The Male Breeding Project

A gay story: The Male Breeding Project As you might have guessed from the title, this story contains solely male-on-male sex.

Luka took a deep breath as he entered the facility that morning, knowing that in a few hours he would be fucked, inseminated and hopefully pregnant. He was wearing a loose nightgown, knowing that it wouldn’t be needed for much longer. This day had been coming for months, and yet it still felt surreal to know that his whole life, and human civilization, was on the brink of drastic change.

Human civilization had now survived on Nova Aertha for over two hundred years. However, there was an increasing fertility issue. The nuclear family was a thing of the past, with mothers raising their children communally, responsible for only a few of their child’s needs. Male sperm counts had plummeted down the generations, and women were more crucial than ever to keeping society running. Many did not want, or were not able, to leave work for months or years to raise children.

In the pursuit of equality (but mainly for survival), a program had been devised with the help of superintelligent AI, to allow men to be impregnated. So far, this was just a theory, and Luka hoped he would be the first to make it a reality.

He stepped inside and realised the building was as small but cosy as it had looked from the outside, with warm orange-yellow lighting and pristinely clean white walls, automatically cleaned by the droids at dusk and dawn. In front of him was an orange robot, the size of a football, hovering behind a desk. He stepped up to the receptionist and looked into its eye so the camera would register his iris.

“Welcome to the East Wing of the Sector Gaia medical centre, Luka. I’m Francois, your assistant for today,” the AI receptionist spoke. Luka felt a sense of deja vu as he recognised the voice.

“Have we met before?” Luka asked, having a gut feeling that he had, but wanting to know for sure.

“We have. I previously operated as a Health and Safety regulator who oversaw the team at the restaurant you worked at in New Guangzhou, eighteen months ago,”

“Of course! I’ve kinda blocked that period out of my mind, to be honest. I was a terrible chef,”

“A very hygienic one, as my records show. I have your results from today’s final round of tests. All clear, and your hormone levels are perfect. Dr. Manonne is very pleased with your progress and has deemed you fit for the breeding program,”

“Thank you,” Luka said, feeling more relieved than he ever had. He’d committed himself fully to the programme as one of the first volunteers. Only twelve others in his Sector had been brave enough to volunteer for this experimental phase of the program, and of those, only four remained as participants. Much work had been done to attract volunteers, pleading for men to make a patriotic contribution to their Sector, and the future of the human race as a whole.

Some of a more authoritarian streak in the Sector Authority had even considered attempting conscription for the program, but this was quickly turned down by legislators. Even with the future of humanity at stake, the principle of consent was still sacrosanct, and they quickly pressed on with promoting the volunteer program. More pragmatically, forcing men to carry babies would also have been a sure-fire recipe for inducing riots, and so more gentle forms of coercion were used.

Luka knew that the only thing that would let the program gain widespread participation would be direct evidence. Proof that the science was right, and that a man could safely, happily and successfully be impregnated and deliver a baby. Sector Gaia had been the fastest with their program, and the doctors had all been very pleased with how committed Luka had been to doing his duty to help save humanity.

He’d even received a personal message of thanks from the Sector Consul, Sakura Kozuki, who had informed him that upon the mission’s success he would be granted the Medallion of Gold. This was the highest honour a Citizen could receive, using some of the last remnants of gold left from the Old Earth. All he had to do was repeat what billions of women in human history had done before him.

The year since he’d volunteered had been a mixture of intense and boring. He had continued in his regular job, going part time, as a Nutritional Consultant to various food outlets in the area. The latest medical report had shown the population were once again lacking in protein, and he had been at the forefront of increasing supplies so that food cubes were providing citizens with their needs. Supplies were difficult to source, but as a consultant this part was not his to worry about, and he oversaw the food factories, which took up most of his time for five days a week.

For the remaining two days a week, he lived in the North Wing of the Gaian Health Centre. The medical supercomputer, named Louise, had run repeated tests through innumerable scenarios, and had encountered negligible risks if Luka listened to his instructions. He submitted to every test, and had passed them all with flying colours.

There were psychological tests to determine whether he was a viable applicant. Only one man who volunteered had identified as heterosexual, and after a few screenings he was found by Louise to be subconsciously anxious and disgusted by the idea of being pregnant, and so was rejected by the program. Heterosexuals were a minority of the population on Nova Aertha, and were respected, even if some of them were considered old-fashioned.

Luka, like most people, had always been pansexual, and he had recently found out that Louise had identified him as the most promising candidate from the second screening onward. Though he did wonder whether she said that to all the successful candidates.

There were also child-rearing tests, where candidates had to show that they would be competent in caring for and raising a child. Child-rearing was a solo task, with only a few old-fashioned people still cohabitating with one constant partner, and so the volunteers had to prove themselves worthy of the privilege and duty of raising a Citizen.

