The Mayor’s Son

The Mayor’s Son by BeltBuckle,BeltBuckle === Friendly warning: This story includes incest between a man and his father ===


Harvey was bored to death as he watched the pendulum of the grandfather clock in front of him swing slowly. He was sitting on a bench right outside of his father’s office, which served as sort of a little waiting room. It wasn’t the first time he was waiting there… and he was sure it wasn’t the last one either. Even though the fact that his father, the mayor – Jules Lawrell – dealt with many of the city’s problems all day every day, his twenty-year-old son Harvey was by far his biggest headache. During Harvey’s studies, there wasn’t a single teacher at the academy who wouldn’t complain about Harvey’s attitude, lack of focus, or bad behavior at least a couple of times per year. Jules thought that once the young man finally finished school, he wouldn’t need to be reprimanded for something stupid on a daily basis. But he was wrong about that – if anything, it had only gotten worse since then.

The clock struck five and Harvey sighed. He had been waiting there easily for a half hour already. Surely this waiting time had been part of the punishment for… well, for whatever he did this time. His fingers went through his unruly, brown hair in a gesture of frustration. Harvey might have been a menace, it was clear how objectively handsome he was under his unkempt appearance. A nicely toned body showed under his white shirt that was crinkled. His face wore a five o’clock shadow that he refused to do anything about no matter how many times his father asked him. And his eyes, although mischievous, were a beautiful color of lake blue.

Harvey played around with the suspenders on his chest out of boredom. He was just about ready to leave. His father requested his presence, so it was without a doubt that he would be fuming to find out that he bailed, but that didn’t really matter, did it? He was in trouble already anyway. But just as the young man stood up intending to head out and leave, the door opened.

“Ah, young master Harvey. Going somewhere? I believe your father is expecting you.”

Harvey turned around, annoyed. He recognized that voice immediately. It was Edgar, the butler who took care of the Lawrell family mansion. A tall man, slightly older than his father, wearing a suit, with a hair full of salt and pepper hair that started receding only slightly, which somehow fit his handsome face, and a nicely kept mustache. Unlike Harvey’s father, Edgar was a calm, soft-spoken man, always collected, with a constant, pleasant, professional smile. Maybe that was the thing that drove Harvey up the wall about this man so much. The fact that he was seemingly unbothered by everything. Harvey’s father? The young man knew how to push his buttons. But Edgar? Good luck with that!

“And if I was?” Harvey snarled back, “It’s my home, isn’t it, Edgar?”

“Of course, it is, Master Harvey,” the servant replied, completely unfazed by Harvey’s tone, “It’s the mansion of your family and you may go anywhere you please. Although, if I may suggest, at this moment you may want to choose your father’s office. He’s ready to see you, and quite eager to talk to you.”

Harvey clenched his fists. He really wanted to tell Edgar off and just walk away, but he also knew the conversation with his father was going to happen one way or another, and the longer he would push it away, the worse it would be for Harvey in the end. He turned to the door of the office and walked in with a swift step, walking past Edgar without even looking at him.

His father’s office was pristine, as it always was, framed by shelves full of books, with a big, expensive-looking, massive wooden desk in the middle. Not a single inch of space went wasted, the room was full of various pieces of art – gifts from his father’s various friends and political acquaintances. The space gave off a feeling of importance – and so did the man sitting behind the table.

Jules Lawrell was a stately man. Wide in the shoulders, wearing an elegant, fitting shirt and a pair of suspenders – his usual attire was very proper even for days when he didn’t have to meet anyone important or when there wasn’t a press conference. Harvey’s father always said that no matter the occasion, it’s important to look presentable. His brown hair with a hint of gray here and there was combed back, his goatee well trimmed and a single pocket tissue was nicely tucked in his front pocket. His clean look heavily contrasted with the upset expression on his face. Jules watched his son with anger in his blue eyes and his demeanor was anything but the collected mayor the town was so used to.

“Harvey!” he exclaimed once he saw his son walk in, and sharply gestured at the chair in front of his desk, “Sit the fuck down with us, would you be so kind?”

Harvey’s eyes rolled back – his father was in one of his moods. He slowly dragged his feet towards the chair and sat on it, facing his father. It was far from his first time sitting in this chair getting a talking to, but ever since he reached adulthood, it just felt so much more humiliating and excessive. As he sat down, one could note the similarities between the father and his son – the color of their hair, the handsomeness in their faces, although Jules’ was a little wrinklier – you could tell that the two were related. That was where their similarities ended, though. They could not be more different in their personalities.

Harvey turned as he saw Edgar close the door and then position himself in the corner of the room behind him, right next to the big window, with a straight posture and his hands behind his back. As he usually did, ready at attention in case his father needed anything from him.

“What the hell?” Harvey then turned to his father, ignoring the anger in his face, “You’ll let him just stand there while you give me a speech? That’s a bit patronizing, dad, don’t you think?”

“Oh, is it?” Jules replied, raising his eyebrows, “Do you think that you’re acting in ways that would deserve a bigger show of respect on my part?”

Harvey sighed and looked away.

“You look me in the eyes when I’m talking to you, young man!”

“Geez, dad”, Harvey shook his head, groaning, “What is it this time?”

“Oh, you don’t even know?” Jules asked, “Doesn’t surprise me. With all the shit you do every day, from vandalism to public intoxication, I’d have my schedule full just trying to talk some sense into you for every little thing you do. No, as you may have noticed, I only call you into my office when you really, really fuck up.”

“Soooo…” Harvey asked in a bored tone, “Are you gonna tell me, or what?”

Jules took a deep breath – his son always knew how to bring out the worst in him. He knew that the best way to counter his son’s behavior was to keep his head on straight, but it was easy to forget at times like this.

“Linda Harrington called,” he said, “Debbie Harrington’s mother.”

Now, Harvey’s curiosity peaked.

“Her?” he asked, “What about her? I haven’t talked to Debbie in forever.”

“So I’ve heard,” his father continued, his voice in the tone of calm anger, “Apparently, you have been ignoring her for weeks. She was trying to get in contact with you.”

“That’s why you called me here?” Harvey asked, his arms crossed at his chest, “To teach me gentlemanly manners?”

“No, you little brat, I called you here to explain to you the basics of biology you haven’t paid attention to in school, specifically as to what happens when you stick your dick in someone and leave it there for too long,” his father started losing his calm again, “You got the darn girl pregnant!”

Harvey, for a couple of seconds, was at a loss for words. He didn’t expect that. His father took a little satisfaction from that – he was able to shut his son up for at least a few moments.

“Yeah,” Jules continued, “And guess what? Her mother wasn’t happy. You know how much of a chatterbox she is, right? If this anyone else but her daughter, the whole town would have already known that in addition to the disappointment my son already is, he’s also a deadbeat father!”

Cold sweat appeared on Harvey’s forehead. This was a big fuck-up.

“So…” Harvey asked, his defiance disappearing from his voice for a bit, “What now?”

His father laughed. How typical. Of course, now that the damage was done, the boy would turn to his daddy for the next steps. Unfortunately, he couldn’t just rub his son’s face in this one. Bigger things were at stake. And as much as he’d like to teach his son a lesson, he didn’t want to watch him ruin his own life either.

“Well, luckily for you,” Jules continued, “Miss Harrington isn’t exactly keen to be a mother either. There is still time and they will handle it in their own way. But it’s gonna cost us a lot of money, Harvey. Just for the silence, and the trouble.”

Massive relief washed over Harvey as he heard that. His cocky look came back in a second.

“Okay,” he asked, “So what exactly is the problem then?”

His father’s fists landed on the surface of his desk with a loud bang.

“What exactly is the problem?!” Jules shouted, “The problem is that it comes from my wallet, you little shit! It’s always my wallet, whenever you decide to smash a street light, assault a police officer, or – apparently – stick your dick where it doesn’t belong!”

