Cucked By My Dad Ch. 01

Cucked By My Dad Ch. 01 by Freckleman64,Freckleman64 Hey all! I’m back after a long absence with this anthology series. Each chapter is a different guy who falls victim to our protagonist’s dad’s charms. Will he ever lose his virginity? We’ll find out!


My name is Leo, and I’m an 18-year-old virgin.

Ugh, it feels gross just to admit that. I know what you’re thinking–plenty of people don’t lose their virginities until their late teens or early twenties. What’s the issue? But you don’t understand! I want to lose my virginity more than anything, but every time I get close to a guy, my dad swoops in and ruins everything.

It’s not that I think my dad is a bad guy or anything. He’s always been a good dad: kind, caring, not afraid to show emotion or be vulnerable. He was nothing but supportive when I came out of the closet a few years ago, and in our small town, that’s not something to take for granted. He’s a great husband to my mom, too. They seem so happy sometimes it honestly makes me feel a little queasy inside. But for whatever reason, he is the world’s number one cockblock.

It doesn’t help that he’s objectively fucking hot. I mean, I’m not into him, obviously–he’s my dad, for Christ’s sake! Talk about yuck. But that doesn’t mean I don’t see why other guys would be all over him. It’s not like he’s got a six-pack or anything, but he’s beefy and muscular from years of working construction. I guess he’s like a bear, kind of, since he’s pretty hairy and he’s got a crew cut and that thick mustache. It’s really furry.

I’m nothing like that, sadly. I’ve always been short, and I’m about as pale and smooth as a porcelain doll. But I like to think I’m hot in my own right! I get a lot of compliments on my curly brown hair and I’ve always had a perky ass. When we’re at the beach, guys are always doing a double-take to see me in my little swim trunks. Of course, then they see my dad, and they forget all about me…

Anyway, enough about him. This is about my boyfriend, Kevin. He’s so dreamy! Kevin is my first-ever boyfriend, and the story of how we got together is actually really fucking cute.

We’re both seniors and until recently, I never thought I could score a hunk like him. He’s an actor, and a really fucking good one. I watched him perform in Grease for all ten runs. He was such a good Danny Zuko. He’s got that dark-haired, brooding look to him, and his scruff is so fucking sexy. I actually auditioned just to be close to him, but I didn’t make the cut (that’s neither here nor there).

That didn’t stop my crush, though. He was straight, as far as I knew, but I can be persistent when I want to be so I didn’t think that would be an issue. I stayed late after his final performance even though he’d never so much as said a word to me before. But when he came out from backstage, his hair still greased back, there I was in my tightest pair of shorts clutching a bouquet of daisies.

“Omigosh, you were so amazing!” I said, racing over to him before any of the other fangirls had a chance to swoop in.

He did that sexy head nod thing that guys do and took the flowers from me. “Thanks.”

“I hope you’re going to keep acting after high school,” I said, touching his wrist. “You’re so talented.”

He gave me a humble smile. “Nah, I’m going to be a mechanic like my dad.”

I gasped. “No! What a loss.”

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah, I know. I auditioned for NYU, but… I didn’t get in.”

I shook my head ruefully. “They don’t know what they’re missing. But seriously, don’t give up. We need more actors like you.”

He laughed a little and scratched the back of his head. “You really think so?”

One of the other actors, a tall, bro-y guy named Jason, clapped him on the shoulder. “Yo, you riding with me?”

“Yeah man,” said Kevin. He looked at me for a moment, then tilted his head. “Hey… we’re having a little cast party after this. You wanna come?”

My heart skipped a beat. My all-time crush was not only talking to me, but inviting me to a party. Fuck yes!

“Sure,” I said nonchalantly.

“Rad,” said Kevin.

That was how I ended up in the backseat of Jason’s mom’s Honda Accord, headed to a party with the future love of my life. Kevin and Jason sat in the front, chatting about the play and who was gonna bring beer to the party. I just sat in the back, reveling in my good luck and workshopping my plan to get in Kevin’s pants by the end of the night.

The party was at some girl’s parents’ house out in the sticks. It was already in full swing when we arrived. I could hear loud bass music thumping from inside the house before I even got out of the car. The second I walked through the door, Kevin and Jason headed straight for the beer keg, leaving me all alone.

