Barriers Ch. 02-2 by ThingsYouWouldBelieve


Barriers Ch. 02-2 by ThingsYouWouldBelieve

Dive into “Barriers Ch. 02-2” by ThingsYouWouldBelieve, a captivating gay sex story that explores desire, connection, and the thrill of breaking boundaries. Join the characters as they navigate their passions and face the challenges of love in a world that often divides. Experience the heat and intimacy that unfolds—your next favorite read awaits!

I completely forgot that about Mark’s party. But Jenna said she was going to spend the night with me… head started spinning. Jenna wouldn’t do that to me. She wouldn’t change plans after realizing what I went through yesterday. She doesn’t even know about my parents yet.

“Jason, come on don’t freak out like this to start the day.” He came over and hugged me. My shirt was easily two sizes too small and it was showing as it gripped his arms and chest. “I hope I’m wrong and she’s here and I can go home tonight but I can’t take that chance.”

“Why the fuck do you care so much?”

“Because I can.” He loosened his grip on me and kissed me on the forehead. “Because you’re worth caring about.”

“Stop Jon.” I stepped back “We’re not together. Stop touching me like we are.”

“Sorry, I’ll respect your boundaries again.” He turned to walk up the stairs. “Your kitchen is bare, lets go get breakfast. I’ll wait upstairs for you just hurry up.”

I groaned as I went to my sink to not look like a mess. Combed my hair in front of my face, rinsed with some cleanser and applied some eye drops to cover up my messed up bloodshot eyes. After that I walked into my closet and looked for my generic clothes. I decided on being a smurf today with a navy hoodie, light blue shirt and my favorite pair of jeans. They hug my ass well and felt like I was wearing nothing. After grabbing a pack of cigarettes I walked upstairs to see Jon waiting at the door looking at a photo of me when I was younger.

“God you were cute back then too.” He looked up and gave me his trademark smirk before opening the door for me. “Come on we have like half an hour.” I reluctantly followed him out the door and into his car. “Let’s just grab a quick bite at Panera. My treat.” He drove onto Plainviell Rd and within 3 minutes we were waiting in the drive-thru line.

“Thanks…” I mumbled as we sat there waiting listening to Spotify

“Huh? Sorry did you say something?”

“Thanks for taking care of me last night…it’s not usually that bad it just…”

“Stop talking.” Jon looked out the window. “I pushed you way too hard yesterday, I know you’re really scared of interacting with other people after what happened when we were younger. I know it was out of line to kiss you and I’m sorry. ”

Jon pulled up to the menu, we ordered some bagels and smoothies and we were on our way to school. He parked in the back lot, it wasn’t that occupied yet and we were able to sit his hood and enjoy breakfast.

“So you just never eat?”

“I don’t like eating alone it makes me think about myself.”

“That’s not healthy in any way.”

“How about you stop giving me the third fucking degree?”

Jon was still getting used to how incredibly caustic I was when I was given advice. He just shook his head and apologized again.

“The fuck is going on here?” Said a rather familiar voice.

Jenna stepped out of the passenger side of a car a couple spaces away.

“Why the fuck are you hanging out with him?”

“He can fucking hang out with who he wants to hang out with bitch.”

“Yeah just like you can fuck Vanessa the day he leaves for England right?”

“Why the fuck are you so obsessed with my sex life?”

“Because you’re gonna fucking use Jason like every other fucking girl at this school that isn’t me.”

“And you know this how?”

“Because you’re a fucking piece of shit Jon.”

“Holy crap you haven’t spent more than three hours with me over the past eight months how the fuck can you even judge me off that?”

“I call a user when I see a user Jon. Come on Jason lets go I need a smoke to forget about this piece of shit.”

“If anyone’s a piece of fucking shit it’s you. Who the fuck dates the kid that bullied their best friend?”

“That’s none of your fucking business, and Jason said it was ok.”

“Really Jason? Do you honestly find this ok?” Jon pointed to Houston finally getting out of his car and walking over the the shouting match that was quickly attracting attention.

“I…Jenna…” My head was spinning again. I didn’t know what to say or do. Jenna and Jon needed to stop fighting. Houston needed to get away from me. Jenna was with Houston all night. She was probably going to ditch me to go to his party. I was at a loss of words and just wanted to fucking drink into a stupor again. I felt nauseous. I didn’t know what to do.

“Look at what you fucking did Jon. Now he’s fucking sick. Way to fucking go.” Jenna ran over to me but Jon stopped her.

“You have your boyfriend to worry about since he was more clearly important to see last night when your so called “best friend” had a fucking episode.” Jon was ready to punch her in the face. “So go spend time with him. You made your choice. I’ll be taking care of him from here on out.”

“You can’t fucking tell me what to do you piece of shit. Jason I’ll be over tonight after school. I’ll get someone to cover me for I swear.”

“Yeah fucking right.”


“Just get out of here already. I’m sure you have Mark have party plans to make anyways.”

Houston shrugged and started walking into school. He knew any words he could possibly contribute to the current situation would only make things worse.

Jenna came over to my side and hugged me. “I’m sorry I’ll explain everything tonight. Please just make sure he’s not there.”

“You can actually just fuck off Jenna i’ll leave when you actually show up instead of when you say you will.”

“HOLY FUCKING CRAP SHUT THE FUCK UP.” Jenna looked back at me. “I promise. I would never lie to you.” She hugged me and kissed me on the cheek as I crouched down on the side of Jon’s car. “I have to go now, text me if you need anything.”

“You’re so fucking transparent it sickens me.”

“The feelings mutual dumbass.” And with that Jenna ran to catch up with Houston.

Jon threw the remnants of breakfast in the brown paper bag to throw out then came around and crouched down to be at eye level.

“I’m sorry, I lost my temper there. She just hates me for no reason and I don’t know what to do.”

“Whatever.” I looked away from him. “You both just get angry instead of understanding the other person’s side. It’s dumb.”

Jon got up and looked down at me and scratched the back of his head. “That’s fair I guess. She’s been your best friend for two years.” He turned around looking at the school clock tower. “You have ten minutes to get to homeroom. Don’t be late. I’ll text you at noon when we both get out and I’m taking you to lunch. I’m not taking no for an answer.” He began walking towards school.

I really just wanted to go home and drink myself asleep some more. Within a day everything was spiraling into madness. It’s been a while since I had been this stressed. I wasn’t a big fan of people fighting over me and I definitely didn’t have anyone to talk to now. There really wasn’t anything else to do except pick myself up and head to class.


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