The Rough Master

A gay story: The Rough Master © This is written by me, and can be reproduced for your enjoyment, however not if it is reproduced on an internet pay site, or any other medium; without compensation for me — the writer.


This story is fiction. It is meant to be read by adults. Children under the age of 18, please leave. All the characters in this story are of my own imagination, and not real in any sense of the word. Any similarities to that of living people is pure coincidence.

Story Summary: Story is written in first person, Mark and I meet = agreeing to wrestle for domination. I get tricked, and beaten several times until I submit naturally.

Read on – and I hope you enjoy this story.


Why must I have a romantic excitement toward submissive behavior when it relates to sexual talk from a guy? In this case, it got me trained to obey in the short time that my new internet friend visited me. We set up a grand meeting where we could be alone and away from our respective families. Mark liked it rough – sex that is – and his chatting turned me on. He had been with two other men before – but he wanted to “break me in” as his new “boy”. He assured me that I would take such a thrill to his rough treatment that I would beg for more. I was uncertain – and thus asked for a few ways to protect myself from the uncertainty of being bound and helpless to another man.

When Mark arrived at the private house, I shook his hand and felt his strong grip as it nearly crushed my bones. Mark was 6′ 5″ 230 pounds and had a gleam in his eye as he enjoyed checking out my body. “Ohhh, those pecks sure look nice on you boy!” he cheerfully exclaimed. Mark had a thing for nice chests, and claimed that mine was just perfect. At 6’3″ 200 pounds, I was smaller than him but big enough for him not to totally dwarf me. Only in my presence 5 minutes and already he was mouthing off – making me feel a bit insecure about my body and his eventual domination over me. “Such a pretty mouth – gonna have to fill it up with my cock!” He teased more.

When I had finished the tour of the house, Mark said he wanted to get to know me better and to relax and talk for a few minutes before we eventually got around to wrestling. I had already told him that I thought it would be more interesting to wrestle – where the winner would force the loser to obey. Mark had described a scene where he chloroformed an unwilling male – and then subjected him to countless humiliation until he willingly submits. I was leery of him pulling out a bottle and spilling it onto a rag – and forcing it over my mouth until I was out cold. What I didn’t expect was that he offered me some brownies that his wife had made. Unbeknown to me, these were already laced with a drug that would incapacitate me in less than 15 minutes. He said that his wife made them – supposedly for the guys which he was with playing golf. This was the lie that he told her – to keep her from knowing the real truth – that he was secretly meeting a guy to turn him into his own cocksucking pet.

I ate one of the laced brownies – and we chatted while he waited patiently for the drugs to do their work. As we prepared to wrestle I stripped down to my underwear and t-shirt, and Mark did likewise. His upper body was bigger and stronger than mine – but I thought as long as I had speed on my side I could stay in the match for a long time and maybe wear him down. We started grappling and he got me in a bear hug and just kept on squeezing me, while my arms were pinned against my sides. I was becoming weak and groggy – I thought it was because of his grip – not realizing it was the doped desert. Pretty soon I felt faint – and blacked out.

When I slowly came to – I struggled to move my arm – it wouldn’t budge. I wanted to wipe some liquid from my face but my hand couldn’t reach it. I looked over my left shoulder and realized that my wrist was bound to the bed frame. My other wrist was bound to the other side. “What the Fuck?” I stammered out loud.

“Aahh you are awake. Now I can begin playing with your body so that you can enjoy it.” Mark replied from the other end of the bedroom. I lifted my head and tried to look over my bound body to see him approach me.

“What happened? How did you tie me up? What is the stuff on my face?” I asked Mark as he sauntered over to my side.

“We wrestled – just like you wanted – a sleeper hold put you out. I tied you up so you can begin your servitude to me – and I came on your face while you were out cold – I was just so damned turned on.” Mark snickered.

“You what? You shot a load of cum on me?” I complained as I tested the bonds holding my hands tight over my head.

“That’s right man – or should I call you BOY now. You are my boy. You nursed on my cock – sucked it like a pacifier while you were out. I stuffed my cock into your mouth and you sucked on it. Your little boy cock – it’s not so little – It got hard and I will have a good time keeping you on the edge for hours.” Then scooping up some of the left over glob of spunk – he offered his coated fingers for me to clean. “Go on – boy – suck my fingers clean of my seed.”