No matter. I knew how to socialize just fine, and besides, I didn’t want to come on too strong with Kevin. Better to work the room a little and then make my move once I had the lay of the land. I filled a cup full of cranberry juice and vodka and sipped at it, scanning the room of actors. I spotted the guy who played Kenickie chugging a beer in the center of the room, the foam spilling all over his tanned, shirtless torso. Rizzo was in the corner gossiping with Sandy, and they were both shooting looks at Kenickie as he burped loudly and crushed the can against his forehead.

A girl stood up on the coffee table and turned the music down on her phone. I recognized her as the girl who played Principal McGee, although I think her name was Rachel or something.

“Okay guys,” said Rachel (?) with a slight slur in her voice. “Who wants to play Spin the Bottlleeee?”

Cheers sprang out across the room. We all gathered in a circle as Rachel (actually, now I’m thinking it was Rebecca) grabbed an empty bottle of André and placed it in the middle. For a brief moment, my heart stopped as I realized that Kevin was nowhere to be seen. But he soon emerged from the back hallway, zipping his pants.

“Sorry, I had to piss!” he said as he took a seat across the circle from me.

I blushed. God, to be a fly on the wall in that bathroom.

The game started out simply enough–Principal McGee kissed Roger, Rizzo kissed one of the stagehands, and Sandy sucked face with Kenickie (to Rizzo’s chagrin). One of the tech girls spun the bottle and landed on the girl who did costumes, which got a lot of whoops and hollers as they swapped spit for a few seconds. Then it was Kevin’s turn, and my heart was beating out of my fucking chest.

“Come on bro!” said Jason as Kevin grabbed the bottle and spun.

It felt like the world stopped for a moment, the sound dropping away until all that was left was Kevin, the bottle, and me. I watched it like a hawk, praying to God or Satan or whoever had the power to stop that bottle right on me. It started to slow, and for one sickening moment I thought it might land on the disgusting little gremlin next to me, but then it stopped pointing straight. At. Me.

“Thank you God/Satan/whoever,” I prayed silently.

I could see the redness on Kevin’s cheeks from across the room.

For a moment nobody moved, and then Jason shook his head. “Nah, you gotta reroll.”

I could have strangled him. “Says who?” I asked, a little too loud.

Jason laughed uncomfortably. “Come on. That’s not fair. You can’t ask a guy like Kev to suck face with another dude.”

“Those two did it,” I said, pointing at the (temporary) lesbians who’d spun the bottle before me.

“Yeah, but that’s different,” Kenickie chimed in. “They’re like… hot.”

My face was burning. This was my moment, dammit! And yet it seemed like the room was turning against me. For a second, I thought all was lost. But then Kevin got to his knees and started crawling over to me.

“Dude, what are you doing?” asked Jason.

I could feel my heart thumping as he edged his way closer to me. Suddenly he was on his knees in front of me, and everyone else in the room ceased to exist.

“You ready?” he asked, his voice low and wavering.

I nodded. He leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. The scratch of his unshaven face brushed against my skin as he crushed his lips against mine. He tasted like bitter hops from the beer, but it turned sweet in my mouth. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment and trying to ignore the sounds of laughter and jeering that came from all around us. Finally, he broke the kiss and leaned back, looking at me like a nervous little puppy dog.

“Gross,” said Jason.

I glowered at him, but Kevin was already on his feet and walking away. He didn’t go back to his spot in the circle, though–he headed for the beer keg in the kitchen instead. I waited for the attention to shift to the next couple, then slipped out of the circle and joined Kevin in the kitchen.

I leaned up against the bar in what I hoped was a casual manner. “Hey,” I said.

He gave me a nod but kept his eyes on the beer keg as he filled his cup. “Hey,” he said gruffly.

“Are you okay?” I asked. “I know that was… kind of a lot.”

He drained his beer, then crushed the cup and threw it in the trash. “You wanna go somewhere and talk?”

Fuck yeah, I did. “Sure,” I said breezily.

I followed him up to one of the second-floor bedrooms. From the look of the decorations, it seemed to be a little girl’s bedroom. Kevin sat down on the pink princess bed and buried his head in his hands. On the nightstand sat a framed photo of a chubby little redheaded girl in a ballerina costume, grinning at me. I turned her flat on the table–she didn’t need to see this.

