Helping Out a Friend Pt. 01

A gay sex stories: Helping Out a Friend Pt. 01 I was laid off my job a week ago and wasn’t sure I would be able to get a new job anytime soon. My apartment rent was due tomorrow and I wouldn’t have enough funds to continue paying. I went to the gym to burn off some tension and started doing my usual cardio-based workout. I was thin but defined, and had some good muscle definition for a 20-year-old man. I got to know a guy there who was a major body-builder type. We would always make a point to speak with each other whenever we were both working out. His name was Josh.

I was deep into myself as I exercised and I heard Josh say…

“Hey Jimmy, why are you so serious today?”

Oh, hey Josh. I got laid off my job and I’m not sure I can afford my apartment anymore.”

“Bummer…. Look, my girlfriend will be gone for two more months and you’re welcome to stay with me until she gets back. How about it?”

“I could never impose on you like that Josh. But thank you so much for offering.”

“Look Jimmy… I’m serious. That’s what friends are for. I could use someone around my place. I get lonely.”

For some reason I started to cry and immediately felt embarrassed for doing so. I did my best to hold back more tears. Josh could see this and tried to lighten the mood…

“Jimmy, I will help you pack your stuff and you can move in today!”

“OK Josh. I owe you so much.”

After we finished our workouts he accompanied me to my apartment and we packed my belongings into our cars and drove to his place. His apartment was in a nicer complex than mine and his unit was very desirable. Then I realized that it was a one-bedroom unit and he could tell I was uncomfortable about that. He assured me it would be OK to share the bed… “It’s a king-size mattress Jimmy, plenty of room for both of us.”

I saw his point and relaxed a little. He had plenty of room for my clothing and other personal items. We unpacked everything and he suggested we have a barbecue to celebrate. He had a nice little deck with a small grill, a small table, and a couple of chairs. He opens a few beers and we sat out on the deck to relax. The weather was a little warm but not uncomfortable. I must admit I felt good about moving in with him and it seemed like all that stress was lifted off my shoulders.

Josh explained that his live-in girlfriend had to temporarily relocate to Europe for her job and it has been hard on him, and as he said earlier, lonely. He really seemed to relish my presents and I felt very welcome in his apartment.

Josh started up the barbecue and sat back down as it heated up. He had two steaks ready to go. I couldn’t remember how long it had been since I had a steak. Then he removed his workout shirt saying it was way too warm on the deck. I’d never seen him shirtless before and of course I knew he was super-muscular, but the sheer muscle he exposed was shocking.

All he had on were his workout shorts which were pretty small and showed off his massive thighs. The shorts were under the sweatpants he wore at the gym. The sun was hitting part of the deck and he moved his chair to get full exposure to it. He was still a little sweaty from the gym and the sun added to it…

“God, the sun feels so good on me Jimmy. Maybe I’ll get a little color.”

His glowing white skin was totally smooth and glistened in the sunlight. Big veins ran all over his massive muscles. I couldn’t believe what I saw and realized I was gawking at his body. I glanced up at his face and he had a little grin. A feeling of embarrassment came over me, but Josh said…

“Jimmy, that’s OK, no worries. I’m used to it. Especially, when someone sees me for the first time, and especially without my shirt. I actually enjoy blowing people away.”

“I’m so sorry Josh. You are just so big and so amazing.”

“Thank you Jimmy. You can stare at me whenever you want. I certainly don’t mind, and as you can probably tell, I’m sort of an exhibitionist.”

“OK, I guess that makes things easier. I promise I won’t get too carried away.”

“Now Jimmy, I’m an exhibitionist and by definition I like to show off for you. Please enjoy it all you want and as much as you want. I’ll make sure you have plenty of opportunities, OK?”

“OK, I promise to look at you and check out your incredible body. I must admit that I love doing it.”

Josh stood up to clean the grill and check the cooking temperature. I felt free to check out his big muscles and could tell he loved that I did so. While checking out his entire ultra-muscular body I was drawn to his massive chest, shoulders, and arms. They looked as if they would rip open his taut skin. The size and hardness of his muscle was hard to fathom, almost incomprehensible.

Then, as I openly gawked at him I had a second shock: The crotch of his little shorts was like a massive orb, almost the size of a bowling ball. Not only that, but I could see the outline of two big balls and a giant cock that curved down and to the right. The head of the cock was also outlined and it too was so fucking big. The fact that his shorts were still wet with his sweat made the outline more prevalent. He glanced at me and seemed to like that I noticed his giant package…

“Jimmy…..Like I said, I like showing off, everything!”

“Yeah, no shit! You should be very proud of your body. I get it.”

Josh baked a few potatoes and after everything was ready we ate our dinner and on the deck and had another beer. I actually liked the fact he was obviously very open, truthful, and extremely friendly. It was very different from anything I ever experienced, but I was getting more and more comfortable with it, and with him.

