The Celebration by Brother Prophet

“Where are we going, Samantha?” I looked him square in the eyes, I kissed him hard, grinding against his pelvis.

“Relax darling, I have planned a fun filled evening for us. We need to go down the street and around the corner. There is a club I have heard about that I want to take you to. So don’t you worry where we’re going just follow me, my handsome man.” I lead the way around to the club in question. Lawrence followed close behind me. His hands constantly on me, a few times I had to get him to stop before he caused a scene and got us arrested.

As we stepped up to the club I turned just in time to see his eyes light up in shock. We had never been to a gentleman’s club, but was something we discussed a time or two. We walked in and I paid the door fee, the lights were low with smoke flowing around. I was not sure if it was from a bunch of smokers or smoke machines, but it certainly contributed to the atmosphere. Black lights were everywhere as well, along with the occasional strobe light and a disco ball. The music was pumping and I felt as though everyone of my nerve endings was on high alert.

We looked around and found a small, almost private table towards the back of the room. We were able to see all three stages and one of them had a pole at the end of the stage. Another looked like it could be set up for showers, and the third stage was a long one that extended into the middle of the room. At the moment it had two lovely ladies dancing and stripping at the same time. It looked to me like it was a planned thing as they were very coordinated with their movements.

We were both looking around like kids in a candy store. Everywhere I looked there were beautiful women. From the servers to the bar tenders and of course the dancers. In the crowd there were several types of men. Ranging from the young college aged guys to businessmen to even some Japanese businessmen. They were watching the various stages with rapt attention. Every few songs a different group of dancers graced the stages, it definitely seemed as though they had enough girls to do a seemingly endless rotation and a wide variety of ladies sure would please everyone’s taste, it certainly was a feast for my eyes!

After our second drink an incredibly sexy red head stepped onto the stage closest to our table. She caught Lawrence’s eye and I was enjoying her movements as well. I had noticed that once a dancer was done with their turn, they came off the stage, put their outfits back on and then walked around and talked to people in the crowd. After the third song finished the red head strutted off stage and dressed. She walked in our general direction. Without Lawrence noticing, I waved and got her attention. She leaned in and started talking to us.

She explained to us that the girls would walk the floor and convince men to buy them drinks and, eventually, private dances. This seemed to get Lawrence’s attention, so I waved our server down and ordered another round of drinks. The dancer leaned over to the server and whispered into her ear. They laughed and the server sashayed away. When she returned she had 3 shot glasses on her tray. We had set up a tab as soon as we arrived, so we did not worry about anything as she set them down and walked away.

Our new friend then leaned down, grabbed a shot glass and downed it. As Lawrence reached for his she stopped him and told him she had a better way for him to drink his shot. His eyebrows raised and she moved him back a little so I could watch. She grabbed his shot glass, removed her top, and then stood over him. She tilted his head back and then poured the shot over her exposed left breast, down to the tip of her nipple and dripping into his mouth. He swallowed with a big grin on his face.

A new song started and the red head swung off of Lawrence’s lap and hopped over onto mine. As soon as she settled she had the last shot glass in her hand and offered it to me. I just looked at her and she understood that I wanted mine the same way my now delighted hubby had. So she adjusted herself and I had my first body shot in a long time and first from a woman. I was a bit taken aback with the drink as the strong taste of tequila trickled on to my tongue. I have not had tequila in a long time, but it tasted good and I was far too mesmerized by the beautiful breasts and woman, above me to give it another thought.

The lovely dancer stuck around for a couple more songs, dancing on both of our laps and having fun doing so. At least I had fun with it all. Finally she thanked us, grabbed her money and went off to a back room. We watched some more dancers, drank more shots and were really enjoying ourselves. Then a brunette took the stage with the pole. Seemed she was well known and very popular. We watched with interest as she danced on and around the pole. I was amazed by her skills, and could easily understand why every set of eyes in the club was on her as she performed.

She finished her set of songs and descended the stage. She didn’t get dressed like the previous dancers had; instead she grabbed a thin robe and started walking the room. She quickly disappeared into a back room and did not reappear for several songs. Finally she returned and she was smiling like the cat that caught the canary. As she passed by us she slowed and we locked eyes. I smiled in my slightly drunken state and motioned for her to have a seat. She did, right in my lap!

She leaned in and started whispering into my ear, complimenting me on my outfit and shoes and what not. Then she looked at Lawrence and leaned in to tell me what she would like to do with him. I smiled and let my hand glide over her smooth thigh. She looked down and frowned a little then told me not to get caught or we would have to leave. I slowly pulled my hand away. Our server brought over 3 fresh shots and smiled as she walked away.

We each took our shots and downed them quickly. She got up and told Lawrence that she could give us a private dance in the back room, so no one else could watch. He agreed and she grabbed our hands and led us to the curtained area. I think I was more excited than Lawrence was. She had us sit down on a love seat and as the next song started, so did she.

She didn’t waste any time and quickly was down to her g-string and was gyrating in Lawrence’s lap. While she did she was caressing me and teasing me mercilessly. It seemed that she could touch as much as she wanted, just as long as we kept our hands within sight. After the second dance, Lawrence seemed to be having a difficult time keeping himself from taking one or both of us right then and there. She climbed off of his lap and onto mine. I tried as best as I could to keep my hands to myself, but it was not easy.

Four songs later, someone came to the edge of the curtains and told her she was up next. She smiled at me and said she would see me later. I gave her the money, and she graciously took it while she groped my beasts at the same time. Before she got up, I had my first orgasm of the evening. I was a bit surprised, when it hit me, but it felt too good to worry about it. As she left through the curtain, Lawrence leaned over and kissed me passionately. He looked around to make sure we were still alone and then slid his hand between my legs and quickly brought me to another orgasm. We then got up and got back to our table just in time to see our new friend hit the stage to do her thing.

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