The Interns (Part 4)


After work, Jaime sat alone at the bar, drinking a fruity beverage and eyeing the front door. It was a pretty happening place, with music loud enough to enjoy but not so loud that you had to yell over. The prices were fare, too. He’d been there for half an hour.
Jim Scott walked through the entrance. Jaime called to him from his stool and Jim walked over to him.
“Glad you could make it, boss!”
“Hey Jaime,” Jim said as looked around. “Where is everybody?”
“I guess everyone else had other plans. Levon should be coming soon, though.”
“Ok…” Jim ordered a stiff drink and continued looking around. “Is this… a gay bar?”
“Whoops, you caught me.” Jaime laughed. “Does it bother you?”
“No, not at all. I’m open to it.”
“Open to it, you say?”
Jim chuckled, and Jaime thought he saw him blush. “No, not like that.”
“Ok, Jim. Whatever you say.”
“So, what do you want to talk about?”
“I’m open to anything,” Jaime teased, “What’s on your mind, boss?”
“Hey, I’m not your boss here,” Jim replied pleasantly.
“Good… good.”

“Are you sure you want to go?” Stacey Cole asked as she and Levon left the building.
“Yeah, I feel like taking a walk, maybe getting a drink somewhere.”
“You? A drinker now? Sheesh, my boy’s all grown up!”
“I’ll take a cab home, mom.”
“Ok, go have some fun.”
Levon walked away from the parking lot and into the city, making his way into downtown. He really wanted to take a walk to clear his mind after such a long day.
He spent the next two hours wandering the city, smoking and pondering. He passed by several clubs and restaurants until he noticed a bar he had heard about from somewhere he couldn’t remember. The pink neon sign of “Dix Bar” glowed to Levon as he walked towards the homosexual watering hole.

Two hours and two drinks later, Jim Scott was a little tipsy.
“What’s it like?” Jim asked.
“What’s what like?” Jaime responded.
“Being gay…”
“Honesty, Jim… it’s fun. Being with another guy is great because it’s practically like doing yourself. You’re a guy, and he’s a guy, so you know what turns him on, what feels good… it’s easy.”
“Really? I guess that makes sense.”
Jaime’s attention went from his boss to the front door, as he saw Levon Cole enter.
“Levon?” Jaime said aloud, forgetting to hide his surprise. He had really not told Levon about his after-work plans.
“Levon!” Jim called as he followed Jaime’s surprised gaze. “Come! Drink with us!”
Levon saw Jaime first, which didn’t surprise him to see him in a place like Dix. But as he moved closer, he saw Jim sitting with him; a complete surprise.
“Jim?” Levon said as he sat down with them. “What are you doing here?”
“Jaime invited me.” Levon shot his coworker a suspicious glance, and it was returned with a slight grin.
“But I’m not gay,” Jim almost chuckled, “although I’ve been talking with our buddy here, and I’m honestly getting curious. He makes it sound pretty damn good.
Levon could smell gin on his boss’s breath. “You’re drunk, Jim.”
“A little…”
“Let him have a little fun, Levon,” Jaime said.
“All I’m saying is that I hope he doesn’t end up doing something he’ll regret…”
“Relax, Levon,” Jaime said, patting Jim on the back.
“Yeah, Levon, relax,” chimed Jim, taking another drink of gin.
Something seemed to have caught Jaime’s eye. “Hey,” he said, “I think I see someone I know. You mind if I go say hi?”
The two didn’t object and Jaime disappeared into the crowded bar.
“Good kid, good kid,” Jim said, his speech becoming slurred.
“He’s alright.” Levon muttered, and called the bartender over for a drink. He ordered a beer and looked back at Jim.
“I need to take a leak,” Jim almost stuttered.
“Go for it.”
Jim got up and left, leaving Levon alone at the bar. Levon took a sip of his beer and thought for a long while. Something didn’t sit right here, with Jaime brining Jim here, the way he acted so casually…
…Jim has been gone for a long while…
Levon looked at his watch. Jim had been in the bathroom for at least ten minutes. He was about to get up and look when Jim finally returned, taking the barstool next to Levon.
“What took you so long?” Levon asked.
“I did something in there, Levon.” Jim replied quietly.
“What did you…” Levon stopped mid-sentence when he caught a look at Jim’s face. On his chin, Levon could swear he saw a glob of what looked like cum. “What did you do?” Levon continued, concern growing in his voice.
“I gave someone a blowjob.”
“I did… I was in the stall, and I looked down to see a hole between my stall and the next… now, I know what a ‘glory hole’ is… so I told whoever was next door that I’d do it… next thing I know… I’m sucking this dick… and I kinda liked it, you know?”
“God, Jim…” Levon didn’t know what else to say.
“I just did what Jaime had told me… to just do what I knew that other guy would like since I know what I’d like if a woman had done that to me…”
“Jaime…?” A feeling of anger came over Levon. He got up from his stool and walked over to the bathroom. He burst open the door and was not the least bit surprised to see Jaime emerging from the stall with the glory hole, zipping up his pants.
“Hey, Levon,” Jaime said. “Did you know this place had a glory hole?”
“Here? Right now? I kinda just busted a nut, but if you give me a few minutes I’m game.”
“No, no, no… you know what I mean…”
“I don’t, babe.”
“Jim just sucked your dick, damnit!”
“Was that him?” Jaime looked back at the hole with a sinister smile. “Not bad, boss…”
Levon grabbed Jaime by the collar and shoved him against the wall. “You planned this! You knew it was him in the other side of that hole…”
“Maybe I did… so what? I thought you didn’t have a crush on him.”
Levon loosened his grip. “No… I… don’t.”
“Even if you don’t, you should have him suck you off. He’s pretty good.”
“Fuck you.”
Levon let Jaime go and stormed out of the bathroom.
He found Jim where he had left him at the bar. “Let’s go,” Levon ordered. “I’m taking you home.”
“What’s wrong?” Jim asked innocently.
Levon tried to calm himself. “It’s late… we’ve got work in the morning.”
“Shit! You’re right. Let’s go… wait, where’s Jaime?”
“He left already.”
“Oh, ok.”
Levon helped Jim with his jacket and walked him outside. They hailed a cab and took it back to the parking lot at work. Jim gave Levon his keys and let him drive him home.
As Levon walked Jim to his front door, Jim leaned over and awkwardly hugged his employee.
“You know… I’m still kinda horny…”
As much as Levon truly wanted to take advantage of Jim’s horniness, he did not want to take advantage of his inebriation.
“You’re drunk, Jim. Go get some sleep.”
“How you getting home?”
“I’ll call a cab. Go sleep. I’ll see you in the morning, ok?”
“Ok… you’re a good guy, Levon. I think I’ll promote you.”
“That’s great, Jim.”
Jim fumbled with his keys and managed to open the door. Levon made sure that his boss made his way to his couch. Jim flopped onto his sofa and quickly fell asleep.
Levon called a cab, went home, masturbated, and drifted into a dreamless sleep.


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