
A gay story: Collateral Stefan Alfonso


Erza Hayes

tags: erotica, smut, mafia, slight cnc, coercion, debt to pay, violence, slice of life, domination, bdsm, sadism

Ezra was exhausted. He had just been through a hell of a 10 hour shift at his bakery job. As the store’s assistant manager he was in charge of most of the planning, designing and making of each product, each display and maintaining the satisfaction of the customers. At 20 years old, he already had years of experience under his belt due to working since age 14. The store’s manager Kathy loved him and saw his potential, as well as the bruises scattering his skinny pale body and just knew she needed to lend a hand. 6 years ago, she found him shivering out in the rain, barefoot and cold. The underdeveloped boy’s body shook harshly as shivers racked his freezing form, his body desperately working to maintain equilibrium. Kathy had been closing up the shop before she spotted him right outside her red and glass door. She surely couldn’t have homeless children by her storefront, it would surely run the customers away. On that rainy Sunday afternoon, the older woman took a chance and decided to be a good samaritan, inviting the young boy in for warm coffee and a donut. That day history was made and jump started Ezra’s long career at Kathy’s dine and bakery.

“Excuse me!” one of his coworkers, Darren shouted before sliding between a chair and customers, holding a large tray in his hand as he picked up trash and dirty dishes from the patron tables. It was a busy Wednesday afternoon during one of the hottest summers in existence, the workers at Kathy’s were booked and busy trying to satisfy each customer. The influx of people from the city streets coming in were causing the bakery to be overfilled and swamped with hungry humans. Ezra could barely keep up, as he and everyone else was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. His shift would be over soon, he just had to power through his last 30 minutes of the day, packaging sweets, cleaning the workstation and keeping an eye on all transactions. He was so young, yet determined as years of training in the bakery prepared him for great teamwork and customer service skills. In other areas, Ezra was lacking and not because he wasn’t smart but because he could be shy, quiet and reserved. He didn’t have many friends his age growing up, his only friends were his co-workers and they were almost 10 years plus his senior. He didn’t complain though, he learned so much from them and they always supported him. He couldn’t count how many times one of them had brought him leftover dinner the next day to make sure he was fed. Ezra knew they pitied him, he could tell by their stares and sympathetic gestures. It wasn’t really a secret that Ezra was struggling, in more ways than one. The only reason Ezra still worked at the bakery, although he loved it dearly, was because he wasn’t able to afford college upon graduation. His goal was to save up and put as much as he could towards community college but it was to no avail.

Late in the night, his father, Jeremy Hayes decided to raid his closet and take his stash of money to spend on gambling and booze. It broke Ezra’s heart but one hard strike to his ribs kept him from speaking up any further. He cowered in his bed, afraid, hurt and confused. He prayed for the day he could escape his hell. He could barely provide enough time, energy and money to keep his dad and he afloat. There was just so much debt and one person worked while the other squandered his disability checks on his addictions.

It was stressful but Ezra still put his best foot forward every morning regardless of the circumstances. Once he was able to get a break from packaging his 4th batch of cupcakes that day, he wiped his hands on a towel and shook off the flour from his yellow apron. He was covered in work and was surely ready to go home to take a shower. As soon as his hands were cleaned, he reached into his pocket grabbing his android phone, it was all he could afford with his current paycheck, especially with no help from his father. His mom had been dead for years now, he missed her but he promised her he would keep going and make the most of his life.

Ezra opened his phone with his password, he checked his messages to see if he had any recent texts, specifically checking the chat with his dad. It revealed his last message, of him asking his father what he wanted for dinner tonight. That was 2 days ago, at 6:27pm near the end of his shift. There were no responses. Ezra used his thumb to swipe upward, hoping there would be some type buffering preventing his father’s message from reaching him. He wanted to know due to fearing the day his dad would return and he had nothing prepared to his liking, resulting in a beating. Mr. Hayes was verbally abusive as well, belittling any of Ezra’s efforts to support their household. He felt guilty for Ms. Hayes’s death, having often fought with her and introduced her to drugs and alcohol, this being something Ezra saw often. Ezra closed his phone before shoving it in his pocket, “almost time to clock out” he thought before pushing through the double doors, exiting the breakroom. As soon as he reappeared in the kitchen area, his name was being called.

“Ezra Honey! “Kathy hollered.

He shrank back at the volume, it startled him so bad he clutched his shirt. Realizing his only support system needed him, he appeared in front of her. She looked at him with her sharp blue eyes. “I need you to serve one last customer before you leave today.” she informed him. He nodded in response, not needing much to say but simply being obedient. He was good at that. “I have to leave as well, I got a call from my baby’s school asking to meet, talking about how she cut some girl’s hair off.” she explained, clearly frustrated at the situation and having to leave work in the middle of a busy day. She grabbed her white coat before swinging it around her shoulders and grabbing her purse from a chair. “You take care, you hear!” she said with a southern twang in her voice, as she ran out of the shop’s back door. “Yes ma’am!” he shouted, knowing she most likely didn’t hear him. He sighed before bracing himself to return back to work, squeezing the last drop out of his enthusiasm and energy to labor.

He opened the door again and was met with chatter and chaos. He eased his way back into the mix before turning to Patrica who had been manning the counter. She was new and a little sassy but she did her job with ease, never posing a problem. At his new found presence beside her, she snapped her head from the cashier to meet Ezra small stature, her red ponytail swinging. “Yes, small fry.” she teased before grinning, showing off her teeth and the gum she had been chewing on. He blushed slightly before speaking up. “Um…who was the customer who needed assistance?” he asked politely. At the question, she visibly scanned the room before landing on the patron in particular. In the far corner of the shop, sat a man. He had on business professional attire and wore dark shades. His face held a little stubble, a sharp jawline and plump lips. On his hands, he had rings that glimmered and shined with his movements. On the table sat his phone, as the man had nothing else in his possession. Ezra gazed at the man across the room, his presence piquing his interest but he shoved his curiosity down for the sake of work.

Patrica pointed her finger, red nail polish adorning her nails. “Him right there.” she confirmed. The two watched the man for a moment, he seemed to be observing the room. He then came across the two workers stalking him and Ezra felt like he had been caught red handed. However, the man’s eyes were covered with shades hiding where he truly looked but making Ezra feel like they had made eye contact. Ezra then quickly grabbed a notepad at the instruction before heading in the mysterious costumer’s direction. Ezra arrived at the table and stood nervously in front of the man. The man acknowledged him by turning his attention to the skinny boy in front of him. “What can I get for you today sir?” the young boy asked while bringing up the pen to the notepad. He looked at the man expectantly with a slight smile, hoping to come off friendly and welcoming. Customer service skills had been drilled into him. The man cleared his throat before responding. “A black coffee, please.” he spoke, voice deep. Ezra quickly wrote down the man’s order on the ticket. He swallowed his nervousness before bringing his attention back to the man at the table. “Will that be all?” he asked, wanting to be sure. The man peered at him over the dark shades, brown eyes flashing. “That’ll be all.” he said looking at the boy’s name tag before picking up his phone. Ezra took that as confirmation to leave, before navigating his way back to the counter. He slipped the ticket to the drink makers before checking the clock. It was 6:32, time to clock out. He grinned before quickly peeling off his apron and heading to the back through the swinging doors. He walked to the lockers before grabbing his bag and jacket from inside. He quickly put the jacket on and tossed the tote over his shoulders before looking into the mirror one last time.