I gritted my teeth and refused to open my mouth for him. He wasn’t going to win this easy. But my bound body was absolutely no match for this enormous man. Reaching down to my balls – Mark grabbed them and slowly closed his fist until my balls were trapped in his massive paw. As I yelped in pain he stuffed his two fingers into my mouth and threatened “Lick them real good BOY – and keep your teeth off them – or I may have to crush these tiny balls you have.” Then while I was sucking his fingers clean – I listened to him explain his appreciation for my bound body. “Boy – you thought all along that it was the size of your prick that made you inferior to other men. It’s not. Your prick is just fine. It’s the size of your balls boy. You’ve got tiny balls – not the size of walnuts like I have.” He cupped his ball sack and showed me his full size nuts.

Mark then left the room and came back with a leather sports bag – and removed some items. First he showed me a rubber ring – that he called a cock ring. “This will keep your dick from shooting off – until I allow it.” He worked the ring over my flesh – and even though I felt helpless to stop him – my dick loved the new attention it was receiving. It throbbed and pulsated for his amusement. Then he showed me a funny contraption with a suction cup on the end and a small hose leading to a handheld unit. “This is my wife’s breast pump.” Mark enlightened me “I’ll use it to draw your nipples out from hiding. You told me on the internet that your nipples do not stick out when you get cold or excited. Let’s see what this thing can do for that problem.” Mark put the suction cup against my left nipple and turned the pump on. In seconds, my breast was sucked into the cup and in a short time – he got what he wanted – my exposed nipple for him to capture and torture.

Mark attached a small clip to my extended nipple so that it could not retract again. It stung and throbbed at the same time. Then he went to work on the other breast – coaxing it out as well. The clip went over that one too. A tiny chain connected them both – and Mark delighted in pulling on it from time to time. He kneaded my chest muscles and savored the power he had over my bound and helpless body. My cock – jutted up away from my body as he toyed with all different sections of my helpless body. He would flick his finger at the bound tits and amused himself as I sucked in my breath from every movement. “We’re going to wrestle again sometime soon when I let you go – so I think I should massage your arms so that you are more pliable when I string you up again.” He rolled my bicep like he was kneading some bread dough. For a few moments it felt good. But then I realized that the more he rubbed them – the more aching they got. Little did I realize that he was softening me up and working my muscles so that my arms would feel useless for hours. For at least twenty minutes Mark worked over my biceps alternating between gripping them and punching them until they were like rubber.

Then he went back to work on my nipples – which when he re-arranged the clips – I howled in pain as the blood flowed back into the numb tips and he put those clips back on them again. Mark taunted me by saying how my dick was still hard – and that even though I feel some pain – I must LOVE what he is doing to me. I couldn’t argue – I could feel the pressure in my cock – and knew that the damn thing was standing tall.

“Ready for some pleasure boy?” Mark asked while gripping his crotch.

My eyes were drawn to a thick cock dangling down an inch or two past his hefty balls. My mouth popped open – and my tongue licked my parched lips. I didn’t realize that I had done that – but Mark pointed it out right away as a sign that I was ready to give my first blow job. (Me sucking him while I was out – did not count) He had to climb up on the bed – and straddle my chest so that his cock could be close to my chin. Mark slipped his dick under the chain that was connected to both of my nipples and pulled back on his shaft – so that it tugged on those sensitive nipples in the process. “I am going to enjoy working your body over – bringing your dick – so close to orgasm, and then denying it. While all along – you will bring my cock off in your throat over and over.” His weight pressed me deeper into the bed – and he inched his way closer to my waiting lips. He pushed the tip of his thick but flaccid cock against my lips – and I just barely opened my mouth. As he forced his way into me – my teeth raked along the top and bottom of his shaft causing him some discomfort. Mark took his dick out – and swatted me across my lips and cheek with it “Bad Boy!I need to teach younot to use your teeth!”I wanted to be tamed – and this was sure one way to do it. Being swatted across my face with a huge prick – made me feel so inadequate for my own testosterone infected libido.

As I turned my head to keep from seeing his huge prick spanking my face, I noticed my watch. “Hey – we agreed that the first time being bound would only last one hour. We wrestled over 3 hours ago. Unbind me at once!”

Mark climbed off my prone body and stood next to the bed. “I will set you free when I am sure that you will suck a cock just right.” then he turned and left the room. I struggled to free myself from the cuffs that bound my wrists – but I just couldn’t get to the end of the Velcro to release me. I noticed that my arms seemed limp from his constant massage and manipulation.

When Mark came back he had a plate with several hot dogs and some of his wife’s brownies. Mark came to my side and told me “Now BOY – we are going to practice your cock sucking technique. I want you to suck – SUCK on the hot dog – and I better not see any teeth marks on it when I draw it out.” Then he pushed the hot dog into my mouth. Instinctively I opened up and let him fuck my face. He ridiculed me and instructed me as he plunged the hot dog into my mouth. “Suck it boy – take it deeper – lick it all up!” In and out I was made to suck on the hot dog. It was one of those all beef ball park type franks and it filled my mouth when he jammed it deep into my throat. “Swallow – don’t just gag on it boy!”

