Get Out!

A gay sex stories: Get Out! Dear Readers,

This is a slight departure from the stories I usually write. Well, except it does involve feelings and acceptance. Feelings of love and fear of the unknown, and acceptance of one’s true nature and of others, regardless of their gender orientation or sexual preferences. It’s just in a different genre.

It’s also been a while since I submitted anything new. I hope you like it. Please comment or send me a message, if you do. I have ideas of where it might go, but haven’t started writing any follow up stories. This one took a month or two from inception to completion. Besides, writing erotica isn’t my full-time job.

Also, check out my other stories. They are mostly in the TG & CD section. Even if this isn’t usually your preference, you might like them.


His name was Ashley and he was 25. He was small, 5’6″, 110 lbs. He slender and fit. He had short, spiky blond hair and the bluest eyes. He had known from a very young age that he was not like the other boys. He knew he was gay. His parents saw it and supported him as best as they could, before he even came out. They knew they wouldn’t be able to personally give him advice, so they found and took him to a him counselor, when he was in his early teens so he could understand what it meant, but never in an attempt to change him. He was, after all, their only child.

He eventually adopted the 90’s mantra, “I’m here, I’m queer, get used to it!” He also adopted the promiscuity of that earlier era.

He came out while he was still in high school, a place, that while rather progressive, still had its bullies. It didn’t help that his name was Ashley, although he would point out it wasn’t the feminine spelling, but that didn’t help any. There were a few other gay and lesbian students, along with others all along the LGBTQIA+ spectrum, but, he didn’t find anyone in that crowd that he was attracted to.

He thought he could silence the bullies by giving hand jobs to one of the “straight” star athletes after school, who eventually convinced Ashley to give him a blow job his senior year when they were both 18, but if anything, it got worse. That is until it was leaked that the football team’s starting wide receiver had had “gay sex”. Then, he was just shunned for being a queer.

It turned out Ashley loved giving blowjobs as much as he always thought he would. He started sucking any dick he could get his mouth on. Neither the athlete nor any of the other guys he blew had romantic feelings for Ashley. And Ashley was not under the impression that they loved him. They were all just satisfying youthful, carnal lust. He used sex as a weapon to assuage his feelings that, being gay, he wasn’t worthy of love.

This continued throughout college, as well. Ashley made it a habit of picking up guys and sucking cocks as a substitute for establishing any kind of meaningful relationship. He also gave up his anal virginity along the way. He loved the feeling of control that came with being the instigator of sexual hook ups. He loved the taste of cum and the feeling of having his lover’s seed pumped into his bowels. But he also felt an emptiness. His parents noticed and hoped Ashley would grow out of this phase and find someone that would love him, not use him and move on. However, it was Ashley who was usually doing the moving on.

Ashley was very intelligent. He attended college on a scholarship and graduated with a degree in Art History and went on to get his doctorate. A studio where he had interned, gave him his first job after college. The studio owner appreciated Ashley’s talent and let him curate several shows. He was able, with some help from his parents, to get a small, but nice bungalow. Ashley continued going to bars and picking up men.

He found that the bars near the airport were fertile grounds. Businessmen and other travelers just passing through were prime targets for one-nighters. They were the last place one would go to find love.

Thomas was a 34 year-old mergers and acquisitions lawyer. He was at his Raleigh office to work on the final details of a buyout. His team, under his guidance, had been working out the details of the deal for weeks and it had come time to finalize it. He had arrived in town on Wednesday and spent long hours the previous two days hammering it out, but they weren’t finished. Being a partner, the youngest partner in the firm’s history as a matter of fact, he could afford to fly home to New York for the weekend, but he had plans, or rather a loose set of plans to try something out and decided to stay over the weekend and pick it up on Monday.

Thomas was 6’2″ tall. He worked out and ran and had the build of a pro football tight end. He had even played that position in high school, but it was his brains that got him into Harvard, where he earned his business and law degree.