His bright green eyes stared back at him, his pouty lips, thick eyebrows and messy bed hair. He took note of the bags under his eyes, a sign that he was tired. Ezra signed before closing the locker. He would get paid again soon and then he would have to pay the light bill and fix the broken sink upstairs. He barely made enough to eat but he tried his hardest to provide. His dad hadn’t been around enough to support him and now being truly left alone was taking a toll on Ezra. The young man headed back towards the front after clocking out on the computer in the back. He re-entered the bustling area before informing his coworkers he was leaving. “Have a good night!” he said before walking through the glass door, not feeling the pair of eyes watching him.

The door closed behind him as he was met with the warm summer time air and took a deep breath. “Everything is going to be okay”, he thought before starting his journey back home. Nearby, was a bus stop and at 6:40 transportation would arrive, making its route in 20 minute intervals. He trotted over before sitting down on the bench. There was no one waiting with him, so he began to hum an unfamiliar tune. It was random and made up but it made him feel better. A few moments later the bus arrived with the driver opening the door for the boy. Ezra quickly rose from his seat before climbing up into the vehicle, inserting his money, greeting the black male bus driver and sitting down. The conductor closed the doors after waiting for any other passengers and pressing the pedal to begin his route. There weren’t many people on the bus, just an older woman sitting in the back. Ezra sat near the window, tilting his head towards it and closing his eyes. Exhaustion filled his bones, he was tired and stressed. He made sure to not fall asleep, in fear of missing his stop so he reopened his eyes and looked out the window. He took in the lights of the city, secretly hoping and wishing for more. After a while, the bus driver stopped the vehicle and opened the door. They had arrived in Ezra’s neighborhood and he began to stand up, ready to lay down in his bed after a long day. On his way off, he told the bus man goodnight before heading towards his house across the street. It wasn’t a luxury home, almost 30 years old and the paint was chipping but it’s where he and his neglective father stayed. He trudged up to the front porch before digging in his jacket pocket for the keys.

He inserted it into the key slot before successfully opening the door and heading inside. He quickly slipped into the house and closed the door behind him, locking it. He turned before calling out toward the stairs. “Dad!” he shouted, voice carrying through the entire house. He was met with no response. He sighed again, realizing his dad hadn’t been back. He didn’t know if this was a good or bad thing but he figured his dad would show up hungover on their doorstep again asking for money. Ezra decided to head to the living room, taking off his coat and bag before plopping down on the coach. He grabbed the remote off the coffee table and pressed the power button. The tv screen lit up with a rerun of Criminal Minds. Ezra relaxed into the couch with his eyes enjoying the action packed episode. Due to his exhaustion, he found his eyelids closing and feeling heavy as he drifted off to sleep, laying his head on the couch cushion. He slept soundly for a few hours, dreaming of he and his mom spending time together again.

A few hours later, during Ezra’s nap there was a sharp knock at the front door. This pulled the boy out of his slumber. He hadn’t planned to fall asleep as soon as he got home nor on the couch. He was startled awake at the noise coming from his door. He arose, fully waking up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He yawned and stretched his hands above his head before standing and heading towards the front door. He quickly glanced in the direction of the clock on the wall seeing that it was almost 12 am. He wondered who it could be at this time of night and thought that maybe his dad had finally come home. He didn’t bother to look through the peephole and made the unconscious decision to yank open the door.The guest appeared, staring intensely at Ezra’s small form. Ezra looked up at the stranger taking note of their drastic height difference and the muscles bulging out of the man’s suit. The attire reminded him of the man at the coffee shop…. who happened to be standing right next to the towering man on his front porch. Ezra was taken aback. “Oh my” he exclaimed, startled by their arrival. They never had visitors, except for the regular drug dealer or pizza delivery guy. Ezra analyzed the man in front of him. He was tall, dark and handsome. The man stared at him, seemingly stoic and unphased by showing up to a random house. Ezra then noticed the rest of the company and nearly freaked out. “Can I help you?” he questioned the two, gulping and shrinking back, afraid he was in danger. “Why had the coffee shop man followed him home?” he thought silently. This must be a set up. The two men outside, observed the boy and took note of his nervousness. The tallest of the bunch, cleared his throat before speaking.

“Is this the Hayes residence?” he said, voice deep and serious. He also stood in business professional attire, with no shades but an expensive watch adorning his wrist. This man clearly had money, Ezra concluded. Ezra’s eyes widened at the stranger knowing his last name. Who were these men? He felt their threatening aura and figured it was best to cooperate, not wanting to get in trouble. “Yes… it is.” he replied quitely. He stood still, waiting for an adverse reaction from the men. The man with the sunglasses spoke. “You must be Ezra Hayes,” he pointed out. Ezra’s eyes widen once again at them knowing his name. “How did you know….. how to find me?” he asked, hands gripping the door in case he had to slam it shut and run away. The man from the shop began to explain. “Your father… owes my boss a lot of money. He spent months borrowing from us and racked himself up tons of gambling debt. We were looking for him all over the city just to discover he fled the country.” he deadpanned. Ezra’s eyes nearly popped out of his head at the new revelation. “What?” he questioned in disbelief. That’s why he hadn’t heard from his father, he was on the run! He looked at the two men, frazzled by the news. He cleared his throat before speaking. “H-how much was it?” he stuttered, secretly dreading the answer. “Half a million dollars.” the man with the rolex spoke, his eyes dark, dangerous and hungry? Hungry for something Ezra could not quite put his finger on.

Ezra gulped at the amount. “Goddamn.” he whispered to no one. The tall man took a step forward and Ezra cowered, feeling suffocated by the man’s dominating aura. “We came here… to take you as collateral, for the money he owes us.” he admitted, staring intensely at the younger man. He was so close to Ezra that he could feel the man’s breath on his forehead and stood face to face with the man’s hard chest bursting through his freshly pressed button up. Ezra looked up at the man in shock and fear. Take him for collateral? Who knows what they had planned for him. “No, please” he spoke, beginning to take a step back and looking for the nearest escape. The tall man watched the boy closely, waiting to pounce on his prize if it dared try to run from him. Ezra tried to slam the door close but the man’s large hand reached out to push the door back open as he stepped through the threshold of the house. Ezra was startled and backed up quickly at the unwanted guest entering his home. The man kept a composed demeanor as Ezra panicked. “I am Stefan Alfonso,” he said. “The money your father owes me is too drastic for both of you to pay on bakery salary. Instead I am willing to take you and your services in exchange for both of your lives.” he explained, darkly.

Ezra sputtered. Services? What did the man mean? “I-I can’t.” he responded, bewildered at the stakes of the situation. “My job, my life I can’t just aband—” he said worriedly before being cut off. “You will”, Stefan interrupted with finality in his tone. Ezra whimpered at the harshness. Stefan stared at the boy, taking him in. He was frail and small, seemingly very frightened but he interested the mafia boss at the same time. Despite the circumstances, Stefan found the boy’s demeanor attractive and wanted to harass him more. “I’ll meet you at the car, Matteo.” Stefan spoke, turning his head to the man with the sunglasses. Matteo just rolled his eyes, already bored with the situation before he nodded and headed back to the sleek black vehicle they pulled up in. Stefan was now fully in the house and closed the door behind him, leaving he and Ezra’s anxious form alone. He turned his attention back to the boy, sizing him up and wondering if his nipples were as pink as his cheeks right now.