Luka had found this part more difficult, but had friends who were currently raising children, and had spent extra time around them in the weeks leading up to volunteering. He’d seen every part of raising a child, and knew he was up to the challenge. Louise had agreed, but had required that he attend classes on certain duties, which he had done without complaint. He would do anything required to do his part for humanity.

A few had dropped out at that stage, but it was the physical changes that led to most of the dropouts. The reason that this program existed was because of the medical advances that made it possible. However, they took some getting used to. Surgery was required, to which only four participants agreed. They had been shown a computer-generated visualisation of the process, and after assessing the changes, the magnitude of the commitment sunk in for seven of the participants, who dropped out. For the rest who consented, they were operated on, and now had bodies capable of being successfully impregnated.

As Francois read out the terms, to which Luka agreed, he looked down at his body. He now had a pair of small, perky boobs, which he had been allowed to choose himself. While most babies were now fed with the most nutritional formula of artificial milk, breastfeeding was still common and necessary, as supplies of certain products getting through every month was far from guaranteed. Luka had taken oestrogen injections for months, which were meant to help bring out his more maternal instincts as well as create physical changes.

The most important operation allowed his rectum to absorb another male’s semen in such a way where it would travel to his new artificial womb, which had been successfully implanted in all the remaining four participants. Scientists had wondered whether a man could impregnate himself with his own semen, but Louise had shown that under the course of drugs and operations that allowed successful male pregnancy, the man’s body would always reject his own semen, making him ill for a period of weeks. Even with such scientific miracles, nature always had a way of regulating itself, and scientists had to humble themselves when altering it for the better.

“Please enter the selection room. Remember your training, and good luck, Luka. We’re all with you,” Francois said, his screen fading back to standby as his mind moved location, to assist the Sector somewhere else. The selection room had been the part of the process Luka dreaded most, but was also most excited about. He would get to choose the father of his child.

Other sectors had planned their program with a mandatory artificial insemination policy, but Sector Gaia had been more liberal. They’d allowed participants to choose whether they would rather receive injections of semen, or be fucked. The remaining volunteers had been split down the middle, with Luka and Mikhail choosing natural impregnation, and Rahul and Tiago opting for artificial. Louise had told them there was no real difference in terms of effectiveness, other than physical exertion for those who wanted natural pregnancy, but having passed the psychological tests she was sure that all were prepared for that.

Luka paused before he pushed open the door to the selection room. It was as he’d been told it would be, a line of twelve men standing before him. They were from various different Sectors, but had all passed Gaian screening. He was allowed to choose three, who would take turns fucking him twice a day until he recorded a positive pregnancy test. It was not too rigorous, as the six inseminations were spread across twelve hours, with the other twelve hours allowed for Luka to rest and socialise with his lovers. He could not leave the facility, a rule which applied to those who chose artificial insemination as well, as it was vital that he remained close to medical attention if needed.

There had been far more volunteers for this side of the program, as hundreds of men wanted to be the first to impregnate another man. These had been narrowed down by Louise after health checks and sperm samples, to determine their suitability and potency. What Luka did not know, is that this group had been narrowed down by humans, with the help of artificial intelligence, to select a pool of men who were attracted to and would be attractive to Luka. This was a more human part of the process, so that there would be enthusiastic consent on all sides, and even some romance to the first male-on-male conception in human history.

Luka had just been told that he would be presented with a group of men, and asked to choose three potential partners. He had no clue that his dating history, social media use and porn use had been filtered and analysed to choose the men he would find hot. Porn was entirely artificial in Nova Aertha, with 3D visual simulations proving more satisfying than watching real people. Looking at real people felt too close to actual sex, which was easily available in a sexually liberated world.

Luka had a large pool of past partners for the AI to analyse, and they’d judged him to have a wide range of tastes, which made their job easier. As such, when Luka walked into the room, he did not suspect anything, seeing a range of naked men, with different appearances and builds, all of whom he found stunning. His cock tented under his pants as he sighed with pleasure, knowing he had the pick of any of these men. They all seemed very happy to see him, having seen photos and interviews of him, and were all eager to be chosen. However, they had been instructed to stand on a line, with their names in holograms above their heads, so that Luka could make his decision as quickly as possible.

He stood back. They were all so beautiful, and he found it hard to choose. However, they had been through this scenario before, as part of a game in training, so he was able to pick quicker than he would have been able to before. He learnt that the longer he spent dwelling on a decision, the worse choices he would make, and the more he would regret them afterwards.

He selected Giorgios as his first pick, a dark haired, bearded man, who looked like he was in his thirties, with a hairy body and olive complexion, who stood at 6″1 and had a thick, average-length cock. Another man, Sharif, looked hopeful as he was similarly hairy and tall, but while he was hot, Luka wanted to choose guys who looked different. It might take him a week or longer to get pregnant, and so he wanted a range of guys, for variety if nothing else.

Giorgios smiled and walked over to the pillar next to Luka, seeming cheerful.

