Texas Adventure Ch. 02


A gay story: Texas Adventure Ch. 02

I spent the night with Jake and woke up to the smell of Texas Columbian Pecan coffee. I sat up in bed and found I was alone. I threw off the sheet and realized I had slept all night in my t-shirt and levy’s. I threw my legs off the side of the bed and found my docksides. I slipped my feet into them and made my way to the kitchen. Jake had his back to me and I could also smell the aroma of bacon cooking.

“Smells good”. I said walking around the counter.

Jake turned and said, “Grab some coffee.” I picked up a cup and poured in the hot java. It smelled and tasted good. I sat down at the table as he turned the bacon in the skillet.

“Did you sleep good?” he asked as he walked to the frig.

“Yes, I did.” I said taking a sip of the hot coffee. “I woke up a couple of times but I slept good.”

He made a great breakfast. Besides the thick sliced bacon, he fried a couple of eggs, made toast and sliced some cantaloupe. We talked about Austin, how it has changed over the years and just did some idle talk. “do you want to go down to 4th Street tonight?” he asked.

“Where?” I replied.

“Maybe Oil Can’s or Rain. Might be fun. I know the bartender at Oil Can’s and we can get some freebees.” He said wiping his toast thru the egg yoke on his plate.

I had been to Oil Can’s. It is a fucking meat market for gays/lesbians…mostly gay. It is not that nice but it is a loud party atmosphere. “I really don’t care to much for Oil Can’s. Don’t you think it is pretty sleezy?” I said.

“Yeah, I know. But I just go to get some free drinks and then we head over to the straight side of Austin, 6th street.” He said with a slight chuckle. “You can find some really great straight guys on 6th Street that like cock.”

“I need to do some things this afternoon. I will see if I can get away.” I told him. “I will give you a call.”

So I took a shower, got dressed and headed out to do some business around town. I got a lot accomplished, had some taco’s at Jack in the Box and made it back to the apartment around 3PM. I told my wife that I was meeting some old high school friends and would be out late. She asked how my mother was doing as I told her I spent the night over at her house. I said she was ok but her short term memory still has her telling the same story over and over during the day. Which is true.

I showered again and put on a polo shirt and a pair of Dockers. I drove down to 4th street and parked in a $5 parking lot. Austin is a great town for partying and just walking the streets late in the evening. It is a typical college town with preppies, hippies, gays, lesbians, straights and a lot of cowboys. In this day and age, also Hispanics. I watched all the people heading from the parking lot to the clubs and restaurants. Being in my 50’s, everyone looks young. The young girls all seem to have big boobs and tight butts and the guys sort of look like they are still in the 1960’s. Austin seems like it never grew out of the 60’s.

Anyway, I spotted Jake standing on the corner. He gave me a hug and we walked into Oil Can’s. He knew the bouncer so we just walked in without paying the cover. Inside, it was dark, full of people and loud music. One thing about gay bars, they still love disco music. Donna Summer was blasting from the speakers. Jake waved at the bartender and in a few minutes he handed me a vodka tonic. “He knows what I like.” Jake said as he sipped his drink. I watched all the action going on around me. Guys with guys. Ten years ago you could have bet me a million dollars that I would ever be in a place like this, much less enjoying guys.

I watched as guys danced together and a couple in the corner kissing. You could see hands on asses and connections being made all around the club. No telling what was going on in the bathroom.

As we nursed our drinks, an older guy came up to Jake. Jake introduced him as Ross. Ross extended his hand and I shook it. Ross was an interesting guy. He was very worn yet nice looking. He sipped his beer from a bottle and always seemed to be very interested in what you were saying. He was born in Austin and went to Lanier High School. He once worked for KLRN, the first progressive rock station in the Austin area. I told him about my times in Austin, my band from the 60’s and playing at “The Jade Room”, the New Orleans club and coming in second in the Battle of the Bands. He actually remember seeing us play at a frat house. I liked him and he seemed to like me.

Jake said “lets get out of here” and we finished our drinks and headed out into the Austin night scene. We walked over to 6th Street to see what was going on. It is great to walk by each of the clubs and hear a different type of music seeping through the doors. Rock, Blues and Country. You can always find something you like. I remember coming to 6th Street during the 60’s and going to a theatre that showed soft porn movies. That was all that was there. Abandoned buildings and a porn theatre. Now, fern bars, pool halls, comedy theatres and a lot of $$$ exchanging hands. But it is fun. A lot of college kids having fun. A lot of big tits, drunk girls and hot guys.

Ross said he was hungry so we ended up at the Pecan Street Café. We got sandwiches and a round of Shiner Bock beers. We ate and talked for a while and Jake said, “let’s get out of here and go back to the house.” So we finished our drinks/food and walked back to 4th street. “I’ll meet you at your house.” I said to Jake as we parted.

I walked to my car, made my way out of the lot and crossed over Lamar. The drive to Westlake Hills is very visual. Once you get past the strip malls and into the residential areas, it is very beautiful. You get a few glimpses of the Austin skyline and the stars of Texas. Though the growing city as introduced more lights and the stars are not as stunning as the used to be. I pulled into Jakes driveway as he was getting out of his car. I had not clicked the lock on my remote when Ross drove in and parked behind me. I waited for him and we both walked into the house.

“Drinks…Drinks… Drinks”. Ross yelled as we closed the front door. I laughed as Ross acted like he was going to faint without a drink in his hand.

“What will it be?” Jake asked.

“I’ll have a scotch if you have some.” I said flopping down on the couch. “I’ll have the same.” Ross echoed.

Jake brought in three glasses with scotch. We toasted and I sipped the warm hector. Jake put on some early ZZ Top and said, “Let’s do the pool before we chicken out.”

We took our drinks thru the glass doors and sat them on the patio table. Jake was quick and was naked in a flash. I was working on my shorts while Ross was trying to untie his shoe. I was the next one in the pool and Jake and I watch Ross finally get his shoes off and remove the rest of his clothes. WOW….his cock was limp yet huge. Jake must have seen me looking as he said, “Yep, he got a big one.”

Ross walked over, sat his drink on the side of the pool and proceeded to do a crappy dive into the water. A belly flop. Jake and I laughed as he emerged to the surface. “Hurt?”, Jake asked.


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