Pete Comes Out

A gay story: Pete Comes Out Pete comes out… © Alex Carr 2010

“Will it take long?” I remember saying when the man who purported to be my uncle asked if I would like to see some of his work. I was telling him I am interested in painting which set the ball rolling , he’d rented a caravan for a week’s holiday intending to see my father, his brother he said – but dad was called out abroad on an urgent assignment so I’d looked forward to some time on my own, just me and my easel to really concentrate on something I enjoyed so much.

But I needed to be polite, especially as Jack, that was his name, was a relative although Dad had never mentioned him. He was viewing my work at the local amateur art group’s exhibition so naturally I was looking for comments, that/s when Jack, finding out my name, said he was related and when he gave my Dad’s name, John I believed him.

But on arriving at his holiday caravan all he had was a single picture of a lion which he claimed he had painted. Politely I looked at it and said it was alright and I had better go.

“Not yet, Pete – you are my nephew, lets spend some time together or is it that you have a girl waiting?”

“Not really I said, I guess I have been too engrossed in my work to think about girls”

“And you a young lad of at least eighteen, you must have thought about it?”

“Nineteen actually,” I advised but to be honest I have had no inclination, I guess I am one of those guys happy with his own company.

“Perhaps you have other leanings, Pete, ever thought of that?”

“Such as?”

He came over to me, sat beside me and placed his hand warmly upon my left knee sort of clenching his fist.

“Perhaps you prefer your own sex, it does run in the family. I have heard say”

I’d never really thought about it and maybe I was colouring because he noticed.

“Does that disturb you, I mean maybe the idea seems comfortable with you, Pete?”

I did feel a certain stirring inside, the question had never come up before but Jack did have a certain ambiance which attracted me in an odd sort of way and when he ran his hand along the inside of my thigh I didn’t resist and I guess I was giving him, without realising, the go ahead.

“That it, just relax and chill, Pete – I find you very attractive.”

Confused I did put my hand over his as he started to finger my crotch. “I am not sure if this is right, Jack” I said nervously, one part of me wanting his interest in me but the other not. Perhaps I needed to know him a bit more and anyway, he was my uncle.

“No I’m not, Pete” he declared after my asking him about family matters. ” Sorry if I lied but I had to get your attention somehow, so it is quite alright no problems at all, Hope you accept my apologies, no harm meant, it is just you are so very attractive.

“But how did you know Dad’s name.”

“Heard you mention him inadvertently when you were showing me your work, and some paintings of your Dad’s too, they had his signature on them, John Turner.

“So there’s no problem at all, you may like to lay on the bed for a while, would you like that, it would be very nice I promise you.”

I felt aroused no doubt about it. Jack – although at least twenty years my senior -was a lean neatly dressed clean cut guy who’s smile was very appealing and already his touch had set something off in my being that I had not encountered before.

“That’s right, now just relax and I will come and sit next to you on this stool.”

He drew this small stool alongside the bed after drawing the curtains and not quite knowing what was coming made it all the more appealing and exciting. I actually wanted Jacks undivided attention.

I guess I knew since I reached puberty my leaning was towards guys of my own creed and now I was faced with the opportunity of realising it in a practical mode.

The idea was no way as awkward as I thought and, on the contrary, I felt comfortable with this guy who was like a gentleman, well cultured and clean cut.

“That’s my boy, just stretch out and let me enjoy you…and if there s anything you don’t like me doing just say so -right?”

I agreed. With a lump in my throat I was still getting around the idea what was happening to me as he touched me over my jeans, I felt it stirring me deeply it was so wonderful, his fingers gently moving over me in a light sort of scratching motion. I felt something happening to me, at first I felt quite embarrassed but Jack reassured me saying it was the most natural thing in the world and he would show me just how to enjoy a sexual encounter withy another guy and anyway I had the most delightful feel and could he undo my jeans.

I went along with the idea, feeling him unzip me there, I closed my eyes and just let him do what he wanted to do, all the time enjoying this gentle guy and so wonderful new experience.

He looked so cool sitting there as I slightly opened my eyes. He seemed like a doctor examining me like he was a true professional but all the time touching me so carefully like he was really enjoying.

Having undone my zip I felt his hand cup me over my boxer shorts and then he squeezed very slightly, looking into my face as he explored me and I guess – getting the okay signal for him not to stop and go further.

