The Anurag Van

A gay story: The Anurag Van Disclaimer: The contents of this narrative draw inspiration from a storyline featured in an episode of the TV series “Leverage: Redemption.” While elements of the original show may be present, the characters, events, and overall narrative have been adapted and expanded upon for this fictional work. Any semblance to actual individuals or occurrences is entirely unintentional. This narrative, which has been uniquely conceived and developed by the author, depicts characters aged 18 years or above.


Samar was sitting between General Gregory ‘Greg’ Foster’s legs in his private tent, giving his eight-and-a-half-inch sausage the attention it commanded. Retired General Foster was a 53-year-old man with an Australian father and an Indian mother who, after spending decades in the Australian military, was now a known figure in Indo-Australian politics. At 6’3”, he stood a tall, imposing figure with a slight paunch that only accentuated his muscular body. He was moaning lightly as Samar used his tongue around his erection to ensnare Foster’s mind and body.

A battle of will ensued between Samar and Foster as the former started blowing the latter. Foster was well-endowed but wasn’t overly aggressive. He liked enjoying the feel of Samar’s tongue and lips on his dick. Within minutes Samar had figured out what aroused the General. As it turns out, Greg Foster craved affectionate touch but was very ticklish. As Samar’s hand roamed across Foster’s body, he groaned and tried to push his hands away. Samar of course wasn’t giving up easily. Foster was now holding Samar’s hands above his elbow and guiding him through a slow, deliberate and deep suck. Every once in a while Samar would let his face slide below the member and lick the balls or his inner thighs which only incensed Foster’s lust.

After Samar did this for several minutes, Foster who was teetering on the edge of ejaculation got more desperate and pushed his dick deep inside Samar’s mouth. Samar took this opportunity and started tickling Foster everywhere. At the same time, he started clenching and relaxing his throat which only added to Foster’s arousal. It was as if they had frozen in time. Foster was pushing Samar’s head on his crotch, Samar was stimulating the dick by his throat and tickling Foster at the same time. Foster couldn’t bear an arousal so intense. He wanted it to stop; he wanted to cum, but he couldn’t let go. It was as if being stuck in a limbo- laughing, and moaning and laughing and moaning again. Every time Foster tried to stop Samar from tickling, Samar would stop blowing. Eventually when Foster couldn’t take it anymore, he pulled Samar out, forcing him to release his dick. Foster hoped that Samar would stop tickling him if Foster pulled his dick out. Instead, Samar increased his tickling so much that with a loud groan, Foster came into Samar’s mouth in an explosive ejaculation. Foster’s Caucasian face had turned red; he had tears in his eyes and he was panting. When their eyes met, Foster huffed, “You are something boy. I haven’t had such an ejaculation in years.”

Samar and his team had infiltrated General Greg Foster’s retreat at the Anurag Van (The Forest of Affection, in English). Anurag Van was a private land just beyond the boundaries of the Nanda Devi National Park in the cradle of the Himalayas in Uttarakhand, India. General Foster owned this land, having inherited it from his mother’s father when he was 28. For the past twenty-three years, he would visit this ancestral property in the summers to spend time away from civilisation, unwind and reconnect with his inner self. As he climbed the ladder of the military, he began hosting a ‘gentlemen’s retreat’ in this land. These invitation-only gatherings spanned three days and soon became the ground for super-secret meetings and summer retreats attended by India’s and sometimes Australia’s power elite. No one knew what happened in these gatherings, but there were rumours of dubious rituals and ceremonies, not to mention sexual fetishes and kinks.

The location and the security of the area made it virtually impossible for anyone to enter the premises of the retreat without a formal invitation. Armed security guards patrolled the boundaries in groups of two or three while other guards were positioned at strategic locations within the area to safeguard the event. A technical staff ensured that the whole area was cloaked from satellite monitoring, meaning that no satellite image of the area was available and that any communication into or out of the area was blocked. No women were allowed in these gatherings, and the male staff that was hired were thoroughly vetted by Sentinel Security, the firm in charge of security of the retreat. And it was this firm that brought the Empyreans to Anurag Van for the firm was owned and managed by Pavan Rana.

Eight days ago, while searching Dr. Ranjit’s house, Saurabh found that Ranjit was investigating Rana in connection with a warehouse fire in Sri Lanka. Ranjit had managed to collect enough evidence to incriminate Rana in the fire, but before he could expose him, Rana had him killed in the explosion at the medical centre. Saurabh was burning to avenge Ranjit’s death by killing Rana, but Adwit convinced him to bring this information to the Empyreans and chalk out the best strategy to destroy Rana.