Ezra was still taken a back by the intrusion and the dominance radiating off of Stefan, he was at a lost for words. They stood there for a few moments, in the foyer of the decades old house staring at each other. “Your father abandoned you.” Stefan said, breaking the silence. “You either pay up now or I am taking you against your will.” Ezra was at a loss, there was no way he could supply 500 grand in a few hours, or in a matter of days, weeks or months. “Please.” he begged, sounding like he was about to cry.”I don’t have the money.” “I didn’t know he did this. I had no idea he left me. Please don’t hurt us” he pleaded. Stefan just looked at him, becoming aroused by the tears swimming in the boy’s eyes and his reddened cheeks. He wanted to make the boy cry more.

Stefan said nothing for a moment. His thoughts swarming with nefarious ideas. “I will make you a deal.” he spoke slowly, voice deep. He took a few steps forward, purposefully entering Ezra’s personal space. He observed the boy, the frightened demeanor made him feel like a predator about to devour his prey. Ezra’s eyes slightly lit up at the possibility of a solution. Stefan, not caring for the boy’s consent, grabbed him with his strong wide hands at the waist. The younger man gasped at the firm touch before he was sternly turned around and facing the living room mirror. Stefan towered behind him and held him firmly in his grip, not letting go. Stefan grabbed Ezra’s chin before tilting his head backwards and exposing the younger Hayes, pale neck.

“What are you doing!?” Ezra squealed, having not been so close to someone so handsome and fit. The older man leaned down, taking a deep breath of Ezra’s scent, as he dragged the bridge of his nose down the boy’s neck and pressed himself in the small of his back, claiming his newfound property. He spoke, “You can pay me with your body”, whispering into the shell of Ezra’s ear, imagining himself stripping the boy naked and devouring him. There was innocence dripping off of Ezra. At the revelation, Ezra went beat red, he was a virgin and the implications of being defiled caused him to blush. He had never been held before, certainly not by a man, nor had he kissed a girl. Even though he thought women were really pretty, his loins burned at night when he thought of other boys. Stefan desired the boy in his arms. His plump lips, innocent green eyes and messy hair drew him in and he wanted to play with his new toy. “I-I-” Ezra stuttered, clearly at a loss of words. “Everytime you please me, I will take $10,000 off your debt.” Stefan explained. Ezra attempted to struggle out of his confines but failed as he wasn’t nearly as strong as the bigger man entrapping him.

“I can’t sir!” he replied. “I don’t have any experience, I don’t know how to please.” he admitted. Stefan nearly smirked at the admission, he liked that Ezra was untouched. “It doesn’t matter,” he responded, continuing to caress the boy through his clothes. “I can give you a taste of experience.” he said as his veiny hands reached toward Ezra crotch and began to fumble with the boy’s belt. Ezra flinched, as he realized what was happening. “Wait!” he squeaked, slightly knowing but not being entirely sure what was going on. It was too late though, Stefan had already begun his assault and he quickly unbuckled the smaller man’s belt and pushed down the jeans revealing Ezra’s half hard cock in his boxers. Stefan eyed Ezra’s blushing form and stared at the boy in the mirror. “You were saying?” he taunted the boy, who was clearly turned on. He began to palm at Ezra’s leaking crotch. The sensations were getting to the 20 year old as he faltered slightly in the large man’s arms. Stefan’s warm hands were roaming his body and breaking his resolve. He had never been touched so intimately by someone so hot and domineering, it was clearly too much to handle. At Ezra’s relaxation in his arms, Stefan continued toward his goal of pleasuring the boy. He noticed the small wet spot, leaking into the fabric of the boxers. He took this as a sign to push the last garment off the boy to reveal Ezra’s pink and shaved cock. It was bulging hard at this point after enduring relentless assault from someone other than its owner. Stefan kissed Ezra’s neck as a distraction before engulfing his penis in the palm of his large hand and stroking him from root to tip. Ezra gasped and moaned, head hitting Stefan’s shoulder at the pleasure that racked through his smaller body. This man had barged into his house, intent on claiming him and was now assaulting his body in the most pleasurable way he ever felt.

It was too much going on, too fast but Ezra’s head was spinning with new found lust. Stefen used his warm hand to tug at Ezra’s leaking dick, using his precum as lube as he steadily stroked him. “I want to make you my slut.” he told Ezra before licking his earlobe and sending a shiver down his spine. Ezra didn’t even know what the older man meant but he was far too vulnerable right now, allowing a man he just met to molest him. Ezra whimpered and moaned at how good his cock felt. He hadn’t jerked off in months, never having the time and just being too exhausted. He was squirming and leaking as he shook in Stefan’s grasp, enduring the assault. Ezra looked down and watched as the handsome man played with him, using his big hand to engulf his penis and rub him to completion. Ezra babbled and stuttered, feeling himself come to the brink. “Please, sir. I can’t!” he protested at the pleasurable feeling, he was losing it. Stefan just growled low in his throat. “You’re leaking all over me, making such a mess. I wonder how you will sound when I have you impaled on my cock.” Ezra moaned loudly at the words. “I’ll keep you as my pet, train you to keep your legs and mouth wide open just for me.” he spoke darkly in the boy’s ear as he rubbed his dick with increasing pace, making sure to ghost his thumb over the tip from time to time. Ezra was unraveling, weak to the pleasure coursing through his body. He was supposed to resist, supposed to run away but something about this man had him desperate and wanting. His cock leaking like a faucet. If this pleasure was a part of the deal, he would happily be Stefan’s toy. He wasn’t thinking straight at the moment. He ignored his feelings over his father’s abandonment as he shook with pleasure, lifting his hips in time with Stefan’s strokes. “Sir.” he whimpered, the title naturally coming to him in the presence of such a dominating man. It turned on Stefan to no end and it took everything in him to not strip him naked and make him scream louder as he deflowered his virgin ass right there on the floor.

Stefan had a better idea, as he noticed the boy coming toward his peak. He released his hand from Ezra’s hard cock. The young man whined at the loss of touch before panting from the intensity of being edged. Before he could protest further, Stefan picked him up and threw him with ease over his muscled shoulder and took long strides towards the living room couch, Ezra was just asleep on. Ezra was trapped as his pants and belt were wrapped around his ankles, meaning he would surely fall if he attempted to get away. The tv played softly in the background as Stefan removed the man’s pants before throwing them across the room. He forcefully spread his slim legs and looked down at Ezra’s hard and leaking member before taking it into his mouth. Licking, sucking and tonguing the boy’s private parts to bring him over the edge. His dark eyes stared up at Ezra’s as he sucked his cock with ease. Ezra was in heaven as the warm and wet mouth encompassed him, squirming and moaning uncontrollably at the sensations. Stefan devoured his snack, ready to drain Ezra’s dick and pound his tight hole. Stefan used his mouth to begin deep throating the boy, it wasn’t hard because of Ezra’s average size but he could feel it touch the back of his throat before coming up to swirl his pink tongue around its head. This sent Ezra wild as his eyes rolled in the back of his head and he came right into the gangster’s mouth as his body shook. Stefan held onto the boy’s hips as he squirmed and came apart. Ezra panted and whined as Stefan cleaned him up with his tongue, licking the shaft carefully before sucking on the head again for any last drops of cum. The young man was sensitive and it being his first time recieving felattio left him amazed and spent.

