On My Knees as the Relief Team Pt. 03

A gay story: On My Knees as the Relief Team Pt. 03 Story Info

My roommate and I play with my girlfriend in the next room.

315 words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

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“Well look at all of this leaking out of me.” I looked down and there was a ton of cum on the shower floor. I knew some was mine but I knew that a good portion was from Tony and had leaked out during my session with Anna.

We ended up washing each other’s bodies, rinsed and turned the water off. As we were drying off I looked at her beautiful body. She was amazing.

“That was great” I said. “What brought that on this morning?”

She grinned, “Well I heard the shower running and I came in to pee. I saw the lube on the sink and I couldn’t let my man take care of himself while I was here to help.”

I blushed and then saw the lube still sitting on the sink. Tony must have left it and she thought I was masturbating with it.

She leaned up and kissed me as she wrapped a towel around her.

“I love you.” I said as I looked into her eyes.

She smiled and gave me a hug resting her head on my chest. “I love you too”

Anna then broke our hug and looked at me. “I’ve got to go. I’ve got an early class and I’m already late. With that she ran to my room and shut the door. I finished drying off and walked to my room. Anna was coming out and looked fantastic with her wet hair, t-shirt and shorts.

“See you tonight.” she said as she kissed me and left.

I got dressed and walked out into the Kitchen. Tony poured me a cup of coffee and slid it to me.

Tony tipped his glass toward me “Starting off to be a good day.” He said with a smile.

“Yes it is. A good day indeed.” I said tipping my cup back toward his and making them clink.

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