The Empyreans constituted five men- Samar, a grifter extraordinaire and the leader of the group; Saurabh, a hitter and the muscle of the group; Kabir, a hacker who navigated the digital realms to create the necessary support for the group; Ankit, a master thief capable of vanishing into the darkness; and the latest addition to the group, Adwit, a lawyer and a grifter-in-training. When Saurabh and Adwit informed the rest of the team of their discovery, they agreed to work together and take down Rana.

Pavan Rana was a celebrated ex-military who was awarded the Vir Chakra (the Wheel of the Brave, an award bestowed by the Indian government for displaying gallantry on the battlefield) for holding a strategic bridge near Kargil against insurgents for three days until reinforcements had arrived. After receiving his discharge, Rana worked with several private security firms and eventually opened Sentinel Security in 2015. That he was providing security for the Anurag Van was really an audition to impress General Foster, for Rana hoped to gain his goodwill and secure international contracts. Rana was immensely vain; he loved fame and talking about his military adventures. Yet, since its advent, Sentinel Security has been shrouded with conspiracies. While none of it was ever proven, they were rumoured to be involved in providing services to people like loan sharks, players of the Mumbai underworld, and business tycoons who defaulted on loans and fled the country.

The security measures around Pavan Rana made it virtually impossible to approach him. The Empyreans figured their best shot was to approach him at Anurag Van, where he would be marginally more accessible. Yet, they did not know much about the place or the retreat being held there. Their leader Samar, however, wasn’t one to be deterred by challenges. His plan was simple and straightforward: to get Rana to confess in front of an audience. How to get him to do that and who would serve as the audience, were to be seen. The first step of the plan was to find a way to infiltrate the retreat. Kabir, the hacker, made sure that Samar had a valid pass to enter the retreat as a staff with a strong background story while Ankit, the thief, sneaked into the retreat hidden in a pile of laundry. Saurabh, the muscle of the group and Adwit, the legal virtuoso and grifter-in-training, had sneaked into the premises under the cover of the night, hidden amongst the bushes and were taking notes on the perimeter security. Though they all had earwigs, the satellite cloak prevented them from communicating with each other unless they were all inside or outside the cloak. Kabir had volunteered to work from Joshimath, the town closest to Anurag Van with a stable internet connection, and attempt to remove the cloak.

Samar entered the retreat at around 8 AM to find the campground filled with canopies and tents. The participants were all dressed in white caftans while the staff was dressed in blue robes. Samar, with his close-cropped hair, light beard and toned athletic body, was already attracting the attention of several people in the retreat. Samar’s plan involved drawing the attention of General Greg Foster while Rana was present, aiming to catch Rana’s attention through Foster’s acknowledgement of him. It wasn’t difficult, because all the participants seemed inebriated with some kind of psychedelic drink.

Samar saw General Foster and Rana talking and executed his plan. He ‘accidently’ tripped on General Foster which incensed Rana who began scolding Samar immediately. But Foster, who already had an eye on Samar, came to his rescue and invited him to his private tent. As expected Rana was positively livid that Foster ignored him and took Samar to his tent instead.

While Samar entertained Foster, Ankit was casing the area and the surroundings. Having walked amongst the people, he was now perched on a tree and observing the boundary of Anurag Van using a pair of binoculars. Just as Foster was cumming, he had seen some movement near the west end of the boundary and on closer look he saw something that made him gasp loudly which was heard by the Empyreans through their earwigs.

Kabir: “Was that you Ankit? What’s happening?”

Ankit started speaking in a fast whisper, updating the team every few seconds:

“Oh Good! Kabir has lifted the cloak.”

A pause. Then, “There is someone on the west side.”

“He has got a gun like the ones snippers have. He is aiming for someone.”

“Saurabh, Adwit where are you?”

In another few seconds: “Saurabh is trying to tackle him.”

And then, in a shocked voice: “Oh My Holy F*cking God!”

Samar, who was now standing in a corner in the main tent whispered calmly, “What is it, Ankit?”

“It’s Dr. Ranjit. The not dead Dr. Ranjit. In a ghillie suit.”

Saurabh was equally shocked when he found Dr. Ranjit alive, “You are alive! What’s going on?”

Ranjit: “Rana is not who you think he is. It’s all a lie. He was trying to kill me, so I faked my own death so that I could follow him here where it would be easy to kill him.”

Saurabh: “We know about the warehouse fire in Sri Lanka.”

Ranjit: “Sri Lankan fire! Sentinel Security was responsible for securing the food storage unit. They assured them everything was good, but the place had such a poor fire suppression system that a small voltage surge burned the whole place down along with 15 workers who were trapped inside. Yeah! He has had to make a lot of concessions for some very powerful people in Sri Lanka.” He said it with a shake of his head and continued.

