Danni’s Disappointed Daddy – chapter 1 of 3 by Limnophile

Six – No loud noise if somebody is trying to sleep, and I don’t want people running all over the house late at night. I want you in your room by midnight.

Seven – Keep the place clean. You’ll wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen and bathrooms every day. Wash your laundry, and don’t leave dirty clothes all over.

Do you have any questions about the rules? Do you need anything?”

Danni made a popping sound as she took out her lollipop and said, “We’re out of cigarettes, and can we smoke in the house?”

I reluctantly handed her some cash. “I don’t like it, but you’re over 21. You know where the gas station is, two blocks down. You can smoke in the back yard, but not in the house.”

She picked up her jacket. “Thanks Daddy. I’ll be back soon. Please show Melly around.”

As she walked out I decided to rip the rest of the bandage off quickly, and find out the rest of the bad news I was expecting. I’d been down the same road several times before.

“So, Melly, she said you need to pay some fines?”

She nervously chewed the edge of a fingernail. “Um … yeah. Each of us need to pay $400 for the time we got busted for prostitution.”


“It’s not as bad as it sounds. A guy in a suit offered us money to be birthday presents for some football player. How was she supposed to know he was an undercover cop?”

“So, MY DAUGHTER wanted to HAVE SEX for money!”

“The law is stupid. It’s okay if you get paid to make porn, but if you do it without a camera you get arrested? It’s not like thousands of people would have seen us.”

I pushed down my shame and anger enough to ask the dreaded question, “Are either of you pregnant?”

“Hahahaha! No way! Neither of us have fucked a guy since we met last year. Other than blowjobs and anal sometimes, we only lick, finger, and fist each other now. Her pussy is mine and mine is hers.”

“Would you mind your language? I don’t like those kinds of words, please.”

She smiled and tickled my arm a little, trying to cheer me up. She said, “Okay. We don’t accept penises in our vaginas. We provided oral penile stimulation so we could receive penises rectally to pay for her breast augmentation surgery and … and a few things. Now we just orally and digitally stimulate each other’s genitals. And nipples. I can’t forget the nipples, or the nice big pink areolas on her massive mammary glands.” She licked her lips.

She noticed my smile of amusement and added, “Methinks I tooketh ye olde English once upon a time, therefore I art smart.” She held two empty drinking glasses to her eyes like ridiculous goggles. The absurdity of it was enough to break my depression. I giggled a moment, then chuckled, then burst into a full guffaw. I laughed so hard that I couldn’t breathe.

When Danni walked in she heard me gasping for breath. She worriedly ran over to me. “Daddy! Are you okay? What happened?”

Melly smiled. “I told him a joke.”

Between gasps, I said, “I’m okay. It’s fine.”

Danni said, “They didn’t have the 120’s we usually smoke. I hope the menthol 160’s are okay?”

“Oooh! You found 160’s! Great! I like those best, and not many places have them!”

“I had enough money left to get sodas too. Do you still like root beer, Daddy?”

“It’s nice you remembered.”

“Of course, I remembered! You’re the reason I like root beer too. Mom didn’t want me to have sugar, but you gave me sips when she wasn’t looking. You’ve always been good to me, Daddy. Thank you.”

“Because I’ve always loved you, even when things went wrong. I was upset, but I still love you.”

“I love you too, Daddy.” She hugged me and kissed my cheek. “Let’s go watch Melly smoke.”

“I thought both of you smoked?”

“Kind of. Come out to the back yard with us.”

Melly lit a very long white cigarette and sucked in a big puff. The motion of her lips and cheeks reminded me of ‘oral penile stimulation’. I chuckled a bit to cover for my aroused smile.

Danni kissed her and sucked the smoke from her mouth, then exhaled plumes of white through her nostrils.

They repeated the seductive scene several times, then Danni explained, “When I tried smoking with the neighbor kids when I was 14, I burned my finger and it scared me a lot. I like how smoking makes me feel, but I’m afraid to hold a cigarette.”

I reminded her, “You didn’t just burn your finger, you burned down the neighbor’s shed, and almost their house.”

She blushed. “I keep trying to forget that part.”

I continued to watch Danni and her sleazy wife share more smoke. I didn’t like her tattoos and felt guilty about it, but Melly’s face as she smoked was exciting, with her cheeks hollowing each time she took a drag. I wasn’t going to do anything with her and hurt my daughter, but I’d save up some sexy memories. I could fantasize and masturbate in the shower without hurting anybody. Or so I thought.

The first night, I jerked off in the shower and had my strongest orgasm in a long time, imagining Melly’s lips on my dick, smoking my cock like she had smoked the cigarette earlier.

After lunch the second day, I saw Melly and Danni sitting on towels on the couch, wearing skirts and blouses. A porno movie was playing on the tv, and the girls had their hands under each other’s skirts!

I shouted, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

Melly chuckled. “If you don’t know that, you have a MAJOR problem!” I laughed involuntarily.

Danni joined in, “You didn’t say there were any rules about porn, Daddy. We’re married, so it’s not like we’re doing something wrong.”

“I … um …”

“Seriously, Daddy, when’s the last time you had sex with somebody?”

“That’s private.”

She chuckled, “So, more than a month ago?”

“Since your mother.”

“Twelve years, Daddy? You haven’t been with anybody in TWELVE YEARS!”

I sadly nodded.

“You can watch with us. Just put a blanket over you if you’re shy. It’s okay. Really.”

Melly added, “Or if you can’t find a blanket, I don’t mind watching.” She licked her lips.

I shrugged, “Why not?” I covered up with a spare sheet and did what I needed to do into a sock. I watched the movie with them, but glanced at Melly often. It felt sexy and naughty to watch as my daughter and her wife rubbed and fingered each other under their skirts.

The next night, the girls were on their way upstairs with my daughter in the lead. Melly tugged her hand to slow her a little and poked her nose between Danni’s butt cheeks. She sniffed loudly and said, “Oooh! That aroma! Now I remember why I love you!” They giggled and went to their room.

A moment later, Melly opened the door and poked her head out. She asked, “Do me a favor? Toss these in the washer for me?” She aimed her throw perfectly, and her panties snagged on my ear. I noticed they were still a little damp. The door opened again and another pair hit me in the chest. “And Danni’s too.”

When she closed the door again, I wasted no time. I sniffed them all the way down to the laundry room. By the time I got there, I was nearly waddling due to the pole in my pants. The clothes dryer was still running, and I humped the corner of it to feel the vibrations as I smelled the wonderful scent of their panties. I tossed them in the washer with my own underwear, once I dirtied them.

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