Rescued By Daddy Ch. 01

Rescued By Daddy Ch. 01 by TheEagle392,TheEagle392 There was no way this was his first time. I threw my head back against the pillow and felt his mouth taking me even deeper. That was saying something. Most guys have trouble deepthroating me like that even with experience, let alone a gay virgin. There was no way.

“Fuck yeah, man.” I gasped. The light in the room was soft coming from one of the lamps on the wall in the crappy motel I had to choose. It was more than enough for this.

The cute blond guy looked up and smiled around my cock. Thick, nine inches of prime American muscle beef was now slick with his spit. It felt fucking amazing. He took my entire length again and buried his nose in my trimmed bush. The slurping noises made it even better.

I gasped in pleasure and my hands came to his head holding him there. He moaned which sent those pleasurable vibrations along the length of my cock and straight to my balls.

“Oh, fuck. Don’t stop. I’m gonna cum.” I gasped into the air.

I held him tighter. Virgin or not I was going to make him eat my load. He grunted and I came undone. I shot hard. I heard him gurgle on the full load and I could only imagine how full his mouth was at that moment.

He tried to push me off, but I just held him there until my cock gave its last shot into his beautiful mouth.

“Fuck man!” He gasped as I released him and he came up sitting back on his knees. His face was beautiful, made even more so by the strings of my cum on his lips and chin. I smiled at him as he gasped and caught his breath.

I didn’t even know his name.

I pushed him back on the bed and began returning the favor. I started by kissing his mouth deeply tasting myself. I also loved tasting my load in a pretty boy’s mouth. Then I moved down his body. He was close to my age of twenty-seven. At least that’s what I imagined.

His chest had a light dusting of hair across his strong pecs and the happy trail was beautiful to lick down until his own dick smacked me in the face. He wasn’t quite as long as I am, but that was one thick fucker!

I looked in his eyes as I took the fat head in my mouth and tasted his precum. Sweeter than mine. Clearly he had a better diet that I did. I grabbed both of his hands and pinned them to his sides as I started sucking him.

This wasn’t about romance or love. This was a stranger that I had met at the bar across the street only an hour ago. This was about his cum shooting down my throat.

I took him deep, showing my own skills. The way he howled and swore meant he hadn’t had much experience with an expert cocksucker. I was glad for that because it meant he would always remember the random romp on the side of the road.

It was getting late, and the exhaustion of driving for ten hours earlier that day began to catch up to me. Okay, maybe it wasn’t my best blowjob, but the pretty boy was loving it. His eyes kept rolling back. His words becoming nastier by the moment. Hell, if I was from here I might fall in love with him.

Unfortunately I still had six hours to drive tomorrow. I stupidly thought I could make the trip all in one day — and the flashing motel sign had been an oasis to my exhaustion. Plus they had a bar across the street.

A bar with a cute blond who had a dick to match!

There is just something about sex in a motel that makes it better. Is it the fact that other people had done the same thing here? The fact that you can let it all go and not have to clean up the next morning? Maybe both?

It didn’t take long before the pretty boy was cumming hard down my throat. He laid there gasping as I rolled over beside him. His body was beautiful too. Nothing forced like back home where the guys spent more money on steroids than groceries to make sure their muscles bulged in the right places.

No, this blond stranger was naturally beautiful. The kind you’d find on a farm in some flyover state. Body bulked from his physical labor and a smile from Heaven itself.

“I need a shower, but then you get round two.” I said rolling over and planting my feet on the floor. I felt his eyes on my ass and I knew he wanted more than a blowjob. I turned when I reached the door to the bathroom that wasn’t what I would consider clean. I gave him a wink when he looked up from my beefy cheeks.

When I came back out of the shower he was gone.

I can’t say I was surprised. Most men in small towns like this were straight until the right guy came along. But, straight men often felt the shame after sex with another man and can’t wait to get out. I will say I thought he’d stay for a chance at my ass, but it was okay. I had really only wanted sex, not a companion for the night.

There was a towel on the floor where he had wiped his cock clean. I threw it in the corner where I had left my towel after the pathetic shower I had just taken. It was well after one in the morning and I had another six hour drive coming up. I just shrugged it off thankful for the one release I had had and climbed under the covers before letting the exhaustion pull me under.

