U-N-I Ch – Chapter 5.1

Latest gay erotic stories: U-N-I Ch – Chapter 5.1

“Oh, Rob, come on, we all know! We were only waiting for you to say it out loud,” he answered with a laugh. “What about all the hot girls who want to shag you after gigs but who, for some reason, are never good enough for you!” he said inquisitively.

Rob looked at me, puzzled, his eyes asking me if I knew. I just shrugged my shoulders, raised my hands a little and shook my head. Of course I knew, I was included in their conversations, but I was not going to confirm their suspicions to them.

“Although, he had an interesting way of doing it!” Jordan added, turning back to Damon and Dylan.

“Why?” Damon asked laughing.

“He was just kissing Mark!”

They both looked at us and exclaimed with a laugh “What!”, not believing him.

“Interesting, uh? Would you mind explaining this to us?” he asked, staring at me.

I smiled nervously. This was too much. This was typical Jordan behaviour. He WAS having fun with this.

But I didn’t even want to talk, and neither did Rob.

“What do you mean, he was kissing Mark?” Dylan asked him.

“What do you think it means? They were kissing, like full on! Like they were gonna have sex!”

He turned to us and exclaimed, “Oh my god, have you just done it here?”

We just looked at each other and laughed at the way he had said that and I guess that was our answer. He just shook his head, while Damon and Dylan didn’t seem to understand what they were hearing.

“Mark?” Damon asked, as if he had just realized something. “Is that why you broke up with Rachel?” He didn’t seem to quite believe what he was saying.

I stared at him. “Yeah”, I just answered.

“FASCINATING!” Jordan exclaimed loudly.

I laughed and shook my head. I couldn’t help it. He was actually funny.

He turned to Damon and Dylan “Any of you two gay?”

They laughed and answered no.

“Two out of five, damn, that’s not very rock’n’roll!” he joked.

“Wait!” Dylan said, looking straight at me. “Are you gay?” he asked inquisitively, needing me to confirm it.

“Are you stupid?” Jordan asked him with the same tone of voice.

“Well, Mark’s not gay!” Dylan said.

“You obviously haven’t witnessed what I’ve just witnessed,” Jordan told him, faking being a bit revolted.

Dylan laughed and continued, “I mean what is this? What are you doing, just exploring, are you, like, just, is it, just, sex?” he was all confused.

“No, no, I’m gay!” I confirmed.

“Since when?” he asked, totally shocked.

“Since… June, or even way before, I just didn’t know it yet.” I replied.

“Oh!” Jordan said. “So basically around the same time we all started having suspicions!”

Rob turned to me and gave me an inquisitive look.

I let out a laugh. “What! Don’t give me that look!”

“You could have told me that they knew!”

“Oh, come on, they didn’t know anything, really. It was just boy talk. They were just taking the piss out of you for not showing an interest!”

“Well, you could have at least told me that they suspected!”

“Right! And what would you have done? You would have told them? Made out with a girl? What?”

“I don’t know! But I would have liked to know.”

“Come on, you HAD to know! He was always making jokes,” I said, briefly looking over at Jordan.

“Yeah, they were jokes. Jordan is always joking around.”

Jordan just laughed. “And now they’re arguing! Boy, so they really are a couple, aren’t they!”

“Ok, I’m gonna need to know more than that!” Dylan said in a more serious tone.

“Rob? Seriously, explain!” he asked, staring at him, needing to understand what was going on between us.

Sensing his confusion, Rob sighed and searched for his words,

“Look, I’m gay” he simply said. There was no need to assert this more. “And… to be totally honest, I’ve been in love with Mark for, like, well, as long as I can remember.”

They were silent and a bit surprised, waiting to hear more, sometimes glancing at me.

“I had never told him. But recently, things just sort of happened between us. I don’t think you need to know all the details, really. But basically, yeah, we’re together, like, we’re in love. I love him, so much, and… ” He stopped and looked at me.

They all did. Apparently, it was my turn to speak. I sighed, and thought about how I could best explain this to them.

“Well, you know we’ve always been close, because of my parents and all. And I kinda had feelings for him but I just didn’t think I was gay. I didn’t quite understand it. I thought it was just, ’cause we were close…until… it happened. It’s a long story really, but yeah, I’m gay, I know that now, I’m sure of it.”

“Wah,” Damon said. “So, that’s what ‘Yellow’ is about?”

Jordan made a face. “You’re very clever, aren’t you? I wasn’t even thinking about Rachel, or that song.”