He looked back at the row of men again, and chose another young man named Li, a tall, dark haired, smooth, almost hairless man with a beautiful, muscular chest and a large, thick cock. As he walked and turned, Luka smiled, seeing that he had a great ass as well, and he felt so lucky to be able to make some of these guys’s dreams come true.

As his final choice, Luka was torn between two men. One, a Scandinavian looking man named August, who had light blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, a soft face, and a feminine body, with a smaller but still beautiful cock. The other, named Ephraim, had dark eyes, a beautiful dark complexion, a hairless body, and a larger cock. Luka remembered his training and withdrew from the dilemma, selecting a different man (Louise had explained to him that when humans chose one option in a dilemma, they would always compare the chosen pick to the alternative, and feel dissatisfied). The new man, Julian, was only slightly taller than Luka, at 5″10, and androgynous, having long, flowing black hair, a smooth and slightly curvy body, with an average-to-small sized cock. He looked most like Luka himself, and he suspected that was why he had chosen him.

He looked at the remaining men as they departed, wondering whether he would ever meet any of them again. He suspected not. Parenthood was a solo venture, after all, and while they were hot, he was not a man to chase down love interests to the ends of Nova Aertha. As he turned, he led his new lovers to the side room, where they were greeted by another AI.

“Congratulations on being selected for the Gaia Male Breeding Program. Please change into the clothes provided, and enter the transit vehicle to depart for the house, to commence the breeding schedule. Remember your training, and have fun!” the AI, who Luka recognised as being Priya, announced cheerily. Luka stripped, and saw the smiles on the men’s faces, as they all got changed into light blue, one-piece gowns. After changing, Luka stopped them all for a second, and kissed each one of them passionately, seeing their cocks tent their gowns. They all laughed happily, and quickly exited the building, finding two empty quadbikes.

Giorgios invited Luka to ride with him in the first, as Li and Julian rode in the one behind. The vehicles automatically set off as programmed, and there was no conversation as the quadbikes noisily rushed to the house within five minutes. The house was large, and in a wealthy neighbourhood, and the four men quickly dismounted and walked in through the open door. As the door shut behind them, an orange robot was awaiting them in the hallway.

“Welcome, guests, for your stay here. We hope you find it comfortable. The kitchen, located down this hallway and to the right, is stocked with enough food and provisions for a week. You may request anything, though of course no alcohol or drugs may be consumed on pains of damaging the process. There is a lounge area in the room beside me, and there you may recline and settle in. Upstairs are located four bedrooms. Please find your rooms with your names attached to the device on each door. You are to sleep alone every night, leaving Luka’s bedroom after ejaculation is complete. The rota for visiting Luka has been uploaded to your phones, and reminders will be issued beforehand. You may all socialise between visits, but allow Luka to recover, and only one orgasm may be had between sessions by the inseminators. This is a lot to process, but you have all been trained and know what is expected of you. This will be fun, even if it seems like there are a lot of rules right now!”

The four men all waited until the end of the announcement before taking out their phones. They opened their messages and found their individual rotas, except for Luka, who saw everyone’s. He saw that the hours between 1400 and 0200 were occupied by visits, and he was expected to sleep at 0300 and wake up at 1200 (studies had determined that the male libido was most active at night). There would be a routine medical inspection every day at 1230, and a pregnancy test at 1300. The time was currently 1330, which meant his first appointment, which was with Li, was approaching. The two men smiled at each other, before everyone went into the lounge to relax.

“No fair, I wanted to go first,” Julian said, which made Luka laugh.

“You’ll probably be sick of fucking me within a few days,” Luka said, shyly.

“I think you’ll be pregnant within a couple of days, so I’m going to make the most of every thrust,” joked Li, which made everyone laugh.

“The doctors mentioned you’re on some diet?” Giorgios asked, putting a hand on Luka’s shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m meant to stick to light foods and they’ve analysed my body so they knew when I’ll, you know,”


“Yep, that. And I douche and take enemas after each one, followed by my injection, which is what allows this all to work,”

“That sounds rough,”

“Not really, it all feels very routine now. And I’m very excited about how I’m going to spend 12 hours of each of these sacred days,”

“It really is something magical, I feel so blessed to be here. You’re going to be so famous,”

“I don’t want to be! Hopefully I can be an example for others to help, but I don’t like the attention,” Luka said, which made everyone look at him sweetly.

They whiled away the time discussing the process and how they’d gone through the steps, with the other guys particularly impressed by Luka’s stories of the trials he’d passed to make it here. They all seemed more relaxed and assured, building a level of trust between each other. Giorgios went to the kitchen and shared some snacks with the other guys, and Luka drank his prescribed shake which contained the energy he needed for the afternoon. Eventually, the time hit 1350, and Luka and Li’s phones beeped.

“I’ve been told to get ready, whatever that means,” Li said, his cock getting slightly hard in his gown.