After dinner Josh said I could take off my shirt if I wanted to. It was still hot on the deck but I was embarrassed being so small and skinny… I had a good shape and muscle definition, very little body hair, and excellent proportion. It was easy to shave what body hair I did have and usually did so a couple of times a week. Josh encouraged me and said…

“Look Jimmy, you’ve got a nice little body that’s in great shape. You should show it off. Don’t be so shy!”

Josh made me feel comfortable about it and I removed my shirt. It did feel better and Josh had a very favorable reaction…

“Wow, nice little body. You look great! I hope you don’t mind if I stare at you too!”

I was slowly gaining confidence around him. We picked up the dishes and moved inside to the kitchen to clean everything up and put all the leftovers and dishes away. We each continued just wearing our shorts. While we were in the kitchen we bumped into each other several times. It was like bumping into a solid block of stone. Then my body brushed up against his bowling ball sized bulge. I loved how that titillated me and I noted just how dense and heavy it was.

I actually enjoyed the playful contact with Josh. Being close to him felt comfortable and secure. I even liked the way his body smelled so strong, but I didn’t mind. After all, he’d been working out hard all day and it was warm in the apartment.

As we worked close quarters in the kitchen I stole looks at his massive muscular body, often without even trying to hide it. He was 6’2″ and I was only 5′ 8″ so his incredibly muscled up chest, arms, and shoulders were eye-level for me. I remembered what he said about being an exhibitionist so I kept looking at him. I just couldn’t stop myself anyway. Not only that, but I was feeling so indebted to him, so as we worked I stoped and said…

“Josh, I really do appreciate what you’ve done for me. I can never repay your kindness and generosity.”

“It’s my pleasure Jimmy.”

Then, unexpectedly, he stepped directly into me, my face went up against his massive chest, and he wrapped his big arms around my little body. I put my arms around him but he is so thick that my hands only reached around to his sides. We hugged for several minutes. I felt so small against his big muscular body. His slightly sweaty chest, which had an oily sheen on it, moistened my face and his manly scent engulfed me…

“Don’t worry about anything Jimmy. I’ll take care of you.”

When he said that my entire body melted into his. I loved the feeling of his skin on mine. As we hugged, and he applied force, my little body and face slightly slid around on his moist and oily skin. I think he purposely flexed his big muscles as we hugged just to further show them off to me. When he did so his big chest would move my head around. At one point I rotated and turned my head on his chest and my nose rubbed across it, hitting his left nipple, and I took in even more powerful aroma. I guess this is what a big stud is supposed to smell like.

I thought I could stay like this forever. His massive crotch was adjacent to my mid-section and I’d been somewhat trying not to let my stomach push into it as we hugged. Then I got more comfortable and relaxed in his big arms and it just naturally happened. The super-big bulge I’d observed on the deck and brushed up against in the kitchen felt even more dense and heavy as it pushed into my thin little stomach. I wanted to go down to my knees and rub my face on the bulge.

Then Josh reluctantly released his arms around me and said…

“Well, that was sure nice… I hope I didn’t make you feel too uncomfortable.”

“Well….Actually I did feel awkward at first, but I ended up really liking it.”

“That’s good… I liked it an awful lot.”

I was thinking that he must have enjoyed the feeling of my body touching his massive bulge, but he probably didn’t want to be too forward with me. I assumed at some point his natural exhibitionist instincts would take over and he would be more willing to show it off.

There was a big comfortable couch in the living room across from a large flat screen and after cleaning up we each sat down on it and got comfortable. We sat on separate sections of the couch and Josh got the remote and turned on the TV. He asked if I wanted to watch a video he had on body building and I said that would be fine.

We proceeded to watch big musclemen lifting weights. For the most part they just were wearing little shorts as they pumped themselves up and got all sweaty. Josh pointed out the lifting techniques to me and commented on the strong and weak points of the various musclemen.

Getting more relaxed, Josh was now lying down on the couch, his head resting on a pillow, his body slightly on its side and partly on his back. His lower arm was up and bent so his hand was under his head provided more support. I could see his armpits were smooth and shaven like the rest of his body. As we watched all the big muscular studs getting all pumped up and sweaty I found myself getting a little turned on.

Then I found myself staring at Josh as he fully reclined on the couch. He actually looked bigger than the body builders on the TV and his crotch bulge was definitely immeasurably bigger. My dick got hard so I covered it with the pillow that was on my end of the couch. Josh noticed how I placed the pillow and likely understood I was getting turned on, but he didn’t say anything other than things like….

“Look at that big fucking stud, he has the biggest back of the group. Look how wide and broad it is!”

“Holy crap, check out the muscle pump on that big black guy.”