I slept much later than I meant to. When I rolled over the sun was already bright outside. I had hoped to be well on my way by then. Oh well.

I took a deep breath getting ready for the day. I was on my way home to see my parents again after a long time away from home. We hadn’t exactly had the best parting when we last saw each other, and I had been successful at avoiding them for the past three years.

The one thing that brought me home now was my younger brother was getting married. I loved that little punk more than anything else. Even more than my dignity when it came to my parents.

I took another shower — barely able to get lukewarm this morning — such a crappy place. Even by my standards.

I double checked my bag to make sure I had everything and slid on some shorts and a t-shirt. It was way too hot for more than that as I drove today. I put my bags in my car and gave a glance to the bar. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face knowing I’d never see it again, but the memory that came from it.

One more check around the room and I grabbed my keys. I would grab breakfast at one of the fast food chains near the highway before leaving this place in the dust. I rummaged through my jacket to find my wallet to see what cash I had left.


Where the fuck was my wallet?

I checked the other pocket and found nothing. I tore the room apart and then went to my car and did the same with my bags until the backseat looked like a bomb of clothing had gone off.

“Fuck!” I shouted.

The realization hit me like one of those eighteen-wheelers I had passed all day yesterday. The pretty blond boy with the big cock must have taken my wallet when I went to shower and left him alone.

“How can you be so stupid?” I asked myself. Sometimes talking out loud helps me. It wasn’t doing the trick today.

I ran to the front office and found a young girl sitting behind the counter. There were two families in the lobby taking advantage of their continental breakfast. The young girl didn’t even look up from her magazine.

“Excuse me? Have you checked out a blond young man this morning?” I tried to remain calm. I wasn’t even sure he was staying in this motel. For all I knew he was a regular at the bar across the street where he picked up random gay guys for anonymous sex and then stole their wallets.

I should have known it wasn’t his first time. His blowjob was too good. I felt myself chubbing up at the memory.

“Care to be more specific?” She asked not looking up.

“No.” I said curtly. I wasn’t good at remaining calm under pressure and now some stranger with a big dick had stolen all of my money, my credit cards, and my driver’s license.

“Then no. I don’t remember checking out a blond young man.”

“Please? It’s very important.” I begged and the gentleman from one of the families looked over at me. He was very good looking, but I didn’t have time for that right now.

“Sorry. No one has checked out yet this morning.”

Damn it!

I really wanted to cry, but that wouldn’t help at all. I thanked the young girl and made eye contact with the cute dad one more time before leaving the lobby. I did another check across all of my things, but my wallet was definitely missing.

I only had one option.

“Christian, good to hear from you big brother!” I could hear the happiness in his voice. He was getting married in two days of course he was happy. I didn’t want to be the one to ruin his mood.

“Getting cold feet yet?” I asked as I sat down on the bed and ran my hand through my hair.

“Nah, man. Shelby’s the love of my life.” I heard the smile in his voice. “What’s going on with you? Everything okay?”

“Well, not really. I stopped at a motel to rest last night and when I woke up this morning I had been robbed.” I said choosing to leave all of the other details out. There are some things better left unsaid between brothers.

“Robbed? Oh my God! Are you okay?”

“Yes, yes. I’m fine. Just a little upset.”

“What were you doing?” His accusatory tone was not unexpected. One of the main reasons I was estranged from the family was because they knew about my lifestyle. Well, they thought they knew.

They knew I had done some adult film work, but they didn’t know I was the biggest slut east of the Mississippi River. My last job had been as an escort and having sex with men for money — lots of money. However, my problem of enjoying it so much that I often did it for free meant I wasn’t very good at my job. At least not the financial part of it.

I was behind on my rent by three months, and if I didn’t keep my landlord’s balls drained I would have been homeless. Thankfully his fat cow of a wife left him hard up so I used my skills to keep a roof over my head.

“I wasn’t doing anything except driving home to your wedding, Mark.” I said back trying to remain calm. I needed his help after all.

“Damn, Christian. That is horrible. Where are you?” He asked.

“About six hours from you.” I answered and then told him about my location. I really just needed some help getting there. I knew a few old connections I could hit up once I was there to get money for the trip back home.

“How much?” He sighed.


“How much do you need?” His tone meant he had given up on me. It all came crashing into me. I was the embarrassment of the family. Sometimes I hated myself.