“And I have to go upstairs and literally get ready! I’ve had my enema and cleaned up, but need to get my injection and stuff,” Luka said, excitedly, as he got up and said bye.

He felt incredibly relaxed about this, now that he knew how nice the guys all seemed. He felt comfortable knowing that at any point, he could say that he didn’t want to do this, and no one would treat him differently. Things were good in Gaia, unlike some other Sectors. He went up the stairs and found his room, the last one on the corridor. He scanned his eye at the door and buzzed himself in. The door swung locked behind him, and he saw a robot holding a tray with a syringe on it. He sat on the bed, and effortlessly injected himself in the thigh with the purple fluid. He sighed, and placed it back on the tray. He saw a large supply of lube and sex toys in a cupboard underneath his bedside table.

The robot carried it off to a flap, behind which was a chute, and both the robot and tray went down it. Luka laughed slightly, and lay on the bed. He saw a button next to his bed, and the card on his bedside table explained that he could unlock the door for a few seconds, among other things. He could also, apparently, summon food from downstairs whenever he wished, request any kind or amount of lubricant he liked, and there was an ensuite bathroom provided.

He entered the bathroom, and decided not to apply any lube yet. He looked at himself in the mirror. He now had an androgynous face, helped by the oestrogen, and a slim and slightly curvy body. He was only 21, but had been with enough people to know that he was considered beautiful. He felt secure in that, as he turned around and saw how his bubble butt looked shapely even under his gown. He smiled at himself in the mirror, whispering, “You’ve got this,” affirming himself until he heard a buzz at the door. He rushed out, flopped onto the bed and pressed the button.

Li entered, still in his gown, and shut the door behind him. He walked calmly towards the bed, but couldn’t help from smiling, seeing Luka beneath him. Luka looked up and giggled as he saw the tent in his soon-to-be lover’s gown, and leaned forward to kiss it. Li stroked Luka’s long hair, as he pulled the gown off, freeing his large, and now throbbing cock.

“I wanna fuck you right now,” said Li, pushing Luka into the mattress as he planted kisses all over his neck and cheeks.

“I do, I want you inside me, but I’m not lubed. Do you wanna play with my ass a bit? I could suck your cock while you…”

“You tease,” Li said, lying on his back and grinning. Luka had plenty of time to lube himself, but had chosen not to, wanting some foreplay before he took his first load of the day. He grabbed a bottle of lube. Facing Li, he took his gown off, rubbing his nipples in front of him, squeezing his tits, before turning his back from the man and sitting on his chest. He arched his back, and bent down to look at the beautiful cock before him.

It was easily twice the size of Luka’s, and had a strong vein running down the middle. He leant forward and kissed it, and almost in sync he felt a kiss on his asshole. He smiled eagerly and ran kisses up and down Li’s cock, and felt Li grab the lube from his hand. He licked the tip as he heard a pop, and soon he felt cold liquid being rubbed onto his asshole.

Luka licked up and down the shaft before him, and felt a finger tease his asshole. He flicked his tongue around the head, and then squeezed Li’s thigh. As he did so, he felt a lubed finger push into his ass, and gently sunk his mouth onto the waiting cock, feeling how hot and thick it was. He moaned gently as he sucked, Li adding more lube and pushing two fingers inside. Luka thrusted his ass back onto Li’s thick fingers, as he sucked up and down, stopping whenever he felt Li’s member throb in his mouth. As Li got a third finger in, Luka pulled off the cock, loosely jerking it with a light grip.

“I’m ready,” he whispered, pulling his ass off Li’s generous fingers, “how do you want me?” he asked. After all, Li was the one who needed to cum, and Luka wanted to build himself up to cumming once every three fucks, if he could help himself. He had fantasised about this too many times in his head.

“On all fours,” Li demanded, confidently, as he flipped Luka over. Luka’s four-inch cock was now as hard as it had ever been, and he bucked his hips as Li positioned his hard cock by his entrance. He lubed himself up and rubbed his cock up and down between Luka’s asscheeks to tease him, and then pushed it gently against his asshole.

“I’m so glad you picked me. You want me to make you pregnant, don’t you? You want my thick cum to swell your belly,” he whispered, teasing Luka’s hole.

“Oh fuck, yes, I need your cock,” Luka begged, thrusting back unsuccessfully.

“Good boy,” Li whispered, grabbing Luka’s hanging tits before pushing gently into his warm, tight asshole. He moaned as he felt Luka’s tightness, and Luka sensed he wasn’t going to last long.

“Fuck…you feel so good,” Li moaned, now bucking his hips into Luka, pounding him with every thrust.

“I want your cum, I want you to breed me so badly,” Luka moaned, his voice sounding more feminine recently due to the oestrogen.

“I’m going to cum so deep inside you,”

“You’re going to burst inside me and make me pregnant, oh fuck,”

“I’m…gonna cum,”

“Please,” Luka moaned, as he felt Li thrust inside him a few more times, before holding onto his ass as he came. He held himself inside Luka for a few seconds, before Luka reached under the pillow as he’d been instructed before. He tossed a buttplug back to Li.