We sat there in silence for a moment until finally, Kevin looked up at me. His eyes were red.

“There’s something you should know,” he said cryptically.

I instantly popped a hardon. I crossed my legs and nodded, a beacon of sympathy. “I’m here for whatever you need to tell me.”

He took a deep breath, his lip quivering. This was it, the moment I’d been waiting for. Would we do it here, in the bed? In Jason’s mom’s Honda Accord?

Before I could settle on a place, he looked away again, shaking his head.

I stifled a sigh of impatience. I’d waited 18 years to get fucked up the ass–surely I could wait a few more seconds for him to work through whatever macho bullshit was clearly going on in his sweet, sexy brain.

Suddenly he was looking at me again, and he said in a voice barely above a whisper, “I think I might be bi.”

The words landed like winning lottery numbers. I wanted to cheer and scream and grab his cock through his pants. Instead, I smiled and took his hand. “Thank you for telling me,” I said.

“I’ve never told anyone,” he said, his lip trembling. “But you’re so sweet, and you brought me those flowers…”

Bingo. I knew those daisies would be a one-way ticket to Pound Town. Best $12.46 I ever spent.

“…I just feel like I can trust you.” He was doing those puppy dog eyes again. I needed him inside me.

“Of course, you can,” I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

He hugged me, burying his face in my chest. I wrapped my arms around him, breathing in his scent. He smelled so good, like Axe body spray and hair gel and a little bit of BO. My kind of guy.

We stayed like that for a moment–his face in my chest, me surreptitiously smelling his hair–but when he looked up at me, I knew immediately we both wanted the same thing. We kissed again, this time with mouths open and tongues wandering wherever they damn well pleased. I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling him into me. He grabbed my waist and lowered me onto the bed, sliding on top of me. He rubbed his cock against mine, making both of us hard as our tongues battled.

I couldn’t believe it–this was really happening! Finally, after 18 years of pining and furiously masturbating to Calvin Klein ads, tonight would be the night I would lose my virginity. Stupidly, I hadn’t thought to bring any condoms or lube, but I figured Kevin was trustworthy enough and we could just use spit. But when I went to unzip his pants, he pulled away.

“Wait,” he said, sitting back up.

“What is it?” I asked, not caring what it was and wanting to return to pulling his cock out of his pants.

“I don’t think I’m ready for this,” he said.

I wanted to scream. Instead, I just said, “Oh.”

“I mean, you’re amazing. And it’s not like I’ve never fucked a girl or anything. I just think… I need a little more time before I’m ready for all that… with a guy.”

I nodded graciously. “I understand,” I lied.

Sure, it wasn’t the night of my dreams. But it was leaps and bounds more than anything I had done before, and I was certain with time, I could work on him. We made out a little bit more that night (no more hand stuff, sadly) but soon someone was knocking on the door and Kevin kind of freaked out so we had to stop.

Since then, I’ve been texting him every day, and he’s really the sweetest. We agreed to take things slow, what with him not being out and all, but I’m hoping I can convince him to at least let me blow him a little and then maybe it will feel so good he’ll give in and put it in my butt? A boy can dream.

So that brings me back to my father. He saw my texts with Kevin and found out I had a boyfriend and got all overprotective, so he made me invite Kevin over for dinner so he could meet him and, I don’t know, do that whole “What are your intentions with my son?” thing. I just wanted to get the whole thing over with so we could go back to Kevin’s place and maybe do a little bit of heavy petting.

Kevin was kind of intimidated by the whole thing, but he was a good sport and agreed to come over as long as I didn’t tell anyone from school.

The night of the dinner he showed up right at six, a bottle of sparkling cider in one hand and a single rose in the other.

“Oh my God,” I said when I opened the door. “You’re so sweet!”

He grinned. “I thought you’d like it.” He handed me the flower and kissed me on the cheek.

From behind me came the sound of my father clearing his throat.

“So, you’re the young man who’s dating my son,” he said in that loud, booming voice of his.

I turned to see him eyeing Kevin with a stern look on his face, the same one he used when he was disciplining me. I knew him enough to know he was more bark than bite, but Kevin’s face went pale.

“Y-yes sir.” He handed my father the bottle of sparkling cider. “This is for you and your wife.”