“All this fame and power is based on a lie. When the insurgents trapped us on the bridge, Rana froze and four of his men were killed. I was the only other person there who is alive now. After the incident, Rana gave me two options- either say exactly what happened the way it happened or tell another story in exchange for seed money for my own clinic. I thought, what is a little stolen valor if it helps people. But Rana only became more and more powerful. Couple of weeks ago, when I was in therapy with some people who were injured in Sri Lanka, it started coming out that the voltage surge was in fact, caused by Sentinel Security. I started poking around, word got to Rana and he threatened me. That is when I decided to fake my own death. So, I bombed the clinic when no one was there and escaped.”

Saurabh: “why didn’t you come to me?”

Ranjit: “It happened after you left the military and I was ashamed of myself. But now is the time to avenge myself.”

Saurabh: “This is not the way to do it. We are here for you. Let us help you.”

At this moment, Adwit, who was lurking somewhere in the background and keeping an eye out, stepped forward to introduce himself and shook Ranjit’s hand. The entire conversation was heard by the Empyrean crew and Samar finally came up with the plan to expose Rana.

Samar: “Saurabh and Adwit, take out as many Rana’s guards as possible. If Dr. Ranjit will help, use him. We need Rana to confess in front of an audience. Kabir, figure out a way to get him that audience.”

While Samar was enumerating his plans, General Foster blew a hog horn somewhere in the tent. In response, the gathering of men, each draped in flowing white caftans, swiftly reacted. As if guided by an unseen force, they rose in synchronized harmony. With an air of ancient reverence, thumbs found their place on ears, and fingers embarked on a delicate dance of movement. From their depths, a collective guttural chorus of “OO” emerged, a primal resonance that carried with it an aura of time-honoured tradition as they moved towards the tent marked ‘Gadget Stash’. Samar was wide-eyed at this spectacle, marvelling at the fact that this might just be the most bizarre thing he had ever witnessed as he allowed himself to be buffeted by the crowd in the tent.

Once everyone was inside, General Foster addressed the crowd, welcomed them to the retreat and requested them to submit their electronic devices in a wooden box that would, in-turn be placed in a safe implanted in one of the trees.

Samar: “Ankit, there is a safe in the tree which holds the electronic devices of the attendees. Figure out a way to steal them while I try to get close to Rana. Everyone, we will have to synchronise our activities with Ankit’s time. Rana cannot know what we are up to before Ankit cracks the safe.”

Ankit squealed in delight at the plan. Safes were his passion, and he was itching to break into this safe, especially as this particular brand of safe was considered uncrackable. Samar had already informed Ankit that he needed three keys to open the safe, each of which was hanging around the neck of three different members of the retreat. His best shot here was to steal the three keys without arousing suspicion. Shouldn’t be too difficult, as they were all drunk and horny, thought Ankit.

He found the first key-holder standing with someone in the shade of a Deodar tree. From the way they were scanning the crowd in front of them, it was apparent that they were horny and were looking for someone to fuck. Upon moving closer, Ankit realised that they were both erect and stroking each other’s tube lightly while they found someone to take over. Ankit decided to approach them stealthily. He grabbed a small bucket and a towel from a table nearby and sneaked towards them. When he was behind the tree, he deliberately stepped on a twig to make some noise which caught the attention of the two men. They turned around, saw him tip-toeing towards the staff tent, and beckoned him with a sinister smile. They ordered Ankit to kneel in front of them and open his mouth. Ankit took off his robes and complied, an expression of disinterest on his face hid the excitement in his eyes for he was about to procure the first key.

Without any warning, they showered Ankit with their golden liquid straight into his mouth which soon overflowed and began dripping across Ankit’s smooth, fair body. He pushed his hands inside the caftans of the two men and began playing with their body just as the two men started shoving their dicks inside his mouth one after the other. Ankit would suck one dick for a couple of seconds when the other would grab his hair and pull him towards his dick. This continued for some time until the key-holder decided to lie down on the grassy ground and allowed Ankit to suck his dick while the other forced him into the dog-position and began fucking him ruthlessly. They were too horny to last long; Ankit’s deft tongue manoeuvres ensured that the key holder came much sooner than his friend. After that, Ankit laid himself on the key holder’s body while his friend continued fucking for another few minutes. Ankit put his face in the crook of the key-holder’s neck and began moaning and biting him, but in reality, he was trying to bite and break the thread around his neck which held the ring. After they were done, they got up and left without sparing a second glance at Ankit, totally unaware that they had left more than their cum behind.

The second key-bearer was sitting in a tent with a group of people enjoying dances performed by some of the staff. And an idea struck Ankit- he needed to change. He found some clothes in another performer’s bag and put it on. He was wearing a short loincloth of red satin which barely covered his perky buttocks, and a veil that hid his face from the crowd. He stepped into the stage to a loud cheering and began the belly dance. Ankit moved with a mesmerizing rhythm, each undulation of his hips and sway of his torso casting an enchanting spell upon the spectators. With every sinuous motion, his muscles rippled beneath his skin, accentuating the grace and strength of his form. The air seemed to pulse with an electrifying energy as a dance of seduction unfolded on the stage, a tantalizing display of his sensuality that held the audience aroused.