“I think Debbie would disagree with you, father,” Harvey laughed, “If you asked her, at the moment, I think she’d happily tell you that my dick was exactly where it belonged.”

His father’s face got even redder, and his fists were clenched so tight that his fingernails buried into his palms. Edgar noticed from the corner of the room and decided to de-escalate the situation a little.

“More tea, sir?” he asked, “The imported green one that you like.”

Jules took a deep breath.

“That would be lovely, Edgar, thank you.”

Edgar stepped forward, earning a glare from Harvey, as he brought over the kettle full of deliciously smelling tea and refilled the cup on Jules’ table. As the butler did that, he also tapped his fingers on a piece of paper that was lying on Jules’ desk. Jules noticed that, and gave Edgar a nod. Jules seemed much less angry immediately.

“Thank you very much for reminding me, Edgar,” he said to his butler, before turning to his son. This time with a small smirk. That unnerved Harvey. What exactly was going on?

“Back to the topic,” Jules said, much calmer now, “About what to do with you.”

“What to do with me?” Harvey asked, “What exactly are you talking about, father? What, are you gonna ground me, like when I was a kid? Are you gonna take away the little that you give me from our family fortune every month?”

“No, no,” Jules said, as he sipped on his tea, “If the last twenty years proved anything, it was that none of those things seem to have any effect on you or your behavior. And now you’re an adult, as you keep reminding me so often yourself. You can deal with the… responsibilities and consequences that come with not being a child anymore, with all of them. Such as your housing.”

Harvey let out a laugh.

“You’re threatening to kick me out on the street?” Harvey said, calling his father’s bluff immediately.

“Of course not,” Jules said, “What kind of a father do you think I am? Life on the street wouldn’t do you any good. But this? This might.”

He reached for the paper Edgar reminded him about earlier and pushed it in Harvey’s direction. Harvey took it in his hand and started reading it. It was a form. An application that was already filled out with all of his personal information. It looked very official. The title at the top of the page said “Enrollment to the Royal Military University”.

“What the fuck is this?” Harvey asked, confused, “What the hell is the ‘Royal Military University'”?

“‘University’ is a bit of a stretch, maybe,” Jules said calmly, sipping on his tea, enjoying the discomfort in his son’s face, “Don’t expect a campus full of scholars, lectures that you walk in and out of as you please, or wine sessions with other students to discuss Aristotle. They do things a little bit differently over there.”

He took a long sip, as his son waited for an explanation, the horror of slowly understanding surfacing on his face.

“It’s more… waking up early in the morning to do drills. Lots of physical exercise, very good for the body. Then hours of studies – mandatory, of course. A humble meal, before you get to your afternoon schedule. All is of course very well supervised. Sergeants at every corner making sure you don’t lose track of your day, ready to, well, ‘motivate’ you to obey the strict rules for just about everything you do during the day… A tough, but efficient recipe to bring out the very best in a man. And a very good preparation for the army. Which is, in fact, the first place where I wanted to send you – but I thought it would be fair to give you an opportunity for a little preparation first.”

“That’s what you’d like your son to be?” Harvey asked as he threw the form back on the table, “A soldier?!”

“No, Harvey, I’d like my son to be a reckless nightmare who terrorizes the town and spreads his seed all over the place at the cost of the money, reputation, and position of this family,” Jules replied sarcastically, “That’s just about every father’s dream, isn’t it?”

“Reputation,” Harvey repeated his father’s words with a bitter tone, “Of course, that’s the only thing that matters to you. That and money. You can’t force me to go.”

“I cannot,” Jules agreed, “But I can open this door to you while I close the door to this house. That would be more than enough for my fatherly conscience. I think the university would start to look more appealing if it was your only choice, compared to the street. Unless one of your drinking buddies also has a mansion full of staff ready to serve your every need?”

Harvey looked at his father in a moment of long silence. His expression couldn’t be more different from the one he had when he first entered this room. For the first time in a long while, Harvey showed the expression of genuine fear.

“You can’t be serious, father.”

“The semester starts in a week. I’m sure Edgar will happily help you pack your bags.”


“Bring solid boots. I heard there’s a lot of running through mud in the rain.”


“And I do hope you write. Or call. Of course, access to the landline is more of a privilege than a right over there at the Royal Mili…”

Harvey’s hands were the ones to slap the table this time – but not in an act of anger, but rather in one of desperation. His heart was beating fast and he was on the verge of crying. He finally realized what kind of life awaited him if he didn’t start to cooperate.

“Dad,” he said in a soft tone, “I’m sorry.”

Jules took another long, satisfying sip of his tea.

“Not good enough.”

“Excuse me?” Harvey asked.

“That might have worked on me years ago, Harvey, but not anymore. I’m not interested in your begs and pleads. You have a memory of a goldfish when it comes to learning a lesson. If you want me to reconsider sending this application, I’m going to need some proof that you’ll behave. Some evidence that you take me seriously.”

“Fine,” Harvey said, ready to promise just about anything to get out of this, “Fine, I swear to you, I won’t mess around with girls, or go out late, or…”

“No,” Jules said, “I’ve had enough of your promises too. I’m talking about solid proof.”

Harvey frowned in confusion and threw his hands in the air.

“Then what the hell do you want me to do?!”

Jules turned to Edgar and gave him a nod. The butler nodded back and stepped up behind Harvey, standing just behind his chair. His arms reached for Harvey’s shoulders.

“Let me help you stand up, Master Harvey,” Edgar said in a calm tone.

“What the hell?” Harvey replied, confused, hesitantly letting the butler help him stand on his feet. He noticed that once he stood up, the hands of the butler remained under his arms, supporting him. His father stood up as well. He opened his drawer and pulled something out of it. Harvey couldn’t tell what it was, but it was big and had a metal clink to it.

“What is going on?” Harvey asked nervously and started squirming. Jules walked around the table, looking his son in the eye, as he held the metal contraption in his hands. He walked close to Harvey, not breaking eye contact, as his hand reached down to pull the zipper on his son’s pants.

“Hey!” Harvey said and started fighting the hands under his shoulders, as he looked down. The moment he did, his father grabbed his face firmly to make him look him in the eye. He felt the stare of his father’s cold eyes as he stopped moving.

“Do you want another chance or not?” Jules asked slowly and menacingly, “Because Edgar can let you go, you can walk out of this room and that application is going to be at the post office by the end of the day. So what will it be?”

Harvey looked deep into his father’s eyes, unused to this feeling of desperation.

“What is your choice, son?” Jules repeated.

Harvey gulped.

“Do whatever you want… father.”

His body softened up and he stopped fighting Edgar’s grip. Jules nodded.

“You made the right choice, son. Open your legs.”

Harvey did as instructed, still terrified of what was about to happen. His father loosened the button on Harvey’s pants and let them fall on the floor. The underwear was next to follow. Harvey’s face went beet red from being exposed like this, right in front of his father and Edgar, who could see everything. He felt the cold air of the room on his cock – a thick piece of meat that we normally would be proud to show off, but not on that day.

His father knelt down. Harvey felt something cold around his ankle.

“Raise your right leg, Harvey,” Jules said, and Harvey did as instructed. He was too nervous to look down.

“Are you gonna cut off my dick or something?” he asked, surprised at how serious that question sounded with the terror in his voice.

“Who do you think I am, Harvey?” his father asked in a disappointed tone, “No, I’m not gonna cut off your dick. I’m just going to make sure you don’t do any more damage with it. The other leg, please.”

Harvey did as he was told, and then he felt something being pulled up his legs. Something cold, hard, and metallic, almost like a piece of underwear, but it felt so unnatural and strange. His father’s hands lifted his balls a little bit as he felt something wrap around securely.

He finally looked down and saw what looked like a metal codpiece being pulled towards his groin. Before he knew it, it was resting against his hip, tight around his body and holding his soft dick right in place.

“You were right, Edgar,” Jules said, nodding, “It fits perfectly. Do you have the key?”