My dad eyed the bottle, then nodded approvingly. “I like a boy who knows his manners. I’m Jud.”

He shook Kevin’s hand and gave him a warm smile.

Kevin smiled bashfully. “Kevin,” he said, his voice cracking.

My dad kept Kevin’s hand firmly in his and clapped him on the shoulder. “Come on in, son.”

I followed them into the living room, silently cheering at how well things were going. By this rate, I’d be deflowered by dessert.

“I gotta check on dinner,” my dad said as he finally let go of Kevin’s hand. “You boys get comfortable.”

The second he left, I wrapped my arms around Kevin and squealed. “Babe, this is going so well! The flowers and the cider were so sweet. I didn’t know you were such a gentleman.”

Kevin ignored me, still staring after my dad as he busied himself in the kitchen. It took me shaking his arm to snap him out of it.

“What’s that? Oh, yeah, totally.”

I frowned. “Are you alright? You’re acting kind of weird.”

He shook his head. “I’m fine. I just want your dad to like me, that’s all.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in close to me. “I was thinking maybe after this we could go for a drive in your car. Maybe hit up that spot by the lake?”

The lake was notorious for being the go-to spot for horny teenagers. I’d always wanted to be one of those horny teens getting hot and steamy in the backseat. I figured it’d be the perfect place for a little after-dinner anal.

He just nodded absentmindedly. “Sure, sure.”

Dad came back a minute later wearing a small apron that said “Kiss the Cook,” a tray of small Swedish meatballs in his hand.

He presented the tray to Kevin. “A little appetizer for you boys.”

“Thank you, sir.” Kevin took one, his eyes lingering on my dad’s.

“Oh hell yeah!” I grabbed two of them and shoved one in my mouth right away. “Ugh, Dad, you make the best meatballs.”

My dad winked at Kevin. “Go ahead, try one.”

Kevin slipped the meatball into his mouth, wrapping his lips around it as it disappeared inside him. When he pulled the toothpick out, it was clean. “Mmm,” he moaned, his eyes fluttering.

“Now that’s a compliment,” my dad said, grinning.

I grabbed another meatball and bit into it. “Hey, where’s mom? I thought she was supposed to be back from her conference by now.”

“She’s stuck in that traffic on I-95,” said dad, his eyes trained on Kevin. “Bumper-to-bumper traffic. Don’t think she’ll be able to make it in time for dinner, unfortunately.”

Kevin licked his lips, probably just getting that last bit of meatball sauce.

I pouted. “That sucks, I wanted her to meet Kevin.”

Dad grabbed one of the meatballs and winked. “I’m sure I can handle this young man all by myself,” he said, then sucked the meatball off the toothpick.

Kevin blushed. I rolled my eyes.

“But in all seriousness–I do have a few questions for you, as Leo’s dad.”

“Ugh, Dad, do we have to?” I asked petulantly. “I thought this was supposed to be a get-to-know-you dinner, not a grilling session.”

My father frowned at me. “Now Leo, you may be 18, but you’re still my son. A father has a right to know the man who’s dating his son.”

I scoffed. “Fine, but please don’t embarrass me.”

My dad nodded toward the couch. “Have a seat.”

I sat next to Kevin on the couch while my dad reclined in the sofa chair. I took Kevin’s hand in mine, surprised at how sweaty it was. It was so cute how nervous he was getting.

My dad studied Kevin for a moment, then said, “So, Kevin. What are your plans after graduation?”

Kevin shifted beside me, clearing his throat. “Well, I was gonna go to trade school. Be a mechanic, like my dad.”

Dad raised an eyebrow. “A man who works with his hands? I can respect that.”

He extended his hand to Kevin, who hesitated a beat before taking it. My dad’s grip was firm, his large, rough hand engulfing Kevin’s.

“Real man earns his calluses, every one,” my dad said as he traced the pads of Kevin’s fingers, his eyes trained on my boyfriend’s.

I stepped in, anxious to shift the conversation. “Kevin’s also an actor,” I said quickly. I took his hand from my dad and smiled. “He’s really talented.”

My dad let out a short bark of a laugh. “Acting, huh? That gonna pay the bills?”

I flinched. Kevin squeezed my hand a little tighter.