Stefan rose from the boy’s crotch before speaking. “Good boy” he spoke, praising Ezra for his cooperation. Ezra blushed harder at the handsome man before covering his face in embarrassment. This was not how he expected his night to turn out. Stefan backed away before wiping his mouth and straightening his suit. He checked his watch after he stood up, leaving Ezra dazed and half naked on the couch. Stefan took in his work, Ezra lay there, shirt pulled up revealing his hard nipples, abdomen and his spent penis resting on his pale thigh. Ezra looked up at the man that had just devoured him, completely enourmed by his outrageously good skills. Stefan

finally spoke again. “I need you to gather all your belongings tonight as I will be picking you up late afternoon tomorrow. If you agree to this, I expect you to be by my side as much as possible. I have great use for you and do not plan to discontinue my exploration of your body.” he said, truthfully. Ezra listened and just nodded peering up at Stefan. The man truly was a Greek god who was amazing with his mouth and hands. Ezra was so pleased he didn’t even fully comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Stefan walked across the room to pick up Ezra’s boxers off the floor before walking back to the frazzled boy, still coming down from his high. He carefully lifted the boy’s legs before sliding his undergarments back over his cute butt, cock and balls. Ezra just watched with his eyes glazed over, trying to process the recent events of his life. Once his new pet was situated, Stefan checked the time again, realizing he had errands to run and arrangements to make for Ezra’s arrival. “I have to leave, pet.” he explained. “Remember I will be here to pick you up.” he spoke softly as he grabbed Ezra by his waist again and pulled the boy from the couch to meet at their hips. Stefan stared down intensely into Ezra’s green eyes, searching for any fear or uncertainty. What he found was genuine curiosity. Ezra hadn’t put up much of a fight, his guard had been knocked down as soon as the man reached into his pants and left him drunk on pleasure. The boy just looked up at the man, wondering what mystery hid behind Stefan’s stern demeanor. The tension in the room still hadn’t left as they stared at each other’s face. Stefan’s eyes sank down to Ezra’s lips before he leaned forward to devour them. Instinctively, Ezra opened his mouth letting the man in, his warm tongue colliding with Stefan’s as they kissed passionately. With Stefan dominating the kiss, Ezra had no choice but to close his green eyes and allow himself to be claimed by the man once again. Their plump lips clashed as Stefan held Ezra’s jaw and opened his mouth wider for him to explore. He wanted to taste every part of the boy. Ezra’s inexperience was turning him on, he could tell by the way he kissed. It was Ezra’s first and he clumsily matched the man’s energy.

Stefan pulled away before looking at the face of his new pet. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” he said before releasing the boy, giving him one last peck and heading towards the door. Ezra just stood there, weak in the knees and in shock. Stefan turned again to wink at him before opening the door and heading out, closing it behind him. The mafia man made his way from the porch, down the driveway and to his car. He opened the driver’s seat door before climbing his long legs into the expensive sports car. At his arrival, Matteo scoffed. “Took you long enough.” the other man complained, clearly bored of the game on his phone. His shades didn’t mask his annoyance, the sarcasm was dripping from his voice. Stefan just ignored him, intent on cranking up the car and heading back to his territory. Matteo continued. “You devoured him didn’t you?” he questioned, already knowing the answer. Stefan’s lips twitched slightly at the accusation. “I just had a little taste, that’s all.” he replied to his second in charge. Matteo cringed at the admission. “You fucking slut!” he teased, criticizing the taller man. Stefan turned to the man in the passenger seat before pulling out into the street to head to his next destination. “You’re the last one to talk after I walked in on you bent over Alejandro’s desk last week.” he retorted. Matteo went red at the comeback, being reminded of the steamy exchange. He was stunned into silence before he was able to murmur a bullshit response. “Shut the hell up.” he told Stefan who just laughed and continued his maneuvering of the black car. Matteo turned towards the window, choosing not to tease anymore as his dignity was at stake. They took off.

Meanwhile, Ezra was pacing back and forth in the living room, replaying all the events in his head. He wasn’t sure if he felt regret but now analyzing all the details of his father’s disappearance and the debt he was now left to pay had his heart racing. This was crazy. His options were few, sell his body to this man or work for the rest of his life to pay off this debt. He didn’t have anyone to turn to and no support to alleviate the debt. His dad had left him with all of this. Just abandoned him….

At that thought, Ezra got an idea. He stopped his pacing before running up the stairs and beelining for his room. He began to pull out all his clothes, shoes and necessities then stuffing what he could into his light blue suitcase. Ezra then ran to a hallway closet to find the box that carried a small amount of cash. He kept it hidden as long as he could from his dad and this time it worked. He opened it quickly before finding a few 100 dollar bills, put aside in case of emergencies or hard times. It wasn’t much but it was something to give him some support. He quickly shoved the bills in his pocket before leaving the hallway to grab his suitcase from his room. He looked at his bedroom for the last time, remembering the events, good and bad that had occured in his house. He turned away, feelings of sadness lingering in his chest. On the way down stairs he stopped at a picture of his mother. She was young, beautiful and happy. He and her had booked a photoshoot when he was 4 years old and she held him caringly in her arms. Ezra touched the portrait lightly, almost caressing her 2D face before pulling it off the nail in the wall. He ran down stairs with it and his suitcase in tow before putting it in his tote bag and grabbing his jacket, throwing it over his shoulders. If his father could run away, so could he, he thought before heading out the door.

End of Part 1

WARNING: absolute filth, brace yourselves

Ezra pushed open the glass lobby door. He walked quickly as he was in a hurry while carrying his suitcase and tote bag. His face was red and glistened in sweat, he couldn’t tell if it was from his anxiety, how hot it was outside or the labor of carrying his bags around. Despite his discomfort, there was only one thing on his mind: finding somewhere to stay and remain hidden from the outside world. This decision led him to a run down hotel. It was located on the outskirts of the city and Ezra had used public transportation to get there. He was exhausted from the over an hour ride from his childhood home, and now he would never see it again. He packed everything he could in his suitcase, in hopes of starting a new life. The young man decided that this was the step in the right direction to continue his life, free from the bondage from his father.