“The key?” Harvey asked before he saw Edgar lower his right hand and shuffle in his pocket. He pulled out a small silver key and gave it to Jules.

“Thank you,” Jules said, as he lowered it somewhere around Harvey’s hip. Harvey heard a “click”, and suddenly, the metal underwear became even tighter. Not in a painful way, but not exactly in a comfortable way either. As that happened, Jules stood back up and Edgar backed away, leaving Harvey standing free.

“You can pull your pants back up now, son,” Jules said, not being able to help himself from being a bit snarky, “Unless you want to admire your new piece of clothing for a bit.”

Harvey raised his eyebrow as we saw his father’s grin and then looked down. It genuinely looked like a sleek pair of briefs made out of metal, with intricate straps around his manhood and a complex mechanism. It had clasps on the sides with a keyhole that suggested you’re not going to be able to take it off without the key. And as the breeze from his behind suggested, it didn’t have a back part.

“What the fuck is this?” he asked his father silently.

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment “Something to help men like you keep their pants up around women,” his father replied.

“This is crazy, father,” Harvey shook his head, “How am I supposed to go to the bathroom? And wash myself?”

“It is a really smart design,” Jules continued, “With a little training, I think you’ll find that you’ll have no trouble washing yourself or going to the bathroom. In many ways, it’s like normal underwear. The only difference is that it prevents your dick from getting hard and causing me trouble.”

Harvey wanted to say something, but couldn’t. He looked down, embarrassed, at his junk trapped in a metal box. He felt almost disarmed.

“I… I…”

“It suits you rather well, sir, if I may say,” Edgar pointed out, “We were a little worried about the size, but it’s so snug, that it shouldn’t even be visible under your clothes.”

Harvey shot him a nasty look. He wanted to tell him to shut up and hurl some nasty insult at him. But he stopped himself. He felt that something about wearing this thing would just undercut anything he would try to say to him. Instead, he turned to his father.

“Dad…” he said softly, “…please…”

“No negotiations,” Jules shook his head with his arms folded at the chest, “I’m afraid this is necessary. Either this or the academy.”

Defeated, Harvey looked down. Without another word, he started pulling his pants back up. As he did, he felt his father’s hand on his shoulder. His look was softer.

“You’ve made a good choice, son,” Jules said while looking into his son’s eyes – without any sign of mockery, just gratitude, “I’m happy to keep you around and give you one more chance. Don’t mess things up.”

The next couple of weeks were probably the strangest in Harvey’s life. The first couple of days were just getting used to the thing inside his pants. He learned quickly that hygiene wasn’t going to be as much of an issue as he thought, nor was going to the bathroom. The only real problem came whenever he got aroused. Once his cock got even a little bit hard, the hard metal started pushing against his cock, preventing it from expanding further. It wasn’t painful, but it wasn’t exactly comfortable either. And there was of course no way of pleasuring himself.

During the first week, Harvey was hellbent on getting rid of the cage around his hips. Whenever he got a moment of privacy, he fumbled with the lock, trying to either pick it, or break it. He remembered that back in the day, he didn’t have an issue picking a lock or two, but this device seemed like something else entirely. None of his tricks would work on it. It also didn’t help that Harvey had to position himself in a weird way to do it. He couldn’t ever really see what he was doing, and he usually had to do it naked in front of a mirror, which just kept reminding him of the embarrassing situation that he was in.

He considered getting help, but he threw that idea away rather quickly. There was a blacksmith in town, but Harvey did not doubt that if he went to him, he would become the talk of the city. Hell, it was even possible that the blacksmith was in on it – he was a close friend of his fathers, it wouldn’t surprise Harvey if he was the person who forged this device in the first place! And Harvey knew he wasn’t about to just disclose this to anyone. His friends would have probably just laughed in his face if they saw how his dad humiliated him.

He was angry – very angry. For a while. Then, slowly, the anger started fading out. Each day that he woke up, he felt a bit more at ease with the situation. It was still upsetting, but it wasn’t like he could do anything about it. Harvey started feeling strangely calm. It wasn’t coming from the fear that his father might send him away, or that he would keep him in this device forever. No, it was just a strange feeling of… ease. The device under his pants constrained him but also, strangely enough, guided his thoughts. Previously, he spent a lot of time bored, so he kept thinking of ways to entertain himself – usually by getting in trouble with his friends or upsetting his father. But it was as if wearing this thing redirected his line of thinking.

Harvey found himself staying around the house more. He found himself talking less and less to the gang of friends that he previously had been spending almost every evening with. The way how rowdy they would get each time they had a drink started annoying Harvey, disrupting his newfound sense of calm. Instead, he started connecting with his old friends from high school, the ones he would talk to before he was expelled. He remembered that they started to seem like dorks to him by the time he was kicked out, which was why he found a new group to talk to, but as he reconnected with them, he actually found out that they still had a lot in common. Most of them were still studying and were interested in the things they had in common when they became friends with Harvey. Harvey almost forgot about all the interests that he had when he was growing up with these people – train engineering, history, and even a little bit of poetry here and there. When he started hanging out with his current gang, he quickly learned to throw these interests away, as they would surely laugh in his face for having them – but now he was rediscovering them.

His days started looking very different. He almost forgot that his house had a library, full of interesting books that he used to love as a child. He found himself in there for hours and days, just absorbing it all in, like he was reading them for the first time. He started attending family dinners – something that he hadn’t done since he was a teenager. As he started drinking less, he found that the days were much longer and more energetic, which allowed him to start exercising again.

Jules and Edgar didn’t say anything, knowing that Harvey would hate to admit that things were getting better, but you could see the satisfaction on their faces as they watched as the young man started dressing a little appropriately, talking with a little more decorum, even straightening his unruly hair before he left his bedroom. Nobody would say it, but everyone was happy that what used to be a menace of the household – and partially of the town as well – was slowly becoming something that you could call a proper man.

Harvey might not have fully realized it, but the way his life was going was making him feel better as well, in almost all ways. Almost all of them. There was one thing that was on his mind, basically all the time now, and that was sex.

Previously, he would just jerk off whenever he wanted, or go to town and find one of the few remaining women that thought it was some sort of an honor to fuck the mayor’s son. Now, he couldn’t do either one of those things. That didn’t mean that the need went away though. He was having fun with his rediscovered high school friends, reading in the library, and exercising, but as time went on, his mind started urging him more and more to get a release. It was distracting, and getting harder and harder to ignore.

So much so that after a few weeks, he decided to talk to his father about it.

It was a nice, warm evening, and Jules’ office was as proper and neat as it always was. Jules was sitting behind his desk, writing something, as Edgar helped him out by arranging the archives in the library. His work was going much more smoothly these days, now that he didn’t have to worry about his son constantly interrupting it with some nonsense. He had no doubt it was because of the device. Although Jules had high hopes for it, he didn’t expect it to work this excellently. 

There was a knock on the door. Jules looked up and nodded at Edgar, who put away the folder he was holding and gracefully stepped toward the door to open it.

Harvey was standing there – looking so different from the last day he was in his father’s office that it was almost hard to recognize him. His shirt was ironed and neat, tucked in his pants, his suspenders on and straightened like his father liked to wear, shoes waxed and shined, his hair combed back and his face carrying a short stubble that was the result of a trimming done by a barber, and not a week-long alcoholic bender. He was standing straight and gave a nod to Edgar as he saw him.

“Good evening, Edgar,” Harvey said, meekly, “Sorry for the interruption, but I’d like to speak with my father if he’s got the time.”

Edgar smiled at Harvey and then turned to Jules, already knowing the answer was going to be a content nod.

“Of course, young master,” Edgar said, enjoying the fact that the politeness he was giving to the young man was now being returned, “Please step in.”

Harvey thanked him, stepped forward and regarded his father. He took the chair in front of the desk – probably for the first time in his life because he came on his own, and not because of some scolding waiting to be received. Edgar stood back in his usual place, hands behind his back, observing the situation.

“Good evening, dad,” Harvey said, looking at Jules.

