Best Ever


A gay story: Best Ever

Back in the day around 1995 when household internet was new. AOL and Yahoo Instant Messenger was a thing, I would get a ton of blind messages from total strangers. One night while wasting time and scrolling through different groups, I got a blind instant message from a name and profile I had seen around.

The message read ” So what are U into?” A fairy common yet effective ice breaker. Overly used around this time.

That is how I met Jon. He was a gay man who lived out of town but worked in the city. He worked at a hospital, 12 hours shifts a few days a week. Who on his time off looked to have fun if it could be arranged.

We chatted briefly about the different online groups that we each belonged to. Then Jon very pointedly asked me if ever received a blowjob from a man. I told him I had a few times in the past and that I did enjoy it. I mentioned it had also been a long time since I last visited any mouth. Then I received a shirtless photo of him, a bald man his head shaved, with a hairy chest his face obscured standing in the shadows. He wanted to know if I was interested a no strings attached blowjob and if I was free right then.

I was.

A meeting place and time was set up. I had 20 minutes to shower dress and get 2 miles down the street. When I got there he was already waiting. I pulled up along his car. Confirmed it was him and invited him to follow me back to my place. Within 10 minutes of physically meeting this guy we were down to business. I sat naked in the center of my couch. Jon got between my legs and down he went.

He rolled his head round and round. His experienced tongue felt magical. His left hand stroked my cock trailing him mouth action. The fingers of his right hand explored my skin. He used them to tap and vibrate. To massage. To pull my skin tight in places. To scrape his nails for extra sensation. To caress my balls taint and prostate.

It felt incredible. I would have kicked myself if I had declined or ignored his first message to me.

Jon was humming with pleasure. He only paused to speak a few times. And then once to peel off his shirt because he was starting to sweat, he was putting in some serious work.

My thighs began to rocking back and forth twitching uncontrollably. This guy had me rock hard. I looked at the clock, 40 minutes had passed, he just kept up the pace. He devoured my cock with a never before witnessed enthusiasm. A true cocksucker. He pulled me closer to the edge of the couch so he could sit his hip on the floor and get his weight off his knees. With an unbelievable aggressive pace he made slurping noises he edged me along. I bet with just a few moves he could have easily finished me off anytime he wanted. He acted starved for cock and that I was filling a great hunger.

At one hour and 15 mins in we were both ready for the finish. Jon started whimpering he wanted to continue but his body was beginning to cramp up. Me my dick felt red hot from all the friction. The nerves around my stomach were fluttering. It felt like an internal force was tugging them backwards towards my spine. Then with a feeling only Jon has been able to provide me, I exploded streams of cum in his mouth. A gut blasting surge from the center of my body. I swear I almost blacked out, seeing stars for 45 seconds, my ears rang from the forced change in my blood pressure. Jon’s lips never broke contact. He hummed with delight milking my cock until I could take no more. I had to physically push him off of me.

I found it peculiar that this extremely gifted cocksucker didn’t like to swallow. He walked to the bathroom and spat into the sink. He came prepared. I heard him gargle from a travel size bottle of mouth wash he brought with him. He took a quick piss. Then came back to check on me. I sat there in a state of bliss and disbelief. We sat and talked a while to get and know each other. Seeing how truly satisfied and grateful I was brought a huge smile to Jon’s face. My dick was raw. That was absolutely the best oral sex I had ever had. Still is.

We met about a dozen times after that first night. Each session was equally long and seriously intense. I often daydream about how incredibly gifted he was, wishing it had not ended. I miss those days. We lost contact when he took a partner and they both moved south. I hope he reads this. Appreciates my review. And contacts me in the future.


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