Ankit moved towards the audience flirtatiously, allowing them to touch his swaying waist and grab his fair buttocks until he reached the key bearer and locked his eyes with him. The key-bearer was spellbound, transfixed at being the centre of Ankit’s attention. Knowing that he was captivated, Ankit just sat on his lap facing him and began a lap dance. The key-bearer grabbed his waist so as to prevent him from slipping away and Ankit began bending backwards while his hands twirled through the air. He went as far as he could go and came back up with a force that seated him on the key-bearer’s erection wrapped under the caftan. Ankit began swaying and rocking his butts arousing him even more and when the time was right he allowed himself to slide down along his legs. As he came back up, so did the man’s caftan to reveal a thick but small unit between his legs oozing copious amounts of pre-cum. Ankit pulled his loin and held it between his teeth which freed his hole but kept his penis hidden and sat on the throbbing stick. He was already loose from the previous encounter, and it didn’t take much effort on his part to begin this ride.

The audience, captivated at this dazzling performance, roared in an ecstatic unison as the key bearer penetrated Ankit. Ankit increased the rocking of his hips, his hands around the shoulders of the key-bearer while the key-bearer’s hands were on Ankit’s waist. Ankit’s eyes displayed a plethora of seductive expressions which further aroused the crowd. The music continued at a slow pace and Ankit synced his movements to the music. As the music continued, Ankit grabbed the neckline of the key-bearer’s caftan and used it as a support to perform another back-bend. Only this time, the lace of the key was also clutched along. As he bent backwards, he began hacking at the thread of the lace using his nails until it broke and then let go of the caftan so that Ankit was completely bent over the legs of the key-bearer, the dick still in the ass. The audience coo-ed in awe at Ankit’s flexibility and Ankit smiled a dazzling smile, for never had he imagined that the skills and physical flexibility he had developed as a thief would come in handy for a dance. Allowing the audience a few seconds to marvel at his flexibility, Ankit used this time to wrap the key in his loincloth and hold it back between his teeth.

When he came back, he could see that several members had their dicks out now and were showing it off in hopes of inviting Ankit towards them. But Ankit was now focussed on one thing only- to make this man cum and get away from this gathering. So, with the key still between his teeth and the loin cloth hanging from his face, he began rocking backwards and forwards in such a striking speed that the man came within seconds with a loud moan of satisfaction and a resounding applause from the group. As the music died down, Ankit extricated himself from the key-bearer’s lap, took a few steps back and bowed in front of the audience, his loincloth now hanging from his mouth to his thighs and covering his dick but not entirely hiding his erection. As he turned around to leave, the audience whistled at the show of his fully exposed butts. Ankit looked back, wiggled his butts and winked at the audience just as he exited the stage.

One more key remained! But, Ankit was losing focus now. He was horny from the two encounters; he needed to cum. Moreover, his performance as a belly dancer was getting him too much attention, everyone wanted to taste the magic that he had exuded on the stage. But being a master thief, he crept in the shadows until he found the keeper of the third key heading into the massage tent with a barely adult staff-member who seemed very uncomfortable. When the keeper of the third key had lain down on the massage-table, Ankit crept into the tent and beckoned the man to let him do the massage. As the masseuse made to leave the tent however, Ankit stopped him and indicated that he should stay. The masseuse went to a corner of the tent and watched as Ankit began the massage.

Once again, Ankit was naked and hard. He began from the ankle of the man and massaged with a lot of pressure all the way up to his shoulder. On reaching there, he walked to the other side making sure that his hard-on rubbed against the man’s head and resumed his massage from his shoulder to his ankle. As this continued, Ankit started paying a more deliberate and extended focus to the man’s ass: he would let his fingers sink deep into the valley between his buns; sometimes rubbing, sometimes pressing his thumbs against the man’s hole. The man on the table, the keeper of the third key, was extremely horny now; he would lift his pelvis to encourage Ankit to play more with his hole. And as Ankit did so, he would moan and groan. Ankit was now standing at his head, his dick deep inside the man’s mouth while his hands massaged the man’s back and oiled his hole. He was hungrily sucking Ankit’s dick and the continuous up and down motion of his ass indicated that he was ready to be penetrated.

