Jason and Andy: Epilogue – Ch. 11 by Delete1983

Jason and Andy: Epilogue – Ch. 11 by Delete1983

Discover the thrilling conclusion of 'Jason and Andy: Epilogue - Ch. 11'—a captivating gay erotic sex story that explores passion, desire, and intimacy. Dive into an unforgettable narrative filled with steamy moments and emotional depth. Join Jason and Andy as they navigate their relationship and ignite your imagination!<br/> (Andy’s POV)

I really hate midnight shifts.

I sighed, tapping my fingers against the counter as I waited for the night to go by. My life had returned to its normal, unchanging routine after I was dropped off 6 months ago. I guess that wasn’t completely true, as Blaire and I had been dating for the past three months. We hung out often, watching movies and cuddling on the couch. She said that I had changed a lot, and I could only agree that I had changed. As the weeks passed, I couldn’t help the negative feelings that built up in my subconscious. It took a focused effort each day to quell the dark thoughts that stormed through my mind.

It had been easy to return to my hobbies and friends, pretending like I hadn’t spent a week being the personal hole of some random kidnapper. I blushed as I thought about Jason, feeling my dick grow a bit in my pants. Blaire and I hadn’t gotten more serious than making out so far, and I wasn’t sure how to broach the topic of her using a strapon. My sleeping girlfriend was in her usual spot, passing the time unconscious. I didn’t mind when she slept the end of the shift away, it was the perfect opportunity to review the photos I sent from Jason’s phone. A year ago, I would have been horrified to see such pictures of myself. I would have probably summed it up to a very well done photoshop prank. Remembering the taste of Jason on my lips, I sighed as I closed out my gallery.

Hopefully having normal sex would make me stop craving cock. Blushing harder, I took a deep breath as I shook the memories from my mind. I sat there, idly browsing my phone when I heard a jingle come from the door. Putting my phone on the counter, I had a preloaded sentence on my lips before the ability to speak left me. I jumped over the counter, running into and hugging Jason as he walked through the door.

The tall man grunted, stumbling backwards as I ran into him. Wrapping my arms tightly around his chest, I smiled and held him close. As he tried to talk, I leaned up and started kissing him. I rained kisses onto his face as he laughed and held me back a bit.

“Hello, how are you? I’m doing well.” I laughed at his sarcastic tone, hugging him tighter.

“What are you doing here?! And Hi! It’s great to see you.” I felt lighter than I had in months, feeling that dark feeling that had been creeping up disappear. Leaning my chin on his chest, I stared up at him as he spoke.

“I got a job here, making deliveries for the warehouse in town. I’ll be around here pretty often from now on.” I couldn’t help the laugh leave my mouth, holding his body closer. Jason finally returned my hug, wrapping his strong arms around me. I blushed slightly, shyly looking up at him.

“So… you got a place to stay?” Jason looked down at me for a moment, before turning his gaze away while rubbing his head.

“I’m using my truck for now while I look for an apartment.” I grinned up at him, wondering how bold I should be. Blaire barely even registered in my mind as I stared up at the trucker. As I was about to suggest a place for him to stay, he pulled us into the station to finally let the door close. Being dragged by the bigger man, I heard him speak.

“How much for a shower?” My heart thundered in my chest, looking up at him. Seeing the light blush on his face while he rubbed the back of his neck, I smiled as I walked around the counter.

“$15 dollars for an hour.” I didn’t bother fighting the blush on my face, accepting the money and putting it in the register. Handing him a key, I watched as he turned and walked to the back. My heart beat fast, waiting a moment before grabbing the mob bucket and entering the washroom.

“Janitor, just cleaning up!” I didn’t even bother filling the bucket with any water, just coming to rest in front of the occupied shower. My cock throbbed hard in my tight pants and I suppressed the urge to turn around when I heard the door open. As warm, wet hands wrapped around my chest, I let go of the mop handle as I was dragged backwards into the open shower, a massive smile on my face.

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