Ezra walked in the hotel lobby, luggage in tow as he beelined towards the front desk. On his way he occasionally looked behind his back nervously, praying there was no one following him or witnessing him at the hotel. He couldn’t be caught or seen out in the open too much, he needed to fly under the radar until he saved enough money to flee the country completely. Ezra proceeded to trudge up to the front desk, the clerk noticed his disheveled state and peered over his glasses to observe him. The man at the desk was round and bald, he was dressed in a plaid button up and had brown glasses rested on his nose. “How may I help you?” he croaked asking the newly arrived guest. Ezra wiped his head nervously and fanned his hand towards his face, hot from stress and the heat. “Hi.” he spoke, out of breath. “I wanted to find a room for the next week,” he explained. The clerk just nodded before typing on his computer. Ezra stood at the front desk, shuffling awkwardly from foot to foot. After a brief moment, the clerk looked up at the obviously suspicious boy before informing him of the down payment. Ezra nearly cringed at the price but quickly pulled his crumbled bills out of his pocket, dropping a couple and leaving them scattered on top of the desk. The man nearly glared up at him before snatching the dollar bills up and quickly counting them before shoving them in his shirt pocket. He grumbled, before turning and picking a room key off of the wall then returning back to Ezra and handing it to him. Ezra chuckled nervously, taking the keys and whispering a thank you before heading off. The man watched the boy closely as he headed up stairs until Ezra was out of sight. He then turned his attention back to the porn on his phone and licked his crusty lips.

Meanwhile, Ezra had reached the top of the stairs struggling to lift his suitcase as the elevator downstairs had broken down and was unable to be used. He huffed and puffed, heading up the stairs. Once he reached the 3rd floor, he pushed open the staircase door before entering the corridor hallway containing the hotel rooms. His suitcase rolled softly onto the shaggy carpet floor as he started his search for room 325. Once he found it, he stopped before extending his key, then opening the door before accidentally hitting his suitcase with it on the way in. Ezra took a deep sigh of relief as he had finally reached his destination. Some of his anxiety had waned off at the knowledge that he was somewhat safe and sound. Here there were no abusive fathers, no outstanding debt, no busy bakery and no seductive, domineering man.

At the thought of Stefan, Ezra blushed. His eyes widened at his reaction, he could feel himself get hot as memories of him and Stefan resurfaced. The young boy replayed the events of their coupling in his head over and over again, noticing his soft dick twitch in interest. He had never been touched like that but it turned him on to no end, to the point he willingly submitted to a stranger. He shook his head in embarrassment as if the motion would erase what he’d done. He acted like a whore, he thought bitterly. He remembered the man’s firm hands, manhandling him and positioning him so gently to his advantage. The man was very attractive, Ezra silently admitted. He had never been close to a man of that caliber and the way he allowed the mafia boss to devour him made him hide his face in shame and arousal. In that moment, a vision of Stefan’s devious smirk crossed his mind and he nearly squealed as heat pooled in his abdomen. He let out the breath he had been holding in before touching his chest, he could feel his heart beating fast. How could the man have so much impact on him and he was nowhere in his vicinity. Ezra tried to forget the man, as he would never see him again. Ezra ignored his desire as he took in the hotel room and it’s set up. It was a simple room, adorned with a bathroom, one queen sized bed and a burnt orange couch. The bed was bigger, whiter and fluffier than the one he had at home and that said a lot considering he was in a run down hotel. He carefully placed down his belongings before laying down and spreading out like a starfish on the bed. He relaxed, his body tired from the recent events of his life and he closed his eyes sinking into the mattress.

He lay there for a moment before his mind wandered back to the dominating man plaguing his every thought. The more Ezra thought of Stefan the more aroused he got and before he knew it, his soft hand was reaching toward his bulge poking out his sweats. He was painfully hard. Ezra massaged his hard on, hissing at the pressure. At his own menstrations he moaned softly. He wasn’t entirely unfamiliar with masturbation, as he had once been a hormonal teenage boy. From time to time he would engage in self pleasure but never went further until now. Ezra bit his lip as he engulfed his dick in one hand and began to move his hand up and down slowly. Stefan’s handsome face kept flashing into his head, sending sparks of pleasure through his body. He was becoming increasingly attracted to the man as he reminisced on being violated so casually in foyer of his house. However, his own hand was not enough to satisfy and did not feel nearly as good as Stefan’s big ones taking advantage of his vulnerable state. Ezra realized he had hours and days before he had to make his next move, a quick de-stressing session wouldn’t hurt. The young man swiftly pulled down his sweatpants and boxers, letting his hard penis hit his navel. His dick was glistening and hard and he stared at it in a lust filled trance. He didn’t know what had taken over him but he was horny, for one man in particular.

After his encounter with Stefan, he found himself doing research on the bus there. The comments Stefan had made about penetrating him piqued his interest, although he had never considered it before. His curiosity got the best of him as he read article after article and accidentally stumbled upon explicit photos. It made his face hot, watching the men embrace raw and passionately on the screen. He even took breaks, looking out the window with a red face from being overwhelmed by the graphic images. What he found detailed the basics of anal sex, even giving a detailed explanation of preparation. Ezra was shocked by the new found knowledge that his own ass could be a source of pleasure. For the majority of the bus ride Ezra continued his exploration on the internet but not without nervously looking around to check if anyone noticed the contents on his phone. However, his mind had been made up and before arriving at his hotel, he stopped at a local grocery store for lubricant.

In the present, Ezra chased his orgasm to no avail as his own hand was not enough. He desperately craved to be embraced by Stefan once again but knew it would not be possible since he ran away without his knowledge. He moved his hand up and down his penis, using his precum as lube and eyes closed while he fantasized about the tall, handsome and dominating mafia boss. With his other hand, Ezra reached up to tweak his hard pink nipples, letting out a soft moan. He was so close but couldn’t reach his peak. He let go of himself, panting. He was frustrated, realizing he needed something a little more. He carefully climbed from the bed, penis swinging as he rustled through his tote bag to find his new purchase. He felt so embarrassed about what he was about to do but shoved his feelings down for the sake of a killer orgasm. He pulled the lube out of his bag, blushing again once he remembered what it was for. Ezra climbed back into the bed before popping the cap open and squirting the clear substance into his hand.

He reached for his hard cock again, giving himself a few strokes and shuttering at the effect on his body. For a few more moments he worked the lube over his penis, his palm wet and sticky from playing with himself. He imagined Stefan on top of him, looking at him greedily while pounding into him roughly. He stopped and blinked for a second, realizing he had no idea what that felt like. He had never been fucked before. In the moment his heart pounded, he felt adventurous that evening and with time to waste, he took his chance. Turning over completely, Ezra lay his cheek into the mattress, knees planted and his round butt sticking in the air. He placed lube on his pointer and middle finger before rubbing his pink hole. Ezra took a deep breath before breaching his velvety insides. He nudged his finger inside, gasping at the feeling. His other hand worked diligently at his cock, trying to distract himself from the new foreign feeling. He bit his lip and continued to push his finger inside of himself. For 20 minutes, he allowed himself to test the waters while sliding his middle finger in and out slowly while jerking off. It was starting to feel good and his ass felt looser than before. He remembered the instructions from his research and poured more lube in between his crack. He finally braced himself for another finger, it was tight at first but he pushed through. He continued fucking himself with his fingers, moaning lowly in his throat. Ezra’s hair was disheveled from his constant movement and his body was pink with pleasure. He closed his eyes and masturbated to thoughts of Stefan, feeling closer to his orgasm than before. He steadily fucked and stroked himself to his pleasure. Ezra could feel his hole loosen up more and determined he was safe for a third finger. He then remembered that special spot in a man’s body that felt amazing when penetrated. With three slim fingers inside him, he searched around for his g-spot, slightly ghosting it and the sensations sending shocks through his body. He had no idea how intense it would feel but he continued to finger himself, rubbing his prostate deliciously. Ezra was in a trance as he moaned loudly into the pillow on the bed. His entire body was on fire as he brought himself to the edge. His ass was slick and wet from the lube, his fingers deep inside himself and hard penis leaking onto the bed. The young man had no idea how long it had been since he started but he was lost in pleasure. Each drag of his fingers, ghosting over his prostate sent him into a frenzy as he reached his peak.

