The Prince – Chapter 5

Gay story: The Prince – Chapter 5

Author: Prince of Darkness

Thank you once again for your support, and here’s the fifth part, or as I would like to call it, a turning point in the story.

The Path I Take

A whole month had passed since he had begun his studies, he had learned a lot from Alastair, and finally, he would be able to go to the Great Library, but most of all, he would be able to leave Iredale behind, and with it, Bryce’s memory.

-So, are you sure about this? –asked Alastair as he gave Fenton some large books.

-Yes Alastair, I’m sure- answered Fenton as he placed the books in the wagon behind him.

-Well then, I wish you good luck on your trip, and I hope you can become a great scholar- said Alastair with a warm smile as he hugged Fenton.

-Thank you Alastair, for everything- said Fenton kindly.

-Make Bryce proud- said Maribel as she walked towards him elegantly.

Fenton forced a smile as he tried not to let his emotions get the best of him.

-Always my queen- said Fenton with a smile as he bowed in her direction.

-Oh god, stand up Fenton. I’m still not the queen- said Maribel as she tried not to blush.

-But you soon will be, so why not start practicing- said Fenton with a laugh.

Maribel giggled.

-Time to go- said a large, fat bearded man from atop the wagon.

-You better get going, wouldn’t want to give those uptight scholars a bad impression will you- said Maribel with a smile.

Fenton laughed as he got on the wagon.

-See you all soon- said Fenton with a smile as the wagon began to move.

Fenton looked up at the gorgeous blue sky, small white clouds were slowly making their way across it. He wondered if Bryce was able to see him, and if he could, was he proud?

A beautiful blonde haired woman made her way down the dark twisted stairs of Dawtone castle. Her long black silk dress with silver embroidery was gently dragged down each stair step. Once she made it to a large candle lit room, her stunning emerald eyes looked directly towards a large wooden door that was guarded by two soldiers in front of her.

-Lady Aurelia, we weren’t expecting you today- said one of the soldiers.

-You see, I decided it would be best to try the ritual today, I have a good feeling about it- replied Aurelia as she walked towards the door.

One of the soldiers opened the door for her, and the other gave her a lit candle.

-Would you like us to accompany you? -asked one of the guards.

-No, I’ll be fine- answered Aurelia as she walked in and closed the door behind her.

Aurelia walked to the center of the room. There, before her, was an unrecognizable Bryce. His hair had grown very long, and he had begun to grow a small beard. His once beautiful blue eyes, seemed to have gotten pale and lifeless. The torture he had been exposed to was evident, his body was covered in bruises, scars and dried blood.

-What’s your name boy? –asked Aurelia.

There was no response, it was almost like if he hadn’t noticed her yet.

-I asked you something- said Aurelia as she lifted his face gently.

Bryce looked at her.

-My name….is…Lazaron Atherton- answered Bryce.

Aurelia smiled as she caressed his cheek.

-Lazaron, I’ve come to help you- said Aurelia tenderly.

Bryce’s eyes widened.

-Help me? –asked Bryce curiously.

Aurelia noticed there was hope in him, which to her was very surprising, given that other people in this exact position had never shown even a glimpse of it.

-Yes, I’ve come to take you to an amazing place, where you’ll be pampered every single day- answered Aurelia.

Bryce’s eyes widened even more as he smiled.

You truly are amazing, thought Aurelia as she observed the boy.

-I can also give you what you want most- said Aurelia seductively as she placed her face just inches away from his. –I can give you the opportunity of vengeance, you’ll finally be able to pay him back for all the pain he’s caused you-

-Vengeance… -said Bryce without taking his eyes off Aurelia. –I want it, I want him to suffer as I did- said Bryce angrily.

-Perfect, but before you receive everything I’ve just told you, you’ll have to perform a ritual- said Aurelia as she backed away.

-I’ll do anything- said Bryce without any doubt.

-Soldiers- called out Aurelia.

Aurelia smiled as the soldiers who were waiting outside came in.

-Yes my lady? – asked one of the soldiers.

-Unshackle him, and take him to the ritual room at once. You’re only going to leave him there, then you may leave- ordered Aurelia.

Both soldiers nodded and began to unchain Bryce.

-I’ll be waiting for him- said Aurelia as she left the room.

Aurelia observed Bryce closely as some hand maidens bathed him and trimmed his hair. He surely was a handsome young man, and she was sure he would look even better once he was fed and taken care of.

As soon as he stepped out of the bath, Aurelia’s eyes widened in surprise. Even though he had been deprived of food and water, his body was still slightly toned, but what surprised her more, was his cock, it seemed large for somebody of his age.

-Are you ready? – asked Aurelia.

-Yes- answered Bryce.

-Come here then- said Aurelia.

Bryce looked at Aurelia, she was standing in front of a large pool of black water. Hesitantly, he walked towards her.