Ankit, however, was now in a playful mood. He climbed on the table, but did not put his dick in. Instead, he started a body-to-body rub- he would place his chest somewhere below the man’s buttock and slide all the way up to his shoulder such that his dick would touch the man’s hole, sometimes with more pressure, sometimes with less, but never penetrating him. The man below him moaned in anticipation as Ankit slipped up his body and groaned in desperation as he receded down until it was unbearable for him. So, when Ankit slipped across his body and his sausage reached the man’s hole, he relaxed his hole and pushed his butts outward forcing Ankit’s dick to penetrate. Though not totally unprepared, Ankit was taken by surprise. His oily hands slipped over the man’s back and landed on his neck, lightly choking him. Ankit let out a sigh of pleasure as he began fucking him hard while the man cried in ecstasy. Seeing that the man liked being choked, and given that the key was still hanging from his neck, Ankit used his left hand to apply pressure on his neck, while with the right, he took out the lace and the key off his neck and threw it on his clothes. He continued fucking the man for another ten minutes and made him cum twice before finally cumming himself. Though panting and sweating, Ankit did not have time to relax. He dressed up, pocketed the third key and went out of the tent, but not before winking and waving good-bye at the enthralled masseuse.

While Ankit was stealing keys, Saurabh, Ranjit and Adwit had captured, bound and gagged several of Rana’s patrolling officers and were steadily moving close to the heart of the camp where in a tree trunk, was the safe- Ankit’s target. Kabir, in the meantime, was sipping sugarcane juice at a café in Joshimath, but always on alert in case his team members needed him. He had already arranged for an audience for Rana’s confession!

During this time, Samar had only one job- to keep Rana distracted. And he was exceling at it. Samar was standing in an open area between tents sifting through the linens, all alone. He knew that Rana would not be able to resist talking to him, seeing how Samar had managed to capture Greg Foster’s attention- something Rana so desperately desired. And sure enough, Rana saw him within minutes and approached him.

Rana, looking suspiciously at Samar: “What’s your name?”

“My name is Vijay, Sir.” As Samar replied, he looked up at Rana but when he saw him looking intently at him, he looked away.

Rana: “And where are you from, Vijay?”

Samar: “I am from Assam, sir. From a small town called Kokrajhar. I moved to Delhi after the riots of 2012 and have been working there since.” Samar chose this story because it would appeal to Rana’s vanity- a poor man dislocated from his place due to violence- the kind of people Rana purported to support through his activities.

Before Rana could ask anything else, Samar looked at Rana with an expression that was a mixture of awe, admiration and reverence. He wanted Rana to feel that Samar desired a protector- someone like Rana- a knight in shining armour. Someone who could get him back to his home town which was ravaged by violence.

Samar: “I couldn’t help overhearing earlier. You were talking of your heroic exploits. I so admire your courage.”

Rana, feeling haughty: “Thank you. I do not like to speak about my role in the war.”

Samar had to exert every ounce of self-control to stop himself from letting out an immensely sarcastic “huh”. The whole morning, Rana had been talking about nothing but his role in the war. However, he continued looking admiringly (and slightly longingly) now at Rana and said: “Relieving it must be so painful”, he said, his voice dripping with a certain wonder and longing.

Rana: “It is. Hmmm. I was about to do a perimeter check. Walk with me!”

A smile swept across Samar’s face. He was awed that someone so brave and courageous would ask him, a lowly servant, to walk with him. He let out a sigh which showed his excitement and he complied in an eager voice.

They started walking around the periphery of the camp, going behind the tents and through tall trees of Birch and Deodar. Rana was telling Samar about his military experiences- about a violation of cease fire and his retaliation. Samar was listening to him in rapt attention, with a misty look in his eyes. His reverence had now turned to a longing. In response to Rana’s story, Samar responded breathlessly: “Wow. You are so brave. I had no idea the situation at the line-of-control was so bad.”

Rana: “Yeah. It was my job to keep people like you safe from foreign attacks. Most of these instances were not reported in the news. There was this other time when I…”

Rana continued talking about some other incident when he was posted in Ladakh and how he had single-handedly prevented an explosion near a park. While Rana was reminiscing, Ankit had secured the first key and was now working towards getting the second key. Samar felt a little relief that Ankit was working fast enough. Rana had to be distracted and kept away from the safe until Ankit had broken into it and secured its contents.

Rana and Samar were crossing through a dense patch of trees now. Rana had just concluded his story of the avoided bombing. Seizing his opportunity, Samar fixed his gaze upon Rana, his countenance illuminated by an indomitable magnetism that appeared to emanate from Samar himself, a reflection of Rana’s victories and conquests. It was as if an intense yearning brewed within him, a fervent aspiration to etch his own mark within the recesses of Rana’s achievements.

Samar: “But that wasn’t your greatest achievement was it? You have been awarded the Vir Chakra for your time in the war, isn’t it? Please tell me sir! Please allow me to hear first-hand, how you saved our country from those insurgents.” As he said this, Samar fell on his knees, his hands stretched outwards, as if bowing before a supreme presence, beseeching for a glimpse into the legends of greatness that defined him. Though still looking into his eyes, Samar noticed a swift erection in Rana’s light khaki coloured trousers and a narcissistic grin across his face. Rana looked down into Samar’s thirsty eyes and gyrated his hips towards Samar’s face. Samar however did not move and kept looking up at Rana in awe.