“Put this inside me, when you pull out,” he requested, arching his back more, “try not to let any cum leak out,” he asked.

“Sure, baby,” Li said, bending down to kiss his lover’s back. He waited, thrusting his softening cock inside him once more, before pulling out, quickly pushing the buttplug inside. He squeezed Luka’s asscheeks around it, making sure it was a nice fit, before getting up. The buttplug had been specially moulded to plug Luka’s ass perfectly, and it fit snugly inside him, causing no discomfort.

“I’m gonna get one of the guys downstairs to clean this cum and lube off me,” Li said, “they said no intercourse but that doesn’t count, surely,” he said, curiously.

“I’ve got no idea. But thanks, that was really nice,” Luka said, grateful that he seemed to have picked men who’d treat him well. Li left, and Luka lay on his back, legs in the air, hoping that the cum would flow better, even though Louise had informed him that it would make no difference. He buzzed the button next to the microphone as he tried to maintain his position.

“Could I have my salad now, please?”

“Good choice,” the AI remarked, and Luka laughed. He felt hungry as he waited, not wanting to have to go downstairs to get food. Within ten minutes, the same robot as before flew out of the chute, and brought a plate of the best Greek salad Luka had ever had. They’d given him a strict menu to follow, but it was of the highest quality.

Real food was generally a treat now, with most meals consisting of a food cube, containing all the nutrients that would be found in a regular plate. Only the rich could afford to eat traditional food more than once a week. Even then, the food cubes had improved in the last few decades, now engineered to be pleasing to the tastebuds as well as nutritious. Some of that was down to Luka.

Luka passed the time talking to the AI assistant about its role and how the house was maintained, as well as finding out more about its other uses. All sorts of experiments were carried out here, from testing the efficacy of new mood pills to pilot schemes seeing how new AI models served humans in a domestic context. He tried to avoid going downstairs for now, dreading the idea of hearing the guys talk about him. He somehow felt it would be less awkward once all three had fucked him, though he knew that was just an excuse for his natural shyness about the situation.

He was watching a show when he received an alert that the time for the next insemination was ten minutes away. Luka quickly got up, finished his water, and went to the bathroom. This time he’d be naked, he couldn’t be bother trying to dress up, even though clothes of every kind had been offered to him. He saw himself get harder as he imagined Giorgios fucking him, and splashed some cold water on it to calm himself down. He didn’t want to seem too eager with them, the first time. Maybe tomorrow he’d allow himself to be sluttier and tease them all downstairs. The idea amused him. He removed his buttplug and douched, fingering himself to make sure there was no semen left in the outer part of his rectum, and washed his hands before heading to the bed. He took his injection and waited.

He buzzed the door to allow Giorgios in. To Luka’s surprise, he was also fully naked, and smiled as he closed the door behind him. He leaned against the wall, his girthy cock still soft at around 4 inches.

“So we’ve become a nudist house,” Luka said, laughing as he sat on the edge of the bed.

“Was kind of difficult not to. We all hung out naked for about half an hour before you saw us at the facility, and we figured it would make things less awkward. And we heard more rules from the AI just for us which made stuff easier,” Giorgios explained, lying down on the bed next to Luka.

“What were they?”

“They only count anal as intercourse, so we can do everything else, which is nice of them. They also said that our orgasm between sessions should be within the first 3 hours after sex with you, so that we can produce enough new sperm. They’ve got us doing shots of something that enhances production as well,”

“That sounds rough,”

“You’ve got to do your injections as well so we’re all in the same boat,”

“Can’t wait for you to inject me,” Luka said, cringing, but Giorgios didn’t seem to mind.

Giorgios sat up and pushed Luka onto his back. He kissed him, before reaching down and stroking his cock gently.

“You’re lucky, you’re allowed to cum however many times you like. Li and Julian are teasing each other so much, but they won’t go too far,” Giorgios said, lovingly touching Luka all over his body while he stroked him.

“I like saving my orgasms, being edged like this is so much fun,” Luka said, thrusting his hips gently into Giorgios’s fist.

“I’m sure it is. Li said how much you liked being fucked, I wondered whether you’d have jerked off to it by yourself here,”

“I’m very patient,”

“We’ll see about that. I can wait a while, I want this to be a little bit romantic. Watching Julian suck Li’s cock downstairs was rather the opposite, as you can imagine, so I’d like to feel a bit more intimate with you,”

Luka was stunned, he hadn’t expected the beefy man to want romance and intimacy out of this. His main emotion was excitement, though. He felt butterflies as he looked his lover in the eye, his cock throbbing in the man’s hand. He kissed him again, and slowly pulled him towards his lithe body. Giorgios rested himself on top of Luka, being careful not to hurt him, and grinded against his thigh, making out with him passionately but gently.

