Hotel Stay with Daddy

A gay story: Hotel Stay with Daddy “Now inhale. Gooood boy.” It was those words that opened my eyes to a new world. One I never wanted to leave. It started a couple months after I turned 20. I was still in the closet but more of less comfortable with who I was. Comfortable enough … Read more

Black Bears Cave

A gay story: Black Bears Cave Lucas groggily opened his eyes, hearing the soft chirp of the alarm on his phone steadily getting louder. It was the first Monday in his new apartment, a 2 bedroom with a roommate he met on craigslist. Laying back he couldn’t help but feel a bit hopeless, he did … Read more

The Naked Hitchhiker

A gay story: The Naked Hitchhiker Curtis drove his battered Nissan pickup down a sparsely populated road to the city. He wasn’t looking forward to waiting in line in drab government offices, and hoped he would finish in time to have some fun while he was there–hit up some bars, play some pool, let himself … Read more