When Mark removed the hot dog – I whined that I have been tied up much longer than the hour, and I am hungry and need to pee.

Mark agreed to let me EAT the hot dog – and fed me another like I was a little child – as he dangled the meat over my face and made me beg for it. Of course, I humored him and pretended to beg for my food. “Please Master – please feed your tied and helpless boy.”

“Tell you what boy – when I release you and allow you to use the bathroom, I want you to crawl – that’s right CRAWL on your belly across this floor to the chair over there where I will be waiting. And when you get to my feet – I want you to look up to me – and call me your MASTER – and BEG – that right BEG to suck on my thick cock.” Mark explained what he wanted from me.

“But I thought we would wrestle again. If I win – I get to tie you up.” I explained from our previous emails and chats online prior to meeting.

“Listen to me boy – you need to learn that I control your muscles. I manipulate your skin, and your mouth. I inspire your cock to rise and these little boy balls to fill with sperm and your mind – I will own that too.” Mark confidently explained his position as he saw it.

“You are bigger than me – in every way. That much is true. But I am faster – and I think I can stand a good chance to …” I got cut off.

“Listen here boy – I want you to know who your Master is. Here and now – that is ME. If you choose to wrestle with me again – I will spank your ass when I subdue you.” Then he gave me one of the brownies to eat. “Of course, if you choose to crawl on your belly and beg to lick my thick man prick – I can be a most merciful Master. Feeding you treats – and letting you suck on my prick. We both know you want to!” Mark snickered as he continued to feed me the brownie. “Now I am going to release you – but the cuffs stay on your wrists, and the cock ring stays my little boy cock you have here” grabbing my prick with his huge paws and reminding me how hard I am. “When I decide to set you completely free is when you know that even without bonds – you belong to me.”

When I was set free, I stretched my arms and legs – did my business in the bathroom even though my cock was nearly rock-hard. Trying to pee with a hard-on is very difficult. Now I was faced with a choice: crawl on my belly and surrender to a bigger, stronger, man – who would delight in reducing me to an obedient little boy – fit for only one thing – becoming a man’s cock sucking bitch. Or I could wrestle with him again – a fair match with a good chance showing him I am not ready to just surrender yet.

I decided to walk back into the room – not crawl on my belly. As I got closer to Mark – he laughed and joked “You would rather get a spanking from me I see!”

I circled him and he watched my every move. I wanted to be quick and rush him but as I was circling him I started to feel a bit faint. I recall groggily asking him just what wrestling move he made last time – because I only remember him squeezing me tight.

Overconfidently Mark said “I just wrapped my arms around your body – and hugged real tight. Think you are man enough to do it back to me? Go ahead – I won’t even try to stop you – at first. I will leave my arms at my sides – you can wrap me in a bear hug – and try to put me out.”

I did just what he allowed me to do – wrap my arms around his body and try to press them so tight that he would pass out. He was amused and just laughed as I tried to press against him. “What’s the matter – not strong enough to pressure me? That’s right – you are just a boy – you are weak – but your dick is hard.”

He was right – I tried to press my arms against him – and found that he had massaged them to where it hurt to make a muscle. I was hugging him, and my cock didn’t care. It was still in the cock ring and it was hard. While he was laughing at my inability – I tried even harder to squeeze him. But I was ineffective. I was getting fuzzy and weak. I felt myself slip to my knees as I was still wrapping my arms around his body, but instead of having them around his chest and arms – I found myself hugging his legs and butt as I laid my head against his crotch.

From deep within my brain – I recall him saying in a demeaning way “Now you are where you belong – on your knees with your face at my dick!” I turned my head and took a look at the huge dick dangling in front of my eyes. “You’re not much of a strong man – are you – You’re pathetic. Well, you wanted to wrestle – and now you’re on your knees staring up at my manhood – lets make sure you understand when I say to come crawling on your belly – I mean it.” Mark reached behind me and efficiently wrenched my arms behind my back and locked the cuffs together. I struggled a little – but was so weak and tired that I could not have put up very much fight. As I was close to passing out – I remember the burning from my ass. Mark was spanking me. His big palms were smacking my naked ass over and over.

When I finally came to – I was bent over – my arms still cuffed at the wrists, and yet a chain was holding them from the ceiling of the garage. The way I was bent over – I could not look up any higher than his waist as he came and stood directly in front of me. “You’re awake again! Time to resume that spanking. Oh, and I have the perfect paddle for you’re tight white ass.” Mark showed me the ping pong paddle from the table that was next to me in the garage.Over and over I felt that paddle whacking my tender butt cheeks, until I was on the verge of tears. “I warned you – if you didn’t come to me as my new slave should – I would spank you and take that manly pride away for good. I want to make sure that you know your true role.”

