Matt – My Fantasy Boy – by AlexMatthews

2017 First time gay story: Matt – My Fantasy Boy – by AlexMatthews. So before we get this started I need to say a few things. First: this is my first story so go easy on me. Second: this story is more about romance then sex so don’t read it if all you want is sex.

2017 First time gay story: Matt – My Fantasy Boy – Part 1

– by AlexMatthews

Fantasy, Boy / Boy, First Time, Gay, School, Teen Male / Teen Male, Young

Third: my name has been changed for obvious reasons. Also, I appreciate any and all feedback including criticism. I plan on making many stories and they will all be fantasies based on some guys at school and myself. Lets get to part 1!

I awoke to my mother stomping into my room and yelling at me to get up. Once again, I didn’t wake up to my alarm and she was mad. I gave myself a few seconds to wake up after she left then stumbled into the bathroom for a shower. As usual, I just stood in the shower thinking. I thought about the same things every time: how easy it would be to be a girl. I’m not saying that I want breasts or have to deal with everything, I just hate that getting a boyfriend is much harder being a guy.

You see, in my school bullying isn’t really a problem. No one gets bullied, no one commits suicide and school is generally a good place to be. The only problem with that is that no one at school is gay, at least not openly. I was lucky to make some good friends who have accepted me for who I am and they don’t care that I’m gay. As of right now, only 5 people know I’m gay.

After all the thinking I was doing I forgot about the time and I quickly rinsed off and got out. As I was drying off, I took a look at myself in the mirror. I was 6 feet even, pretty average with a bit of muscle tone but not that much. I had short brown hair that I spiked up in the front and deep, dark brown eyes. After I was done checking myself out I got ready for school as usual and I left for the bus. 20 minutes late, I was at school and talking to my friends like nothing was wrong, even though everything was. The bell rang and I was off to my first class, Pre-Cal. I practically ran to class because I was so excited. Not only did it mean that I got to learn more about my favorite subject, I also got to see Matt.

Matt was always a subject of my fantasies, and I have no idea why. He wasn’t the usual type for me, I was into the small, skinny, hairless type and Matt was anything but. He was around 5 foot 10, very muscular, and also very hairy. He played all kinds of sports and was a big bragger. Last year when he got his nipple pierced, he had spent pretty much all of gym class with his shirt off, not that I’m complaining.

So anyways, I sat at the back of Pre-Cal and waited for him to come in and sit in the front like he always did but this time, he came to the back and sat directly behind me. I tried to play it cool and not look at him but I was excited because I knew the way he acted and I couldn’t wait for him to start. I casually turned my chair to the side so I could see him out of the corner of my eye while copying notes. After we finished copying, we were given a few practice problems to do and I set to work. That’s when he started his everyday tendencies.

When he sat in the front, I couldn’t help but overhear his conversations. He would always make sexual jokes to his friends and they would all laugh, but I couldn’t help but wish that he were joking with me. I was jealous over the fact that he was so confident with is sexuality that he could make these jokes with his friends without them caring. He called my name and I turned around to answer him.

“What?” I answered trying to sound casual.

“It’s been forever since I got my dick sucked.” He said. I couldn’t help but notice he was kind of rubbing his chest.

“Yeah, so?” I was trying so hard to sound disinterested but I was exploding on the inside.

“Could you suck it for me?” He practically moaned at me.

“Um….” I wanted to scream yes, to take him right there but I stopped myself and simply said “no”.

“Oh come on dude, just help me out.” He continued to rub himself, and had now moved his hand up to his pierced nipple. I didn’t want him to think that I wanted to take his jokes seriously so I just shook my head, rolled my eyes and turned back to do my work. I thought I could feel his gaze on me but I couldn’t take the pain of seeing this incredibly straight guy say these things to me.

The next class of the day was Global Geography and that meant seeing him once again, he sat at the other end of the class and I wouldn’t be able to talk to him. When the teacher was explaining this month’s unit, I couldn’t take my eyes off of Matt. I noticed that he was chewing on the end of his pen and I couldn’t help but fantasize about him. I practically stared at him for the entire class.

* Just to let you know, everything up to this point is real *

At the end he came up to me and I almost died.

“Hey Alex, you like math don’t you?” He leaned against the wall and he looked so hot.

“Um, yeah. It’s my favorite class, why do you ask?”

“It’s just that I have no idea what we’re doing and I can’t afford to fail another test.” He seemed to be ashamed of this so I didn’t want to give him too hard of a time for it.

“Ok, how ‘bout I come over after school?” I suggested, “I can give you some help with this unit.”

“Well, I’m going to need to know EVERYTHING for the exam coming up…”

“I guess I’m going to have to stay the night then.” I joked, making him smile at me. I couldn’t believe my luck, here I was joking with the guy of my dreams and not only that, but we’re joking about me spending the night with him! I could have died right there and been happy.
“Yeah, sure. I guess I’ll see you around 4 then.” He winked jokingly at me and it drove me wild. I nodded and then hurried to meet up with my friends so they didn’t think anything was up.