“Yeah, I am. Makes sense!” he stated.

We grew silent. They were taking it in and we didn’t really know what more to say.

“Are you guys ok with this?” I asked anxiously after a moment.

“Oh come on,” Jordan said, a lot more serious. “Do you really need to ask? We’ve never been the type to make all sorts of insulting homophobic comments, have we?”

“Yeah, just gonna take some time to get used to this. Good thing we already suspected about you.” Dylan added, looking at Rob.

“Well” Jordan sighed. “I don’t think I want to go back in the studio now. What about we call it a day?”

“Yeah, let’s go have a drink somewhere” Damon suggested.

We went back into the studio to get our stuff and tidy up a bit and Rob and I started talking about what had just happened, whispering.

“You know, I’m not gonna believe this until I actually see them kiss!” We heard Dylan say to Jordan.

Rob laughed and we looked at them.

“You heard him?” Rob asked me.

“Yeah, I heard him” I repeated.

He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss that was both tender and passionate.

“Ok, I believe it!” Dylan exclaimed.

And so they knew.

We went out for some drinks and tried not to behave any differently. We did talk about it a little but we didn’t change our behaviour tremendously. It took a while before we started acting as a couple around them. It happened day after day during the recording of the album. We would sometimes kiss or hug, and they gradually got used to seeing us show affection to each other, or talk about our relationship.

“I still can’t get my head around this,” Dylan joked, shaking his head. “I can’t really imagine you two together.”

“Well, then, don’t!” Rob joked, understanding he was talking about picturing us having sex or something.

They laughed.

“That was so funny though,” Jordan laughed. “I was like standing there, watching you make out, and it was like…WHAT THE FUCK! I mean, I knew you were gay, like for sure!” he said, pointing at Rob, who frowned his eyebrows slightly. “Come on, who would turn down so many girls!!” he exclaimed. “I was about to confront you with it you know, soon. I wouldn’t even have believed you if you had told me you were straight! But fuck, I was like watching you, and it didn’t register at first. How did it even start?”

“We’re not gonna get into any details, told you!” Rob said matter-of-factly.

“Come on, we don’t wanna know about you two doing it!” he laughed.

“Well, I just asked him if he was gay, and it just snowballed from there!” I explained with a laugh.

He raised his eyebrows and seemed thoughtful. “Well, thank god I didn’t have to ask you then!” he joked.

We laughed and I said, “I actually wanted something to happen, Jord!”

“Ohhh! So you knew you were gay!”

I shook my head. “Not really, no. I just… wanted…” I looked at Rob and he said, “You just wanted me!” he laughed.

“Oh god! I think we’ve heard enough!”, Damon laughed, and then he asked with curiosity, “Have you actually told Rachel?”

“Yeah, she knows everything.” I admitted.

“Really? I asked her what had happened between the two of you but she wouldn’t say.”

I smiled and turned to Rob. “See, told you she wouldn’t say anything!” He just shrugged.

“How did she take it? I mean, she came to my place, like on Wednesday, and she cried on my shoulder the whole evening you know, and she just wouldn’t say anything.”

“Sorry.” I apologised. “I haven’t talked to her since then. I couldn’t. It was hard enough breaking up with her. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do.”

“Well, I guess, now that we all know, we can maybe make it easier for her.”

“Do you still… love her?” he asked timidly.

“No, I’m not in love with her anymore. I’m not even sure I ever really was … it’s not…” Rob was looking at me and I looked into his eyes, wanting to say that what I felt for him was a lot stronger that what I had ever felt for her, and that I now knew what it really felt like to be in love with someone, but I didn’t really want to get into that kind of details with them. I kind of had the feeling that they understood, so I didn’t add anything. “But I do love her though. I just can’t be … her boyfriend anymore.”

Damon sighed. “That’s gotta be tough for her.”

“I know. But…what else can I do? I’ve been lying to her for the past two months, she deserved to know.”

“I’ll talk to her.” He promised.

“Thanks. I hope she’ll be okay.”

“Are you gonna tell your parents?” Dylan asked.

Jordan laughed. “You want him to get killed?” he asked him, pointing at me.

“I was thinking about Rob!” he said.

“No way.” Rob told them. “I’m not ready to do that. But I kinda think my mum’s suspecting something.” I agreed with him. She probably was, but so far, she hadn’t confronted us with it.

“Jeez, I swear Mark, be careful, like, make sure he doesn’t find out. And Thomas also,” Dylan recommended to me, my brother being one hell of an asshole as well.


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