“Notice how thick the biggest guys look from the side and see how their veins stick out so much.”

The combination of Josh spread out on the couch and the pumped-up musclemen on the TV were getting to me. If nothing else, being with Josh quickly made me realize I was very attracted to big musclemen. I’m couldn’t deny it now. In fact, I wanted to go over to Josh and cuddle with him, but I didn’t. I stared at him and even fantasized about him, but I lacked the nerve to do anything else. I pushed the pillow into my cock as I looked at the big sweaty musclemen on the TV, and especially when I eyed Josh’s giant muscular body, and it felt so good, so right.

There was not question Josh was trying to turn me gay, at least for him. All the muscleman stimulation was so erotic, and he was succeeding more than he realized! Then, breaking my trance-like muscle obsession, Josh said…

“Hey, it’s late. Why don’t we hit the sack?”

“OK, that sounds good to me. It’s been a long and eventful day…Thanks to you Josh.”

“Good. I’m just gonna brush my teeth and hop in bed like this if you don’t mind. But you can shower if you want. I don’t think you’re that dirty, but it’s up to you. The towels are in the bathroom cabinets if you need them.”

I thought a shower would feel good but I was also very tired and quickly getting into bed sounded good too. The fact that Josh wasn’t going to shower made my decision easier and after brushing my teeth I went to bed too. I was sort of pleased that he wasn’t taking a shower because I was infatuated with his super smelly body.

After I brushed my teeth I walked towards the bed and Josh was already standing next to his side of the mattress, and waiting for me to approach my side. He removed his shorts and stood there so I could get a good look at him. I could tell his exhibitionist tendencies were overpowering him now. He needed to show off his massive cock and balls and seemed driven to show me everything.

My god, I couldn’t believe the utter size of his package. Even in the dim light it looked totally overwhelming. He made sure I had enough time to take it all in and comprehend how big he really was. He even turned a little to the side so I could get a different view of it. I wasn’t planning to remove my shorts even though I sleep in the nude, but now I felt comfortable doing so.

Of course, I was a lot more discreet and quickly climbed into bed. I could tell Josh was looking at me, but frankly I wanted him to check me out. Then Josh climbed in and turned out the light.

I felt very safe and secure in his bed. It was still a little warm in the bedroom but the sheets and blanket were light. As we settled in I realized there was in fact plenty of room in the king-size bed and there was a decent gap between us. I was thinking about his big muscular body being only a few feet from me, and said…

“You were right about your bed, it’s plenty big enough for the both of us.”

“See, I told you it would be perfect.”

“I know you did. Goodnight Josh. I hope you know how much I appreciate your willingness to help me out like this, but I want to just say it again.”

I was getting emotional again and wasn’t sure what was getting into me. I’ve been emotional before, but never to this degree. I started crying and Josh could obviously tell. Then he said…

“Don’t cry Jimmy.”

Then, as he lifted the sheets above him, he continued…

“Come here, let me give you a big hug.”

It was the perfect thing to say to me at the perfect time, and I moved over to his side of the bed and rested my little body on top on him, my head landing on his big hard chest. I cried a few minutes more and apologized. My tears ran over his body.

He caressed me and rubbed my head tenderly into his muscular chest. The blanket covered half my head and the powerful masculine smell of his incredible body migrated up from under the sheets.

That’s when I lost myself and started kissing his chest and sucking his nipples. It just happened organically. I couldn’t stop myself and was overwhelmed. Clearly, I was learning to let my inhibitions go.

As I enjoyed his muscular chest he bent one leg up and the sheets moved down off my head. A gap between the sheets and his big body formed.

At exactly that point a powerful musky smell came up out of the sheets and into my nostrils. I knew it had to be coming from his massive cock and balls. It overwhelmed me completely. As I kissed and licked his upper body, I breathed in heavily through my nose taking in the stink of his muscles, but also the powerful intoxicating musk of his big cock and balls. My own little cock was hard and pushing up against his side. I was lost in him now, and he knew it.

Almost instantly his giant cock popped up out of the sheets and heavily thumped into my body. It was just huge. In addition, it was very juicy and started dripping on me. Josh was getting so horny, and said…

“I want to show you my big hard cock. I want you to see how big it is.”

“I want that too Josh. Can I see everything now?”

Josh pulled back the sheets as I rotated to my side for an unobstructed view of the entirety of the cock. It was surreal.

How can a cock get so enormously big and so hard?

How can his balls be so massive?

No wonder it smells so strong and musky…

“Josh…My god, I’ve never seen anything like it. I want to touch it.”

“Go ahead Jimmy. Touch my giant cock as much as you want.”

