The Island chapter 06 by Robert Michael Shook

Jimmy watched this new position with some curiosity. None of the other boys had varied their positions during their fucks. They had all climbed on top of the backs of the little boys and fucked them in that standard position.

This boy, however, seemed to enjoy fucking in different positions. Jimmy was not sure how he knew this, however, he knew that there were many more positions which could be used, and he secretly hoped that the older boy would use them. Jimmy was not disappointed.

Over the next several moments the older boy changed his position. After fucking the little boy doggie style, increasing his speed and force while in this style, he rolled the boy onto his back, lifted his legs onto his shoulders, and began to fuck him in this position. A few minutes later and the youth had the boy standing on his head, his arms out on the sand to steady himself.

While the little boy stood on his head, the older penetrated down into his anus, and began thrusting himself in and out of the boy. The next position brought strange feelings to Jimmy. The youth picked the little boy up into his arms, cradling him to his chest.

Slowly the youth lowered the little boy onto his erection. Once the boy was firmly impaled on the youth’s cock, the youth positioned his arms at the neck and lower back of the boy and extended him out from his body horizontally. For a few minutes he thrust himself in and out of the boy.

He then stood still and began moving the boy’s body on and off of his cock. Watching this sent chills down Jimmy’s spine. Somehow this position meant something to him.

Somehow it was a special position. Jimmy wished that he was down on the beach, and that he was in the place of the little boy. Jimmy wanted the older boy to be holding him out from his body, fucking his ass.

Eventually the youth tired of that position, and laid down on the sand on his back. He gently urged the little boy down over his body. Jimmy watched as the youth coaxed the little boy to sit down on his erection.

The entire scene was a little too much for Jimmy. As he watched the little boy fuck himself up and down on the older boy’s erection, Jimmy masturbated himself, with fantasies that it was him riding the older boy’s cock. Both Jimmy and the older youth reached climax at almost the same time.

Jimmy felt the comfortable shuttering and pulses in his erection as he watched the older boy grasp the hips of the younger, thrust upward, and hold his position as he shot his semen deep into the boy’s bowels. Jimmy could almost hear the moans and sighs of pleasure coming from both boys. Jimmy could almost see the little boy’s cock pulsating as the youth’s hand stopped its masturbation of it and held it in tight embrace.

All three boys spent themselves at the same moment, an omen thought Jimmy, as he moved back a little so as not to be spotted. He was not sure who the boys were, or where they came from, but he was sure that they were not from the same place as he was. Jimmy was not sure that he wanted to meet them right at that time, for even having sexually spent themselves, he could still come away from the adventure gang raped, not too pleasant of a prospect.

After a while the sexual games seemed to end. All around the beach the older boys laid satisfied. Some of the younger boys laid near or with the older youths, however, a few of the little boys slipped away into the jungle, seemingly in a hurry to save from a repeat performance.

Jimmy glanced towards his favorite couple, and noticed that the little boy laid on top of the older, his head buried in his neck, looking much more at ease and satisfied than the other little boys. Jimmy quietly slipped away, backing up away from the cliff crawling backwards on his stomach. When he felt that he could not be seen, he got to his feet and headed back towards his hut, hoping that the boys from the beach would not find him until he was ready to meet them.

– End of chapter 6

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