That’s it for part 1! I plan on writing part 2 and maybe part 3 later tonight so let me know what you think!

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Matt – My Fantasy Boy – Part 2

2017 First time gay story: Matt – My Fantasy Boy – Part 2

– by AlexMatthews

Fantasy, Boy / Boy, Gay, Teen Male / Teen Male, Young

Sorry it took so long for part 2 but it’s finally here! Part 3 WILL be up soon (I promise) and it will bring a new dynamic to the story.
I looked in the mirror, ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath. This is it, today is the day I spend with my crush.

I fell backwards on to my bed. What am I doing? I asked myself, he’s straight. He is never going to like me and I just have to deal with it. I flipped onto my stomach and groaned out loud thinking of how hot he was. I thought of the brown pants he had worn yesterday. On most people, anything but jeans looks bad but on him, the fabric would cling to him, giving me a full view of his perfect ass. And the shirt he was wearing? It was amazing. I thin, plain white t-shirt that was essentially see through.

I remembered the way he talked to me over the past week, talking as if we were old friends, joking with me. It all seemed to come so easily, to him at least. The entire time I was thinking about my luck and how glad I was to just see this wonderful guy.

I remembered the way he always played with his nipple ring, lifting his shirt up, revealing his toned chest. He did it so often that it was a normal thing to him but to me, it was heaven.

I was brought out of my daydream by my phone vibrating on my nightstand. I picked it up and looked at the screen.

“Hey, I finished swimming early, you can come over now if you want. – Matt” Within two seconds of receiving that text, I was in the car already driving to his house.

I pulled into his driveway, checking the address twice to be certain. I jumped out of my car and jogged up to his front door. I knocked a bit too loudly and waited for him to come let me in. I could not believe the sight I was met with. Matt walked to the door wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He opened the door and gestured me in.

“Hey, sorry about the towel. I didn’t realize you lived so close and I just got out of the shower.” I couldn’t muster up the willpower to say anything so I just nodded. “You can go wait in my room if you want, I’ll just be another second.” Once again, I nodded. He turned around to lead me to his room and I saw him grinning widely.

Once I found his room, he left to go change in the washroom, which was right across the hall. He shut the door but didn’t completely close it so I still could see a bit of it. He disappeared for a few seconds but when he returned, he had lost the towel and was now in his underwear. I was a little disappointed when I saw that he wore boxers, instead of briefs, because I couldn’t see as good of an outline of him as I would have liked. He bent over to put on his pants and I got a good look at his round ass. He pulled them up and did up the button before putting on his shirt. I moved over so he wouldn’t be able to see me spying on him and I tried to cover up the erection that I was now sporting.

He came into the room and sat down next to me on the bed. We started talking about school, jobs and just about everything we could think of. I glanced over at the clock every once in a while and before long, I noticed that more than an hour had past. We decided to start studying and he brought his notebook over. We went over calculus notes for a long time until neither of us could focus anymore.

Once again, I looked at the clock and noticed that two hours had gone by. It was now going on 10 o clock and we were both exhausted.

“Hey, do you wanna head to bed now?” I nodded and looked around for a spot for me to sleep on the floor. “Dude, I have a queen size bed, you can just sleep on that with me”

“Um, ok. if that’s ok with you.” Matt smiled and nodded. I waited to see what he would be wearing to bed before getting changed myself and was glad to find he just slept in his underwear.

After we both stripped down, we climbed into the bed and Matt moved closer to me.

“I’m not really that tired yet, are you?” Matt asked me, putting his arms up behind his head, exposing his armpits.

“No, we could talk if you’d like.”

“Sure, what about? We’ve basically already talked about everything…”

“Well, not everything.” I gave Matt a confused look and he broke out in a wide grin. “Sex.” He stated simply, and I was glad for the low light because my cock started growing that instant.

“Wha-what about it?” I stuttered

“Well, obviously you’ve never had it before,” He laughed. I blushed and shook my head. “Can I tell you a secret, Alex.”

“Sure, anything.”

“I’ve never actually had it either.” He looked away, clearly embarrassed.

“But you always talk about it like you always have sex.” He shook his head.

“That’s just a cover… The other guys would just laugh at me if they found out.”

“I wouldn’t” I almost kicked myself for saying that but he smiled.

“Thanks. Do you want to know why I’ve never had sex before?” I didn’t say anything and he took my silence as a yes. He sighed before continuing. “I’ve never had sex because, well, because I’m gay.” Matt kept talking, asking me not to tell anyone and other stuff but I wasn’t listening. My dream guy was actually gay, practically naked, and laying right next to me. I would have never thought that this would actually happen to me and i couldn’t focus on anything else. I started smiling widely and in the back of my mind, I could hear him saying my name. I decided to take a risk and do what I’ve wanted to do since I met him. I moved closer to him and crashed my lips into his. At first, he didn’t do anything, but finally, he gave into the kiss and wrapped his arms around me.

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