Jules gave a slight nod and smiled.

“Good evening, son. I’m glad you found the time to talk to me tonight.”

“Anytime, dad,” Harvey replied. It was clear that he was blushing a bit, but not because he needed to admit to anything. The topic he came to discuss was not something he would ever expect to talk about with his dad.

“I take it you’ve gotten accustomed to the device well?” Jules asked, raising his eyebrow. He wasn’t stupid – he already had a suspicion about what this meeting was about.

“Um…” Harvey hesitated. It still wasn’t easy admitting how exactly he felt about the cage around his cock. “You could say that, father. It was definitely an… adjustment.”

“I can imagine,” Jules said, “I hope you understand that it wasn’t with any cruel intention. I was worried about you, Harvey. You and your future. And I was running out of options.”

“I understand,” Harvey nodded, “Completely. I… I see a lot of things differently now, I will say that. I talked to Timothy the other day – you remember Timothy? Anyway, he was suggesting – there might be a way for me to revisit the idea of getting my high-school degree, through private classes. That’s kind of what I’ve been thinking about.”

“That’s excellent news!” Jules replied, beaming, “Honestly, son, in the past couple of days you keep exceeding my expectations. Very well done. You have my full support with that.”

“Thank you, father,” Harvey nodded, “I… I do feel like I’m on a different path now. It feels a bit strange, but… not bad.”

Harvey’s eyes dropped. The blush on his face was a little redder now than before.

“…thank you.”

Jules froze as he heard those words. He understood completely, but they sounded so good he wanted to hear them again.

“What was that?” he asked. Not with any mockery in his voice, just a happy surprise.

“Thank you, father,” Harvey said, “For giving me a chance. And for… everything.”

Jules felt incredible warmth washing over him. He looked at Edgar, who regarded him with a satisfied look. None of them could believe what they were seeing unraveling right in front of them.

“Harvey,” Jules said, softly, “You have no idea how much it means to me to hear that from you. But even though I can see that you’re happier, I can tell that there is something on your mind. What is it? Would you share that with me?”

There was a period of silence that followed. Harvey was clearly embarrassed. Jules was almost sure what this was about – but that was for Harvey to say it, not for him.

“It’s about…” Harvey said, “…intimate things.”

Jules nodded.

“I understand. You’re still a man. A young man, with needs.”

“Yes, father.”

Jules looked deep into his son’s eyes, seeing so many things that weren’t there before.

“The device is working marvels, I feel,” Jules continued, “It would be a shame to stop now when you’ve already made so much progress.”

Surprisingly, Harvey found that he wasn’t upset about his father saying that. He understood. He actually did. Still, his eyes showed a bit of disappointment when his father said that.


Harvey’s eyes shot back up. Jules was sitting there, looking as handsome as ever. In the past, Harvey always saw him as a nagging annoyance. It was easy for him to forget that he was a strong, charismatic man in charge of the whole town. And now, at the moment, he was quite literally in charge of Harvey’s cock as well. Harvey felt the power this father had. It didn’t scare him. It didn’t make him uncomfortable. It was just something that was impossible not to feel.

“As I said before, Harvey, I’m not trying to be cruel to you, or punish you,” Jules said, his voice deep, his cadence slow, “And you’ve made a lot of progress. I do believe a reward is in order.”

Harvey’s eyes lit up. He watched as his father stood up and opened a drawer at his desk. He took out a small, little silvery key. His eyes watched intently as his dad’s strong hand held it in front of him. Harvey looked into Jules’ eyes and found a look that didn’t tell him much. Slowly, he got up from his chair to reach for the key…

…but then his father’s hand bucked away at the last second, keeping the key out of Harvey’s reach.

Harvey looked down, confused. His father was still holding the key, as he turned to the butler.

“Edgar,” he said, “Kindly help my son out of his clothes.”

“As you say, sir,” Edgar said, as he stepped forward without hesitation. Harvey turned to Edgar and found a kind smile, as he respectfully waited for his approval.

It made sense that his father wouldn’t just let the key away like that. Harvey thought that he would for a second, but the more he thought about it, his father’s way made more sense. He wasn’t sure where exactly this was going, but something about his father’s approach made him feel safe and secure about it.

Harvey nodded at Edgar, as he positioned himself in front of him. He was well able to get out of his clothes, but his father’s words explicitly asked for Edgar to do it, so he didn’t question it. Edgar stood in front of Harvey and his hands went up to carefully unbutton his shirt. Jules sat back down, the key still in his hand, looking at what was happening in front of him. He was starting to get excited.

Edgar’s gentle hands opened Harvey’s shirt and loosened his suspenders. Harvey put his hands back, allowing the butler to slide the cloth off of him. His body started showing noticeable effects of him spending less time drinking – he was already toned before, but now with the extra care, you could really see the definition of his pecs and the rest of his body. Edgar noticed but continued with professionalism.

“Your pants now, young master,” he said, as he leaned down to unbutton Harvey’s trousers. Harvey grew a little nervous – he had already been naked in front of Edgar and Jules before, a couple of weeks ago, when the device got installed, but this felt different. Still, he allowed the butler to pull down his pants and step out of them. His shoes and socks came next. Edgar took all of Harvey’s clothes and folded them neatly on the desk, leaving Harvey to stand there, basically naked, except for the metal cage wrapped around his hips and enveloping his cock. He looked at his father, whose face was a bit red – but this not with anger, but with expectation.

“Do something for me, Harvey,” Jules requested, “Get up on this desk.”

“I’m sorry, father?” Harvey wasn’t sure if he heard him correctly.

“Trust me, son. Get up on this desk and kneel down, facing me.”

Harvey turned to Edgar, who already offered him the cushioned chair to use as a stair. Carefully, Harvey stepped on the chair and then on the desk, kneeling on it. The desk was a big, sturdy piece of quality woodwork, so he wasn’t worried about it breaking under his weight. He found himself looking down at his father’s face. Jules was quietly admiring his son from below for a couple of seconds, holding the key in his hand.

“Do you want me to release you now, Harvey?” his father asked softly.

“Yes, father,” Harvey breathed out, impatient in his expectation. Jules’ eyebrows went up slowly.

“Erm…” Harvey corrected himself, “Yes, father, please.”

“Very good, son. Hands behind your back, please.”

Harvey’s hands went behind his back. As they did, he felt Edgar behind him, touch them gently. He felt a soft material, something silky yet firm, being wrapped around his wrists, and slowly pulling them together.

“Um…” he said.

“Don’t you worry the slightest about that, son,” Jules assured him, “Edgar knows what he’s doing.”

Some piece of cloth tied Harvey’s wrists together – tightly, but not painfully – as Edgar leaned forward. He whispered gently into Harvey’s ear.

“Does that feel good, young master?” he asked in a deep voice that made Harvey shiver in a strange way, “Or is it too tight, perhaps?”

Harvey breathed faster, blood pumping through his body at an increased pace.

“It’s fine, Edgar, thank you very much,” he answered honestly.

Jules smiled and reached for the lock at Harvey’s hip. The key slid in and Harvey heard a click. For the first time in weeks, he felt the familiar pressure around his hip soften. The cage loosened for the very first time since it had been put on. Harvey was surprised to find out that the feeling was liberating… but not as liberating as he thought it would be. Over time, it was almost as if the cage became one with his body. Not having it was pleasant on a physical level, but… it felt almost alien to his mind.

With a metallic clatter, the device fell onto the desk, leaving Harvey completely in the nude. His cock was flaccid up until that point, but after not being able to touch it for weeks, Harvey felt it hardening just from the breeze of the fresh air in the room. It felt really strange, getting erect in front of his father, and Edgar, but being pent-up for such a long time made all of those concerns seem small and unimportant. In fact, something about it only made Harvey’s cock twitch more, until he was at about half-mast.

