The Human Bearer Ch. 02

A gay sex stories: The Human Bearer Ch. 02 The Human Bearer


Riordan looked around, searching for a place to sit. It was some big party and Xana had been adamant about attending together. At least, the previous night, he had been let to sleep alone, his master busy with something he didn’t care to make Riordan a part of. It was just his second day on this planet, and he was already at a party, accompanying his master like it was the most natural thing in the world.

His head had been a mess since the previous day. He had been served by the bot with delicious foods and he had even had a long, relaxing bath in a large in-ground pool that could have been used by ten people, not one. At least, he had gotten some peaceful time for himself, to process everything that was happening.

Was he really willing to go with this? Having a male use him in that fashion? The mere idea was making him grind his teeth. Not that he wasn’t a whore anyway. But when he had been proposed before to serve as an ass to fuck by other men, he had flatly refused. The idea to be dominated by another male was making him shudder.

Plus, he had imagined sex with a guy to hurt like hell. He had sucked dick in his life, when he had been strapped for cash, which had been more often than what he cared to remember. And now? Now he had his cherry popped, and in the strangest two-way possible. He had touched his anus in the bathtub, worried that he was torn. But no, his body was intact, and he had zero reasons to think that he had been damaged in some way.

Xana had been away when he had woken up. That had left him the entire day to prepare for the party. A specialized massage bot had taken care of putting some nice smelling oils on him and he had been pampered like he was about to be sold to the highest bidder. His skin was glowing, his hair was soft, and even his lips had been thoroughly brushed with some nourishing lipstick that were making them luscious and inviting.

He had never looked better in his life. But he had never felt like wanting to crawl out of his skin more than now. The clothes he had to wear were almost obscene. Nothing but a pair of shorts that were so tight across his ass that he wanted to scream. And a crop top that was letting his belly button show.

And, of course, the most annoying thing of all, and embarrassing, to say the least was the ring the massage bot had inserted through his right nipple. The crop top was artistically cut exactly there, to show off the pierced nipple. The only piercing Riordan had ever tolerated was through the lobes of his ears, and there had been ages since he had worn earrings.

Why was he so upset, anyway? He was, after all, paid, and royally, in exchange of letting his body used.

He had been driven to the party, so he had yet to meet his master. As indicated by one of the serving bots, he wandered to the area designated for other human bearers.

Which had brought him to the current predicament. There were plenty of tables with plush sofas, and there were humans frolicking everywhere, but they were all stealing suspicious glances in his direction, and that was making him feel like he was the dumbest in the schoolyard. He balled his fists and sat down at a table in the back where no one else had chosen to sit. He could feel the others’ eyes on him, could hear their crass murmurs. Yeah, he wasn’t blond, beautiful, and he didn’t have cerulean eyes, like many guys there.

He was taken by surprise when someone sat across from him. The guy’s high hair was the color of ripe cherries and his large mouth was stretched into a radiant smile. He shook his hair to let the strands caress his shoulders in a coquettish gesture and offered Riordan his hand.

“Hi Riordan, I’m Tasha.”

“Fuck off.” Riordan growled and ignored the extended hand.

“Ugh, that’s not very nice. Since you’re a new comer and all. Don’t you think you could use a friend?”

“Nah, I don’t plan on staying long.”

He had no actual plans just yet, but he knew it was dumb as hell to admit such a thing in front of a stranger who could just as well go to Xana to rat him out.

The redhead make a silent o with his perfect rouged lips and placed his hands over the table, while casting his eyes down.

“Well, sorry for disturbing you.” Tasha pushed himself to his feet.

“Wait,” Riordan said, feeling a bit of an ass for talking like that to a guy he didn’t even know. “How do you know my name?”

“Our keepers are best friends.” The guy sat back down and his eyes gleamed with happiness. “Xana told Marn he finally got himself a bearer. Do you have any idea how much thought your keeper put into finding you? I must admit I was curious to see you.”

“And?” Riordan cut him short. “Are you here to tell me that I’m old and crap and don’t deserve having an egg pushed through my ass by an almighty Xeno?”

“Oh, dear,” Tasha said softly and linked his fingers to place his chin on them.

“Come on, it’s not like I cannot hear everyone whispering!” Riordan hissed. “Just say what you came here to say and beat it!”

“And what exactly do you think I’m here for?” Tasha asked, obviously amused with Riordan’s anger.

“To tell it to my face that I don’t belong,” Riordan said through his teeth.

“Why? Because you’re not pretty?”

“Yeah, something like that,” Riordan mumbled.

“Hm, have you looked in the mirror lately, Riordan? Because I can bet that everyone around here either envies you or wants to be with you.”

The last words were spoken like some big secret as Tasha leaned over the table.