Being a lawyer required long hours and his love life had been lacking. Sure there were women who would love to be Mrs. Thomas Smith, and he had had his share of dates and relationships, but he always felt unfulfilled. Something was lacking. He had suspicions, but couldn’t put his finger on exactly what.

That was until he had recently started recalling repressed memories dating back to high school. In the locker rooms he remembered being more than a little interested in the other boys’ dicks. He remembered being more interested in the mens’ cocks in the porn videos he found on the internet, than the girls’ pussies. He remembered all the men he had checked out in bars, rather than watching all the slutty girls.

He remembered the one time he had been so drunk he’d accepted a ride from a stranger who had stopped in a secluded spot and had taken Thomas’ hand and placed it on his lap, while rubbing a Thomas’ stiffening penis. The stranger had taken advantage of Thomas’ inebriated state and they had jerked each other off, before dropping Thomas off at his apartment. However, Thomas had not been so drunk that he couldn’t have stopped the stranger if he had wanted to. Yet, he had convinced himself that he wasn’t “that way” and that was the only time he had ever had a sexual experience with another man. He realized that he had probably been in denial all along. He decided to test his theory and find out. That was why he decided to stay in Raleigh over the weekend.

It was almost 8 pm when Thomas had released him his team, still too early to initiate his plan. So he returned to his hotel suite and showered and shaved. He put on a pair of Under Armor boxer briefs, a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He left the t-shirt untucked and slipped on a pair of loafers. It was obvious he was fit, but the jeans and t-shirt left his physique a bit of a mystery. He went down to the hotel bar and ordered a bourbon to steel his nerves.

Ashley began getting ready for his night out. He was somewhat of a twink, but not truly a bimbo like other twinks, only in the way he dressed. He was still practically hairless below his eyebrows. Therefore when he pulled on his Calvin Klein briefs, a pair of glittery hot pants, and pink midriff t-shirt, his thin build and outfit made him look girlish. But he was definitely all man, or boy, as he liked to think. Lastly, he slipped on a pair of laceless sneakers that were also covered in glitter. He looked much younger than his age, with his smooth, almost hairless face and body, and lithe figure.

At the bar, Ashley stopped to chat with Darius, the bouncer.

“Looking good, tonight, Ash! You looking for the usual?” Darius asked.

“Oh god, am I that predictable?” Ashley whined, then laughed. “Just let me know if you see what I’m looking for.” His voice was soft and flowery. He winked at Darius and then stood on his tiptoes and the 6’6″ bouncer leaned down so Ashley could give him a kiss on the cheek.

“You got it, sweetie.” Darius swapped Ashley on the butt as he entered the bar. Ashley squealed.

Inside the bar, Ashley ran into a few other gay friends. He was constantly checking his phone for a text from Darius as they had drinks and danced. They were still on the dance floor when the phone in his back pocket vibrated, almost causing him to jump.

*Got a live one coming in*

Ashley’s attention turned towards the door. He gasped when the handsome stud cautiously entered and found a seat at the bar as close to the door as he could. He could always count on Darius.

Thomas thought to himself, “What the hell am I doing?” All of a sudden, he wasn’t sure he wanted to go through with his plan, which was to try everything, to see if this was who he really was. His psyche was still trying to tell him he wasn’t gay. He almost chickened out, but saw a seat opening at the bar a few feet away. He might as well have a beer, he thought. He was so nervous that when the bartender finally got around to him and asked what he wanted, his voice croaked, when he said “Beer”.

The bartender noticed his nervousness and asked “Draft IPA, okay?” trying to make him feel welcome.


Thomas drank his beer quickly as he glanced around, but mostly watched the bartender, to distract himself. When his glass was empty, he signaled to the bartender for another and slowly began to relax.

As he sipped his second beer, he spun around on his barstool and started watching the other people in the bar and his attention turned to the dance floor. The internet had said this was a gay bar, but its proximity to the airport meant there were all sorts of people there. That’s when he noticed a small, slender young man looking his way.