There were a couple of moments when the room was silent – three pairs of eyes focused on Harvey’s cock, which was growing and growing – without any external stimulation, besides of course the attention of the three men watching it intently. Intense sexual stimulation was coming to Harvey from a place he would never have imagined. Edgar and Jules seemed content watching the young man quiver in silence, but Harvey didn’t have that strength. As his cock reached full erection, he found himself unable to keep the silence any longer.

“Dad…” he whispered loudly, as the embarrassment of what he was about to ask washed over him, “Do you think that Edgar could untie my hands just for a minute? I’d like to just… touch it. A little bit.”

A quick smirk appeared on Jules’ face before it washed away.

“I don’t think that’s going to be possible, my boy,” he said, shaking his head – his tone resolute, but soft, not strict – knowing that his son understood that this was a deniable request, “Does it need to be touched?”

Harvey let out a loud gulp and slowly nodded.

“By a strong, loving hand?”

“Um… yes, father.”

“Does the hand have to be yours?”


Harvey’s throat grew a bit dry. It wasn’t discomfort or any kind of pressure. It was just pure lust.

“I suppose not, father.”

Jules looked up in his son’s eyes and then back at his cock. His own hand reached out and softly cupped Harvey’s shaft. Harvey let out a gasp – who’s to say if it was from the fact that his father was touching his dick or from the immense need of being touched after so many long weeks. It was probably a mixture of both.

The young man’s uncut erection twitched impatiently under Jules’ fingers. The older man inspected it carefully – with interest and care. His fingertips slowly pushed back, revealing a part of Harvey’s naked tip, which was already pushing out a drop of precum. He almost forgot how it is to be young and that quick to get aroused – especially when it was something that had been taken away from a young man for a long time.

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment Jules could tell how strong this agonizing pleasure was for his son, and he didn’t intend to end it anytime soon.

He felt the young man tremble, as his hand went up and down, pushing on the base of his cock while his other hand went to cup his son’s balls. He could almost feel how ready they were to explode. He gave them a little tug as well, while his other hand pushed Harvey’s foreskin far back, making his cock twitch as fresh air grazed the sensitive bare tip of his uncut cock.

Harvey let out a strained moan.

“How is this, son?” Jules asked softly, knowing exactly how this was feeling, but wanting to hear it from Harvey’s mouth.

“It feels…” Harvey had a hard time answering, as his entire body tried to keep at least a little bit of composure, “It is… Please don’t stop, dad.”

“Would you like to cum?” Jules asked more questions, “Would you like to cum in your daddy’s hand, as he jerks you off? Right here, in front of me and Edgar?”

Harvey swallowed, his face as red as a tomato.

“Answer me, son.”

“I would, dad,” Harvey breathed out, “Fuck, I would… Pardon my language, father, it’s just… it’s been very long.”

“I understand that,” Jules said, and as he did, his fingers wrapped around his son’s hardon fully. He didn’t speed up, he kept on with his painfully slow tempo, as he masturbated his son’s dick. Harvey, kneeling on the table, already had his eyes closed and was breathing through his teeth. His hips pushed towards his father, begging him to push him just a little bit more, just a little bit further… After all, after abstaining for several weeks, not that much was needed to bring him over the edge.

Unfortunately for Harvey, his father was very good at balancing that thin line.

“Do you feel like you deserve it?” he asked his son while stroking him ever so slowly, his hand already getting sticky with the juices that were basically pouring out of Harvey’s cock, “You’ve been a good boy recently, yes… but what about all those times before?”

“I apologize, father,” Harvey whimpered without hesitation, “I’m sorry about everything I was… Damn, I know I was a nightmare, please, please forgive me.”

All of this incredible success and the image of his son, kneeling in front of him, begging for forgiveness was already enough to make Jules so hard his cock was already forming a wet patch in his pants. He himself wanted nothing more than to see his son cum in such a humiliating state. But that would be way too quick. No, he was about to savor this moment for longer.

His hand once again pulled his son’s foreskin back completely. He nodded at Edgar, who was standing behind Harvey, as professional as always – even though a careful eye would notice the bulge building up in his suit as well – and the butler understood immediately. With a smile, he put a hand on Harvey’s head and very gently nudged it down. Harvey understood the request and looked down, meeting the eyes of his father and seeing how close his mouth was now to his cock.

Jules was looking back, leaning over his son’s erection, so close that Harvey could feel his father’s hot breath on his penis when he was speaking.

“I’m torn, Harvey,” he said, his lips just inches away from his son’s privates, “I love you, and I want to make you feel good. But I also want to make sure you’ve learned your lesson.”

Harvey kept looking down, his eyes fixated on his dad’s lips, which were ever so close to his aching cock. Jules looked back and leaned a little bit forward. His lips parted, and the tip of his tongue gently and slowly pushed forward, until it met with the very tip of Harvey’s cock. With a small movement, Jules lapped the bead of precum from his son’s cock and pulled his tongue back into his mouth. It tasted exhilarating and as much as Jules enjoyed it, his whimpering son enjoyed it so much more.

Then, all of a sudden, Jules pulled away. His hand went to wipe his son’s juices from his lips as he looked up. Harvey looked back, confused and still aching with lust.

“You apologized to me,” he said to Harvey, “I accept your apology. However, I was not the only victim of your actions. We all know that you’ve been a headache to me just as much as you were to our dear Edgar here.”

Jules gestured and Harvey turned around, finding Edgar standing there, looking back with a professional smile.

“Edgar, would you please help the young man back on his feet? I think he’d like to apologize.”

“Certainly, sir.”

Edgar’s hands gently helped Harvey crawl down from the desk. With his hands still bound behind his back, it was tricky, but the butler made sure that Harvey made it down safely. He was now facing the butler, naked and still very erect, still tied up. Harvey’s face was red with shame, but Edgar’s face smiled back with a polite and professional expression – no judgment, no mockery, just how he always was.

Harvey suddenly realized that Edgar had always been like this. No matter how much he tried to push the butler’s buttons, the man simply always carried on with a smile. It didn’t matter what he had to clean up after him or what kind of a cruel prank Harvey decided to pull on him, the man simply carried on. At the time, it always felt really funny, but now, after all the realizations Harvey had the weeks before, he just felt ashamed and wrong for doing those things.

“Well?” Jules asked, looking at his son.

Harvey looked at his dad and then turned back to Edgar. Their eyes met.

“I’m sorry, Edgar, for… everything,” Harvey said. It was genuine.

“I appreciate that, young master,” Edgar nodded slightly, “I can tell that you mean it. Thank you for that.”

During all this time, Harvey’s erection hasn’t gone softer even a bit. This didn’t go unnoticed by any of the three men. Sexual tension was in the air, as thick as it could be. On some level, they all knew what was about to happen, but Jules wanted to orchestrate it slowly. This was a special moment.

“Come to think of it,” Jules said, “I don’t believe it is appropriate that you call him ‘Edgar’. He is your elder, and even though he is our butler, I don’t recall him permitting you to address him by his first name. That would make him ‘Mr. Alridge’ to you. Let’s try that apology again.”

His eyes darted from his son’s eyes, then to Edgar’s bulge, and then back to Harvey. Then, he raised his eyebrow, ever so slightly. It was clear to all three of them what he actually meant.

Harvey nodded. His cock twitched a bit and his mouth started salivating. He knew he didn’t have to do any of this. He knew he could have said ‘enough’. At any moment, he could have ended this game. But he was simply too horny not to continue. All this humiliation, all this control his father had over him… it felt surprisingly good. He didn’t want it to stop.

The young man turned back to the butler. He stepped forward a little bit. Then, carefully, he got down to his knee and then knelt down completely. He was looking up at the butler, the obvious bulge in his pants right in front of his face. In all the years of their relationship, Harvey never thought he would be looking at Edgar from this angle – and enjoy it so much.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Alridge,” Harvey said, “For all my behavior.”

“Much appreciated, young master,” the butler replied, smiling as always. His cock twitched in his pants, showing that despite his professional demeanor, he very much enjoyed having Harvey down like this.