“I got it” – I whined in between swats to my naked ass.

“You are not man enough to wrestle with me – you keep passing out!” Mark taunted. He gripped a chunk of my ass and said “This ass belongs to me now!” Then Mark walked in front of me – and I could only see his legs and feet – but when he commanded me to look up to him – I got a good look at his package. His thick cock lumbered toward his left leg, sticking out a little from those robust balls. “Are you going to be my good boy?” I heard him ask.

My butt was still sore when I answered “Yes Sir!”

“What do you think a boy should do – to show a man that he is inferior to him?” Mark simulated my submissive behavior.

I tried my best to look up to him – but I only got an eyeful of his magnificent cock. I felt like kissing it finally. As I started to lean forward to engulf his cock – he reached under where I was bent over – and grabbed a fist full of my chest. “OOhh, I love that chest boy!” Then pushing his hips closer to my face he announced “Show me what an inferior boy does to please a Master!”

I kissed the tip of his cock. I stuck my tongue out and licked at the shaft and then sucked a little of the head into my mouth.

“YES – that’s it BOY – you want my cock – you want to lick it – you want to suck it — Do it boy!” Mark ordered his new slave.

I sucked on his cock till it got hard and pressed against the roof of my mouth. I licked his shaft – while he rocked back and forth on his heels – pushing his tool into and out of my open whole. After a few minutes of fucking my face, Mark asked if I now felt like a boy?

He patted the back of my head – and I took my mouth off of his hard cock to answer. “I feel like a boy I guess. I never did this when I was a boy.”

“Hmmm, no wonder you don’t think of yourself as a boy – you still look too much like a man. But I am going to change that right now.” Mark threatened.

“Hey, we promised that we wouldn’t do anything to one another that was permanent.” I pleaded.

“What does a man have that a boy doesn’t yet?” Mark asked.

“A full sized cock?” I guessed.

“Well, that is true – you have a smaller cock than me – and we already established that its’ your balls which must make you inferior to me. But the answer I am looking for is HAIR. Boy’s don’t have hair all over their body – do they?” Mark said as he walked out of the garage.

When he returned – he had an extension cord and my electric shaver. When he plugged the shaver and cord into the wall he began to shave away the small amount of hair on my back – followed by the back of my legs and my ass. Next he swatted my ass for 10 more minutes until I was in tears again – just to be sure I did not try anything he didn’t approve of when he set me free so that he could then bind my hands together in front of me – and then over my head. From that position – I found myself dangling from my wrists with my entire body open for him to sheer. Mark enjoyed watching my face while he used the clippers on my legs, followed by my crotch. I yelped several times when the cutters touched my sensitive flesh. Noticing this – he was at least kind enough to realize that when the cutter blade was at my ball sack – the blade would catch on my skin. So he used a scissors there. But when he got to the soft hair on my chest I was crying and begging him to leave it.

“What will you do to keep it boy?” Mark asked.

“ANYTHING” I cried out.

By releasing some of the slack in the rope – He lowered my body down. He still kept them tied over my head – I was just able to sink to my knees on the hard concrete floor of the garage – his cock jets out from his crotch – and I knew what he wanted me to do. I opened my mouth – and let Mark press his thick flesh in and ram his cock all the way down my throat. It took nearly 10 minutes for his balls to finally erupt. But instead of flooding my mouth with his sperm – he sprayed my face with it. It was entirely the most humiliating thing – to have a big strong man – with full balls – drench my face with his thick cum. I can’t stop him – I can’t wipe it away. A glob dripped from my eyebrow into my eye – and I had to close it because it wouldn’t go away when I blinked it open. Mark took his cock and used it to gather some of the sperm – then dangled it in front of my lips “Clean your Master up!”

It would have been bad enough to have him shoot his gooey seed down my throat – but to have him spray my face – then use his cock to gather the seed off my face – and make me suck it clean was way worse. The humiliation was so great. Each time I sucked the sperm off his cock – he went wiping some more off my face – and made me clean that up too. That one event is what broke my spirit.

When Mark was through using his cock to clean me up he threatened me “Ok — boy — I am going to let you keep that soft hair that is on your chest. I like to pull on it when I grab your pecks. But if you disobey me one more time – or think you are man enough to wrestle me – I will win, and shave you bare!”

“Yes MASTER” I replied.