-For this ritual to work, you’ll have to be completely submerged in the water, while you’re thinking about vengeance. Ok, all you need to do, is think about how much you hate that person- said Aurelia in a soothing tone.

Bryce began to walk in to the pool of water, it was very cold, but he didn’t care, he only had one thing on his mind, vengeance.

As he remained underwater, an old, but strong looking man walked into the room. His long silver hair fell over his shoulders gracefully, and his penetrating hazel eyes were looking directly at the pool as he approached it.

-King Arcier, what a surprise- said Aurelia.

-I decided to come evaluate your experiment first hand Lady Aurelia- said King Arcier as he looked at the pool closely.

-You’re in all your right to do so- said Aurelia.

-Is this going to work? –asked King Arcier.

-As long as he keeps thinking about his desire for vengeance, the God of Death will gladly accept him, of course, he will forget all about his life as Bryce Ayton, except for the urge to kill his brother- answered Aurelia confidently.

-I hope you’re right, we need this boy to become the God of Death’s vessel, and with the power he will obtain, we’ll be able to rule over the rest of the kingdoms, so I really don’t care if he remembers his life or not- said King Arcier.

King Arcier and Aurelia looked on in awe as Bryce began to walk out of the pool of water, his body was no longer covered in scars and bruises, and instead, he had recovered his old physique, as if nothing had ever happened to him. With every step he took towards them, the water began to clearer, almost as if he were absorbing the color from it.

Once Bryce stood directly in front of them, he opened his eyes. They had completely recovered their stunning icy blue color, but now, there was something dark in them that seemed to tear at their very souls.

-It was a success- said Aurelia with an excited smile.

-Dawtone has found its new king- said King Arcier proudly.

-May darkness fall upon those who oppose us- said Bryce with a sinister smile.

King Lazaron

Princess Quinn, the pride and joy of King Arcier walked into the throne room with perfect poise. Her long, silky black hair gently laid over her long yellow silk dress, but what truly stood out, were her eyes, her left eye was amber colored, while her right eye was sapphire colored.

Bryce watched Quinn closely as she approached her father, she almost seemed angelic, unreal in a way and he couldn’t find any words to describe her, but one, perfect.

-My dear daughter, I’m glad you came- said King Arcier with joy as he stood up and hugged her.

-I came as fast as I could, now, what did you want to tell me? – asked Quinn curiously.

-I have arranged for you to be wed in 7 days- said King Arcier with a large smile.

-Wed…To who? –asked Quinn in a bothered tone.

-To this fine young man, Lazaron Atherton- answered King Arcier as he wrapped his arm around Bryce.

Quinn and Bryce looked at each other, Quinn had a bothered look on her face, while Bryce could only give her a faint smile in order to relieve the tension.

-Why don’t you take him to the gardens in order to get to know each other? –implied King Arcier.

-As you wish father- said Quinn as she turned around in direction to the door. –Follow me- said Quinn harshly as she looked at Bryce.

Bryce followed her in silence for what seemed to be an eternity, until they finally reached the large lush garden, it was filled with all kind of beautiful and aromatic flowers and trees. Bryce noticed that Quinn had sat on a stone bench between to 2 large blooming cherry trees, and sat next to her.

-Look Lazaron, I don’t care how good lucking, rich or noble you may be, I refuse to fall in love with you- said Quinn angrily.

-I don’t blame you, an arranged marriage is never pleasant, because you feel trapped by fate, forced to put aside your hopes, dreams and desires, as your destiny, or at least the one you imagined crumbles to pieces- said Bryce as picked up a dried cherry blossom. –You see, this dried up cherry blossom would be us, two people forced into a marriage neither one wanted.

A marriage, which by obvious conclusion would be dead and dry from the start- said Bryce as he turned the dried cherry blossom over a few times in his hand. –But of course, it doesn’t have to be this way, and don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about acting like if we were happy. Instead, I believe we should try to get along, at least as friends, we don’t even have to spend time with each other, and of course, I would never force you to do anything you don’t want.

It would just be friendship, from here to the day we die, and if you want a child, I wouldn’t mind if you have it with another man of your choosing, I’ll protect it, and love it as if it were my own- said Bryce as he closed his hand around the dried cherry blossom. –That way, we can at least live out a beautiful lie- said Bryce as he opened his hand, in it, was a beautiful, live cherry blossom.

Bryce placed it on Quinn’s lap as he looked up at the cherry blossom tree.

Quinn held the cherry blossom in her hands, she was surprised, not only by what he had done with the flower, but to what he had just said. She felt horrible for being so mean to him.

-Lazaron, I’m…- Quinn was saying before she was interrupted by Bryce who had placed his hand on her shoulder.

-No need to apologize, let’s just start over. My name is Lazaron Atherton, and it’s a pleasure to meet you- said Bryce in a kind tone.

-I’m Quinn Elas, princess of Dawtone- said Quinn with a smile.

This might not be so bad after all, thought Quinn as they talked for the rest of the evening.


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