Rana suddenly pulled Samar’s face from behind his head and buried it in crotch and said: “Yes. The Vir Chakra. The seize. Yes.” Rana continued rubbing Samar’s face across his hard-on and Samar tried desperately to open his mouth and catch the tube between his lips. He pulled back Samar’s face and said, “do you have what it takes to hear the legend in its full glory?”

Samar, pleadingly: “Yes Sir. Please Sir. I will do whatever it takes to hear the legend of Pavan Rana.” Samar unzipped Rana’s pants and took his dick out. It was an average sized tool, not very long and not very thick, but it was very, very leaky. Samar’s routine of submission borne out of reverence was working on Rana. Samar did not linger any longer but stuck out his tongue and licked the precum hungrily with an expression of yearning and incredulity at being included in something so sacred.

Rana’s hands were behind Samar’s head as Samar started blowing him. Rana’s breath became heavier as Samar expertly used his tongue, lips, throats and hands to give him a surreal blow job and he had to find spaces between his breaths to narrate his bravest act on the battlefield.

Rana: It was… the hottest day… of the year. I was leading… a troop of…five members …returning…to our camp… after fetching…some supplies…when the enemies…blocked our path… trapped us… just before… a bridge… There was… an explosion… We couldn’t… cross the bridge…

Samar licked his shaft from the base to the tips; he played with his balls, sometimes with his hands, sometimes with his lips and sometimes with his tongue. He would pull down his foreskin and lick the pink head while slowly massaging his penis. Rana was speaking in a laboured whisper, but it was clear that he was enjoying reliving his moments of glory as Samar gave him a captivating fellatio. Samar tried to open his pants, but Rana wouldn’t let him because he needed to be able to react swiftly in case of an emergency. But he couldn’t let go of Samar and his warm mouth, not when he was exerting his superiority over an eager man.

Samar was very careful so as not to let Rana cum but keep him hanging, for Ankit had collected only two of the three keys and he was still dealing with the third key-bearer. Saurav, Adwit and Ranjit meanwhile, had captured one team of patrolling guards and were waiting to surprise the second team. However, Samar did not have to work too hard because Rana was enjoying this experience way too much, he was exerting all his effort to prolong it. Every now and then, Rana would pull Samar’s face away and force him to look up; Rana would use these times to narrate some particularly brave acts. Rana told Samar how the enemies had killed four members of his troop and the two remaining people had to grab as many weapons as they could and run for cover under the destroyed bridge and stay there for three days.

“It was such a dangerous situation, you were fighting with death. How did you hold on to hope during such a difficult time?” Samar asked in wonderment, all the time trying to resume sucking him but Rana wouldn’t let him!

Rana: “If you want to listen more, you will have to do more.”

Samar: “What else could I do?”

Rana grabbed his hair and made him stand. He pushed him against the tree, pulled his robe up, applied some spit on his dick and pushed it inside Samar’s hole. Samar let out a painful ah! And began panting. Rana was pressed against his ass; without much lube, it was a little painful but Samar, being an experienced bottom, was able to relax himself. As Rana penetrated, he said in a huffing voice, “Two things kept me going through this.”

He withdrew his dick and pushed again. A moan escaped Samar’s lips.

“First was my faith in my training.” He withdrew his dick again and pushed it back in. Samar let out a third ah!

“And second was my confidence that my brothers had my back.” He began fucking Samar rapidly now and Samar in turn kept pushing his butt back to express his enjoyment. Rana didn’t need any more encouragement to tell his story. He was doing it of his own accord- sometimes whispering in his ears, usually combined by rapid short strokes and other times narrating with an aggression and energy, usually combined with long, slow but equally powerful strokes.

Saurabh, Adwit and Ranjit had now captured the second patrolling team as well and Ankit had acquired the third key. Ankit was now moving to the tent where the tree-safe was installed. Ankit climbed the tree containing the safe from the outside and jumped into the tent from a gap in its canopy, landing lightly into the tent. He was hoping that the guard wouldn’t notice. But moments after he had gotten up from the jump, the guard walked inside and demanded what he was doing in the tent. Ankit, whose expertise was theft, was still a budding grifter. He still had trouble talking people into sex, but Samar had been training him to handle such situations.

Meanwhile, Rana’s face was close to Samar’s ear; he was fucking Samar with a brutal speed. Samar wanted to say something to Ankit to help him through this, to prevent their plan from falling apart, but couldn’t think of how to do so with Rana so close. Rana was saying: “Do you know what was going on in my head during this time?”

Samar, who felt he needed to guide Ankit, said in a rapid and breathy voice: “Keep calm! Keep calm!”