Right when he was about to cum, there was a hard knock at the hotel room door. Ezra was startled out of his previous position, pausing at the loud sound rattling through the room. His eyes widened as he stared at the door. Many thoughts ran through his head, mainly ones of panic. Who could be knocking? Who knew where he had fled to? Had he been caught? He questioned, as anxiety set in at each knock. The person continued with rapid knocks, as if they were anxious to get inside. Ezra scrambled up from the bed, quickly grabbing his sweatpants and shoving them up his legs, nearly tripping. He paused to listen as the guest continued to pound rapidly at his door, in rhythm with his beating heart. He stood still not knowing what to do, bracing himself for whoever was on the other side. In a brief moment, there was a pause from the noise. Everything stood still for a moment, as Ezra nearly sighed with relief, hoping he was safe and they had moved on. However, he was mistaken. The hotel door launched open in a swift kick, the lock breaking off the hinges to reveal three men in suits. There stood Stefan and his men, looking directly at Ezra’s shaken frame. The boy screeched in fear at the realization he had been found. Behind Stefan’s tall and muscular frame stood his second in command Matteo, who had a knowing smirk on his lips as well as a new man Ezra hadn’t recognized before. He stood the farthest in the back, superseding Stefan’s own massive frame. This man was built like a tank with hard muscles underneath his black suit and slightly unbuttoned button up. He had a hard face but was handsome, no expression showing, just staring. It was apparent he was the one who kicked down the door with brute force. The group paused, taking in each other’s presence. Matteo spoke up. “Oh there you are small fry. Ya know we had been looking all over for you.” he said in a joking manner. “Next time you want to run away,” he teased. “You should probably leave your phone.”

Ezra blushed at the realization that he had been being tracked this whole time, feeling increasingly stupid the more he stood in the presence of the men. What really shook him to the core is that the object of his desires and the main star of his masturbation session were standing right in front of him. The young man didn’t even have time to register his ruined orgasm. Ezra and Stefan, held intense eye contact. Ezra faltered under the man’s stare, feeling hot. Stefan looked down at the boy who had run away from him. He took in Ezra’s disheveled state, his cute nose, his green eyes, his red cheeks and plump lips. He was just as tempting as he had remembered. Stefan took a step through the door and at the same moment Ezra backed up. They paused their movements, staring deeply into each other’s eyes and anticipating the other’s next move. Stefan cleared his throat before speaking. “Alejandro.” he said, a deep voice echoing through the room and sending shivers down Ezra’s spine. The biggest man fixed his posture and brought his eyes to his boss having been previously fixated on the side of Matteo’s handsome head. Stefan adjusted the watch on his wrist before beginning to remove his coat and blazer. He continued staring at Ezra as he moved swiftly, removing his clothes. “Stand outside with Matteo and keep watch. Let no one in.” he instructed as he removed his cufflinks and unbuttoned his shirt. The two men in the door quickly followed instructions, Alejandro nodded before shuffling and closing the hotel door. He carefully placed his large hand on the small of Matteo’s back and guided the smaller man out the way. Matteo just rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what was about to go down. Before the door was completely closed, Stefan spoke again. “And this time, do not run off to fondle each other”, he warned his henchmen. The couple just blushed as they watched Stefan disappear behind the wooden door. Matteo was annoyed at being called out, turning to look at his buff boyfriend. “Says the one who tracked down a twink just so he could fuck him.” he grumbled. Alejandro just smiled before bending down and kissing Matteo’s head.

Inside the room, Ezra stood with his eyes wide as he was left alone once again with Stefan. The tension in the room was thick as Ezra held the bigger man’s lust filled gaze. This time, where Ezra expected to be angry, Stefan’s face held no expression but a stern stare. His jaw was clenched, indicating the man may have been slightly annoyed. Stefan took a step closer, causing Ezra to back up once again and cower. “You thought you could run away from me?” he said slowly, eyes never leaving Ezra. While he approached the boy, he carefully removed his button up shirt, revealing his muscular upper body covered in ink. Ezra gasped, taking in the handsome man’s tattoos. Ezra had no idea how the mafia leader could get hotter but Stefan’s demeanor and tattooed body made him want to melt into a puddle.”What are you doing here!?” Ezra squeaked, already knowing the answer. The man was here to take him. Stefan chuckled dryly. “What am I doing here? What are you doing here, pet?” he questioned the boy, casually creeping toward him. This time Ezra didn’t notice the closing distance as he stuttered in response. “Well you know I just wanted to take a vacation.” he said, nervously. Stefan narrowed his eyes slightly. “Oh really?” he questioned, eyeing the other man. “Then why do I remember telling you to wait for me at home? Hmmm pet? You can imagine how I felt when I returned and you were nowhere to be found.” Ezra was at a loss for words, he had been caught red handed. “But that’s okay because I found you, and don’t plan on letting you escape from me again.” he promised, ready to pounce on the boy. “I thought we agreed on an arrangement, baby boy. You would serve me with your slutty little body in exchange for luxury and being well taken care of. All you had to do was bounce on my cock and I pay off all of your family’s debt.” he reminded Ezra. Ezra blushed at his vulgarness, being reminded of the similar thoughts he had had about the man earlier. “I-I’m sorry sir.” he stuttered, bringing his head down in shame. Stefan stepped into Ezra’s space before bringing his large hand up to the boy’s chin and lifting it up. The men made eye contact once again, Stefan’s eyes boring into Ezra’s. “Are you apologizing to me, pet?” he taunted the boy. Ezra looked up at him with round eyes, the green orbs slightly filling tears. Stefan noticed his teary expression and tried to ignore the throbbing in his pants at the display. Ezra nodded, clearly frightening but relieved by their closeness and basking in the older man’s scent. “Do you know how you could really make it up to me, pet?” he asked Ezra. The mafia man lifted his strong hand before placing it on Ezra’s shoulder and gently pushed him downward to his knees. Ezra looked up at the man confused, but didn’t protest and obeyed. His big green eyes peered up at the dominating man. He then looked forward and realized he was face to face with the man’s crotch. Ezra looked up once again waiting for instruction. Stefan spoke again. “Suck my cock, slut.” he demanded. Through Stefan’s slacks there was a hard tent, showcasing his hard bulge. Stefan grinned, slightly revealing his white teeth.To Ezra he resembled a snarling wolf ready to eat its next meal, the meal being his frail body. Ezra blushed at his words before bringing up his trembling hands toward the man’s belt. Ezra nervously undid the man’s pants and let them drop to the floor, revealing Stefan’s large cock in his boxers. Ezra reached for the band, before pulling it down and gasping. Stefan’s hard cock nearly hit him in the face. It was large, thick and veiny. It was the biggest dick Ezra had ever seen and his own paled in comparison and size. His eyes widened at the manhood, realizing he was meant to put it in his mouth, similar to how Stefan did his only the day before.”S-Sir.” The young man spoke up. “I never…” he trailed. Stefan figured he would have to coach the boy. “Don’t worry bunny, I’ll teach you.” Stefan grabbed the boy’s red face, gently opening the boy’s mouth before lightly tapping the tip of his dick on Ezra’s pink lips. The younger man wasn’t able to protest before Stefan shoved his cock in his mouth roughly. Suddenly, Ezra’s mouth was full of dick as he struggled to accommodate Stefan’s length with his inexperienced mouth. Stefan then grabbed the nape of Ezra’s neck before rocking his hips forward into the boy’s awaiting mouth. Ezra could barely breathe as his throat and mouth were dominated but he remained pliant as Stefan’s used his mouth hole to his liking.”That’s it, good boy.” Stefan praised, head leaning back as he enjoyed Ezra’s small mouth on his raging hard dick. He looked down at the boy, who was silenced by the penis in his mouth and took in his disheveled state. His brown hair was a mess and scattered all over his head, his cheek red and tears in his big green eyes stared up at him as he violated his mouth over and over again. Stefan groaned at the sensation of his head hitting the back of Ezra’s throat. At the force, Ezra panicked as his small hands reached up to push at Stefan’s hips but to no avail as Stefan’s large hands remained, holding him in place and using his mouth as a flesh light. Stefan thrusted harshly into Ezra’s throat, enjoying the boy’s struggle and gasp for air as drooling pooled at the corners of his mouth.The feeling on his dick and Ezra’s fucked out state turned him on to no end, sending the dominating man over the edge as he came directly into Ezra’s mouth with no warning. Ezra cheeks filled with cum and spit. His eyes widened, realizing that Stefan had just finished but held in place, ensuring Ezra swallowed every last drop. Ezra silently obeyed, wanting to please the man. Once he swallowed, Stefan released the boy’s head and pulled his semi hard out of the boy’s mouth. Ezra panted as he felt the cum fill his throat and travel to his stomach. He looked up at his master, dazed. The older man rode out his orgasm, even slapping his cock repeatedly on the kneeled boy’s face and dragging excess cum on his cheeks. He loved how vulnerable and fucked out Ezra looked, he made it his personal goal to violate the boy everyday from now, wanting to continuing witnessing the boy fall apart for him. Stefan looked around the room, noticing the lube bottle that was leaking and open on the bed, leaving a small wet stain. His eyes then settled on the pair of black boxers, littered on the floor.