“Is this good for you?” Giorgios asked, pulling Luka towards him, kissing him gently on his cheeks and neck.

Luka couldn’t get words out but nodded, breathing heavily and letting Giorgios stroke his cock.

“Can I suck it?” Luka asked, gesturing downward.

“Be my guest,” Giorgios said confidently, leaning back on the bed.

Luka smiled. He was worried Giorgios would want to save himself for a long fuck, but few men would resist the temptation of a blowjob.

He crawled over to the older man’s hairy body, running his hands through his manly legs, squeezing his muscles and kissing them. He felt so submissive to this hunk of a man, feeling the urge to let him pin him down and use him. He was so perfect, and had reached an ideal Luka could never have hoped to reach, even before all the hormones.

Luka tentatively reached a hand towards Giorgios’s cock, wrapping his small hand around him, his thumb near the tip. He felt so comfortable and relaxed with a man’s cock in his hand. It felt like giving a massage, only more pleasurable, and with less effort. He spat onto the tip, and then stroked, gently, as Giorgios had stroked him.

“You look so beautiful,” Giorgios whispered.

“I really want your child,” Luka moaned, before wrapping his mouth around the tip. He licked, desperate to taste his manhood, and when Giorgios stroked his hair he started licking up and down, his mouth struggling to handle his girth. He started to gag.

“Easy, baby. Go at your own pace,” Giorgios said, soothing him with his velvety tones, stroking his back as he eased his cock out of Luka’s mouth.

“Thanks, I got carried away,” Luka said, catching his breath.

“You’re gorgeous, I want to ravish you right now, so don’t worry about pleasing me. I’ve been pleased just to be here since you chose me,” Giorgios said, pushing Luka back.

Luka felt a submissive rush as Giorgios took control.

“Do you want to fuck me, daddy?” Luka asked, in a more submissive voice.

“Are you all lubed up and ready?” Giorgios asked, pushing a finger down to the younger man’s asshole and checking. Luka didn’t nod, but only smiled as Giorgios felt the wetness at his entrance.

“Good boy…but you did promise me a blowjob,” Giorgios said, stroking Luka’s cock.

“I need you inside me, daddy, please,” Luka begged, desperately.

“You’re so cute when you beg,” Giorgios said, suddenly pulling Luka’s hair back, and slapping his tits. He bent down and sucked on his right nipple, pulling his hair back hard. Luka moaned, and thrusted his hips up into Giorgios’s thigh.

“Fuck me, please, I need your cock, I need your cum,” Luka begged again, seeing how much it turned on Giorgios, and the older man couldn’t resist.

“You’re so hot, I’m going to fuck you so good,” Giorgios said, and pushed Luka’s legs into the air.

Luka held his legs up by his head, and his cock twitched in anticipation. He closed his eyes, waiting to feel his new lover’s cock push inside him.

Instead, he felt a warm, wet tongue push at his entrance, licking up and down, before pushing at his tight ring.

“Who’s the tease now…” Luka breathed, before moaning as Giorgios’s tongue pleasured him. Even though he was here to be fucked, he’d never turn down a rimming, especially from a tongue as talented as Giorgios’s. He felt the man’s tongue massage and tease his ass, before eventually he felt a kiss at his entrance, as Giorgios got up.

“I need you,” Giorgios said, positioning his girthy cock at Luka’s delicate entrance.

“Make me yours,” Luka whispered, as he felt Giorgios push into him hard.

“Oh fuck,” Giorgios moaned. It was good to have validation from two hot guys that his ass felt good.

He felt his asshole being stretched again, as Giorgios soon settled into a rhythm and pumped into him. He felt his tits being squeezed as Giorgios bent down and kissed him passionately. This felt much more loving than Li had, though Giorgios was thrusting fast and Luka worried this too may not last very long.

“Open your mouth,” Giorgios commanded, now squeezing Luka’s face. He obeyed immediately, and Giorgios spat into his mouth. He swallowed it eagerly, and Giorgios rewarded him with another passionate kiss, and held him tight as he pumped into him harder.

Luka felt his depths being pleasured by Giorgios’s cock, and as he gripped him tight, he felt his prostate being stimulated. He started moaning loudly in pleasure, as he wasn’t used to this kind of arousal. Normally, all his physical pleasure came from his ring being stretched, and he’d only hit his prostate once before, with a ridiculously large dildo. Now, he felt sparks flying as his lover’s cock repeatedly hit his prostate.

“Oh fuck, I’m going to cum soon, daddy,” he moaned, his body writhing, as he held Giorgios tight.

“Hands-free? Oh fuck…” Giorgios said, realising. He started thrusting faster, pushing Luka’s legs back so he could keep hitting his prostate deeper, and soon Luka was moaning like a whore around his dick.