“Lift you hind a little so I can get these off” he said grasping and undoing my belt and pulling my jeans down to my knees and then completely off. Me laying there for the offing like a dish to be garnished, that’s precisely how I felt, my white boxers and blue tee shirt feeling comfortable as he hung my jeans neatly over the back of a chair and came back again to crouch on his stool, this time I saw his legs were wide open and his left hand covered his crotch as the right hand began to stroke and tease finger over my crotch.

“Okay to continue, Pete?”

He would say this from time too time before he resumed something else which thrilled and aroused.

The feeling was so absolutely lovely and I wanted him not to stop, the squeezing and manipulating of those parts which up to now had only been exclusive to me and when I was young my mum when she bathed me. In fast that’s how it felt , like he was about to wash me there and the way he caressed my balls was heaven in itself.

And there was no feeling of haste, he just took his time and it was lovely.

“You are quite well developed, Pete” Jack complimented having now slipped down my boxers to reveal my swollen genitals. Let’s make it last shall we, see I have this ring to roll over you so it controls your imminent ejaculation. He sounded ever so posh using those words but I later discovered as he grew more excited his language would be more basic which was another real turn on.

“Never imagined I could ever do this with another guy, Jack” I returned feeling his gaze and his gentle caress which made me feel truly wonderful.

“You balls are lovely to feel” he continued cupping them to enhance their fullness The ring isn’t too tight huh?.

“Just right,” I returned.

He must have done this for a good five minutes sending me into a veritable trance like I was in another world, another place – yet oddly, I felt at ease and wanted, it was almost as if this moment was meant to be. And I noticed he was massaging himself all the time with his other hand and I also saw that he was getting very big down there.

I started to fee guilty thinking maybe I should be doing something too, perhaps I should touch him there or something but he seemed more than content for the time being just to enjoy me and although I felt a selfish swine the things he was doing with my cock was simply wicked.

“Mmm! You smell lovely” he said stretching back my foreskin to expose my red bulbous knob, me feeling just a little embarrassed at that – and then his started licking it in such a rapturous way I felt completely emerged in what he was doing with that tongue.”

“Pete, if it tastes as good as it smells I will be well happy, may I?”

“But you are tasting it?” I asked shaking in excitement.

“Yes but now I would like to deep suck it, it looks good enough to eat, have you ever been sucked before?”

“No, I have often wondered what t would feel like but have never had the opportunity given.”

“Well then, Pete just lay back and enjoy Huh? I am sure we shall both enjoy this and look, if you what to cum , I’ll release the ring – I won’t mind.”

“You wont – even if I do it in your mouth or on your face, Jack?”

“Of course not, it is all part f the thrill of cock sucking for me, to feel and taste hot salty spunk spurting out after a strong suck and wank, and that’s just what I need right now, so let me take a hold of it and take you on your first journey to paradise, with your cock stuck firmly into my mouth and my fingers busily squeezing and wanking the base of you cock, that will be divine…”

The thought of once ejaculating into the mouth of the guy who was sucking you would have seemed repulsive to me before I met Jack, but now all at once it seemed a very attractive proposition and I was hoping that soon I would also get the opportunity to suck cock, and seeing the size of Jack’s – be it through his jeans, the well bunched bundle in his crotch, I was staring to really get into the mood, wondering just what it would be like to suck and taste cock, something a guy when he is young would love to do to himself if he was pliable enough, just the thought now of feeling Jack’s cock was very thrilling and soon maybe I would get the opportunity when he had had his fill of me…

But I started to realise he was not about to go any further than just to enjoy me the way he was because he asked me if ever I had fantasies about fucking a guy, I felt he was maybe a little awkward about asking being as he was that much older than I.

In some ways it was a relief because as he enjoyed me going through my mind was could I take him that way – and also would I be attracted to that, with the overriding feeling that I had the notion of playing the butch part, yet although I would never have thought if it with an older guy I felt different now as Jack and I were becoming more acquainted – and therefore if that is what he would like I would go for it hook, line and sinker!

If I had ever had doubts before I knew now, the way Jack was wanking and sucking me, that I was big and strong enough to fuck ass – the very thought of it served to make me more Horney than ever.

He was such a softie I felt I wanted to get to know him more intimately and we talked about it.

“Would you like me to strip then Pete, is that what you would like because I can tell you, it would be so wonderful for me, it has been such a long time.”

“Please do, Jack – I really think we have realised we are both on par and I really would like to go further if that is okay with you?”

He laughed and when I asked why he said we were so very polite to each other, but he was quite taken by that as I watched him strip down his jeans. The lump I had seen earlier when he was massaging me was even more prominent now through his briefs – but it was attractive to me and yes I wanted to see more, what Jack was really made of and I could see he wasn’t about to disappoint me ,

Looking at me again with that infectious smile he lowered his briefs, ever so slowly letting me peek a little at a time until suddenly it popped out like a jack in the box.