Mark put a dog collar around my throat – and hooked a leash to one part of it. “See this collar boy? By hooking the leash to just one of these circles – it pulls tight to choke you. Naturally it is called a choke collar – and it is used to TAME pups when the Master wants to teach them. It works real well on boys too!” He demonstrated it by yanking it tight. The silver chain bit into my neck and quickly cut off my air supply. “We’re going to go for a little walk – you and I – and you are going to crawl on all fours while I lead you around.”

Step by step I tried to keep up with him as the chain pulled on my neck. Mark turned to me and taunted “What’s the problem boy?”

I answered that the ground was hurting my knees. So once we got back to the carpet inside the house I had a better time of shuffling along after my new Master.

“Now, I have been nice to you and let you get to the carpet – what do you say?”

I think Mark expected me to thank him – but I still had a bit of pride left in me.

He sat down in a recliner chair and spread his legs. His thick 7″ lumbered against his thigh. The ball sack showed the weight filled balls that he wanted to drain into my mouth. Mark interrupted my thoughts by snickering “I see where you are staring. You like my cock – don’t you boy?” Then by pulling on the leash – he guided my head closer to his substantial tool. I blinked and looked at its huge head, not wanting to act like a slut and serve him. He proceeded to show me the ping pong paddle that was apparently just beside his chair. He waved it in the air and held my leash with the other hand.

I got the message. I did not want my ass spanked any more. I did what any broken man would do – I stuck my tongue out and leaned in close enough to actually touch his cock head. But he stopped me short of actually licking or sucking on his tool. Yanking on the chain that overpowered me – Mark grinned evilly and said “What do you say to your Master? Beg me to let you suck on my cock!”

“Please – don’t make me do that!” I whined.

“You know you want it – just say it.” Mark snickered.

“Please – you know I can’t do it.” I whimpered.

Mark looked a little more agitated, and slapped the paddle against his leg.

I took a deep breath and blurted out “I want it.”

Knowing that he was winning the war raging in my mind, Mark egged me on with my desire to please him. “You can do better than that boy! All this time – you have teased me with thoughts of what I could – or could not make you do. You have taunted me – claiming you have never sucked cock – but would be a good slave and do it, if the right Master came around. Prove to me that I am that Master. Let me hear the want – the need – the damn desire in your soul before I let you suck my cock to keep from getting spanked with this paddle.”

There it was again – the threat of force. This time – I was not bound (not counting the choker collar attached to the leash in his huge hand). I was about to trade oral sex for physical chastisement. I rambled and said things I hardly even remember now. I am sure that “Master” was part of my language as well as “wimp boy” and “total and complete obedience”. Begging took on a new meaning to me.

To show his dominance – as I leaned in to kiss his dangling cock he grabbed the meaty flesh and whacked it against my face. Back and forth he humiliated me with his thickening tool. I moved a little back against my heels and he came at me some more – with his hand around the base of his cock – smacking my face like a bullwhip. I backed up again – and found myself falling backward to the ground.

“That’s it boy – you look good down there. Now you’re laying on your back; your hands and legs sticking up in the air. That’s the submissive position that a bitch dog takes with the more dominant of the breed. You’re my bitch! Now you say it!” Mark taunted me.

It had become evident to us both what my position was in this newly formed relationship. I was cowering on my back; my vulnerability dangling just inches between my legs. My arms – not nearly as strong as his – were useless against him. I was in the most subservient position. “I am your Bitch – You are now my Master!” I think I begged him some not to humiliate me anymore. “Please Master I won’t fight back – give me a chance to show you – that I can satisfy you.”

Dropping to his knees, Master Mark surrounded my chest with his body. His huge cock came to rest near my neck and his balls lay against my upper chest. Grabbing that thick shaft with his huge paw, he started again to smack my lips and cheeks. I felt so insignificant at that moment. Laying on the floor, no where to escape, trapped under the weight of his body and being told to call him Master while being cock whipped by his full man size tool.

I was humiliated and made to feel inferior toward him. “C’mon – I know you really want to suck my huge cock. You proved your balls are small – and thus you are the boy – and I am your Master. Give my dick a nice little kiss.” Mark directed while smacking my lips with his now rigid shaft.

I pursed my lips and laid a soft kiss on the head of his dick.

He wanted more. “Boy – that’s it BOY! Now you just have to open up and lick it some!”

Obediently I complied with this brawny man pinning me to the ground. I licked on his shaft, and tasted his pre-cum which had built up on the tip.

Mark spread his legs so that he could reach inside of them and grabbed a hold of my nipples. As he twisted them he ordered “Suck it. Show me what a boy is good for. Make my thick meat hard – and suck it good and firm. Ahhhh that’s it Boy! This is what you have been wanting. You wanted me to win. Deep in your heart – you deserve to lose to me. It’s so apparent. You are a good little boy. A boy which is weaker than me – needs to be my slave.”