“Stop joking,” Riordan protested. “I’m almost 30 years old. I don’t buy that crap. It’s bad for digestion.”

“You don’ look a day over 23, if you’re asking me.”

“I’m not.”

“And are you bothered by these silicone dolls?” Tasha waved his hand around.

“No way!” Riordan said aggressively.

Tasha laughed, flicking his hair over his shoulders.

“That’s the right attitude. Fuck them!”

Riordan looked at the redhead in shock and then he laughed.

“Take a look at you and me, Riordan,” Tasha continued. “We’re the top dogs here.”

“Are we?” Riordan asked amused. “How come?”

“What do you think gives power to a bearer?”

“I don’t know. Looks? The ability to bend over like a pro? Cocksucking abilities? Or pussy licking, depending on the case?”

Tasha roared with laughter.

“No, dear. It’s all about the position your keeper has on Xeno. And your current lover, sweetheart, along with mine, is ruling this joint.”

Tasha wore the same outfit as him and the ring in his right nipple was glinting in the room lit a giorno. But he felt great in his own skin and that made Riordan feel a little better, too.

“Well, he’s not my lover,” he said, and looked down.

“He’ll be soon. Are you disappointed that he didn’t take you to bed from your first day? He must have been busy. And they tend to be cold during the first weeks.”

Riordan almost choked on his drink that had been perfunctorily placed in front of him by one of the serving bots.

“Are you serious? He filled my stomach with his jizz and fucked me two-way in the ass. Then he deepthroated me. Ass to mouth,” he added quickly, while wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

Tasha stared at him wide eyed then he burst into laughter again.

Riordan huffed. “Quit laughing! I’m serious.”

“Oh, shit, that’s so funny, oh, please, you’re killing me.” Tasha hiccuped with laughter. “But that may explain why he had asked Marn so desperately to put me in charge of finding you and keeping you company. The poor soul is smitten with you!”

“He’s not. He’s just a fucking perv,” Riordan said again.

“Come on, man, you cannot tell me that you’re disappointed in that! Wait, are you? Like, really?”

“Yeah, I mean it. I signed up for a female, not some dude,” Riordan dropped his voice low as he said that. “But he’s bent on me, for some reason. Actually, maybe you can help me. What’s the procedure on switching owners around here?”

Tasha was no longer laughing.

“Riordan, honey, you don’t switch owners here, as you say. You signed, you’re it. Unless your keeper gets annoyed with you, and you don’t want that to happen. Come on, what don’t you like about Xana?”

“Except that he’s a dude and he enjoys penetrating all my holes? Not much, I guess,” he said as his lips twitched in sarcasm.

“Come on, Riordan, sex with a Xeno is the bee’s knees. I was with dozens of men before Marn and none can hold a candle to him.”

“Well, that’s not what I can say about myself. I’m into chicks, not dudes.”

Tasha shook his head in pity.

“Fuck, then it must suck big time,” he murmured. “Maybe you should tell him then. That you don’t want to have sex with a male. Xana seems so understanding and good natured all the time. But I’m afraid he’s really taken a liking in you. Are you sure you don’t enjoy it at all? I can hardly imagine him forcing himself on you out of the blue.”

Riordan looked sideways. He had never been good at lying. Tasha eyed him with renewed interest.

“Wait…” His eyes became thin and questioning. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“I kinda offered to blow him,” Riordan admitted plainly.

“Wow,” Tasha replied, with awe in his deep chocolate eyes. “So you had no idea that’s like the strongest aphrodisiac for these guys?”

“What? Oral?” Riordan quirked an eyebrow.

“No, honey. Asking for it. Okay, I don’t blame you, it’s not like I knew it, either, when I came here.”

“Oh. How long have you been here, then?”

“Almost one year,” Tasha sighed.

“What was the sigh for?” Riordan cocked his head to one side and watched his new found friend. “Are you already pregnant with your guy’s egg?”

“No.” Tasha shook his head. “Marn, he just wants to postpone things. He says the climate is not right.”

The redhead bit his bottom lip while his eyes cast down in something akin to worry.

“So, what’s the problem?” Riordan questioned. “Don’t tell me you’re dying to carry that in your belly?”

Tasha shot him a pained look.

“Unlike you, Riordan, I like my guy. And I don’t want him to cast me aside for someone younger when he finally decides to have an offspring.”

“Uhm, sorry. I had no idea.”

“No problem,” Tasha said, but the mood was now changed and Riordan felt a bit like a douche.

“What’s this climate your guy speaks about? I must be honest. I don’t give a shit about politics.”

“He’s afraid that his political adversaries would find means to kill his child, even before being born.”

“So, the guys here are not that different from those on Earth,” Riordan murmured.

“Yeah, I guess,” Tasha said with another sigh. “In the meantime, I’m not getting any younger.”