Ashley and his friends, but mostly Ashley, had noticed the tall, handsome, and obviously hetero, but nervous, guy sitting at the bar. The others knew Ashley would be all over him. After about 20 minutes, Kevin asked him “Ashley you going to hit that, or am I going to have to give it a try at him?”

“Hands off, Kev, he’s mine!”

“Well, then do something.”

Ashley walked towards the bar for a refill of his Cosmopolitan and sidled up next to his prey.

Clint saw Ashley approaching and had the drink sitting on the bar by the time Ashley got there. Ashley squeezed in between Thomas and the patrons sitting to his right.

It was Thomas who broke the ice. “Must be nice to know the bartender.” He quipped.

Ashley acted like he hadn’t been staring holes through Thomas’ clothes the whole evening, when he turned towards Thomas, like he had just noticed him, and said, “Oh, hi. Yes, being a regular has its pluses. My name is Ashley.” The barstool next to him opened up and Ashley sat down next to Thomas.

“Thomas.” He extended his hand.

Ashley noticed how much larger than his own, Thomas’ hand was and thought, “big hands, big you-know-what.” That’s what he was looking for.

“So, Thomas, what are you here for?”

Thomas tried to hide his shock. Was it that obvious that he was there to try his first time at gay sex. He thought it very bold of Ashley to come right out and ask.

“I mean, what brings you to Raleigh?”

Thomas recovered from his momentary stupor. “Oh, a business deal,” explaining a little of what he did for a living.

The music was quite loud and Ashley scooted the barstool closer to Thomas and continued their casual conversation. When he would lean in to try and hear Thomas over the music, he would inhale deeply to capture his manly scent.

Thomas was enjoying himself and practically forgot why he was there in the first place, until he felt Ashley’s hand on his leg after he made a joke (which wasn’t all that funny). Ashley giggled, anyway. It wasn’t the first touch. Ashley had actually touched his arm several times while they had sat there.

The move to touch Thomas’ leg was intentional on Ashley’s part and he was emboldened when Thomas didn’t flinch at the touch.

“Want to get out of here?”

Thomas realized this was why he had come here in the first place and he had been enjoying Ashley’s touches, surprising himself. Ashley had made him feel very comfortable.

Ashley, on the other hand, was not surprised. This is how he picked up most first timers, yet, through their conversation, Thomas had become more relaxed and more at ease, not as fearful as any of the others. At the same time, Ashley found himself actually liking this guy; a guy who, originally, he had just wanted to use and be used by for his own pleasure. He was clearly well educated, witty, personable, and obviously gorgeous. But it started to feel like something more than just physical.

Ashley shook his head. This wasn’t some silly romantic comedy where the two main characters fell in love at first sight.

Thomas noticed. “Something wrong?” He thought for a second he had said or did something that Ashley had misinterpreted.

“No.” Ashley told himself to shake it off. He had come here to find a nice cock, suck it, and move on. Although, his type was the homophobic type. The ones who he knew weren’t going to call the next day to try and arrange a second “date”. He straightened up and said, “It’s nothing. It’s just so loud in here. Would you like to go somewhere more quiet?”

“What did you have in mind?”

Thomas knew where this was probably heading, and still had reservations, but he was committed to seeing if it was what he truly wanted. Maybe he was gay and would change his entire lifestyle, maybe he wasn’t and he would chalk this up to a mistake that he would never talk to anyone about, maybe he would, but he would move on, still trying to find himself.

“Let’s go to my place.”

Ashley was having second thoughts. This didn’t feel like his usual hook ups. He didn’t have much time to call it off.

Thomas knew this was it. Do or die time. He answered quickly. “Sure. But …”

Ashley knew the hesitation. “You don’t want to be seen leaving the bar together, do you?”

“No. It’s not that.” But it was, or at least it had been. Thomas suddenly felt ashamed. Not that he would be seen by people who didn’t matter in the big scheme of things, leaving a gay bar with an obviously gay man, for pretty obvious reasons, but by the fact that, here was a person, who he found himself liking, regardless of his sexual orientation, and he had just done something that might imply he was ashamed of who or what Ashley was, and who or what he, himself, was. He was tired of feeling ashamed.

