Danni’s Disappointed Daddy – chapter 1 of 3 by Limnophile

The fourth night, I got in the shower and jerked myself to climax thinking of Melly’s sexy ass and big tits, under the spray of warm water. I lost my balance, slipped, and started to fall backwards.

“EEEEEH!” I screamed and instinctively threw my arms above my head and backwards, to avoid cracking my skull. By some bizarre stroke of luck, I mostly caught myself with my thumbs, until both of them snapped. I bumped my head less severely than I would have, but was nearly knocked out.

I had left the door unlocked, since I was used to living alone. Danni and Melly ran in to see me laying on my back with my full boner sticking up.

My foggy mind started to clear as Danni said something … interesting. “Are you okay, Daddy? Did you hurt your dick? Is it usually that huge, or is it swollen?”

“Huh? No. Not my dick. My hands! My thumbs! I think I broke my thumbs!”

Melly had a devilish look in her eyes. “We’ll be nice and help you, but you know we’re going to joke about this later.”

They got me into slippers and a bath robe and drove me to the emergency room. The x-rays confirmed it, both thumbs were fractured. After he and a nurse put fiberglass casts on both, the doctor told me, “The casts need to stay on six weeks. The good news is, your head is fine, only a mild concussion.”

I asked, “But without my hands, how do I …”

The nurse told the girls and I, “A family member or friend will need to help you with eating, dressing, and … bathroom necessities. Or you can get a visiting nurse, if …”

Melly put a hand over my mouth and said, “I’ll be happy to take care of him.”

Danni added her hand. “WE’LL be happy to.”

I was flabbergasted. When they let me speak again, I objected, “But! But!”

Melly smiled. “We’ll wash that for you too, BIG Daddy.” They laughed uproariously.

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