Rana: “Exactly…It was my calmness… and strategic decisions … that kept me alive… for three days…under the bridge…”

Samar knew that Rana must be close to cumming; he was ramming so hard now that Samar was plastered against the tree; he needed to do something to break the streak.

Samar: “Sir, how many…ah… men did you…oh… kill in that siege?…ummmmmh!”

It worked! Samar had just fed Rana’s lust morsels of narcissism knowing perfectly well that he would be forced to delay his ejaculation until he relieved this part of the story as well.

Rana had slowed down now, slowly gyrating his hips making his dick move in circles inside Samar’s ass, his hands on Samar’s shoulders almost encircling his throat as he counted the number of people he had killed in those three days.

Rana: “On the first day, it was close to evening when the siege started and we had to hide, so I killed only one man that day.” He pulled out his dick almost completely and gave one sharp thrust which made Samar shout out loud.

“On the second day, we had to stay hidden from the enemy. They were trying to shoot us and we had a limited number of bullets. I shot at them strategically, and killed four of them.” He pulled out his dick again and gave four rapid shots in quick succession making Samar cry out louder than ever.

“The backup arrived in the late afternoon on the third day and when they found us, we had to shoot our way through the enemies. I don’t know how many enemies I struck down that day, but I know there were plenty.” It was as if the memory of this moment filled Rana with some great power. He began fucking Samar with such force and speed that Samar’s moans sounded like one long high-pitched roar of passion mingled with Rana’s recurrent grunts. He was about to cum, and in those final moments of passion, he murmured to himself, but Samar could hear it as well: “Oh! Ah! Umh! This is the best orgasm of my life!”

Alas! He had spoken too soon!

Perhaps drawn by Samar’s sound, Rana’s second-in command, Manish came into the thicket and without looking at what Rana was doing said in a slightly panicked voice: “I cannot get a hold of the patrol teams. It appears that the perimeter has been breached.”

Rana was so shocked at this news that he pulled himself out of Samar, and turned around, forgetting all about his impending orgasm, his dick still out of his pants and rapidly losing his erection! Rana was drenched in sweat and he panted, “what are you saying? How is this possible?”

Samar had pulled up his pants and was now facing the two of them, concern all over his face. Manish indicated, using a quirk of his eyebrows, that Samar might be responsible for this. Almost at once, Rana turned around at Samar and pointed his ‘real’ gun at him and asked threateningly: “Who the hell are you?”

Samar’s demeanour changed instantly from docile and submissive to confident and assertive. He was prepared with a back-up story in case something like this happened. He looked straight into Rana’s eyes with an authoritative gaze and said mockingly: “I managed to capture your attention for the past” Samar looked at his watch, “85 minutes and you didn’t even realise! Huh! No wonder your house is crumbling. I am Rohan Silva of the State Intelligence Service of Sri Lanka. I have been sent to investigate your worth. You know, after the fire!”

Rana, who had gotten extremely tense, said: “It has been handled. The doctor who was poking around the fire has been dealt with.”

Samar, contemptuously: “yeah! yeah! You dealt with the doctor and you have summoned a demon. The doctor was friends with Saurabh Rajput.” Samar continued, anger building in his voice with every word he spoke: “I can see by the blood draining from your face that you know who Saurabh Rajput is. Your patrol teams are not responding because he is here now! An avenging angel of death unleashed by your carelessness. The man shows no mercy. He feels no pain. He never tires. How are you going to deal with him?”

Rana: “I will send an army after him. He won’t be able to move two paces through this camp without detection.” He turned towards Manish to issue an order when Samar interjected in exasperation: “Stoooooop! You can’t go after him directly. He is too smart for that. We need to figure out what he wants.”

Rana: “Of course he wants revenge for Ranjit.”

Samar: “Yeah, but how?” And then, with a sudden inspiration, “I think he is going after the safe in the tree!”

Rana: “but why?”

Samar, now immensely frustrated with Rana, said, “Use your head! The phones and computers of the most powerful people in India? He would use them to discredit you!”

Realizing that there may be some truth to this, he quickly zipped himself up and started walking as fast as could towards the tent that contained the safe. Manish and Samar followed him!

Samar had bought as much time as he could for Ankit. And Ankit, despite being a novice at grifting, had exceeded expectations while dealing with the guard. Adhering to Samar’s suggestion, he had kept his cool, smiled innocently at the guard and said: “I have seen how hard you have been working to provide security to these people.” There was a very delicate stress on the words ‘these people’. “Let me do something for you. Please. You have been standing at the mouth of this tent for hours now.”

The guard however was quite dedicated and did not move or change his stance. He stood there straight as a rod and said, “I am not here to enjoy. It is my duty to protect this safe.”

Ankit: “I am not saying that you stop your duty. The safe is in this tent. You just stand there and keep your eye on the safe while I serve your pleasurable fancies.”