He put his hand on the back of Ashley’s shoulder, nodding towards the exit. “Let’s go.”

The touch shook something in Ashley.

“I took an Uber here. How did you get here,” Ashley asked after recovering from Thomas’ touch.

“Uh, I have a rental car. It’s about three blocks away, towards 8th St.” Thomas hadn’t wanted anyone to see him parking close to and entering a gay bar. He knew that was ridiculous. First, he knew only a handful of people in Raleigh and they wouldn’t recognize his rental. Second, he’d had to walk the three blocks, thus “exposing” himself to the public for a much longer time before stopping at the entrance to the bar and standing there in the queue. “I can go get it and pick you up outside, if you’d like.”

“No. That’s ok. I can walk with you. Let’s go.”

They walked out the bar together. For some reason, Ashley tried to avoid making eye contact with Darius. Darius was busy checking IDs, but saw him and winked. He gave Ashley a thumbs-up when Thomas was looking away, towards the direction of his rental car. Ashley returned the gesture, but it felt like he was telling a lie. He was so conflicted.

Thomas’ and Ashley’s conversation, that had began in the bar and covered many topics, became an awkward silence on the streets, as they walked the three blocks. Thomas felt the urge to take Ashley’s hand, but decided against it. His thoughts raced. He wasn’t expecting to make a connection. He originally just wanted to see how strong his attraction to a man could be. This had started out feeling like a hookup, but now his emotions and hormones were a blurred mess.

In the car, the conversation consisted mostly of Ashley giving Thomas directions. Ashley wanted to take control back, so he leaned closer and began rubbing Thomas’ leg, occasionally lightly brushing it against the growing lump in his jeans. Thomas kept his eyes on the road, not revealing much of anything.

They arrived at Ashley’s small bungalow after an approximately 20 minute drive. They got out of there car.

“Here it is.” Ashley said.

It was a quaint, well maintained little house, with a flower garden in the front, and a small, covered front porch with a couple of wicker chairs. They were in the center of a neighborhood with many equally nice, small houses, obviously older, but fixed up. Thomas had noticed a number of houses flying rainbow flags as they entered this section of midtown, clearly, a gay neighborhood. They stood on the sidewalk as Thomas looked over the place. “It’s very nice.”

“Thanks. I’ve done a little work on it. Okay, well, I mean, I’ve *had* work done on it. I don’t know a screwdriver from a hammer,” Ashley joked.

Things lightened up between the two after the tension-filled ride.

Ashley took Thomas’ hand and led him through the gate in the picket fence, up the walkway, and up the steps. He didn’t know why he had done this, why he had instinctively taken Thomas” hand. It felt too “intimate.”

Just inside the front door was the living room, with a sofa, two small chairs, a coffee table, and a fireplace. A wall had obviously been knocked out, because the room was open towards the back of the house, into the fully remodeled, but tiny kitchen. To the right was a hallway, which Thomas assumed led to the bedrooms.

They stood in the living room.

“Have a seat, please. Make yourself comfortable.” Ashley pointed to the sofa. “Can I fix us some drinks?”

Thomas sat. “I’ll have a bourbon, if you’ve got it.”

“One bourbon, coming up. On ice, or neat?”

“Neat, please.”

Ashley poured a bourbon for Thomas and mixed a white wine spritzer for himself, then carried the two glasses over to, what he considered, his prey.

“You have a very nice home,” Thomas said, not knowing what else to say in this situation, still a bit nervous, not knowing what else to say or what to do. He decided he’d let Ashley dictate the next move, as they sipped their drinks.

“Thank you.”

The silence was deafening. Ashley was undressing Thomas with his eyes, but said nothing else. Before Thomas could say anything else, that might ruin the mood, Ashley stood and moved in front of Thomas.

“This is it,” thought Thomas. He took another sip of bourbon.