As he twisted my nipples and taunted me with his rationalization of my submission, I seemed almost eager to suck on his cock. I wanted to please him. I wanted to show what a good boy I could be and try to keep him from hurting my nipples anymore than he already had to this point. He was right. I was just a boy – and being weaker than him, and with a mediocre cock – and less testosterone in my balls, I was only going to be his boy toy now.

“This is pretty good for your real first time. Pretty soon, I will have you sucking me off, and licking my ass – any time I want. Won’t that be just swell?” Mark saw my eyes begging not to be taught to do this unnatural act of submission. He knew exactly what I was thinking as I slurped on his plump cock. “Oh YES, a boy will have to obey if me if he doesn’t want me to punish him – if he wants to keep me from twisting these nice nipples – or perhaps your tiny balls. Yes. You will lick my ass. Kissing it first, and then lapping at the crack till it all wet. Then you will take your firm tongue and press it against my crack and lick in between.” Marks cock hardened firm while I was licking and sucking on it. It must have been because of the things he was saying to me – not from my crude attempt at pleasing him.

I realized that it was getting bigger in my mouth – and I knew that soon it would be spitting seed all over the place again. I recognized that throbbing from my own orgasms before, and suddenly I wanted to make it shoot off. Not caring what else it did – I thought maybe if I please him, he will go easier on my nipples and my balls. So I started to put my best effort into the job. I licked and slurped on his cock, and much to my amazement it got even bigger and harder than before.

“Hey, I think you are beginning to get the hang of this BOY!” Mark leered down at me with his smug attitude.

Just as I imagined, he noticed that I was doing a better job. Instead of stopping – I slurped on his head, and flicked my tongue along the veins that protruded from the underside of his shaft. I could feel it really pulsate in my mouth. My jaw was getting tired of being open for long, and every time I looked past his crotch and up his chest to his face – I cringed, knowing that he was Master and I was now his slave. I could see it in his eyes. I could tell that he loved breaking me – and I was broken. I was willingly sucking on his dick. Last time I was bound – and had no choice, this time while I was still pinned to the ground by his body – I was doing a good job on his throbbing manhood.

Then the massive meat shot deep into my mouth and down my throat. I gagged and choked on the thick mucus that coated the inside of my mouth and the walls of my throat. I could hear Mark grunting and felt another shot of his seed filling my mouth and rushing down my throat. I spit some of it out as I choked and it ran down my chin and neck. Mark pulled his thick tool from my mouth and aimed it at my face – then grunted again – while reaching back so he could grab my dick and balls in his paw. Another shot of cum leaked a little bit from his cock over my face and into my left eye.

Mark got up off me – and sat back down in a nearby chair. I meanwhile wiped the cum from my eye and groggily rolled over on the floor. I was barely to my hands and knees when Mark commanded me “Boy – my cock needs a little cleaning – get over here and lick it all clean!”

I was broken – and humiliated completely by that time. No one really could see what I was doing. No one from my ‘normal life’ that is – I was here alone with a giant who liked to abuse my body and make me suck his huge cock. Why not just go with it – I had done nearly everything – or so I thought.

“Boy – get over here and clean me NOW!” Mark bellowed.

I stayed on my knees and shuffled between his legs. Once there, I leaned in and licked some of his semi-flaccid cock. When the huge lump of meat wouldn’t stay still for me to clean up – I reached up and held the tip of his cock up and then took my tongue and lapped at the underside of his shaft.

I licked all three sides of his shaft and then took my tongue and lapped at his ball sack. I looked up at his grinning face and suddenly stopped my tongue cleaning. He was smirking at me. Mark was belittling me without saying a single word. Just his look made me cringe with embarrassment. I felt so small, and insignificant.

Mark reached past my face and grabbed a hold of my chest – and squeezed it – manipulating the flesh in his huge paw. I winced, and he said “That doesn’t hurt – you like it – you are hard between your legs, aren’t you boy?”

I slowly let my hand sink to my lap and sure enough he was right – my own boy cock was hard. Sure, it was not as big as what was just in my mouth, but it was indeed hard.

“I have a surprise for you Boy.” Mark said while pushing me away and rising from the chair. He went to his sports bag and retrieved a metal contraption that looked like a cross between a scissors and an adjustable wrench. He returned and forced my mouth open, and jammed part of it between my lips and against my incisors. Then he spread it open – by using the metal like teeth on each side of my face – it latched in place with each click making my mouth spread wider and wider open. It was unique in the fact that once it was in place, both my upper and lower teeth fit the metal bar behind them and my mouth was stretched wide to the limit. There was no strap to hold it in place, the pressure of my mouth was doing that. I could not possibly open my jaws any further to get them past the metal bar that was lodged just behind my front teeth. I tried to say something about the comfort of this contraption, but it came out more of strange gurgle noise instead of English words. I found that my speech capabilities were now reduced to high and low pitch gurgles and grunts.