He looked down at his pet before speaking.”What were you doing before I arrived?” he asked Ezra, taunting him. Ezra’s eyes widened as he backed away slightly from his kneeling position. “Oh nothing sir.” he chuckled nervously. Stefan knew he was lying and before Ezra could sigh with relief that he had gotten away with it, Stefan reached down to grab the small man and man handle him. “What are you doing!?”, Ezra squeaked in shock. The man’s movements were so fast and swift, Ezra was unable to escape from his hold. Without saying anything. Stefan tackled Ezra and pinned him to the floor. The boy’s hips met the ground as Stefan lay on top of him, trapping him. Stefen didn’t bother challenging the lie as he already knew what had occurred. He swiftly pulled down Ezra’s gray sweatpants to reveal his naked ass. Ezra squealed again as the cold air met his genitals and Stefan’s gaze. “I’m going to ask you one more time,” he pressed again, wanting Ezra to admit it. He swatted the boy’s ass and watched it jiggle. Ezra gasped at the sensation. “What were you doing before I got here?” he said, staring at Ezra’s bare ass. Ezra could only stutter in response, in shock at being exposed so casually. “Nothing!” he replied, not sure where this encounter was going. Stefan narrowed his eyes before noticing the slight glisten coming from Ezra’s backside. In that moment Ezra realized there was no going back as Stefan’s firm hands reached toward his bottom and pulled his asscheeks apart and revealed his stretched pink hole. Now it was Stefan’s turn to be shocked. The boy was surely innocent but it seemed that after their first encounter, the boy had been interested in going further. Stefan smirked. “What do we have here?” he asked. He turned his head to Ezra’s shaking form once again. “Were you preparing yourself to be fucked by me pet?” he teased. Ezra’s eyes widened. “N-no! Of course not!” he defended. Stefan ignored the response as his eyes traveled to the hard leaking cock between Ezra’s legs. “It seems that you like what I do to you.” he said, referring to Ezra’s arousal. “You were fucking yourself to the thought of me, huh babe?” Stefan’s hands caressed Ezra’s buttcheeks, enjoying its plumpness. Stefan’s long, slim fingers creeped up to lightly touch Ezra’s pink hole. Ezra breath hitched at the intimate touch. “S-stefan!” he screeched at the sensation. “Please I haven’t!” he denied as Stefan pressed his middle finger, adorned with silver rings into his opening. Ezra moaned at the intrusion and the coldness of the metal. Stefan’s eyes lit with desire as Ezra’s ass easely sucked in his finger, confirming his suspicions.