I tentatively started touching, then rubbing it. My first reaction was just how thick and heavy it was. It dwarfed my hand. I pushed it up off his stomach and lower chest and marveled at its utter enormity. I moaned uncontrollably. It smelled stronger than ever. Pre-cum dripped down the massive shaft….

“Can I taste it? I need to taste it Josh.”

“Of course, but once you taste it there will be no turning back…. Do you understand Jimmy? You’ll crave my big cock all the time after this.”

“I don’t care Josh. I want to taste and suck on it so badly. Your already turning me gay.”

I lowered the giant cock back down as I rested the side of my head on his big chest. His juicy cock head hit up against my lips. I realized I was developing an instinctual urge to suck something super-big. There was nothing I could do to stop this uncontrollable urge. At first I wasn’t able to fit the head fully into my mouth, but it didn’t matter. The point was I was sucking on it, tasting his cock, eating his pre-cum. Nothing else mattered now. This was the most exhilarating, sexy, and addictive thing I’d ever done in my life.

I lovingly stroked the giant cock with my hand and sucked the head lustfully. Josh started holding my head now and rotating his hips to force more giant cock into my fully straining and stretched out mouth. The big head popped in, and as he continued to work my mouth I felt some thick cock shaft pass through my lips too.

I took in deep breaths through my nose as I struggled. The powerful smell of cock kept flowing into my brain. But I also detected another even more power scent and I knew it was originating from his massive balls.

I popped out his cock head and tried to rest my now aching mouth. That’s when I lifted myself up and started kissing the super-thick shaft, and slowly worked my way down it. As I approached his big heavy balls I could smell the most musky and manly stink I’d ever experienced. I was drawn to it.

Josh could see my infatuation and pushed my head directly onto the giant gonads. They were indescribably big, heavy, plump, and dense. I was all over them enjoying the taste and smell of pure manliness. I licked them and rubbed my nose all over them too. I let Josh know how much his body was turning me on….

“I can’t get enough of you Josh. I can tell you have substantial sexual needs and I want to take care of them for you. I’m going to prove my loving devotion now.”

“I’m going to unload so much sperm for you Jimmy.”

I loved the way to said that and went back down on his massive gonads, whimpering at their powerful effect. Josh loved my reaction and said…

“That’s it Jimmy, work those big balls, work them good.”

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, they taste so masculine Josh…. I need this so much.”

Josh started putting his big hands all over my much smaller body. He was moaning from my lust, but now he moaned louder feeling up my little firm body. He even pulled me up so he could rub his face on my chest, and he said…

“You smell sexy too Jimmy, I’m glad you didn’t take a shower, mmmmmmmmmmm.”

After making me feel so sexy all I could think about was sucking him off and giving him release. I returned to his big hard cock with a one-track mind… I was going to try and give me the best blow job he ever had. I craved a big load of cum even though I’d never even tasted sperm before. It seemed so natural now…. I needed to eat cum and rub it on me!

I sucked his stinky cock like my life depended on it. It was obvious he needed this as bad as I did. I sucked as hard as I could and whimpered for him. He was getting so excited that I could feel his giant cock head twitch and throb around in my mouth.

I knew my desires were about to be fulfilled as his cock hardened to the breaking point, and then after a slight pause, he exploded, grunting very loud with each pump of sperm. His cock literally pulsed in my hand. My little mouth quickly filled up with cum. I swallowed and swallowed but could not physically keep up with the continuous spurs of thick wad. It gushed from my mouth and up through my nose. I coughed and gagged. Overwhelmed by sperm, I pulled my mouth off his still-erupting cock and jacked it all over my face and chest. Cum was everywhere and I actually loved the taste and smell of it.

I felt embolden at what I did to him, and it was my turn to be a little exhibitionist. Sitting up on my knees, I showed off my little body that was now covered with ropes of thick sperm. I proudly showed him my rock-hard four-inch cock. I jacked myself off for him as I lapped up some of the sperm on my chest and face using my fingers. Big gobs of sperm dripped down my body and even onto my little cock, providing the perfect lube to finish myself off. I came hard and jerked my body around uncontrollably as I did. A few spurts shot out and landed on his stomach and as he watched me intently, I said…

“Here, let me clean that up Josh…”

I bent over his stomach and lapped up my wad. Josh was excited by my slutty reaction and was fully satisfied with my worshiping. We cuddled passionately and the fantastic feelings we had for each other could not be denied.

He fell asleep before I did. I stayed awake for a while to enjoy his big muscles by lightly rubbing my nose and face on them. I even carefully went under the covers to smell the powerful aroma of his big balls again. It was way too intoxicating for me to deny. As I finally dozed off I wondered what the morning would bring when we woke up together and I could enjoy his body as much as I wanted. The last thing that crossed my mind before I fell to sleep was that I was so gay for him and I didn’t mind at all. In fact, I never felt more sexual.

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