Ashley took hold of the hem of Thomas’ t-shirt and began lifting it, slowly. He stared slack jawed as he revealed rippling abs and tight lats, followed by chiseled pecs. He stopped there with the shirt bunched up at Thomas’ underarms.

Ashley knew what Thomas was after, at least he thought he did. And that was to get his cock sucked by a hot little gay, all “wham-bam” and then leave. That was usually okay with Ashley, but he found himself wanting to worship this godlike Adonis body, slowly. Then, he’d let him go.

He realized his mouth was open and closed it, before he bent down and kissed below Thomas’ cute, little innie bellybutton, above his jeans. Taking his time, he ran his tongue up, through the bellybutton, over the washboard abs, to Thomas’ chest. Thomas had just the right amount of body hair, trailing down from his chest, disappearing into his jeans, Ashley thought, as he nuzzled his nose in the soft patch between Thomas’ nipples, while his hands lightly stroked his abs and sides.

Thomas didn’t know whether to close his eyes and lay his head back, or to keep watching Ashley. When Ashley took his right nipple into his mouth, he involuntarily leaned it back and shut his eyes. He thought he also heard himself let out a little moan.

Ashley sucked on the nub in his mouth, flicking it with his tongue, eliciting small twitches from Thomas, continuing to marvel at the muscles beneath his fingertips. His actions sent small electrical jolts to Thomas’ dick, causing it to grow and begin to leak precum inside his underwear. The smell that was inundating Ashley’s nostrils was intoxicating. It was warm and musky. He pinched the left nipple with his right hand and Thomas jumped. He wasn’t aware that his nipples were that sensitive and that connected to his arousal, as he had never had them played with like this. It made sense, though, he thought. Except for milk production, men’s and women’s breasts were very similar.

With his left hand, Ashley unbuckled Thomas’ belt, then unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. Thomas assumed his jeans were going to be removed so he lifted his hips and started to push them down, but Ashley stopped him. He wasn’t through with his torture, err, his foreplay. Thomas sat back down on the sofa.

The bulbous tip of Thomas’ circumcised cock, once released from its confines, rose just above the waistband of his Under Armors. It was glistening with precum and at that moment, another large glob formed on the tip. Ashley couldn’t resist and placed his lips, just on the tip and sucked up the honey. He loved precum, just as much as what came afterwards.

Thomas opened his eyes and stared at the cute, young man who had been raising an insatiably, carnal desire with his talented lips, mouth and tongue. It felt so good. He had no idea what to expect next, so he continued to let Ashley lead.

Another large drop of precum had replaced the first that Ashley had sucked off. Ashley scooped it up with a fingertip and rubbed the slippery fluid around and onto Thomas’ left nipple. The sensation elicited another moan from Thomas. Ashley then licked it off.

Ashley then raised up and grabbed the t-shirt, again. “Arms up.” Thomas complied and Ashley pulled the shirt up over Thomas’ broad shoulders and over his head, tossing it on the floor.

Ashley had been standing or squatting, leaning over Thomas this whole time. He got closer, then crawled onto the sofa and straddled Thomas’ lap, trapping Thomas’, still, mostly hidden erection between his taut, little, albeit still clothed, butt cheeks.

He leaned over and continued licking and sucking Thomas’ left nipple. After he had lavished his attention upon it for a while, he started moving upwards, kissing Thomas’ clavicle, slowly trailing kisses to his neck, lingering there.

Thomas leaned his head to his right, giving Ashley unfettered access, moaning again, while Ashley kissed, licked and sucked his neck. He could have taken Thomas’ pulse as his lips pressed against his carotid artery. It was a strong pulse, beating and increasing in rate as Ashley continued orally lavishing Thomas’ neck. Ashley stopped sucking, just shy of leaving a hickey. No need to mark the guy. He kissed his way along Thomas’ strong freshly shaven and smooth jawline to his ear. He blew softly into Thomas’ ear and, wetting it, stuck his tongue inside his ear canal.

At this point, Ashley knew Thomas was ripe and in a very high state of arousal. He could feel Thomas’ rock-hard boner pressing against his ass. He, himself, was equally aroused, his little 5-inch penis at it’s maximum erection, straining against his tight bootie shorts.

