The Milking Factory Ch. 02

A gay sex stories: The Milking Factory Ch. 02 Dr Wolfe led Austin by the chain to the back of the table, where a small foothold was built into the frame. Austin looked nervously at the metal arm which was now still. The metal balls that beaded the end of it were easily the size of a fist, and were dripping with a mixture of lube and some other clear sticky fluid. Austin was an anal virgin, and although he was blind with horniness knew he couldn’t handle such a fucking.

“Don’t worry, we save that for the pros. We find that the longer a bull stays here, we need to increase the intensity of his experience to achieve the same level of orgasms. We even have some attachments that are completely custom per bull.” Dr Wolfe neatly unscrewed the large beads from the end of the arm and replaced it with a relatively smaller attachment. It looked like an 8 inch long dildo, and the second it was affixed, it began to secrete a lube across it’s surface, making it shiny in the dim light.

“Now, get on the table.”

Austin clambered awkwardly, placing his hands and ankles on the corners near the table chains, his head between the two poles with chains that would soon hold his head in place. There were small pads there he hadn’t noticed before that made the position more comfortable, which he was glad for. He could feel the dildo brush his ass as Dr. Wolfe adjusted it’s position and a shiver of desire ran through him. The table was dewy with sweat from the previous bull, and the musky smell made Austin even hornier.

With a click, Dr. Wolf attached short chain links from the table to each of Austin’s limbs, then came to the front of the table and roughly took Austin’s face in his hands, looking him in the eyes. “If at any point you need to quit the program, your exit word is ‘stoplight’. Say it and the machine will immediately stop, and you will be allowed to leave. Otherwise, you will continue in the program. Understand?” Austin nodded. He was nervous about such a new experience, but more than anything wanted to impress Dr. Wolfe. In the last hour or so he had become a comforting figure in this unfamiliar world to Austin, and Austin wanted to do him proud.

Dr. Wolfe attached the final chains to Austin’s collar, which allowed his head some movement and even held him by his neck if he bowed his head. Austin allowed his head to hand in the makeshift sling, and found again that the light pressure on his neck was comforting. He closed his eyes and instinctually arched his back.

“One last thing.” Austin felt a soft sensation on his cock and looked down. Dr Wolfe had placed the rubber sheath over his cock, and fixed it in place with a strap that looped around Austin’s low hanging balls. He was surprised at the sensation. It felt warm and wet, like the best mouth he had ever wrapped around his cock.

Dr Wolfe stepped back to admire his work, and taking out a camera, took a picture of Austin, bound and helpless. “For our records.” To his satisfaction, Austin saw the bulge in Dr Wolfe’s pants had grown, and grinned to himself.

“Beginning in 3…2…1.” Dr Wolfe pressed a button on the table, and the machine ground to life. The sheath around Austin’s cock hummed lightly, and the vibrations immediately gave him a wave of pleasure. Then the sheath began to move, riding up and down his cock with a slurping sound as a gentle vacuum sucked on his cock. The machine was more advanced than Austin realized, and soon he was rock hard and panting. A tongue-like piece of rubber inside the sheath lubricated his cock as it moved, and when the sheath reached the base of his cock, would extend out and cover his aching balls in sticky fluid.

“ahhh… fuckkk yesss…. oh please….”

Austin had his eyes closed, ecstatic in pleasure, so he could not see, but Dr. Wolf and a small group of observers had gathered around his station. They were watching eagerly as the young bull grew into his role, rocking his hips back and forth, pushing his now red and bulging cock deeper into the sheath. His nipples stuck out prominently from his small pecs, looking both soft and supple. His arched back pushed his ass further back on the table, inching himself subconsciously closer and closer toward the anal probe. Occasionally, he would lurch forward or back, and the chains around his limbs and neck would snap taut, keeping him in place.

“He is going to be a great addition to our stable, I can already tell.” Dr Wolfe was grinning as he watched the boy. “This might be the fastest I’ve ever seen someone accept their role, especially one who has never had sex before. He must be a natural.” Dr Wolfe again approached the table, and pressed another button next to the first.

Just as Austin rocked backwards in his ecstasy, the dildo moved forward, and the tip of it entered his ass. Austin let out a yelp and jumped forward, but was again restrained by the chains, and landed in the same place, choking slightly after the harsh tug on his neck. Dr Wolfe gently ran his hand through Austin’s hair, saying “shhhhhh good boy. That’s a good bull.” The sheath continued sucking and rubbing his veiny cock, and as it did, the dildo behind him gently moved forward and backward, slowly pushing further and further forward. Austin’s tight pink asshole was quivering from the first shock, but with the comfort from Dr Wolfe, he held his ground as the dildo once again pushed against his perfect tight hole.

