The Island chapter 06 by Robert Michael Shook

A gay adult story: The Island chapter 06 by Robert Michael Shook

Just when Jimmy decided to return to the safety of his “house” and animal friend, he heard a loud crashing sound coming from the jungle down below him. Instinctively he lowered his head a bit, and peered down towards the sound. After a few minutes of silence, the brush parted and out onto the beach ran about eight or nine figures.

Straining to see better, Jimmy decided that they were children, and they were very naked. The children were shouting in a tongue which Jimmy did not recognize, and they were heading off towards the water. For about ten minutes the children swam and played in the waves, much like any other children would when at the ocean.

When they tired they ran up onto the beach, and sat in the sun drying themselves. Jimmy could see well enough to see that they were not white like him, unless they were very tanned. He decided that they were not really black, but rather brown.

Jimmy was deciding whether or not to call down to them, when he saw more figures leaving the jungle and enter onto the sand. Those newcomers also seemed to be children, however, they were much larger than the ones which had played in the water. When the smaller children saw the older ones, they yipped and jumped to their feet, running away towards the cliffs.

The older boys also began to run, and it became obvious that they were chasing the smaller boys. For a while it seemed if the younger boys would evade the older ones. The small boys were faster and more agile than the others, however, the larger boys had more strength, and they could keep up their chase longer.

It soon became obvious that the older boys were trying to wear the younger ones down, knowing that they could then catch them. The first youngster was caught by a tackle from an older one. The small boy gave a cry of pain and protest, but the older hung onto him tightly.

The two sat in the sand watching the others chasing each other around. One by one the small boys dropped off and were captured by the older boys, until only one small boy remained free. He seemed to have more strength than his would be captor, and displayed this strength when the older boy managed to grab onto one of his arms.

The younger boy turned on his heels and drove one of his feet into the naked groin of the older boy, sending the youth down to his knees. While the older boy was doubled over in pain, the small boy ran off towards the jungle, disappearing into it almost without a sound. The remainder of the older boys laughed at the misfortune of their age mate, and the older boy went racing off into the jungle, perhaps in pursuit of the younger boy.

The older boys turned their attention towards their young captives. The older youths made the boys stand, while holding onto their arms so that they would not run away. Each boy reached to his waist and unwrapped a cord.

The cord had a lasso-type opening at the end, and they draped this opening over the heads of the younger boys, drawing it snugly to resemble a leash. They tied the other end of this cord to their wrist, and then began brushing the sand off the bodies of the little boys. Several of the little boys were crying, and others were trembling with what looked to be fear.

The older boys ignored any protests, and continued with their task of wiping sand from the boy’s bodies. Finally one youth seemed to be satisfied that his young captive was clean. Placing both of his hands on the sides of the boy’s face, he lifted his face up towards his, and lowered his lips down to the boy’s.

The smaller boy struggled against the advances of the older boy, trying to keep himself from being kissed. The older boy ignored this struggling for a few minutes, however, when it became obvious that he could not kiss the struggling boy, he released his face, pulled tightly on the cord wrapped around the little boy’s neck, and when the boy was up close to him, he raised his hand high in the air and slapped the little boy hard on his buttocks. He repeated this a few times, the cracks of flesh against flesh, and the wails of the little boy echoing off the walls of the cliff.

The older boy stopped and bent his head down to the little boy’s, seemingly talking to him. The youngster nodded his head in agreement, and raised his face towards the youth’s. The older boy once again lowered his head, and began kissing the small boy on the lips.

All around the pair similar things were taking place. A few of the boys gave up without a struggle, and allowed the older boys to kiss them, while one or two holdouts found their asses being slapped by the boys to gain their submission. After a few minutes of kissing the older boys forced the younger ones down to their knees and began talking to them.

Some of the boys shook their heads, while others began crying again. A few, however, resigned to their fate, opened their mouths and took the older boy’s penises into their mouths. With a little more threatening and a few more beltings, eventually all of the little boys were sucking on the penises of their captors.

One by one the older boys reached orgasm, grabbing onto the heads of the younger boys as they did, thrusting their penises in and out of the younger boy’s throats. Most were made to swallow the semen, however, a few choked and spit it out around the penis which filled their mouth, and a few vomited which caused the older boys to release them. Once gaining their sexual release, the older boys sat down on the sand and pulled the little boys down next to them, or down onto their laps.

While resting, they fondled and petted the younger boys. Every now and then an older boy would bend his head towards the lap of his young captive and suck on his penis, or one would stand the younger boy up in front of him and coax him to simulate intercourse in his mouth. Eventually all of the older boys joined in bringing their partners pleasure.

Each little boy had his penis and testicles thoroughly sucked. The older boys eventually expanded their area of sucking and licking to include the area between the boys legs, down under the scrotum. When the little boys began to become turned on by all of this oral foreplay, the youths lifted the legs of the younger boys, spread them out, and dived down between their buttocks with their mouths and tongues.

For what seemed like hours the older boys licked, sucked, and rimmed the younger boys. Jimmy could not believe his eyes. Not only were the boys having sex, they were all having it out in the open where each other could see it.

Jimmy had a feeling that the younger boys were far from through, and this proved to be correct when the older boys began to roll the little ones onto their stomach. A few of the boys fought this move, and struggled against the older youths, however, their strength was no match for the older boy’s. Instead of jumping right on the younger boys, however, the youths went back to their rimming, which they continued for about ten more minutes.

Eventually Jimmy saw one or two of the older boys spitting into their hands and wiping the spit onto their penises. He knew that it was time. The little boys were going to be fucked.

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