“Oh fuck…” Luka moaned again, and felt his cock throb and twitch against Giorgios’s stomach, as he came ropes onto him. His orgasm continued, and Giorgios kissed his neck, before being overcome with the feeling of closeness and squeezing him tight.

“That was…the best orgasm…I’ve ever…” Luka sighed, being interrupted by Giorgios’s kiss.

“You deserve every bit of pleasure I can give you,” Giorgios whispered, before fucking Luka again, knowing it wouldn’t take him long now.

“Cum inside me, I want your baby,” Luka begged, clenching his asshole.

Giorgios pulled out to the tip, and thrust in again, and the feeling of pushing past his tight ring was too much. He pinned Luka down, and came inside him, grunting until he was done. Luka gestured and he pulled out and pushed a small buttplug into his ass, before embracing him again.

The two cuddled for a while without saying a word, happy in the other’s arms.

Luka did not know how long they had cuddled for, but it felt like an age, the two staring into each others’ eyes, punctuated by the occasional giggle. Eventually, Luka looked up at the clock.

“I’d love you to stay, but I have to see Julian in twenty minutes. The probability of me getting pregnant after the first round is only 6%, so we’ll see each other again,” Luka said, sadly. He wasn’t sure that the next visit was twenty minutes away, but he feared that if he stared into Giorgios’s eyes any longer, he’d fall in love.

“You sure I can’t stay and watch?” Giorgios said, and Luka playfully slapped his hand away.

“I don’t think voyeurism is encouraged, though I’d have no complaints,” Luka said, rolling away. He felt a lot of affection for Giorgios, but he knew that they were all here for a higher purpose, and he didn’t want to interfere with it.

Giorgios got up, his eyes still fixed upon Luka.

“I’ll check about that,” he teased, “and I’ll be counting down the hours until I see you again.”

Giorgios gave Luka a kiss on the forehead, before leaving the room quickly.

Luka sighed, his heart still fluttering from that encounter. He’d had his first prostate orgasm, and he wondered whether that was the real reason he was thinking about love.

He had never been in love before, and did not know whether it was even real. However, the thought that he might never see Giorgios again made his heart sink, even if this was just an infatuation. His mind wandered back and forth with thoughts of Giorgios, and a life they could live together.

He snapped himself out of his daydreams, and looked at himself in the mirror. He squeezed his tits gently, and saw his belly, and remembered why he was here. He hoped the child would be Giorgios, but any of their seed swelling his belly would be a modern miracle, and he felt lucky that this was his calling.

One more look at the clock and Luka hesitated slightly. He buzzed the button next to the microphone.

“How long until Julian?” he asked, nervously.

“Approximately four minutes,” the melodious voice hummed, and Luka panicked.

In the next four minutes, he removed the plug, cleaned himself up, gulped down some water, and made the bed. He felt that, given the historic nature of what they were accomplishing, he could maybe have a robot to help, but he couldn’t be greedy.

As he flopped himself onto the bed, he heard a knock. He called out, and Julian entered.

“Hey Luka,” Julian said, flicking his hair over his shoulder before the door shut behind him.

“Hey,” said Luka, still horny despite his orgasm.

“Whatever you did to Giorgios must have been magical,” Julian said, sitting next to Luka on the bed.

“I suppose it was,” Luka replied, unable to resist a smile.

“Oh, look at you,” Julian said, leaning closer to Luka, “you’ve caught feelings, haven’t you?”

Luka blushed. He did not know whether he had, but he did feel very close to Giorgios now. That didn’t preclude him wanting sex with Julian — monogamy was rare on Nova Aertha – but he did feel a wish to keep seeing him after this experiment.

“Maybe. I don’t really know what it would feel like, though. What is love, anyway? We’re here for an experiment,” Luka sighed.

“That doesn’t mean something beautiful can’t come from it. Regardless of whether the child ends up being Giorgios’s or not, you can still see each other afterwards, even if you won’t raise it just by yourselves,” Julian said, stroking Luka’s leg.

“I suppose. I just don’t know if I ever will. He might be assigned to a different part of the sector, or even assigned to move sector. I don’t know anything about him. Maybe he has a lover already,” Luka said, solemnly.

“Aw, don’t do this to yourself. I know the feeling. I was separated from my love during one of the outsider raids, and since then I can’t love another,” Julian said, mournfully.

“Oh baby, I’m sure he’s out there somewhere feeling exactly the same way,” Luka said, and they hugged.

“Maybe,” Julian said, embracing Luka’s body, their warmth feeding one another.

“Shall we…” Luka said, and they kissed.

Julian’s lips felt softer than the other two, more feminine. The two traced their hands over each other’s bodies, as if they were caressing every inch, and finally reached one another’s cocks.

“You’re so pretty,” Luka whispered, stroking Julian’s long hair with his free hand.

