White Coats and Black Suits Ch. 04

A gay story: White Coats and Black Suits Ch. 04 “Bru… Bru … Kid where are you?” Way started shouting as soon as they got in his apartment.

The apartment looked dishevelled and smelled strongly of alcohol. Both Way and Ignis were not into alcohol besides occasional red wine and Bru was strictly a social drinker. Ignis knew his way around Bru’s place more than Way did and he went straight to the bathroom.

“Wayyy… WAY…come here …. WAY… HERE!” Ignis started shouting and Way turned around almost slipping on the mat as he ran to the bathroom.

Ignis was holding an unconscious and prone Bru on his lap. “Abre los ojos… Bru! Hermano, puedes oírme, por favor despierta?

‘Open your eyes …Bru! Brother, can you hear me, please wake up?’

“Bru ….kiddo!” Way sat next to him and looked around, there were some vodka bottles and many empty medicine plastic containers. He checked his pulse and breathing. “He is breathing and is not choked, help me pick him up and let’s take him to the commode.” Way instructed Ignis.

He took the toothpaste tube and smeared some on his fingers and pushed it in Bru’s throat. “Bru … Bru … Wake up …” He pushed the fingers and pressed the tongue, inducing gag reflex. Bru stirred and started making vomiting noises but didn’t throw up.

“Bru … Hermano! Wake up …” Ignis rubbed Bru’s back.

“Honey! Take these medicine bottles, call 911 and give them the medicine names that may have possibly been consumed by Bru. Tell them there is a doctor here and I am trying to clear his stomach by inducing vomiting. Go… go … I will take care of Bru!” Way smeared some more paste and inserted his fingers deeper to make Bru vomit, who had started to wake-up because of the discomfort and gagging.

Ignis collected the bottle and sat outside the bathroom just a few feet away and called 911.

As he started to relay the situation, Bru started puking and Way held his head over the commode. “Ya Kiddo …. Let it out …” Way rubbed his back and when he stopped puking, he gagged him and made his vomit again, getting covered with it in the process, unflinching or moving away.

“They are on their way, Let me hold him, you make him puke.” Ignis held on to Bru as Way pushed his fingers again into his throat till he started throwing up. This went on for almost 10 minutes till the paramedics reached them and Ignis opened the door.

Way introduced himself and apprised them of the situation and gave them step by step actions to take.

The Paramedics followed him, nodding and the respect and hierarchy clearly established, Way gave instructions without being cocky and never touching or offering to do the paramedics job. He was different in his doctor mode, powerful, professional and in control but respectful.

Way rode with Bru in the ambulance as he was a family member and Ignis followed them after quickly picking a sweat shirt and tracks from Bru’s closet for Way.

By the time Bru was admitted and Way had changed, Mr and Mrs. Davis reached the spot. The family hugged each other and then Mrs. Davis hugged Ignis and they started crying. The doctors came out of the ER and wheeled Bru to the ICCU with Mr. Davis following them.

Way collected Ignis in his arms and he hugged him close, he continued crying, as he kissed Ignis on his head, he looked over and Mrs. Davis raised her eyebrows at the display. Way nodded, communicating as best as he could in the current situation that he and Ignis were now together. Mrs. Davis smiled at him, crying for Bru but happy for Way and Ignis. They loved Ignis as their own since he was a kid and this was a happy turn of events if it wasn’t for what was happening with Bru.

Ignis didn’t care about anyone at this point, without Way he did and would learn to live but without his best friend and brother Bru, he would die. He didn’t have the energy to pace or talk, hence he just sat in the waiting room praying for Bru. Way spoke with his colleagues and other surgeons as they came to see him in the waiting room.

Kia walked in, her eyes swollen from crying and Way hugged her and she sat next to him, too scared to communicate with Ignis at this point. Way walked up to Ignis frequently, hugging him and kissing his head, but Ignis just kept his head down, elbows on his thighs, praying and remembered the day he had called Bru after being off radar for a year.