Ashley wasn’t usually a kisser, but he found himself wanting to press his lips to Thomas’. He kissed his way across Thomas’ smooth cheek and pulled back slightly. Thomas opened his eyes and looked into Ashley’s.

“Well, here goes nothing,” Ashley thought. He leaned back in.

Thomas closed his eyes, again, as did Ashley.

They were lip-to-lip.

Thomas thought …, well he thought nothing, he just reacted. For the first time that evening, he raised his arm and touched Ashley. He placed his hand on Ashley’s neck and held their lips together. Ashley placed his right hand on Thomas’ cheek. Thomas was the first to part his lips. Ashley took this as a sign and slid his tongue out and licked Thomas’ open lips. Then both tongues were involved, and they kissed each other deeply.

The kiss lasted an eternity. At least it seemed. Both of their mouths were watering. Their tongues grew weary, while their passion was inflamed beyond belief. Thomas could feel his loins tighten. He fought the urge to cum, then and there.

Ashley had Thomas right where he wanted him, or so he told himself. He broke the kiss and said, “I want your cock.” And he really did. So much, it almost hurt.

Thomas just nodded, ever so slightly.

Ashley, who had been draped over Thomas’ body for god knows how long, slinked down to him knees on the floor. Thomas’s pole was bulging. Ashley pulled on the waist of Thomas’ jeans and Thomas lifted his hips to let Ashley tug them down. Thomas kicked off his loafers. One leg at a time, Ashley pulled the pants off by grabbing from the bottom hem. He tossed them aside. Slowly, Ashley unveiled his target, pulling the soaked, nylon underwear off, revealing a perfect 8″ pulsing, throbbing penis

Pushing Thomas’ legs apart, Ashley crawled between them. He wrapped his lips around the smooth helmet and sucked, getting a steady stream of deliciousness. He sensed Thomas’ excitement and gave the base of his shaft a firm squeeze, staving off a quick ejaculation.

Ashley started descending on the fleshy rod agonizingly slowly, one centimeter at a time, pulling back to the head each time. He kept his hands off of it, except to squeeze the base again every time he thought Thomas was close to cumming.

He swirled his tongue around the shaft and inserted the tip into the piss slit, while keeping a firm suction on it with his lips. Thomas’ cock thudded with each heartbeat. It’s swollen length and girth vibrating in Ashley’s mouth.

At last, the tip pressed at the opening to Ashley’s throat. Being the accomplished cocksucker that he was, there was no gag reflex. Ashley pushed the tip past the opening and his throat contracted around it. He pulled back and started a rhythmic up and down assault, not so fast that he would bring Thomas to completion, at least, not yet.

Thomas, babbled almost incoherently. All Ashley could make out was the occasional uttering of his name. He knew that this was the best BJ he had given in his life, so far, and he wasn’t done, yet. The length of Thomas’ erection was wet and slippery with saliva and precum, gliding in and out.

At this point, Thomas wanted to cum so badly, but couldn’t. Something was holding him back.

Ashley continued manipulating Thomas’ penis, primarily with his lips and tongue, going down, taking his time, allowing an inch and a half to two inches into his throat, holding it there, and pulling back up. He couldn’t wait to taste and swallow a load of Thomas’ cum. But, he continued taking his time.

Then, Ashley finally released Thomas, who was aching by now. He looked up. Thomas opened his eyes to see Ashley gazing at him. How long had he been in this ecstatic state?

Ashley spoke. “Fuck my mouth.”

Ashley kept his head up, so that Thomas had to raise his ass several inches off the sofa to place the tip back between Ashley’s lips, a place it was yearning to be. He wanted to forever remain in the warm embrace of Ashley’s mouth. With his feet on the floor and his back against the sofa cushions, he lifted his hips higher. His cock slid into and out of Ashley’s mouth, slow humping it.