“Thanks,” Julian said, shyly, as Luka bent down. He licked gently at Julian’s cock, slightly smaller than his own. He lapped at it, and sucked the whole thing on first attempt, bobbing up and down on it as it grew. Julian moaned, tilting his head back. Luka felt him harden to a point, and then pulled his wet mouth off his cock.

“I want to ride you,” Luka whispered, pushing Julian back.

Julian smiled, glad that he wasn’t in control today. He had feared that he would need to be dominant, but as long as he was happy to top, he was encouraged to apply. He hadn’t expected to win, thinking that the test subject would want only the most virile, masculine men, but Luka had surprised him.

Luka sat on Julian’s stomach, leaning forward, his tits hanging low as he kissed Julian’s mouth.

He shuffled back, and Julian held his cock still at the base. Luka spread his asscheeks and gently lowered himself, feeling Julian’s cock rub at his entrance.

“Push a little,” Luka whispered, and Julian slowly pushed up, feeling his cock stretch Luka’s loosened hole.

“Fuck,” Luka moaned, being stretched for the third time today. This one felt much easier, after he’d been stretched so much already, but it felt just as good as the others.

Luka rolled his hips back and forth on Julian’s waist, loving the feeling of a cock rocking back and forth inside him. Julian moaned and started squeezing Luka’s tits, and running his hands up and down his sides.

“They couldn’t have picked anyone better,” Julian whispered, thrusting up into Luka, sitting up towards the head of the bed and holding him face to face.

The two writhed their bodies together, each stroking the other’s back. Julian spanked Luka’s asscheeks, and felt his orgasm approaching.

“I’m gonna…” he moaned, before cumming into Luka’s ass. The two breathed heavily together, before Luka grabbed a plug from the drawer and quickly pulled off, before stuffing himself.

“That was nice,” Luka said, kissing Julian. He was glad he’d chosen three different types of men, as he now looked forward to a rougher fucking from Li and a gentle experience with Julian either side of Giorgios. And he really looked forward to Giorgios.


The experiment was a success. Luka was impregnated on the third day (by which point he had started to tire of the endless sex). He did not know whose seed had won, but he was ecstatic upon seeing the positive test. The group celebrated with group sex, followed by drinks, and a tearful goodbye.

Luka vowed to keep in contact with them all, but it was hardest to say goodbye to Giorgios. He found out that Giorgios worked in Sector Omega, which was far away, but Giorgios promised to get a transfer as soon as he could.

Luka was then united with the only other successful test subject, Mikhail. The AI had found artificial insemination to be unsuccessful, though the sample size was too small to draw any conclusions. The two became friends, and had shared a similar experience. They had both enjoyed the experiment, but had found it tiring, and were overjoyed to be pregnant.

Luka followed a strict diet, and regular medical appointments during his pregnancy. He was even a regular guest on talk shows. While he enjoyed the fame, being a bit of an attention whore, the real reason was to spread the message, and let humanity know that a new future was now possible.

Every kick was a joy, and he had even come to embrace the cravings (his was for a particular food cube he had taken great pride in developing). He was given a room to design for the new infant, and he made it as colourful as possible.

Even as he concentrated on the birth, he still found his thoughts wandering to Giorgios, missing him, and secretly hoping the baby would be his.

For the last month of his pregnancy, Luka was kept in the medical unit, for close observation and ready for immediate care should be require it. He found these days the loneliest he’d ever experienced, until one day he was informed he had a visitor.

He roused himself, bleary eyed and heavily pregnant. Looking up, he saw a bearded man, and sat up. He sat up so fast that his robotic nurse, Stepan, whooshed in to hold him up. That didn’t stop Giorgios from rushing in and giving him a deep kiss, careful not to touch his belly.

Giorgios’s support was crucial in helping Luka get through the last week, and when the time came for him to give birth, through c-section, having Giorgios by his side was invaluable. In fact, it was Giorgios who was the first to hold the baby. It was female, and evidently half-Asian, but that didn’t stop Giorgios from showing it the greatest care and affection.

“I’ll name her Eve,” Luka said, “it seems appropriate.”

Afterwards, the baby was taken from Luka, but sent to be raised by his village. Luka did not know what he would have done if it was assigned somewhere else, but the Gaian Health Ministry were so pleased with his conduct that they could not deny him this privilege. Luka took primary care of the infant, with Giorgios and the rest of the community all playing their part.

Soon, male pregnancy became a fact of life on Nova Aertha. C-sections for males were renamed “Lukian birth” in honour of the first to do it, and Luka became famous as the nutritional expert (and expert in every regard) for men during pregnancy. Gender equality advanced rapidly, as one of the biggest barriers between the sexes had been deconstructed. Masculinity and femininity blurred into one another more than ever, and Nova Aertha embraced this change.

Luka and Giorgios broke up after five years, but remained friends and continued to help with the raising of Adam. Luka died at the age of 89, proud of his life’s work, and had lived long enough to see great-grandchildren, something he had never imagined would be possible.



Need to be a couple of obstacles to him getting pregnant

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