“Where the fuck have you been for a year, IGNIS?” Bru’s voice broke as he spoke to his friend after a year. “And what number is this?”

“Hola Hermano!” Ignis started crying. “I will tell you everything, you are the first person I am calling from this payphone after Mama came to my college today.” He held on tightly to the receiver.

“It doesn’t matter, I am packed to drive to your college anyways. I was withdrawing cash when you called. I wanted to come earlier but Dad had a heart scare and Way is in the UK, and you left me alone to deal with everything. Te odio! I fucking hate you bitch!”

“Lo siento, Bru and tambein te amo.” Ignis felt a wave of relief to not have lost his only friend. He wanted to ask about Way but not before telling Bru what was going on with him. “I am really sorry and can’t wait to see you bro!”


After about an hour of waiting, the doctor came up to Way and explained that Bru had consumed heavy doses of painkillers, sleeping pills and some random prescription meds like laxatives and anti-allergens clearly wanting to end his life. The clearing of his stomach in time helped, though the dosages wouldn’t have killed him but the toxicity would have had some other complications. They had pumped out whatever was remaining and he was now sedated and sleeping and completely out of danger. Mr and Mrs. Davis went to the room and sat there next to him.

Way went to Ignis and kneeled before him, “Babes! Bru is okay now. He is out of danger and is sleeping. Mom and Dad are with him. Come let’s see him.” Ignis looked up, his eyes red and puffy, “I don’t want to see that motherfucker! Fucking hijo de puta!” He got up and walked out of the door. Way gave him the space he needed and went to him after 15 minutes.

Ignis was sitting on the bench outside the hospital just scrolling through his phone, Way went and sat next to him. “This is the ER that they got Caleb right and I checked the cameras angles and I made some phone calls. We will find some friendly and talkative security janitors, nurses, garbage disposable guys etc. We should be able to get the footage, documents and Caleb’s address. I think we will be able to make a breakthrough really quickly.” He didn’t look at Way as he tried to talk normally and failed because his voice kept cracking.

“Ignis! Sweetie!” Way hugged him from his side and brought his head to his chest.

“That fucker gave me so much crap because I couldn’t keep in touch for a year. He drove 230 miles to tell me that I am a piece of shit for going underground. And now that cabronazo! Wanted to end his life. I fucking hate him. I am not talking to him again, él puede ir a comer mierda!” Ignis sniffled.

“Yes! We will serve him shit once he can eat again.” Way assured Ignis and rocked him gently. “You want to talk to Kia?”

“No … that puta, she almost killed my brother!” Ignis straightened up and combed his hair with his fingers and rubbed his eyes. Way combed Ignis’s hair wherever it was standing up.

“Querido! You are closer to Kia than me… please check what happened?”

“That Puta! She is having an affair … multiple actually. That’s the reason I had stopped talking to her and didn’t want to respond to that furcia on her shit group chat. But I didn’t want to be the one telling Bru. That idiot shouldn’t have been dating her to begin with … never get serious with anyone you meet in the bar and she is piss drunk and with someone else… it’s not a fucking sitcom… this is not how you meet you fucking father or mother … maldito idiota! I stopped the wedding, you know. I told Bru that he needs to get to know that puta better. We are fucking 25… Why the fuck do you want to marry a woman, 8 years your senior and with an open door for strangers. None of us are saints here, Way! But you love someone than at least try to make it work and you can stop by fucking around first! Fucking Idiot meets a Fucking Whore! That’s what this sitcom is …. How I met the bitch that almost killed me.” Ignis wiped his tears with the back of his hand and sniffled.

Way dipped his nose with the sleeve of the sweatshirt he was wearing. “Okay Baby! Cool down now! And let’s ask that Puta to leave our brother alone or we will fucking sue her. Come!”

“I have no qualms on hitting her you know, I am gay and bottom so it’s practically a cat fight. I will beat the shit out of that furcia!” Ignis said hotly as he got up.