“You know what, never mind. I’ll figure it out myself!” I ended the call as he started to say something else. I might be a lot of things, but hell itself would freeze over before I gave anyone the satisfaction of seeing me fail.

Mark called back three times — all of which I ignored. Then he finally texted me.


Relief flooded through me. At least I would be able to get out of this predicament.

I went back to the front desk and told them to charge my card for another night. I could at least stay here until Mark got here. It would be at least six hours, and that was after checkout.

After they charged my card I spent the next two hours calling all of my credit card companies to Thanks for reading pls vote or comment my cards stolen so the beautiful blond with the big dick would only gain the $500 in cash I had in my wallet.

I was hungry. Damn! I should have gotten something to eat before cancelling the final card.

Instead I decided to just sleep until Mark got there. Then we could eat. I pulled the covers over my head wanting to forget about everything.

The dreams were wild.

The beautiful blond bent me over the bed. He laughed about my stolen wallet as he shoved his big dick into me over and over.

The cute dad from the lobby came next as he fed me his dick. I swallowed it all down before he went back to breakfast with his unsuspecting family.

Mark rode in on a white horse and saved the day.

The banging on the door woke me up. I was so disoriented from the crazy dream. I must have really needed the sleep because when I glanced at the clock I had been out for about four hours.

The loud banging started again. It must be Mark. I walked over to the door and opened it. The sunlight blinded me for just a moment, before my eyes adjusted.

Oh no. It couldn’t be. Mark wouldn’t do that to me. I backed up into the room as the man came in and closed the door behind him.

It wasn’t Mark.

My little brother had betrayed me, and he had sent my father.

“Son.” He said in his deep, gruff voice. He looked around the room and then back to me. I could see all of the accusations in his eyes. He knew the truth about what had happened even before I said anything.

“I thought Mark was coming.”

“Your brother had too many last minute wedding details to attend to. He didn’t have time to take a twelve hour road trip to pick you up.”

“Right.” I said backing up against the counter and folding my arms over my chest. Dad took a seat on the bed — the only bed — and glared at me.

“So, the guy who fucked you stole your wallet?” He said. My throat went dry and my eyes bugged out. Leave it to my father to cut straight through the bullshit and get to the core.

“No one fucked me.” I said. Technically it wasn’t a lie.

“Sorry, I figured you were the bottom. So, the guy you fucked last night stole your wallet?”

“Dad!” I gasped. How the fuck did he know what a bottom was?

“Don’t fuck around with me Chris. I asked you a question.” He said leaning back against the headboard and kicking off his boots. His jeans were tight and hugged his massive thighs perfectly.

“No one fucked me and I didn’t fuck anyone.”

“You expect me to believe that you just went to the bar and somehow lost your wallet? You? Of all people?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I kicked myself off the counter and stood to my full height. It might have been three years since I had talked to him, but he didn’t know everything about me.

“You’re a faggot, Chris.”

The words cut deep. Tears stung my eyes, but I’d be damned if I’d let him see me cry. I felt like a small child again under his eye.

“Dad –”

“Don’t start. We both know it’s true. Now, tell me what happened.”

“Someone stole my wallet.” I said through clenched teeth. “I may be a faggot, but I’m not a liar!”

“Look at you, you’re even hard now remembering what happened here last night.” Dad said pointing at my shorts. I looked down and felt the shock of reality. Why was my dick hard?

“No, I’m not!” I tried to cover myself as I obviously lied.

“God this place is a dive, Chris.” Dad said looking around at the seedy motel. Part of why I loved it, but all he could see was the disgusting place that it was.

“It’s the only place I could find last night.” I said pushing my cock into the waistband of my shorts to hide it.

“Have you eaten?”

“No, sir.” I felt like a child again.

“Get some real clothes on. We will get some food.” He said, and I quickly changed clothes as he dialed his phone. “Brenda?”


“Yeah, I made it. He’s okay. I’m gonna get some food in him, but it’s already late. So, we’re going to spend the night here and then we’ll be home tomorrow.”

I whipped around to see his eyes on me. We were staying here?

“No, everything’s fine. Just too far to drive tonight.” He answered her question. Leave it to my mom to be concerned. “We’ll be fine honey. We have a lot to discuss.”

His eyes held mine as he said that.

I swallowed the lump in my throat…what the fuck?

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