“Again,” Jules said, his eyes glued onto the scene, his hand slowly going down to rub his crotch, “And more specifically, please.”

Harvey gulped as he obediently looked up.

“I’m sorry for all the insults…”

His feed shuffled him a little bit closer to the butler’s crotch.

“…all the pranks…”

His face pushed a bit forward and gave Edgar’s crotch a little kiss over the cloth of his pants. He smelled amazing – a subtle sandalwood cologne with just a hint of masculine sweat you could only pick up when this close to someone’s privates.

“…all the back-talk…”

More kisses, this time more passionate, and deeper, as Harvey’s lips rubbed themselves onto Edgar’s throbbing hardon.

“…and not showing you the respect – and the treatment – that you deserve.”

Harvey’s teeth found the little golden zipper on Edgar’s pants and slowly started pulling it down, opening the butler’s fly, and revealing the white cloth of his underwear. Edgar broke his professionalism for a bit as he breathed out deeply, also having issues containing his lust. He turned to his boss, who was already opening his belt, watching intently as his son was about to suck Edgar off.

“Now you have my permission to accept my son’s apology. Enjoy yourself, Edgar.”

“Thank you, sir,” Edgar breathed out in relief. His hand went down to loosen his belt, as another landed reassuringly on Harvey’s shoulder. He was not acting impatiently – he was a professional. Even though he was horny as hell, and wanted nothing more than to fuck Harvey’s face, he wasn’t about to forget his manners. He opened his pants with calculated motions, exposing his white, nicely fitting undershorts, which were already a bit wet with precum.

Harvey waited patiently, as Edgar pushed down the band of his underwear and revealed his cock, sitting in a neatly trimmed island of black and white hair. He was impressed – all the insults he rubbed into Edgar’s size in the past, when he just wanted to hurt him, seemed to be all kinds of wrong. With a blush, Harvey realized that Edgar was probably bigger than Harvey himself! Of course, all that was secondary to the fact that there was now a throbbing dick throbbing right in front of Harvey’s face. Although the young man wasn’t new to sex, this was certainly a lot of firsts. But the need flowing from Harvey’s body was persistent, awakening the need to submit. He was ready to do whatever these two men requested of him.

“What do you say, Harvey?” Jules asked, from behind his desk.

Harvey smacked his lips and looked up at the butler once again.

“Thank you, Mr. Alridge, it’s an honor,” he said softly, before slowly moving his lips onto Edgar’s tip. He was expecting a strong taste, but he only got a modest whiff of sweat mixed with the cologne he noticed earlier. It was surprisingly pleasant.

Edgar smiled widely, his hand reassuringly rubbing Harvey’s shoulder.

“Pleasure is all mine, young sir,” he replied, watching as the young man’s mouth familiarized itself with his cock. He wasn’t pushing, no, he was just letting him taste and explore.

Jules unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, a thick member throbbing from the perverse situation his son was in. This was almost too much. He had to control himself, he didn’t want to shoot his load all over the table. That would be a waste. His breathing quickly got heavier as he watched his son pleasure Edgar right in front of him. He was sure that while his son bedded just about every other woman in the town, this was his first time around a man’s cock, and he was happy to be there for that show.

Harvey felt a little clumsy at first, but with each second, he got more and more comfortable with a cock in his mouth. His lips were firm around the shaft and he was going slowly. Just as his father suspected, it was his first time being on that side of a blowjob, but he knew what he liked, so he tried to replicate it on Edgar. Something deep inside him wanted to pleasure this man so badly. It was so strange – after so many years of pushing back against him and trying to make his life hell, Harvey now wanted nothing more than to give the butler as much pleasure as possible.

If only he could touch himself. This whole scene was turning him on so much, but with the restraints around his wrists, his erection was left alone, throbbing hard in the air and leaking precum onto the expensive carpet as he was kneeling down, pleasuring another man. It was such a strange balance between pleasure and torture. Harvey even found himself moaning a little bit, partially because of his own unmet needs and partially – no matter how strange it felt to admit it – to put on a little show for his father and servant. 

Even though Edgar was also eager to get a release, he displayed much more patience than Harvey. He was too proper to show any more primal signs of lust – he just held Harvey by his shoulder and moved his hips in a slow, non-intrusive way to help feed his cock to Harvey. He allowed himself to let out a small groan as the young man let him deep inside his throat – with almost no gagging at all.

“Very well done, young master, I’m impressed,” he said gently, as he stroked Harvey’s hair. He honestly didn’t expect him to be so good at this, “At this point, I can’t say how long I will last.”

“I think that’s exactly what he wants,” Jules said, stroking himself slowly behind the desk, his eyes not wanting to miss a single moment of this scene, “I think only then will it be a proper apology. Do you agree with me, boy?”

Harvey moaned in response – not wanting to let go of the cock in his mouth for even a single second.

“Is that a yes?” Jules repeated.

Harvey moaned again, this time even louder and sluttier. It couldn’t be interpreted in any other possible way. Jules growled a little bit with excitement and had to slow down a little bit with his own cock. This was getting too hot. He was saving his load for something else.

“In that case,” he turned again to the butler, “Edgar, I’d like you to finish into my son’s mouth.”

“Your wish is my command, sir,” the butler replied, a small bead of sweat forming on his forehead. Harvey sped up. It was as if the request was more of a prospect of a reward for him. He sure was hungry for what he had just been promised. Edgar’s breathing sped up and his hand rubbed the back of Harvey’s hair a little stronger than before. Almost pushing him deeper into his crotch – although it certainly wasn’t necessary.

“It’s about to happen, young master,” Edgar said, his proper tone shaking just a little bit. Harvey could feel a twitch in the cock he held his lips around. Even with his lack of blowjob experience, he could tell – there was no way back.

A long, pleasurable sigh came from Edgar, as Harvey’s mouth got filled. The young man knew he did a good job because the butler kept coming and coming. With his lips tight around Edgar’s cock, he let himself get filled, experiencing the first taste of a man finishing inside his mouth. The musky semen filled his mouth and overtook his taste buds. It was a bit bitter and strange, but Harvey found himself lapping it up – slurping it right from the butler’s cock and sending it down his throat.

By the time Edgar’s orgasm faded, his forehead was already sweaty. He pulled out a small cloth handkerchief from his pocket and tapped his forehead, before reaching down and doing the same for Harvey. His touch was tender and soft, and the smile on his face was genuine.

“Very well done, sir,” Edgar said, the breathiness in his tone noticeable, “I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but you’re a natural.”

Harvey replied with a moan, his mouth still full of slowly softening cock that he decided to keep there. His own dick didn’t stop throbbing the entire time he kept sucking Edgar dry. This didn’t go unnoticed by his father. His eyes watched intently as Edgar tried to keep his cool while his son did no such thing – openly showing how much he enjoyed being a cocksucker at his daddy’s command. Jules stopped touching himself at that point. He decided that his hand was no longer sufficient.

Jules stood up, his erection poking out of his open pants, as he gestured at Edgar. The butler understood – he shook off the post-orgasmic bliss and reached down to help Harvey back on his feet. The young man stood up with his knees shaking, with a little drop of cum still flowing down his chin. With his hands tied behind his back, he was unable to do anything about it. The experience made his head spin a little bit. He turned to his father, looking in his eyes first before his gaze dropped to the raging hardon poking from his pants. It was a little shocking – he’d never seen his father’s penis before. But for some reason, he wasn’t able to look away.

“Eyes up, son,” Jules ordered him, taking a bit of pleasure from the hungry way his son looked at his cock.

Harvey looked up and blushed a little.

“Sorry, father.”

Jules snapped his fingers and pointed at the table. Harvey was a bit confused at first but then understood what was expected of him. Slowly, he walked up to the table and looked at his father.

“On your back,” Jules said, “Edgar, help him.”