“Nope Tiger! We will just ask her to leave and never show her face… no beating and no name calling… Okay?” Way kissed Ignis on his cheeks and hugged him and then wiped his face and nose.

“Fucking Bitch! I should have fucking blackmailed her to leave Bru… I have pictures and all … fucks anyone with a dick… she made Bru buy expensive gifts for her… that gold digging anyonefucking whore!” Ignis and Way walked side by side, Way had his arm around Ignis’s shoulders and tried not to laugh at his outburst making his accent more pronounced as he sweared all the way to the door.

Way did try to rein-in Ignis when they talked to Kia but there is only so much you can do when a Latino man is defending his familia.

He went to his phone cloud account and showed hundreds of pictures to Kia, threatening to make the pictures public and destroy her. “You Fucking Cunt! Return the gifts and take your diseased vagina as far as possible from Bru. I see you a 1000 miles around him and I will ensure that you will make the Whore of Babylon look like a cookie selling Girl Scout. Maldita puta buscadora de oro!” When Kia didn’t understand the Spanish, Ignis got madder, “Get it translated when you are fucking a Spanish hobo … a 1000 miles away from my brother … now get the fuck out of here before I publish these pictures on the evening local news.” He hissed at her and spat on the pavement outside the hospital where they had been talking. Way just stood there, falling for Ignis a little more with every swear word he used against Kia and head over heels when he started hissing in Spanish after Kia as she ran away from him as fast as her heels could, “Sal de aquí y no vuelvas. Maldita perra! And because you don’t speak spanish let me make it clear in English, Get out of here and don’t come back. Damn Bitch!” He spat again to ward off her evil shadow on them.


They had surrounded Bru when he came around the next day but Ignis didn’t come in Bru’s room, instead he sat in the waiting room working on his laptop and making frequent phone calls outside the hospital but never leaving.

After a lot of hugging and crying and finger pointing between the Davis family members, Bru started asking for Ignis. They didn’t have the heart to tell him that Ignis was sulking and refusing to see him.


Way’s phone pinged and startled him awake as he was sleeping on the chair next to Bru.

I have something to show you.

It was Ignis. He has been extremely busy in the last 5 days since Bru’s incident and could come to the hospital and meet Way. Stolen kisses and hugs between them made Way jittery, making him want Ignis even more.

Come in… Bru is sleeping

He immediately came in and looked like a child sneaking into his parent’s room to look through their closet. He hugged Way and Way couldn’t stop himself from kissing him passionately. “I need you babe!” Way whispered in his ears.

“I will come and pick you in the evening when Mrs. Davis comes in and then drop you here at night.” He promised, “Now see this!” He opened the video from a drive on his pad. It was CCTV footage of 3 men carrying Caleb inside the hospital and putting him in the wheelchair. The second clip was Caleb being wheeled into a separate room and not ER and finally a clip of a doctor examining him and injecting something.

“That’s Dr. Khazi… Arshad Khazi! I know him… he is a GP.” Way pointed out.

“Hmm… Khazi … let me get a background check on him.” Ignis shut the pad and put it back in his satchel.

“How do you do this?” Way weaved his hands around Ignis’s waist and drew him closer to his hardened dick.

“My natural good looks and your constant horniness, I guess!” He kissed Way on his nose.

“No Idiot … this …investigation thing!” Way smiled. Hot, intelligent and innocent, fuck this one is a full package, he thought looking at Ignis, who was stealing sideway looks on Bru.

“It’s our family business.” Ignis waved off the question. “How is he?” he nodded towards Bru.

“I am super good, you fucktard! Una vez que empiezo a morir, me ignoras… desertor!” Bru muttered from his bed. “Me usas para llegar hasta mi hermano y luego me dejas solo para morir.” He raised his head and smiled at Ignis, “Tu puta! You used me to get to this fucker and deserted a dying friend.”