“Better out than in!” I whispered starting to sniff the scent of him.

“No bad huh, Pete?”

“Looks good to me, better than I’ve seen, it is some enticing specimen, may I …”



“Do what you like, Pete I feel at ease with you, you make my whole body tingle like I want your fuck, anything!”

“Very glad you said that, Jack” I returned. “It is so wonderful,” I stroked it to get the feel of it, squeezed to feel the flexibility of it, it felt good and soothing and smelt good too. He simply stood there as I slipped onto my knees to get acquainted with it. It had a strong blue vein running through the middle and standing to attention had a slight bend which was so thrilling, I touched it for a while, he asked if I would like to suck it, to taste it like he did me. I took a deep breath and took it into my mouth tasting immediately its strong flavour tease my taste buds as its head teased the opening to my throat, I discovered the art of cock sucking there and then, how to swivel it one way and then the other for extra sensitivity and now I realised just why Jack was so keen to taste me

The thought was there to fuck him, it would be my first time and with the taste of his cock anointing my mouth – the first time I felt the notion to do it, of course it was something quite new for me to achieve but I wanted to achieve just that, weighing it up, stretching it back after I’d well wetted it with my deep sucking as Jack did with mine was so soothing and heavenly and I heard his deep moan as I briskly wanked it to and fro.

“Tell you what, feel me from the backside” he suggested turning and slightly bending to let me enjoy a close up of pure unadulterated ass, his balls were hanging there like large ripe grapes and I touched them both, cradling them as he did with me but his were much more bigger and were simply lovely to feel.

“Ball and wank me at the same time Pete?”

I loved it , squeezing his balls gently with my right hand and wanking his strong rigid shaft with the other.

“OMG! Pete you really set me on fire” he sort of wriggled his ass and it was attractive to me, instinctively I opened his ass cheeks and he let out such a resounding sigh. There I was sniffing again but this time his hind quarters, thinking that animals do it all the time and I began to realise why, it made me feel special and I was beginning to get the feeling that I really wanted to shaft him, he levered his arm behind his form , his hand behind my head prompting me to push my face into him there – the smell was pungent and almost unkempt yet at the same time, very generating in as much as I was opening my mouth to want to taste him there, licking and sucking it as I had just done with his cock and him moaning and groaning like he was having a really good time.

Why not! – I was having a ball I realised that after sucking his ass awhile, stretching it apart and stroking each cheek. “Fuck me, Pete. Please fuck me?” Jack’s voice was pleading, I said that this would be a first for me, that he would have to show me how to do it.

He bent over steep on all fours, suggested I creep up on my knees between his legs and get the feel of him with my hard cock, but first for him to suck it a bit more “to ripen it for the big surge” is how he put it, I was very ripe, stiffer than ever I had imagined I could be as he sucked and sucked, my balls shaking left to right as he balled me too

“This is going to be good for both of us, Pete, to feel this throbbing length and the thought of it going up inside me is such a thrill.”

“For me too, Jack.”

He let my cock free and suggested then was the time, to measure up and plunge into him nice and firm and determined, “make it a good hard one, Pete” he grunted.

In a moment I realised just how guys together stayed together, feeling the fuck of Jack was something really heavenly, he massaged me inside him, squeezed and manipulated it until I was thrusting him like I was a bullock and he a cow, feeling my balls smack against his ass cheeks as I went at it hammer and tongue, him yelling and shouting for me not to stop, I loved the way he moved with me, it was the perfect man fuck, and when the climax came it was so divine, my whole mind sparked like and inferno and I felt my body was like an exploding volcano, deep inside Jacks ass.

Afterwards we were knackered the both of us, but it didn’t stop Jack from sucking my cream which was still cuming in small spurts as he rolled his tongue along my now limp cock and gulped it down.

Laying there and rolling to his side afterwards to face me, he said it was the most wonderful fuck he’d ever had and could we be a ongoing couple.

I wanted that.

“We are going to have wonderfully moving times together I can vouch for that,” he said

I felt so wonderful and gratified, my cock and balls numb and feeling so good. Jack said it was as if I was still inside him as we enjoyed a late refreshment.

That’s how we got talking about sex and food..

“Tell you what cock sucking with a squirty cream garnish is the tops, Pete”

MY mind boggled and even more when he started on about spaghetti and cock-a-leekie Jack’s style.

“Cant wait” I said….

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