All Sorts of “Firsts” O6s

A gay sex stories: All Sorts of “Firsts” O6s Denny wanted some of Martinez, too.

Let the lore of the ship tell it, I was fucking and sucking on everything that was in a khaki uniform. I couldn’t help that male E7 and above personnel attached to our vessel made time on their “busy schedules” to link with me, and have me either blow them, or get them to blow my back out. The rumor was partially true (Terry was breaking that cock off in me once a week, a month after we returned from deployment), but I always kept it professional on the surface, for I was advanced to E4, but I worked my ass off to get it as I endured off-duty education when we returned (pursuing a degree in business), did community service out in town (nursing home escort for residents), and earned qualifications left and right, reserved for above my paygrade. Surely Terry, Ed and Jose “pumped their octane” inside of me, but I had my own fire and desire that didn’t always involve sex.

“That ambition of yours drives me up the wall. You get off watch tonight, meet me and Captain Slayton in my stateroom,” Terry emailed. “I want some of that tight, little enlisted pussy of yours.”

Terry being the commanding officer took “I do what I want, when I want,” to another level. Captain Slayton, or Denny, was the chief engineer, and a close friend of Terry’s from what I found out later, as the both of them were fellow graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy. I was on duty on a Friday, the ship already empty save the 200 or so personnel required to stay behind to endure watches and being on stand-by for any emergencies, and a few others that just loved being aboard. Terry and Denny were two of them, looking to get their rocks off before they headed home to their “happy, little lives.”

“I’m not off watch until 1930,” I messaged.

“1830. I told the section leader to relieve you early with someone else, for you have some other ‘duties’ to tend to in my stateroom,” he responded.

No one would verbally question Terry, especially for personal business in his stateroom. He was bold to even say that, but he was ‘Terry.’

I stood my sentry as brow watch, donning my dress whites as I reviewed I.D. cards when people entered and exited the ship. I wasn’t alone, for there was a chief petty officer and two other petty officers as we all wore white, and I tried to mask my nervousness by laughing and joking with folks, as well as the fellow sentries. I knew Terry would run that cock of his inside, and impose all sorts of pleasure for me, as well as himself, but I was curious of Denny, who like Terry, had a runner’s frame, but was every bit of six foot five, maybe six foot six, and from what I saw at times in uniform, had a cock that resembled a hex wrench in length (he carried a serious bulge that made me once wonder if he was “permanently hard”). I got relieved off watch and my phone went off.

“Prep good, but make sure you come to us in your dress whites. We’re both super horny, and super hard right now,” Terry messaged.

Of all the women, and all the fags that were on the ship, Terry was fixated with me, a YN3, a slender bottom slut that tried to prove viable to the mission. I could blame Tannebaum for turning me out, for my love for senior ranking cock, was undeniable. I went to the berthing to “prep,” taking a shower and cleaning out as there wasn’t anyone around to see me carrying my “bag.” I freshened up, and put on my dress whites again, cover and all, then headed out of the berthing, then up a ladderwell to go in the forward direction of the ship. Five minutes later I was knocking on Terry’s door. The stateroom was dark aside from his desk lamp, and his television. He came to the door wearing nothing but a robe, and it was open, showing off that long cock as it spilled precum to the floor. I looked to the side, seeing Denny at Terry’s bunk, naked and that big, white cock standing up straight.

“Glad you could make it, Cameron,” Denny said to me.

I walked in and became surrounded, with Terry taking off his robe and being at the back of me, and Denny getting up to face me.

“Don’t be scared,” Denny told me, right before he planted his lips on mine, and grabbed my chin so we could kiss.

“He’s been wanting you for a while now, Cameron. I couldn’t stop keeping him away from you,” Terry said, right as he started kissing the back of my neck while slipping his hands under my blouse.

Terry cupped my pectorals and flickered my nipples with his thumbs as Denny had his long tongue invading my mouth, trying to overpower my tongue. Terry then slipped his hands down to my waist, undoing my belt buckle from behind, then pulling my pants down, before putting both hands inside my boxers and caressing my pelvis.

“Terry, I think we gotta make him cum twice. Once for you, and once for me,” Denny said.

Denny helped me take off my top, then grabbed it and tossed it across the room. Terry was already on his knees, licking my inner cheeks, teasing my hole as he pulled down my underwear, having them rest at my feet. Denny then crept to his knees, taking my hard dick in his mouth as these two highly ranked, highly respected officials were giving me “around-the-world” treatment.

“You’ve got a sweet ass, boy,” Terry told me.

“And an even sweeter cock. Maybe you could plant it in my ass sometime,” Denny added.

I chose bottoming over being a top, but hearing Denny want to try me out was appeasing. The both of them would get up, and I would step out of my underwear and trousers, then make my way to the bunk.

“Get on your knees, Denny wants to taste your butt, too,” Terry told me.

I got on my knees while Terry turned up the volume on the television. There was hardcore porn playing, with some white chick in the nude, getting her tits fondled and groped, and her pussy eaten by a group of muscular, black men. I had my head turned to it, watching it as the two of them were repeating the same with me as I felt two tongues inside my hole, then running across my balls and dick, over and over.

“Someone needs to get fucked, and fucked good,” Terry whispered. “Den, whatchu think?”

“I think we need to get a load out of him first, then we can talk about punishing this poor Sailor’s hole. Roll over,” Denny told me.

I rolled to my back on the bunk, these two naked, older studs groveling over me as if I was the one that needed pleasure. This was a twist as I enjoyed giving Terry, and any other in-the-closet man his jollies, but it seemed as if these two teamed up to turn the tables. Terry pushed my legs back and darted that tongue back into my twitching ass, while Denny had my dick in his mouth, his blue eyes looking into mine while massaging my phallus. He put his hands on my nipples and twisted them hard, not once breaking stride in sucking, or in his eye contact. I took a look at the television again, and would see the woman getting fucked, wishing I was getting the same treatment. I turned my head back at them and moaned loudly, showing no cares for anyone within ear shot of the stateroom, but also displaying the delight in what these two were doing.

“You wanna give us that load,” Denny asked.

I tried to hold back by focusing on the television screen, only to see the woman screaming and squirting, her cum fizzing out of that pussy like a busted soda, and all over the gentlemen. That set me over the top as I blew my sperm into Denny’s mouth, wiggling and screaming due to his efforts and Terry’s skill in finding my g-spot. They sent me to the moon.

“Got damn boy, that cum gets sweeter and sweeter,” Terry said, after the two of them ‘snowballed’ my load.

I laid back and rubbed my chest, licking my chops, so to speak. The two of them laid beside me, kissing and rubbing on me, too, as we were recharging for what was coming next.

To be continued…


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