Now that he was anticipating it, Austin found the sensation pleasurable, the stretching of his hole like working out in the gym. The machine continued forward, pushing 2 inches deep into his hole, slowly leaking lube inside of him with a special formulation to both increase sensitivity inside his ass and relax his hole. He was so concentrated on the new sensation in his ass that Austin barely noticed the sheath, which continued to dutifully rub up and down his cock, licking his balls.

“Oh fuck, oh god…”

He began again to rock forward and backwards, now willingly pushing the dildo further and further into his ass himself. He could feel the tip of the dildo inside of him as it robotically rolled around his insides, stimulating his every atom. He hungrily pushed his body forward and backward hard, beginning to enjoy not just the sensation of the tip inside of him, but the length of the dildo as it slid smoothly in and out of his sloppy boy pussy.

With a squelch and a roar, he pushed back as hard as he could, his round ass cheeks hitting the metal arm at the base of the dildo, then lunged forward, choking himself on his chain, and pushed the dildo fully out of his asshole. In his delirium, he didn’t even notice that he had now been aggressively riding the milking machine for 45 minutes, and when he pushed off the dildo, his wrecked hole gaped wide, liquid oozing from it as the once tight rings of his ass quivered, begging for more. He rammed himself down hard on the dildo, just as the metal arm moved aggressively forward and the sheath once again swallowed his cock. He felt a euphoric experience as the tip of the dildo hit a point deep within him, and let out a scream of pleasure as his balls tightened and he came, squirting 5 times into the sucking machine.


Exhausted, Austin’s arms and legs collapsed, leaving him hanging limply by his collar and the dildo still embedded deep within his ass.

He came to a few minutes later, and weakly noticed that the noise of the machine had died. Dr. Wolfe was standing in front of him, holding out a small paper cup of water, which Austin reached for, but his arm stopped midair, held back by the chain.

“Say please.”

Austin looked up at Dr Wolfe, and throatily said “Please, Sir.”

Dr. Wolfe brought the water to Austin’s mouth and he drank it hungrily.

“That’s a good boy. Austin, you did great. Not many newcomers take to their role so easily. And producing 50ml with only one dose of the regimen! You are going to do very well here.”

Austin smiled up at Dr. Wolfe, his heart swelling with joy that he pleased the Doctor. Wolfe expertly unchained Austin from the machine and led him as he shakily walked, his collar now again on a chain, back to his office. As the elevator doors closed, the muffled moans of the other men in the room were silenced.

“Thank you sir, that was the best experience of my life. Can I please do it again?”

But Wolfe shook his head. “No, no you need to retain some energy. After all, you are going to regularly be donating, and we can’t have you burning out on Day 1. You will go to the showers and clean up, then head to your room for the night. I will consult with you in the morning on your schedule going forward. Assuming, you do want to continue donating?”

Austin nodded eagerly, but felt slightly disappointed. Now that he was off of the machine, he felt almost empty, like a central piece of him was left when the dildo left his butthole. He could still feel his stretched hole eagerly gaping, wanting more.

“Is there something else?”

Austin looked up at Dr. Wolfe’s eyes and felt them piercing him. He couldn’t imagining himself wrapped in Wolfe’s strong arms, pinned under his weight, taking load after load until he couldn’t move. “Sir, I’ve never actually… well I’ve never actually been with a man before. I was wondering if.. if you would-”

“Austin, I don’t just have sex with every boy who comes in here.” Dr Wolfe was frowning now, and Austin felt like he had made a big mistake. “That being said, we have noticed that some bulls perform better when they have a guide, or a dominant partner, who can take care of them outside of the donation process. Even who can help relieve their oral or anal desires without wasting precious cum. Sometimes, pleasure outside of the milking process can increase output during it, and we certainly want to increase output. My time is valuable, and I don’t intend to waste it on a bull who is disobedient, lazy, or ineffective. You are going to have to prove to me that you are none of those things. Do you understand?”

Austin nodded quickly and said “Yes sir, thank you.” Inside, he was beaming. He thought he was about to get kicked out of the program, but now it looks like he will have the chance to prove himself to Dr Wolfe and get close to him. After showering and being led back to his room that night, Austin slept soundly in his collar and cuffs, having dreams about being back in the milking machine, except this time, Dr Wolfe was feeding him his cock as the large beaded arm pounded his ass and the sheath furiously rode his penis.

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