“No, he’s right.” Kevin gave me a half-smile. “I think it’s time I face the music.”

My father leaned forward, clasping his hands. “Let’s cut to the chase. You seem like a good boy, but I’m wondering if you’re serious about my son.”

Kevin swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing as his eyes darted to mine. I gave him a soft smile to reassure him.

“I, uh… yes. I really like Leo,” Kevin said, his voice a little shaky.

My heart fluttered, but Dad just raised an eyebrow, his lips curling in a faint smirk.

“Uh-huh. And what exactly are your plans with him?” His voice dropped slightly, more intimate now. Almost like I wasn’t in the room, but still with a clear challenge behind it.

“W-we’re taking things slow,” Kevin sputtered.

My dad leaned back in his chair and grunted. “Slow, huh? Don’t know if I buy that. Teenage boys always want something–randy little fuckers, all of you.”

“Dad!” I hissed, mortified.

My dad chuckled. “What, you think I don’t remember what it’s like? I was a horny little devil myself when I was your age. Still am, if you ask your mother.”

Kevin’s face flushed, his eyes wide. I felt the heat rising in my own cheeks as the tension in the room grew uncomfortably thick.

“You don’t have to worry, sir,” said Kevin. “It’s not like that–”

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment “Oh?” My dad tilted his head, smirking. “So you’re saying you’re a virgin, then?”

“Dad!” I said again. God, it was like he was deliberately trying to torture me!

Kevin laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh, well… no. I mean, this is my first time, y’know… with a guy.”

My dad’s grin widened. “The credits really don’t transfer, do they?”

I groaned. “Can we please talk about something, anything else?”

My dad snapped his fingers. “You know what I just realized? I forgot the cilantro for dinner. Would you mind running to the store for me?”

I blinked, confused by the sudden shift. “What? Right now? Can’t we just skip it?”

“Nah,” he said, standing up with an exaggerated stretch that exposed his hairy belly. “Brings the whole dish together. Take my car, I’ll give you some cash.”

He left for the kitchen. I turned to Kevin, who looked like he was still trying to catch his breath.

“I’m so sorry about him-”

Kevin shook his head and gave me a nervous smile. “It’s fine. He’s… a little intense, but I can handle it.”

I wasn’t so sure about that. “You’re okay if I leave you alone with him?

He nodded. “Go. I’ll be fine.”

Reluctantly, I took the money from my dad when he returned and made my way to the door. Just as I was about to leave, I saw my father slide onto the couch next to Kevin, his arm stretching out across the back of the couch. The air between them shifted immediately.

“So,” my dad said, his voice low and smooth, “tell me more about this acting thing…”

I sped down the road, my fingers drumming anxiously on the steering wheel. Every second away from home was torture. Kevin had handled my dad’s grilling well enough, but who knew what could happen while I was gone? My dad had a way of pushing boundaries, and I didn’t trust him not to scare off my boyfriend in some misguided attempt at protecting me. The line at the store dragged on forever, and by the time I finally made it through checkout, the sky was already starting to get dark.

I pulled into the driveway, parking halfway on the grass in my rush to get inside. I slammed the car door shut, cilantro in hand, and hurried to the front door.

“Dad? Kevin? I’m back!” I called out as I stepped into the house, but the living room was strangely empty. A sense of unease crept down my spine.

I moved into the kitchen. The soup was still simmering on the stove, a slow, lazy swirl of steam rising from the pot, but there was no sign of them. The silence was overwhelming. “Hello?” I called again, a little louder this time, but still no answer.

Maybe they’d gone out into the backyard for some reason? I could just see dad pulling out one of his legendary cigars to try to impress Kevin (or more likely, watch him choke on the smoke). But when I peeked outside, the backyard was empty. I felt a knot growing in my stomach as I tried to think where the hell they could have gone.

I went back into the front hallway and stood there puzzled for a moment, trying to listen for where they could be. Suddenly I heard a muffled sound coming from upstairs, low and distant. That was strange… maybe Kevin needed to use the bathroom or something? But why wouldn’t he use the one downstairs? I climbed the stairs to the second floor and called out again.

“Hello? You guys?”