After several more minutes, Ashley stuck the index finger of his left hand in his mouth, alongside Thomas’ cock. He coated it with slippery juices. Thomas mistook this action for a merely seductive move, not that he could have been more turned on than he already was. He watched as he humped his dick in and out of Ashley’s lips alongside Ashley’s finger, and saw Ashley grin as he removed his finger from his mouth and moved his hand between his legs. He knew what was coming. But he had never had anything in there. Not a finger, not a toy, and definitely not any type of vegetable. That’s gross. He wondered where that thought came from, but it quickly flittered away.

When he raised his hips again, he felt Ashley’s finger graze his behind. When he lowered it, he trapped Ashley’s hand between his ass and the sofa cushion. The next time he lifted his hips, Ashley pressed his finger against his sphincter. He lowered them again, trapping the hand. He wanted it. He wanted Ashley’s finger in his ass. He lifted his ass, again, sliding his shaft back into Ashley’s mouth. This time he hesitated a few seconds before lowering it.

Ashley teased him, simply stroking his crack and tickling his rosebud. He went back down. Maybe, Ashley was just going to continue stroking and teasing. He lifted his behind again and held it. Still no penetration, well except for his cock into Ashley’s mouth. However, this time when he lowered his hips, Ashley had adjusted his hand and Thomas’ weight forced the finger right up into his tight butthole. Ashley’s finger, being slender, slid right in. There was no pain or discomfort, only a unique, tantalizing sensation. Ashley wiggled his finger, tapping on Thomas’ p-spot.

Thomas had reached sexual sensory overload. Having spent what felt like nearly an hour with his cock in Ashley’s mouth, this following almost half an hour of build up, nearly cumming multiple times, he exploded. Right before it happened, he tried to warn Ashley, but all he managed to get out was, “Ashl…”

It happened so quickly, Ashley was caught off guard, as he had deep-throated Thomas before he began tickling Thomas’ prostrate. The first large load of cum shot right down his esophagus. He quickly pulled back, wanting to taste and savor his prize. He was rewarded with multiple, equally large spurts, before Thomas’ ejaculate started to lessen. There was so much, he had to swallow some, lest he waste a drop.

He kept several teaspoons’ worth in his mouth as he swirled his tongue around and lathered every surface inside his mouth with the thick, sticky goo.

Then, he waited. Waited for the rush of Thomas flying around the room, like a whirling dervish, gathering up his things, throwing on his clothes as he made a beeline for the door. That’s what always happened in these circumstances. That’s what Ashley wanted.

“Why is he still laying there?” Ashley wondered.

Thomas was physically, emotionally, sexually exhausted. He had just experienced the most mind blowing blow job of his life, bar none. Never mind that it had been at the control of this young man’s mouth. No, Thomas told himself, it was because it had been due to him. He had enjoyed the fact that another guy could make him feel this way. He really couldn’t even form any other thoughts.

“GET OUT!” Ashley screamed in his head. Thomas didn’t seem to be going anywhere.

“I SAID, GET OUT!” he heard his mind scream, again.

But a tiny voice was saying, pleading, “Please don’t leave.”

What had this man done to him? Why hadn’t he grabbed his head and forcibly fucked his mouth, half way through, just to get his nuts off, from a little faggot sucking his straight-assed dick? Why hadn’t he ever called him a cocksucker, or a sissy bitch? He told himself that he liked these things. We was proud to be a cock whore.

Why did it feel like they had just made love? Uggh!

Why did he have feelings for him?

Thomas had collapsed, laying over on his side on the sofa, nearly passing out form the huge orgasm. He held his weary head up and looked at Ashley. Was that a tear? “Oh my god, what have I done?” He thought. “Have I done something wrong?” He prayed that he hadn’t done anything to harm this beautiful creature. He was at a loss for words. He did the best thing he thought he could do in this case. He held his arms open, offering a hug.

Ashley crawled up on the sofa next to Thomas and laid his head on the older man’s chest. Thomas wrapped him up in his arms.

Ashley pondered if this was what love was. They both succumbed to sleep.

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