With the help of the butler, whose limp cock was still hanging out of his pants, Harvey got on top of the desk – his nicely toned body spread out and his cock sticking up like a lighthouse in the middle of the ocean. He saw the two mature faces looking down at him from above. He wasn’t sure exactly what was going to come, but anyone could tell that whatever was going to come, Harvey was going to take it with joy. His eyes followed his father’s face, as Jules circled him, stopping at the shorter side of the desk where Harvey’s head rested.

“Whose boy are you, Harvey?” Jules asked, looking straight into his son’s eyes.

Harvey looked up to see his father’s strict face, partially blocked by the enormous erection blocking his view. Seeing his father like this made him salivate.

“Yours, father,” he replied, completely dedicated to the man above him.

Jules’ hand reached for his erection and stroked it slowly. A part of him was still hesitant about all the boundaries they were crossing… but he knew that with the raging lust inside him, he wouldn’t be able to back out now. Plus, he saw the look in his son’s eyes. He still loved Harvey – he wouldn’t be able to deprive him of something the boy clearly needed so badly. Harvey’s face showed anything but hesitation. He wanted to pleasure his daddy.

“And who does your cock belong to, Harvey?” Jules asked, teasingly presenting his own cock in front of Harvey, just inches away from how far his son’s lips were able to go.

Harvey let out a strained moan.

“Yours, father. My cock belongs to you,” he whimpered. If only he was able to taste his dad’s cock. If only he was able to stroke himself for a bit. If only he knew what Edgar was up to, somewhere on the other side of the table…

“And your mouth,” Jules continued, “Your ass. Your entire body. Who does it belong to?”

“You, father,” Harvey breathed out, “Of course.”

“That’s right,” Jules said, stepping a bit closer, “You know that I’m a politician, and also a businessman, son. I’ve tried to teach you my ways all your life and you’ve simply refused to listen. Nevertheless, using the knowledge that I’ve tried to pass on to you, consider this deal.”

His fingers squeezed out a big drop of precum that slowly dripped down, right onto Harvey’s cheek.

“You’ll continue wearing your cage. You’ll continue being a good boy for me. You’ll continue with the good behavior. But there’s more. Every time I ask you to, you’ll be in here, naked, servicing me. Me, or any other man I point you at. Edgar. One of my business associates. Anyone. Doesn’t matter if it’s a random man from the street, you’ll say ‘yes, father’ and drop to your knees. And in return, I take care of you. And sometime, maybe, without any guarantee, I’ll allow you to cum. Under my supervision. What do you say to that?”

“It’s a deal, dad,” Harvey replied with almost no pause, his eyes fixated on his father’s dripping cock.

Jules chuckled and shook his head. Of course, it was all part of a play. He just didn’t expect his son to play along so eagerly.

“Are you sure you don’t want to think about it for a minute, son?” he asked, “Most people would consider that a terrible deal.”

“Most people, maybe,” Harvey answered, with a smile, “To me, it sounds like a dream come true.”

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment Jules looked down at his boy. The time for playing around was over.

“Suck my cock, son,” he said, shoving his erection right into Harvey’s face. His hungry mouth opened immediately, giving a warm welcome to the second cock he’d ever sucked. Immediately, a familiar scent ran through Harvey’s nose as he wrapped his lips around his father’s penis – a familiar cologne, a scent he always associated with his dad, usually in the context of being reprimanded or punished. Those emotions were now dampened and mixed with new ones – gratitude, humility, and, most of all, uncontrollable lust.

Jules sighed and started thrusting forward. Unlike Edgar, he knew he didn’t have to be gentle with his son’s throat. He looked down at the deprived scene, thrusting in and out while holding Harvey’s head to stay in place. He was so horny, and after the show he just watched, he knew that Harvey was able to take it. And he was. He barely gagged, even though Jules used his throat like a fucktoy.

This was already more than Jules had dreamt of, of course, and yet, he knew that there was one more step of dominance he wanted to take towards his son. As he fucked the eager mouth in front of him, using all of his strength to hold back from orgasming too quickly, he looked at Edgar. 

“Edgar,” he asked, feeling a drop of sweat running down his chin, “Would you help me prepare my son for me?”

He was vague, but of course, Edgar – an excellent butler – understood his boss’ wishes immediately.

“Right away, sir,” he said, as he slowly moved over to Harvey’s legs. Harvey, whose mouth was stuffed with his father’s dick and whose entire view was blocked by a pair of hairy balls smacking him in the face, felt the butler’s hands on his ankles. He complied and opened wide, only to feel a brand new sensation – a warm and wet feeling on the entrance of his puckering asshole.

Harvey moaned nervously around his dad’s cock, not necessarily fighting back, merely looking for reassurance. His father, without breaking his strict face, spoke to Harvey.

“Don’t worry about it, my boy,” he said, breathing hard, “Edgar is a pro, as you’re about to find out. He is gonna help you relax before what’s gonna come.”

Any reluctance that Harvey might have had went away in seconds, as the reassuring words of his dad hit his ear, and as the butler gently lapped his skillful tongue over the young man’s asshole. Harvey let out another moan, and relaxed his entire body, as his dad facefucked him, to enjoy the new sensation happening downstairs.

Jules didn’t lie – he had it on good authority on how skilled Edgar was. The butler kissed Harvey’s asshole gently before he started circling it with his tongue. Slowly, no pressure at first, just getting him used to the feeling. He got what he wanted soon enough, the young man relaxed and started getting looser by the second. Edgar wasn’t in a rush though – he gave Harvey’s private area a couple of wide, slow licks, before moving his tongue back at his tight entrance.

Harvey could feel the butler’s facial hair, as his mouth connected with his ass. His fingers gently spread the skin around as his tongue started sliding in. Shivers went down his body – he knew today was a lot of new experiences, but he didn’t expect anything like this. His sphincter muscles relaxed more and more, letting the lapping, hungry tongue of the mature butler go further and further.

Jules watched intently, as Edgar ate out his son’s asshole, being able to think of nothing else but his cock following where Edgar’s tongue was exploring. He had to slow down a little bit, so his load wouldn’t end up in Harvey’s throat instead. He was torn – his body wanted him to fuck Harvey badly, but the show Edgar was putting up for him was something to behold as well. It was obvious to him how much Harvey was enjoying the oral attention – his cock was standing erect, pumping out precum that was forming a huge puddle on his body now, hopelessly begging for some attention as well. But it received none – the pleasure was focused solely on his hole.

After some minutes, Edgar pulled out of the entrance of Harvey’s asshole, licking his lips as he did. He lifted his hand and started gently prodding Harvey’s behind with the tip of his index finger. The young man replied with another moan and Edgar nodded satisfied as he looked up at his boss.

“He should be ready for you now, sir,” he said. Jules nodded quickly and pulled out of Harvey’s mouth in an instant. Any more time spent in his mouth would have been a risk of cumming way too early. Harvey gasped for a breath, a bit disappointed for having the delicious cock taken away so soon.

“Excellent,” Jules said, circling the table, admiring the spread body of his son. It was a marvel, and Jules couldn’t wait for a second longer to claim it as his own. He looked at Edgar, who moved away from Harvey’s behind but remained on his knees – he was too good of a butler to think that his work was done already. And then, he took Edgar’s place – except he was standing up, towering over his flesh and blood, as he loosened his pants and let them drop to the floor completely.

Harvey rested his head on the desk, no longer having to bend his neck to deepthroat his father, and watched as the man who raised him spread his legs wide. Jules’ pants were already at his ankles and he looked as imposing as ever while unbuttoning his shirt. Harvey’s dad kept himself in shape – he had a little bit of a belly from sitting around all day, but nice, wide shoulders to go with it, and a thin trail of salt-and-pepper trail going from his pecs all the way to his erect cock – the same cock that was now resting between Harvey’s thighs.

“Oh fuck,” the young man whimpered, watching his father’s dick rubbing itself so close to its own. If only he could touch himself. If only…

“You said you wanted to cum, right?” Jules said to his son, teasing him as he rubbed his erection over his naked body.