I didn’t hear any response, but I could hear the low rumble of my dad’s voice coming from one of the rooms. I checked my dad’s room first to see if maybe they were in the master bathroom, but no dice. The room was empty except for my parents’ neatly made bed and the faint smell of my mom’s perfume on her nightstand. I even checked Dad’s office, but no one was in there. Where in the world were they?

The muffled voices grew louder the closer I got to my bedroom. That was strange–what would they be doing in there? Maybe Dad was giving Kevin a tour or something. But when I approached the door, something stopped me from turning the handle. A small voice in the back to my head urged me to go back downstairs. I didn’t want to know what was on the other side of that door.

Then I heard the unmistakable sound of my dad groaning.

“Fuck, that’s it.”

Emboldened, I turned the knob slowly, prying the door open just a crack so I could peek inside. My dad sat on the bed, his back facing the door. He was leaning back on his elbows, his broad shoulders stretching his t-shirt tight across his chest. His eyes were closed and he had a dreamy smile on his face. For a second I thought he was alone, but then I noticed movement coming from nearby. A flash of dark hair bobbed up and down, disappearing into my father’s lap–Kevin!

My knees went weak at the sight. The bed was blocking most of the action, but I could tell he was on his knees in front of my dad, and from the looks of it, he had my dad’s cock in his mouth. What the fuck?!

“That’s it, boy,” said my dad. He ran his fingers through Kevin’s hair and gave him a comforting pat on the cheek. “Nice and slow. Keep your lips over your teeth, just like I showed you.”

I watched frozen as my boyfriend fellated my father (on my own bed!). I knew that guys were always crushing on my dad, but this? Really?

Kevin lifted his head up, letting my dad’s girthy cock slip out of his mouth. Saliva dripped from his wet, red lips. “Like that, sir?” he asked eagerly.

“Just like that, baby,” said dad. He stuck his thumb in Kevin’s mouth as my boyfriend sucked on it hungrily. “Remember what I showed you about the balls.”

Kevin lifted my dad’s cock above his head and sucked one of his giant balls into his mouth. I could see the other one dangling out of his mouth, hairy and saggy. It looked so huge I was surprised he was even able to fit one of them in. But my dad’s round, saggy testicle was nothing compared to his cock–a massive, meaty snake with a bright pink tip peeking out of the foreskin. Kevin stroked it as he sucked my dad’s balls, still looking up at him with that stupid doe-eyed expression. I watched entranced as the head came in and out of view, retracting into the foreskin with every tug. I may be his son, but even I had to admit the thing was fucking mesmerizing.

“Come here, son,” my dad said, his voice husky. For a second, I thought he was talking to me, but then he lifted Kevin off of his crotch and pulled him up onto his lap. I could see that Kevin’s pants were off, his hard cock tenting his boxer briefs. My dad brought him in for a kiss, sliding his underwear below his ass and giving it a squeeze.

My boyfriend was making little moaning sounds, fully submitting to my dad’s manhandling. I was still having trouble processing what I was seeing, half convinced that this was all a daydream. But then Kevin let out a little cry, and I could see why–dad had slipped a finger inside Kevin’s asshole, all the way to the second knuckle.

“Shh…” said dad. “We don’t want Leo finding us like this.”

He was talking about me! What the hell? That was what really snapped me out of it all. I was just about to burst in and start throwing things when Kevin looked up at my dad and said shyly, “I wanna try that other thing you were talking about.”

I narrowed my eyes. What other thing?

“You sure about that?” my dad asked. He rubbed Kevin’s lip with his thumb. “Not all boys can handle it.”

Kevin nodded. “Please, sir. I need it.”

Dad stood, and I could see his cock clearly for the first time. He was naked from the waist down, his boxers pooled around his ankles as his cock sprang out from a dark forest of pubic hair. He tore his shirt off, revealing his hairy gut and thick, beefy pecs. I’d seen him shirtless at the beach before, but I had never seen him in all his proud, naked glory. The sight of it left me speechless.

Dad kicked off his boxers. “Turn around, baby. Daddy’s gonna get you ready real quick.”

I watched in disbelief as my boyfriend leaped to his hands and knees, ass up and face buried in the pillows before I could even blink. His body was pale and slim with a light smattering of chest hair, a contrast to my father’s thick, hairy frame. My dad put his rough, meaty hands on Kevin’s ass cheeks and spread them. He had a hungry look on his face as he stared at Kevin’s hole, enough that I found myself wishing I had a better vantage point so I could see the action. I nearly jumped as he spit loudly on it. As he rubbed the saliva around Kevin’s hole, then started to rub some on his cock, I suddenly realized what was about to happen.