Stefan continued his assault. His long finger slid in and out of Ezra’s bum as the boy moaned loudly. This felt 100 times better than his own fingers from early. The boy had no choice but to moan and shake in Stefan’s grasp as he was penetrated. Stefan added another finger, realizing that Ezra had been thoroughly stretched for a fucking. “Hmmm, my little slut was enjoying himself.” he said, continuing to play with his toy. “You were waiting for me to come fuck you. Come and split you open with my cock. Own your whore body and use it as much as I’d like. You want to be my personal fuck toy, baby?” he whispered darkly into Ezra’s ear. Ezra moaned at the sensations, Stefan’s fingers were stretching him so good. “Please” he begged, reaching his climax as his g-spot had been assaulted rapidly for the last 5 minutes. Stefan just chuckled, continuing his menstrations. “Please what?” he taunted, adding a third and final finger and spreading them to watch Exra’s wet hole tighten around them. Ezra mewled. “Please fuck me sir.” he looked back at Stefan, out of breath and tears of pleasure in his eyes. “I’ve been craving your dick since you touched me the first time,” he admitted. Stefan growled at the revelation, before reaching his muscled and tattooed arms around to grab Ezra’s cute face and pull him into a passionate kiss. For a moment they sat there on the carpeted floor, tonguing each other down. Lips and tongue sliding together as Stefan’s devoured his prize once again, missing the boy’s moans. They sounded like music to his ears and indicated that Ezra was enjoying it as much as he was. Stefan’s dick was hard and leaking once again. He was the first to break away before drawing his attention back to Ezra’s round ass. He smacked it once again before grabbing his cock in his hand and guiding it towards Ezra’s slick hole. Ezra braced himself as he hadn’t taken anything nearly as big as the older man’s dick. “Are you ready for me baby?” he asked his pet, not expecting a response. Stefan slapped his big dick on Ezra’s ass cheek before nudging the tip at his hole. Before Ezra could respond, Stefan pressed his penis into him. Ezra gasped loudly at the intrusion, discomfort erupting in his lower half. He whimpered as Stefan continued to dip his cock into him. Stefan slowly slid in, filling Ezra up and being engulfed by his virgin asshole. Stefan hissed at the tightness, filling Ezra clamp down on his dick. Ezra’s ass felt like heaven and it took everything in him, not to fuck him roughly so soon. He continued to ease his dick inside before bottoming out and stilling. Ezra was only slightly in pain as he panted from being breached. He was full to the brim with cock and his eyes watered. He moaned and groaned as he got used to the feeling. Ezra reached up to touch his stomach as he could feel Stefan in his guts. Stefan waited a couple moments before rocking his hips, sliding over Ezra’s g spot. Ezra led out a loud moan as he felt himself spill onto the carpet at the sensation. Realizing he had found Ezra’s g-spot, he began his assault and thrust with intention to graze his prostate over and over again. This sent Ezra falling forward on his elbows as he allowed himself to be taken roughly on the carpet floor. He fell apart completely as he was fucked for the first time ever and it felt so good he could barely speak. Stefan continued pounding into him, his big cock disappearing in and out of his tight chute. “Fuck, you’re so tight baby.” Stefan mumbled. “Taking my cock so good. Being such a good slut for me.” The bigger man continued to take Ezra from behind, his hard cut pelvis meeting the boy’s soft ass and it giggled at every thrust. They were both in heaven, masturbating with each other’s body in a passionate embrace. Neither could get enough as they fucked like rabbits. Stefan fucked Ezra deligently into the floor. Each man groaned and moaned.“Oh Sir! It feels so good.” Ezra muttered as he was fucked within an inch of his life. Stefan grabbed his slim waist as he angled his thrust once again to peg his joy button repeatedly. Ezra found himself reaching his peak once again and he came onto the floor. His penis leaked and dragged against the floor, causing unnecessary friction and over stimulating him. He moaned looking back at his lover. “Too much! I can’t!” Stefan slowed down his thrust at the admission, briefly stopping his race to orgasm. He pulled out of Ezra’s asshole with a pop, watching the glistening hole gap and twitch after being fucked so roughly. He extended his muscular arms before standing and picking up his beloved. Ezra’s eyes widened in shock as he was carried to the orange coach. Stefan sat, bare ass on the cushion before placing the small man over his lap. “Count.” he voiced, sternly. He began to deliver smacks to Ezra’s ass, his unsuspecting form flinching at the impact. “W-what!?” he questioned, as his ass was beat rapidly. “Good whores don’t lie to their owners.” Stefan replied as he continued his assault on his ass. Stefan’s hard dick poked Ezra in the stomach as he lay on the domineering man’s lap receiving his punishment. Ezra whimpered. “Yes sir, I’m sorry!” He apologized quickly. Stefan continued to deliver smack after smack as Ezra counted each sting to his ass, apologizing profusely. Once Ezra reached the number 25, Stefan ceased his moments and rubbed the boy’s ass gently. He manhandled Ezra once again, still in his lap but facing him. Stefan looked at the boy’s state. Ezra’s cheeks were pink from embarrassment and tears were in his eyes. He looked at him with big green eyes pleading. “Good boy.” Stefan praised, kissing the boy’s tears away. Ezra breathed and calmed down. “Thank you sir.” he said, nuzzling his face into the man’s neck. In their embrace, Stefan began to rub their crotches together, the friction sending pleasure shocks through both of their bodies. Ezra’s mewled softly into his neck, his slim arms wrapped around the strong man’s muscular shoulders.


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“Ride my cock baby, let me fill you up with my cum.”

Ezra blushed at the words as he lifted his head and looked into Stefan’s eyes. At the instructions, Ezra lifted his hips and lined his stretched hole with Stefan’s giant cock. The man was still raging hard and not done using his slut’s body. He steadied the boy with his hand at his hips, pushing up down onto his wanting penis once again. Ezra moaned loudly at the intrusion, this position stretching him even more. He was now impaled on the man’s penis and unable to move anywhere but up or down. Stefan took it upon himself to lift the boy easily and slide him up and down his pole. They both whimpered and moaned as they were locked in another passionate embrace, connected in the most intimate ways. Stefan’s cock reached deep into Ezra’s guts and the boy fell apart once again on the man’s cock, leaving streams of cum on Stefan’s hard abs. Stefan repeatedly picked him up and slammed him down on his dick, enjoying the tight and wetness of his thoroughly fucked hole. He made it his mission to fuck the boy like this everyday. “That’s it, slut.” he said, dropping Ezra’s ass down once again to meet his pelvis,

“I just knew when I saw you, I had to own you. Turn you into my dick hungry slut. I’ll have you begging to be fucked by me everyday.” Ezra listened to the man, heat pooling in his abdomen at the words as nasty images entered his mind of him being taken by Stefan in various positions. “I’ll feed you this dick for breakfast, lunch and dinner.” the mafia boss said, slamming into him again and again while chasing his orgasm. The man’s dick throbbed inside the boy. Ezra nodded in a daze, agreeing to his new life of becoming a owned, cock loving whore for Stefan. He looked at the man with innocent green eyes before leaning forward and kissing the man. Their mouths interlocked as they explored each other’s depths and kissed with vigor and want. While they kissed, they both increased the pace of their movements, slamming their privates, slick with cum and sweat together. Stefan fucked Ezra’s roughly on the coach as he orgasmed, filling Ezra’s stretched ass to the brim. A small amount of cum leaked out of Ezra’s hole. Ezra moaned as he was filled up with Stefan’s seed. He moaned and twitched in the giant man’s tattooed covered arms. He had finally being fucked as he had been desperately craving. Stefan rode out his orgasm as he nuzzled his nose into Ezra’s neck and hot cheeks. “Insatiable” he whispered. He admired the thoroughly fucked man in his arms. He wanted to continue their couplings for a very long time, despite the pending contract he really had no plans of ever letting the boy go. “I’m yours.” Ezra mumbled to Stefan, his eyes half closed. Stefan just observed the boy as he fell asleep soundly on his lap. Ezra’s soft snores filled the room as he lay naked on Stefan’s strong body.

The man stood up holding Ezra bridal style before wrapping him up in his large suit coat. The coat was so large it covered the entirety of Ezra’s body. Stefan briefly sat the sleeping boy down on the hotel bed before gathering the rest of clothes and putting them back on. He pushed his ringed fingers through his black hair, trying to look somewhat presentable before going back out in public. Once he was situated, he picked Ezra back up and kissed his forehead. The big man walked towards the door and opened it, revealing his henchman engaging in an intense make out session. He didn’t even bother complaining and just ignored the two before leaving out of the room. “Grab his stuff.” he instructed before heading toward the staircase. Matteo and Alejandro quickly pulled apart as they had gotten turned on by the inappropriate sounds leaking out of the hotel room. Matteo cleared his throat before shoving his sunglasses back on and attempting to act natural. Alejandro just stared hungrily at his lover in the hallway before following his boss’s commands and grabbing his new pet’s belongings. Matteo quickly followed behind his boss as they descended down the steps into the lobby.

The clerk looked up from his phone, noticing the intimidating man who had entered and threatened him earlier, holding something in his large arms that resembled a body. He watched but didn’t dare to protest or interrupt knowing that the men carried guns. He turned back to his porn.

“You really did it this time, boss.” Matteo commented, as he and Stefan walked through the lobby. Stefan just smirked at the knowledge, he had captured his belongings successfully.

“Yeah I did.” he said before exiting the building, Ezra’s sleeping form in tow.

The End.

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