“Ungggernrtttt” I tried to tell him that I disapproved, but all that came out was nonsense. Mark laughed at my attempted vocalizations and proceeded to explain that he had a use for my tongue.

The only picture flashing in my brain at that moment was his huge cock ramming in and out of my mouth, without me being able to contract around it and form a good tight seal. I knew that I had already sucked on his tool, so why on earth would he want to use this to keep my mouth open?

Mark grabbed my wrists and wrenched them behind my back. Slapping a pair of metal cuffs on to them I was now helpless again. Without the use of my arms and gagged mouth, I was no danger at all. It happened so fast – and I was not expecting him to bind me anymore, now that I had sucked on his cock and even cleaned the damn thing up. But Mark delighted in pinching my nipples and working my muscles in my arms again. For nearly 10 minutes – all he did was kneed my flesh. Trust me, ten minutes of someone squeezing and manipulating your flesh is a long time. My chest ached, my arms were like putty and my mouth was drooling saliva all over the place. I grunted, and squealed but it was no use. Mark was determined to have his way with my helpless body. The more he squashed and pried at my skin the more willing I was trying to stop him. Helpless, and unable to voice my concern, I was just a moaning, crying vulnerable little boy in his arms. When he was through pinching and prodding at my chest and arms – and he could clearly see the frustration in my eyes – he pointed to my dick and laughed “You like this – you can’t deny it – you are hard as ever!”

Mark was right – somehow my submissive self just loved the idea of being held helpless and incapable of fighting back. I somehow acquainted his aggressiveness with my sexual stimuli. But Mark was not done. Flipping me over his knee he began to spank my ass cheeks – first one 5 or 10 times, and then the other the same way. Back and forth Mark spanked my ass until I was blubbering and in tears. I wanted to turn back and ask him “WHY” he needed to do that to me. But all I could do was cry and slobber all over the floor as the spit drooled out from my wide open mouth. Mark was explaining why he was beating me with his hand. “You told me online that you were ‘not into ass play’ and that you would not want to kiss or lick my crack””You said that you would not want your ass used by my dick. Well, guess what? I am going to keep spanking your ass – until you change your mind. When I am done warming this tight set of buns …” Mark grabbed my ass cheeks. “You will lick me – and if you don’t – then I will certainly fuck your ass!” He smacked me even harder as I squirmed left and right over his lap.

Then pushing me off his legs, he bent over the chair and ordered me to lick his ass. “C’mon boy – stick that tongue out – and lick my ass! Go on – slurp all over it – you can’t close your mouth so just use that tongue for my ass. I know you hate it – but I like making you do something that you were not ready to do. It pleases me to have you OBEY me. My cock is starting to tingle with your tongue pressing against my puckered asshole. — Ahhhh that’s it. More – Yes – More like that – Ohhh that feels so wonderful. You told me – over and over that you were not into ass play – and that you would not want to be forced to lick someone’s ass – unless it was a pretty girl. But what do I find? I find you licking – and slurping on my ass – just like the obedient little boy you have become. You are my Slave – you are my Pet – You are a BOY – a weak, helpless, toy for me to use.”

I was listening to Mark taunt me and break my spirit by reminding me that I once said what I would – or would not do if put into this position. Looks like he has won indeed.

Then to flaunt his supremacy over my inept body he turned around and sat back down then commanded me to crawl before him. I scooted up between his legs – my mouth and jaw were already sore and I grunted out my discomfort “FRhggggotuuu” as I tried to beg for the release. The only saving grace was that with this contraption on – I really could not dig into his sick ass. The wires on it hindered me from getting a lot of contact.

Mark – decided that this was not quite what he wanted from me at this time and he wanted to watch sports center on TV – so turning to grab the remote – he plops down in his chair – and calls me between his legs. With that metal thing in my mouth – I was already starting to drool onto my chest. I scooted over between his legs and he told me to move very close to his crotch. He hefted his huge cock into my open mouth. Even soft – it filled my mouth. “You just hold that in your mouth. Do not back away, and whatever you do – don’t let it fall out!” Mark warned me.

Boy – did I ever feel stupid now – I glanced up past his barrel chest to his smiling face – as he kept my face close – and his limp cock in my mouth. I had to stay on my knees while he watched TV and kept his limp – but ever so slowly rising cock in my mouth.

