
He looked down to see Jim smiling up at him, cum dribbling out of his mouth.
“A quick-shooter, huh?” he chuckled.

Levon jumped awake, a feeling of both subsiding pleasure and pure embarrassment washing over him. He was in a cold sweat, and looked down and saw his boxers were wet with ejaculate. He sat up in his bed, panting from the incredibly vivid wet dream. He looked over at his alarm clock. 2:30am. His eyes then moved to his bedroom window, which faced the street in front of his house.
In the moonlight, he thought he saw the taillights of a car pulling away into the night.

At work that morning, Levon tried to avoid Jim as best he could, even going so far as to hitting the close door button on the lobby elevator as he saw Jim enter the building. Hopefully Jim hadn’t noticed.
He could not avoid Jaime, however, as the boy say next to him in the cubicle, pretending to be interested in his current task of filling out supply forms.
“Have a good night last night, Levon?” Jaime asked.
“Yeah, sure. How about you?”
“Pretty swell, I say. Just hung around… had a nice jack-off session.”
“Fantastic,” Levon said sarcastically.
“Just thought you’d like to know, babe. I thought about you… you know… as I did it.”
“That’s great.”
“What do you think about when you do it? Twinks? Studs? Bondage?”
“Mainly twinks, I guess.”
“Jim Scott, perhaps?”
“What?” Levon’s voice rose, but he tried to hide any insecurities.
“You know, Jim. Our boss.”
“Um… no, not really.”
“Really? How could you not? He’s pretty damn hot. A little old for my tastes, but… mmm.”
“He’s only 25.”
“Oh, I see.”
“What are you getting at?” Levon was getting annoyed with Jaime’s taunts.
Jaime laughed. “I see the way you look at him, it’s cute. I remember my first crush.”
“It’s not a crush. And even if it was, it definitely wouldn’t be my first.”
“Oh yeah? What’s the name of your last boyfriend?”
“Ooh, tell me about him.”
Just then, Jim appeared at their cubicle. “Hey guys,” he said, “what’s new?”
“Not much,” Jaime replied.
“Yeah? Nothing exciting?”
“Is there something either of us can do for you, Jim?” Levon said coldly.
“Um… no, not really,” Jim replied, a hint of disappointment in his voice. “I was just making small talk. I guess you guys are busy. I’ll see you later.” Jim turned and went to his office.
Jaime waited until Jim was out of earshot. “Jeez, that’s no way to treat a crush.”
“I told you, he’s not my crush.”
“Well I certainly wouldn’t want to be your crush if you shooed me off like that.”
Levon tried to ignore the comment and went back to his work.

Levon sat alone in the breakroom, drinking fresh coffee a coworker had made. He was about to leave when Jim entered.
“Hey, Levon,” he said.
“Hey, Jim… look I’m sorry about snapping at you earlier. I was frustrated with some stuff…”
“Oh, no, that’s ok. I understand what you’re going though.”
“You do?”
Jim grabbed a mug of coffee and sat down across from Levon. They sat at the infamous table that he and Jaime had shared that night.
“I’ve had the chance of talking with your mom a lot,” Jim said. “She talks a lot about you. I hope you don’t mind…” Jim looked down at his coffee, “but she told me about you being gay.”
Levon was at a loss for words. He wasn’t mad about his mom telling him, but he was surprised at how casual Jim seemed about it. Maybe he wasn’t used to a male figure such as Jim in his life that appeared accepting of him. Not since his dad…
“She… did?” Levon said quietly.
“Yeah, and believe me, I’m ok with it. I’m open to all people… of all lifestyles. And I know how hard it could be, trying to fit in and whatnot.”
“Yeah… it can be.”
Jim placed a hand on Levon’s. Levon looked from Jim’s hand, up to a kind smile on his face. “If you need anything,” Jim said, “you can come to me.”
Before Levon could respond, Jim got up and left the room. Levon looked back down at his hand and sighed.

Jaime stood just outside of the breakroom, eavesdropping on Jim and Levon’s conversation. As he heard Jim get out of his chair, he moved back down the hall so he wouldn’t be seen. When Jim left the room, Jaime took his chance.
“Jim!” Jaime called, catching up to his boss as he walked to his office.
“What’s up, Jaime?”
“Oh, not much. I was just wondering what you had planned after work.”
“Um, not sure. Why do you ask?”
“Well, I was planning on inviting some guys from work to go get some drinks.”
“Aren’t you a little young to be drinking?”
“I’m 18 sir, I’m legal in this state. In fact, 17 is legal age for sexual consent, you know.”
“Um… right?”
Jaime laughed. “I’m just spitting out facts. I’m kind of a bookworm.”
“I see. Who all’s going?”
“Oh, just a couple of guys from sales. Levon might go.”
“We’ll have to see, Jaime. Sure sounds fun though.”
“Ok, you let me know. I’ll email you the address of this really hip bar I know.”
“Sounds good, Jaime. I’ll think about it.”


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