“Idiota querías morir por esa puta de dos centavos que no sirve para nada.” Ignis got gaslighted immediately. “No pensaste en nosotros… perra egoísta. Ya no soy tu amigo…” Ignis walked up to the bed. “You should have thought before trying this stunt for that gold digging bitch.” He looked at Way and declared, “I am not this selfish bastard’s friend anymore and tell him I don’t talk to cowards.” Pointing at Bru.

“You don’t have a choice, I am your only friend … and I am the only one who loves you … Este doctor solo quiere joder tu feo culo!” Now both of them were facing each other.

“I understood ‘Doctor’ … and let me tell you I am a surgeon.” Way crossed his arms around his chest.

“He is saying, you only want to fuck my ugly ass!” Ignis said without looking at Way, who looked crossed at Bru for the unnecessary hurtful statement, Ignis was the sexiest ass he had ever been in.

Ignis continued looking at Bru, his tone softening. “At least he hasn’t left me alone … you are a selfish fucker! Te odio” Ignis’ voice broke and tears started to flow.

“”Lo siento, Bru and tambein te amo.” Bru started crying too and they hugged each other.

Way watched this drama unfold and smiled, “I love how my boyfriend and brother are confessing their love for each other … I am not bothered at all.”

“You stay out of this!” They said in unison, tilting their heads, like weird, badly casted and unmatched Shining twins.


“You look happy!” Way smiled as he drove Ignis’s car to his apartment.

“I am happy!” He turned his face with a big smile on it.

“Bru?” Way asked, taking the turn to the apartment building street.

“No You! Bru isn’t going anywhere. You have no idea the amount of trouble he will get into to find another girl now, he needs constant supervision.” Ignis laughed.

“Me?” Way wanted to interrupt but let Ignis finish what he wanted to say before he asked.

“Ya! You Doc, you told your family and Bru.” He leaned in and kissed Way on his cheek, shoulder and arm. Way didn’t know what to say, it came naturally to tell everyone Ignis was his boyfriend, he didn’t understand why he didn’t expect that of him.

“I have something for you at the apartment.” Ignis said as they got down and locked the car.

“Why do you think I will not tell anyone?” Way had to ask.

“Doc! You are facing a lawsuit, Bru in the hospital … I shouldn’t be your priority to talk about to your family… but you did.” He laced their arms together and intertwined their fingers. “Gracias!” He kissed Way on the cheek.

Way grabbed Ignis by his shoulders as they got off the elevator, “Babes! I don’t know if you realise this but you are the only one fighting for me. Even though I am not fighting for myself, you are. You have been running around all day and night gathering information and risking I don’t know what for me. You … you are doing all that for me…” Way wanted to kiss him but didn’t want to do it at Ignis’s apartment floor lobby so he held his hand and started walking towards the door. Ignis went quiet.

He opened the door and Way pushed him on the closed door and kissed him, this was different. He kissed him without the tongue and bites and moans, this was lips and hands and smiles. He held Ignis’s face in both his hands and kissed him again, looking at him, smiling … loving.

“I don’t want your surgeon ass in jail… tu eres mi perra!” Ignis smiled and joked but his eyes and body betrayed him, what was happening now wasn’t casual … this was different… new.

“Ignis! Honey! I know you can feel it too … Something is happening here! But once I get my old life back, I will be gone for days … will be working 15 hours a day … waking up and running away to the hospital at odd hours … but I want you to bear with me … I want you to tolerate my schedules and hold me when I come back broken after losing a patient and celebrate when I save someone. Ignis… What I am trying to say is… I want this to last… see where this goes…”

“Doc! Let’s get your life back and then we will figure things out. But now I want you to give me 10 minutes to get ready for you … joder mi culo feo!” He smiled.

“It’s the finest ass on the most handsome man I have ever met.” Way smiled and squeezed Ignis’s butt with his large hands. “I will fuck you senseless, Querido!

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