The guard didn’t say yes, but he didn’t say no either. Ankit took a step forward, kept his hands on the guard’s chest and slowly brought it down to his belly and then to his crotch and squeezed it. The stern look of the guard had given way to desire and craving. Ankit went down on his knees, unzipped him and began sucking him. He knew that he did not have much time and he wanted the guard to cum soon. So, he grabbed his dick and immediately started blowing it swiftly. He was using a combination of his mouth and his hands to maximize stimulation, and the guard who was unblinkingly focussed on the safe began moaning. Ankit increased his sucking and perhaps the guard was in a hurry as well, because he came in less than five minutes. He grabbed Ankit’s head and pushed his dick as deep down his throat as it would go and squirted spurts of his nectar. Ankit knew that as soon as the guard recovers from the orgasmic bliss, he would force him out of the tent and his opportunity to empty the safe would be lost. So, taking advantage of the orgasmic haze and the post-climactic fog, Ankit grabbed the guard’s taser and tased him. By now, Manish had informed Rana that there was an intruder; Rana would soon be coming into the tent. Without wasting any further time, Ankit opened the safe, grabbed the wooden box which held the electronics and climbed back up the tree seconds before Rana entered the tent, closely followed by Manish and Samar.

Rana was stumped! His uncrackable safe lay open and empty in the tree trunk. He turned towards Manish and said, “Go find the phones! Grab whoever you can and search the woods. He can’t have gone far.”

As Manish left, Samar sat below the safe-tree and said: “My employers will not be happy. There is no coming back from this.”

Rana was still holding his gun and replied in a falsely confident voice: “Chaos can be turned into opportunity, a skill I picked up in war and I have been…”

“using it ever since?” Ranjit had walked into the tent to an astounded Rana.

“How are you alive?”, Rana asked Ranjit.

Ranjit: “You were never smart Rana. Mistakes after mistakes. And when bodies piled up, you used them as stairs to climb up the ladder.”

Rana who was now getting tired of having his failures pointed out, lashed out in anger: “That’s what soldiers are for. They’re disposable. They’re pieces in the game to be sacrificed for power and position.” As he said this, he pointed his gun at Ranjit and said, “the explosion did not kill you but I will shoot you myself.” But before he could move his finger, Saurabh and Adwit jumped between them, facing Rana.

Adwit: “Yeah, that’s not going to happen!”

Saurabh: “You are a coward, Rana!”

Ranjit: “Saurabh, no!”

Rana: “So, you are Saurabh!”

Saurabh: “And you will have to pull that trigger yourself. No hitman for your aid this time”

Rana: “Shut up. You don’t know anything.”

Adwit: “We know you caused the fire in Sri Lanka that killed fifteen people.”

Rana: “Who cares about a bunch of nobodies. They deserved to be killed.”

Saurabh was breathing fire now though his voice remained calm: “I know that no matter how many times you repeat a lie, the truth always comes out.”

Rana: “What Truth?”

Ranjit: “That we stole valor. You got Vir Chakra because we lied!”

Rana shouted back: “So what? What was I supposed to say, that I got four of my men killed? They were dead. They were not coming back. We’re the only ones who knew what happened there! And after today…” Rana pulled the trigger of his gun; Ranjit tried to get away from the gun, and pull Saurabh and Adwit out of harm’s way as well but they didn’t even flinch! They knew that there were no bullets in Rana’s gun. Realization crashed over Rana like a mighty tidal wave, determined to dismantle his sandcastle of lies. He turned around to look at Samar, his eyes wide.

Samar grinned smugly: “I took the clip of your gun while you were reliving the moments of your false glory.” He continued, “what a performance! And in front of an audience no less!”

Rana, now looking terrified: “what audience?”

That was when Ankit peeped through the canopy of the tent and showed him the walkie talkie that he had taken from the guard earlier. When Kabir had removed the satellite cloak of the area, the channel used by Sentinel Security had gone public. Everyone including the police and the media heard everything that Rana had said on their scanners. Rana realised that he was in a big fix and ran out of the tent. He headed quickly to his car, got into it and drove off in an attempt to escape. However, he had barely driven a mile down towards Joshimath when he was intercepted by the local police and arrested for corruption, fraud, extortion and murder. This arrest, which was highly publicised in the media, saw Rana crying and whimpering trying to escape the handcuffs and the police.

Back at the tent, Samar was saying, ” TS Eliot rightly said, …(the) world ends, not with a bang but a whimper!” And sighed! Then looking back at the team (Kabir who was still at Joshimath, was present through the earwig) and said, “Good work everyone! And Ankit, I am impressed at the way you handled the guard.” Then looking at Dr. Ranjit, “We are very glad that you are alive and well.”

Ranjit: “Thank you for helping me! Thank you everyone!”

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