No way. No fucking way. My dad was about to fuck my boyfriend!

I threw the door open, hitting the wall with a loud slamming noise. “What in the fuck is going on here?”

Kevin’s head shot up, his face blank with shock. Even my dad looked temporarily caught off guard, but then he shot me a casual smile and continued stroking his cock.

“Hey Leo. Did you get the cilantro?”

“Who gives a shit about the cilantro?” I spat out. “You’re fucking my boyfriend!”

“Technically,” my dad said, tugging on his foreskin, “we haven’t actually fucked yet.”

I was so mad I was shaking. But before I could cuss him out, Kevin sputtered, “I’m sorry, babe! We were just-”

“I don’t want to hear anything from you.” I turned on him, seeing red. “You said you wanted to take things slow! But you’ll bend over for my dad five minutes after meeting him?”

“To be fair,” my dad said, sliding a finger back into Kevin and eliciting a high-pitched moan, “I was only doing this to help you.”

I scoffed. “How is this helping me?”

Dad slid his finger in and out, making Kevin whimper a little bit. “How’s he gonna know how to fuck my son if he’s never been with a guy before? I’m doing you both a favor, trust me.”

“Thank you, sir,” Kevin moaned at the same time as I said, “We don’t want your help!”

I glared at him. “Kevin, put your pants back on and let’s get out of here.”

“No!” Kevin said quickly. “I… I mean… I need this, Leo.”

I frowned. “Excuse me?”

His eyes rolled back in his head as he choked out a groan of pleasure. The reason was obvious–my dad was on his knees now, his hands spreading Kevin’s cheeks while his tongue worked its way inside him. The sound of slurping and my dad’s low, rumbling sighs filled the room.

“Oh fuck,” moaned Kevin. “I just… I need to feel your dad in me. I’m sorry, Leo. But then we can totally do whatever you want, I promise!”

My dad pulled off of Kevin’s hole, his jaw wet with saliva. He winked at me. “Don’t worry, son. I’ll take good care of him for you.”

He shoved Kevin’s head into the bed, grabbed his dick, and slapped the head of his cock against Kevin’s asshole.

“You ready, boy? Once I go in I’m not pulling out until it’s done.”

“I need it…” Kevin whimpered.

I sank into the sofa chair in the corner, watching helplessly as my father penetrated my boyfriend for the first time.

“Oh, goooooooood,” moaned Kevin as my dad split him open like a log.

Dad’s fingers kneaded Kevin’s ass cheeks as he slipped the head inside, then held it there. He smiled at me.

“That’s a good boy,” he said, rubbing Kevin’s ass with affection. “Once you get the head in like this, you wanna go ahead and give my son a few seconds to get used to it. Juuust like that. Why don’t you go ahead and give my cock a squeeze with your hole while I’m in here?”

I could tell he must have complied, because my dad’s eyes rolled back and he let out a laugh of pleasure. “Fuck, you’re a natural. Okay, daddy’s gonna go in a little bit more. No, don’t whine, you can take it. That’s it.”

I watched him push his cock deeper inside of my boyfriend, stuffing him fuller than I even thought possible. I didn’t know how Kevin could take any more, and my dad was only halfway in!

Kevin put his hand back against my dad’s stomach. “Please, sir… it’s too big!”

He looked somewhere midway between excruciating pain and unbelievable pleasure when my dad leaned down and kissed him on the neck. “Shhh, it’s okay son. You’re doing so good,” he said as he slid more of his cock inside him. “You’re being so good for me.”

A sticky feeling on my fingers made me realize that I had been subconsciously stroking myself through my shorts. I looked down to see a wet spot forming through my briefs, coating my fingers in gooey precum. I hadn’t even realized I was hard! I ripped my hand away, my dick throbbing so hard it ached for release. But no–I wouldn’t be the guy who jerked off while his own father fucked his boyfriend in front of him. I had a little dignity left, at least!

“Oh god, I feel so full, sir,” said Kevin, pressing his forehead against the pillow.