“This will do you some good – just holding it in your mouth. Get used to the feeling of a cock in your mouth. Whenever I come visit you – this is where you will be, on your knees, obediently sucking my cock. Limp- hard – makes no difference!” Mark taunted me.

I could run my tongue along the underside of his thick tool – but I gagged when I tried to swallow. Mark just smiled down at me as he continued to watch TV and act like nothing I was doing was unusual. Drool from my saliva was dripping on my chest and down his balls as his shaft started to engorge. It was hitting the back of my mouth and when I swallowed it was a very sick feeling knowing that I could not do anything but heed his warning to keep that huge cock in my mouth. Toward the end of the sports show his cock must have liked what it was feeling because he was now completely erect. I was having trouble keeping more than a few inches in my mouth as the tip of his bloated cock was scraping the roof of my stretched open mouth.

When the sports center ended, Mark was pushing the back of my head forward – pressing his huge cock deeper into my mouth – and unfortunately down my gagging throat. I was trying to breathe through my nose but it was difficult at best. Tears started to form in my eyes, and I am not sure it was from the humiliation of holding his limp cock and feeling it grow thicker and wider in my mouth, or just the gagging reflex that I was experiencing. Mark wanted to cum – and I was just a boy prisoner who was going to get another splash of his gooey seed. He called me names “BOY – Cock sucker – TOY – Slave” and many more as my mind drifted away from this particular humiliation. Then he shot his load again – most of it being deposited deep within my throat – and coating the inner walls maybe all the way to deep in my stomach.

The remaining few dribbles from his penis and hefty balls splattered against my neck and chest as he removed his cock from my vulnerable mouth. He removed the wire contraption that had my mouth stretched to its maximum and I tried to pop my ears back as the returning pressure had changed. I moved my mouth back and forth to regain some movement over my sore jaw.

I heard him gleefully ask me “Boy – do you think it is right that some of your Master’s seed has leaked from this cock and landed on my thigh? Don’t you think its in your best interest since you are the one who is the BOY HERE – to lick that up and clean me again with your tongue?” He held a paddle in his right hand, so I knew what was going to happen if I didn’t obey. I meekly leaned into his crotch and licked away the now cold drops of semen that had come from that bulky cock.

The last thing he did before letting me go – was to milk my dick – and make me squirt in his lap. He ordered me to sit on his legs – then without warning – he pushed me backward so that my head was hanging down to the floor, and I was viewing everything up-side-down. My legs were still on the floor on the other side of him, and as they rose up, he promptly pushed them down – and locked his leg over the top to keep them there. Now, if you can picture my little dick and small but full balls completely at his mercy. Mark took his time – jerking me off. Each time I would try to lift myself up to a sitting position – Mark easily pushed me back down. With my hands still bound under me and behind my back – I was in no position to win this battle. All the focus was on my 5″ hard dick and my tight ball sack, as he stroked me up and down – for the greatest effect I have had to this point. Mark continued to belittle me, taunting me about my shaved crotch and how much I look like a little boy in his lap. His words cut through my vulnerability and make me cringe at how right he was. I was back to my insecurities – namely that small dick that he had his paw wrapped around. It was only 5″ tall and not quite as substantial as his had been in my mouth. I continued to feel timid, and my body was shaking in his arms. Fear – was prevalent in the air – and I was the one who was frightened the most. I was scared of him milking my little boy dick and me enjoying it – and wanting more. I was afraid that I was becoming ‘gay’ and needed a strong Man to make me see what I really thought of myself – a boy, a weak ineffectual toy to be played with. Mark was playing with me. He was milking my dick – and soon my balls tightened and I shot my full load all over my chest and the floor. Scooping it up – Mark smeared into my cheeks, and mouth then he pushed me off his legs – and let me fall helplessly to the floor.

I was untied – and I took a long and much needed shower. I was ready to leave – and so was Mark, but before we left he cruelly game me one last order. “Unzip your pants – and pull your dick out.” When I reluctantly obeyed he teased “Now, unzip my pants and fish my dick out.” Standing right in front of him I did as he asked. “Now – tell me what you see? When you look at my cock – and yours – what do you see?”

“I see your cock is a lot bigger than mine – and it appears to be thicker too. But if I were not so nervous, mine would be bigger right now.” I tried to reason with him.

“No, I don’t think so – you have this complex about your dick – and what you think a MAN SIZE one should be. And you know what – you are right. You are a BOY to me – and from now on –when I message you – you will address me as SIR. I want you to memorize this into your head. You are shaved, smaller, and weak – compared to me. You ARE A BOY!” Mark’s final words cut through me.

From then on – I answered as his boy!

The End


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