“Sir, yes, sir,” Harvey moaned back, meeting his father’s eyes to let him know how much of a need this was for him.

“Well, good news, sport,” Jules said to him, “New rule. When I’m inside you, you can cum how many times you want.”

Harvey panted heavily, looking down at his dad’s erection pushing against his own, rubbing up and down and slowly moving down, to the opening that Edgar so carefully prepared for him.

“But…dad…,” Harvey whispered, “My hands are still tied…”

“Shouldn’t matter,” Jules said, leaning down, meeting his son’s gaze from up close, as he positioned the tip of his cock right against his son’s hole, still wet from Edgar’s mouth, “Your daddy’s cock should be more than enough for you to get your release.”

With that, he slowly started pushing against his son’s hole. He saw that Harvey’s eyes widened a little bit, as he became nervous. Noticing this, he slowed down and leaned down to whisper in his son’s ear.

“No need to be nervous, boy,” he said, “You trust daddy not to hurt you, don’t you?”

Harvey took a deep breath and slowly breathed out.

“Yes, dad… of course.”

Slowly but surely, Jules started noticing Harvey’s asshole loosening again. He felt pleasant warmth as he felt himself entering his son, but he didn’t let it take over his judgment. As hot as this was, he wanted his son to have as much of a good time as he did. He pushed toward, but slowly, enjoying every part of his son’s anal virginity that he was taking.

“That’s it… exactly like that… you’re doing so good…” he exhaled onto his son’s neck, pushing his lips against his skin.

“Fuck, your cock is so fucking big, daddy,” Harvey whimpered, his voice trembling.

“Do you need me to slow down?”

“No… the opposite.”

Jules chuckled a little bit.

“Fuck some obedience into you, then? Is that what you want?”

“Hell yeah, dad.”

Jules was as ready as ever to do just that. But there was just one more thing he needed to do before they got to that. He turned his head around, finding Edgar kneeling down behind him, already in position, looking back at him with a polite smile. He honestly couldn’t imagine his life without him at this point. The butler always knew what to do, in every moment – including this one. Jules just had to nod.

“Right away, sir,” Edgar said and then leaned over. Jules felt the familiar, experienced tongue on his own asshole, just as he started thrusting into his son. After years of service, Edgar knew exactly how Jules liked to be eaten out. His skills as a butler and his expertise in many things weren’t the only things he provided to the household. Every single time Jules felt the stress of running the city – or felt frustrated by his son – Edgar and his mouth were there, ready to relieve him of stress, in more ways than one.

Jules felt electricity running through his body. On one end, his asshole was getting tongued deep by the mustached mouth of Edgar, on the other end his cock was welcomed by his son’s tight opening. He wasn’t saying anything anymore, he was just letting his body enjoy the scene, trying to prolong his orgasm for as long as possible. It was only his sexual experience that held him back from cumming at that point.

Harvey, on the other hand, was doing the exact opposite. With his hand tied behind his head, there was nothing he could do about his raging erection as his father’s cock attacked his prostate mercilessly. He could feel the familiar sensation of an orgasm – expect much stronger – almost coming with every one of his father’s thrusts, but even that waiting was torture. His mouth could barely do anything else but moan and plead under the amazing amount of pressure his body was under. He just wanted to cum so bad!

“Dad! Fuck… your… cock… it’s going to… make me… aaaah!”

Finally! Finally, it happened. He didn’t know it was possible, but there it was. His cock, swollen and twitching, suddenly started shooting. Usually, whenever he would jerk off, there would just be a tiny little pool of cum left in his hand, but this was a different story entirely. After weeks of not being able to release and after an expert prostate massage from his dad, his cock soaked his entire upper half with a strong surge of translucent, watery cum. He felt his face being hit by the strong shot, with a few drops getting into his mouth, as his body experienced unprecedented ecstasy. He thought he experienced orgasms before… but what he just felt made all of that seem small in comparison.

The view of Harvey having a prostate orgasm and cumming all over himself was what sent Jules over the edge. With a few more huffs and his eyes locked onto his son’s, he sped up and gave a final thrust. With his teeth clenched and his eyes closed, his cock started breeding Harvey’s hole with a generous amount of cum. He felt his son’s heartbeat with each shot of cum he buried deep in his son’s hole as a wave of satisfaction hit his body like lightning. It was paradise.

“Ah… oh fuck…” he panted, completely exhausted. Edgar pulled away from Jules’ hole, knowing that his boss didn’t like being overstimulated, and watched as the body of the man of the house slowly descended over Harvey.

The two sweaty bodies met each other, with Jules’ head leaning down next to Harvey’s, breathing heavily into the young man’s ear. It took a bit before one of them broke the silence.

“Sorry, I think I might have lost control there for a bit,” Jules whispered, concerned now that his lust was satisfied. Was any of that perhaps a little too much?

“Wouldn’t have it any other way, dad,” Harvey whispered back, reassuring him, feeling his tight asshole still hugging his father’s cock tightly, even though he was now almost completely soft.

“Are you sure?” Jules asked, “I mean… I know I said what I said, but I hope you know that I would never expect anything like this from you. Unless you want to keep it going like this? With the cage… everything.”

Harvey thought about his life for the last couple of weeks. How frustrating it was in the beginning. And how it was feeling now. He knew it wasn’t the only option to go forward like this. He could walk away from this at any moment – and that’s exactly what made him say ‘yes’.

“Only if you’d permit me to do so,” he whispered into his dad’s ear, “Sir.”

The fire igniting inside him yet again, Jules moved his lips to Harvey’s. They started making out, slowly but passionately. Harvey never experienced this – after being done with a girl, his first priority was usually to get out of the bedroom as soon as possible. But laying on this hard table, his body encompassed by his father with warm lips taking ownership of his own, he wasn’t sure he ever wanted it to end.

It did end, eventually, as Jules slowly pulled away and crawled off the table. His cock finally slid out, covered in cum, leaving Harvey’s hole empty and aching. As Jules stood up, he noticed Edgar was still kneeling there, with his erection back out and throbbing. Sometimes he forgot how rigorously obedient the butler could be.

Jules smiled and offered a hand to the butler to help him back up. His other hand reached for his erection.

“You’ve done good, my friend. Let’s help you out.”

It was far from the first time Jules had Edgar’s cock in his hand, and he knew exactly how his butler liked it. Slowly, but firmly and consistently. Edgar looked down, his cock pointing at Harvey still spread out on the table, covered in sweat and cum. It was hard to maintain his professional decorum, as his boss generously rubbed his cock, aiming it at Harvey’s naked body.

“Yes, sir…” Edgar moaned silently, “Keep going… Please, just like that… Fuck!!”

It didn’t take long, before Jules had Edgar spraying Harvey’s lap with a fresh batch of hot cum, mixing with the young man’s own juices and making his body even stickier than before. Edgar panted and watched as his cock painted the stomach of Harvey – spread out on the table, with his hole still wet from his father’s cum.

It took Edgar a couple of seconds before he restored his professional smile, together with a little bit of blush on his cheeks.

“Apologies, gentlemen,” he said, still panting heavily, “It seems I have lost myself a little bit there.”

Jules just smiled and patted him on the back. The butler promptly pushed his cock back into his pants and nodded at both of them.

“Let me fetch us some towels, I believe we could all use them,” he said, before walking out of the room, leaving the pair alone. Both Jules and Harvey watched him leave, before turning to each other and sharing a look. With their lust gone and their cocks back to their softened states, one could expect an awkward moment of silence. But nothing like that occurred.

Jules stepped toward his son, his hand cupping his chin for a little bit. Harvey obliged, looking up at his father, his eyes still a little bit hazy from what just happened.

“What do you say, boy,” Jules said, “Ready to turn over a new leaf between us?”

Harvey smiled broadly and nodded slowly.

“You know I am, daddy.”

Jules then leaned down, and they sealed the celebration of their new relationship with a kiss.

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