Dad kissed him on the cheek as he bottomed out inside him. “Call me daddy, remember?” he whispered.

“Daaaddyyyy…” Kevin moaned, his body shuddering in pleasure.

Now that he’d fit his whole cock inside of Kevin, my dad collapsed on top of him, crushing him into the bed with his weight. Kevin groaned as my dad started rocking his pelvis back and forth, thrusting in and out of his virgin hole.

“Is that nice, baby?” dad asked, smacking his hips into Kevin’s ass.

Kevin just whimpered, but I could see him pushing his ass out to let my father penetrate him even deeper. He reached back and pulled his shirt over his head, leaving him completely naked except for his socks.

“You feel so good, son.”


“You needed a real man inside you, didn’t you?”

“Oh… mmm… y-yes, sir.”

My dad squeezed Kevin’s ass cheeks, playing with them as he sawed in and out.

“Fuck… that pussy feels so good, baby. Arch your back… that’s it. Let daddy in.”

I was pretty sure they’d both forgotten I was there until my dad said, “You should be taking notes too, son.” He smacked Kevin on the ass, letting Kevin push back and fuck himself on my dad’s dick. “See how he’s got his ass up in the air like that? And he’s not worrying about his cock right now, he’s focusing on me and my pleasure. He’s still squeezing his hole on my dick, just like a good bottom should. You’ve got a lot to learn from him.”

I rolled my eyes. As if I would be taking bottoming advice from the boy who cheated on me with my own father! Still, what he was saying did make a lot of sense, so I filed it away for future reference and started stroking myself again.

Kevin was moaning loudly now, whimpering like an animal as my dad rutted into him. I could see his hand sliding back to grab my dad’s ass, pulling him in deeper as dad continued to pound away. My hand was flying up and down my cock as I rubbed myself closer over the edge. The whole thing was incredibly humiliating, but all I could focus on was the hot bareback sex happening in front of me.

Even if it was my dad, and even if the man he was fucking was my erstwhile boyfriend, I had to admit they looked really fucking hot together. Dad’s beefy gut was smacking up against Kevin’s ass, and his thick, hairy legs were dripping with sweat. Those balls that Kevin had been sucking on so lovingly just a few minutes ago were pummeling his own sack, swinging through the air like a pendulum in perfect rhythm. Dad had a determined look on his face now, like he’d forgotten all about me and was solely concerned about getting off. Kevin, on the other hand, had long since forgotten I existed, and was gripping the bed sheets for dear life as my dad rammed into him again and again. He had an ecstatic smile on his face like I’d never seen before, not in a single one of those Grease shows I’d so dutifully attended.

Dad was grunting loudly now, his movements jerky and erratic as he got close to a nut. I could feel myself getting close, cheeks burning with shame as I got cuckolded by my own father. Sweat dripped from his forehead and onto Kevin’s back, and the slick, sloppy sounds of flesh on flesh filled the room until it was all I could hear. Then, all too soon, he grabbed Kevin’s waist and pulled him in tight.

“ARGH… fuck!” My dad let out a roar as he unloaded inside my boyfriend. I shot my own load onto my leg, my seed warm and sticky as it dripped off my thigh and onto the ground.

Dad was shuddering as he spilled his seed, his eyes shut tight in intense concentration. Kevin just had a dizzy look on his face, his hands spread wide on the bed as a little bit of drool fell out of the corner of his mouth.

Finally dad pulled out of Kevin, leaning back against his heels as a thin strand of precum dribbled out of his wet, shiny cock. He slapped Kevin’s butt cheek once, then said, “Great job, kid. Now just do that to my son and you’ll be good.”

Kevin didn’t look like he heard a word my father said. He was lying on my bed, eyes glazed over as a steady dribble of my father’s seed leaked out of his hole. I knew right then that we were through. Even if I could forgive him, how could he go back to topping me when he’d already known what it felt like to bottom for my father? He’d be begging me to top him all the time and there was no way I could hold a candle to my father. No, my dad had ruined Kevin for me. Hell, he’d probably ruined him for all men.

As if to add insult to injury, my dad walked over to me and squeezed my shoulder. His hand was sticky with cum, and the smell of it invaded my nostrils.

“Do me a favor, son,” he said with a grin. “Don’t tell your mother.”

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