“Would it be too much to get out of here? You know, be done with everything and head back home?”

Now Tasha looked right down dejected.

“Once you go Xeno, you never go back to human dick.” The redhead tried to hide his distress with a crass joke.

“Come on, is it because of that thing… you know, what they’re pumping into us when they fuck us?”

“You’re talking about the seth?”

“Yeah, that’s it. Xana kept talking about it, and of course, putting enough into me to make me puke.”

“Don’t tell me you don’t like it.” Tasha giggled. “It’s the real deal. Not that their cum is bad, either. I love sucking Marn dry.”

“Too much info, man,” Riordan said with a small smile. “The thing is I wasn’t getting into this for a man.”

“Ugh, sorry to tell you, but tough luck. You don’t want to make them angry, either. If you’re too insolent, or you try going over your guy’s head, you can be in deep shit.”

“That’s what he told me. About being sold into the black market around here, used and stuff.”

“He was being gentle with you.”

“How come?”

“The punishment for anything that goes against your keeper is usually death.”

Riordan swallowed hard. “Are you pulling my leg?”

“I wish. We’re the ones who were conquered. They have any right over us. By intergalactic standards, it even looks like they’re being soft on us.”

“Fuck,” Riordan covered his face and pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes. “That’s what I get for being stupid,” he commented.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself, honey,” Tasha said in a sympathetic voice.

“Well, at least, when I’m done with carrying the egg and everything, can I be let go?”

Tasha was a bit thoughtful upon hearing the question.

“I don’t exactly know the protocol. Most ex-bearers remain here. They’re like prized courtesans, and some get into politics.”

“It must be with their own accord,” Riordan tried to extract a confirmation out of the other.

“I really don’t know. I guess that makes me anxious about the future, too. Since I’m not that young, nor that beautiful. Damn Marn and his strange tastes. He asked for a redhead, you know? That was how I got here.”

“Wait, didn’t you apply for being a bearer?”

“I did, but what do you think? I did it as a joke. My friends were teasing me, saying that I should do it as a dare. Imagine how boastful I was when I got selected. Like I managed to win the lottery. I flipped the bird at my crew on the way to the shuttle. And now I’m here, and if Marn decides that he’s through with me, I have no idea what will happen.”

“That’s tough, man,” Riordan admitted. “So, at one point or another, we get discarded anyway. I cannot believe that everyone accepts it without saying anything.”

“Look around you. What do you see? These empty heads know nothing but parties and glamor.”

“Yeah, but even that’s gotta end someday, right?”

“All this system involving human bearers is rather new. So far, no one is that old and ugly to become really useless. Plus, you know Xenos don’t age at the same rate as us.”

“They do seem to prefer young bearers. That means that I might be out of commission soon.”

“Well, that may happen.” Tasha became saddened again.

“Stop it with the long face,” Riordan tried to cheer up the other. “How old are you, anyway?”

“26. By all standards, I’m ancient. Kids around here are 19 or 20, rarely 21. Of course, the retirees are a bit older, but they’re still young and beautiful.”

“At this rate, I should be on a shuttle back to Earth,” Riordan commented.

“There’s one thing you might want to try,” Tasha suggested. “Now listen to me without opening your mouth, because I know how that will sound.”

He waited for a couple of seconds, until Riordan nodded.

“Have lots of sex with your guy. This way, you will hit the perfect match sooner. Have his baby and then ask to be sent back to Earth as your reward. I heard some bearers take advantage of their position to ask whatever they want. Of course, around here that means power and money, and Xenos give them away, since they don’t see cash and parties the same way we do.”

“Do you think that will work?” Riordan wondered, searching Tasha’s face for any signs of lying. Finding none, he exhaled.

“It might.”

“Then I’ll jump his bones. Or tail. Or whatever.”

“As long as you can stand it, go ahead. I think that’s your best bet.”

Riordan offered Tasha his hand and shook it.

“Thanks a lot, man. That’s been surprisingly instructional.”

“That’s what I am,” Tasha joked. “The local guide to sin and depravation.”

“I should take that as a joke, but I’ve been butt-fucked and deepthroated already to know that it’s really not.”

A bot interrupted their conversation with a long annoying beep.

“That’s my cue.” Tasha flicked his hair over his shoulders. “Marn wants me. That means that whatever important meeting they had, now it’s over, and they’re ready to play.”

The redhead leaned to blow imaginary kisses on both Riordan’s cheeks, and scurried away after the bot.

He was still nursing his drink, when he felt the need to turn his head. From a distant corner of the room, slithering his way around tables, Xana Lei was coming towards him. It must have been a telepathic thought transmitted directly to his brain. Otherwise, he could not explain it.

The bearers sitting at the tables bowed and greeted the Xeno, standing up as he passed. And, as soon as he was at a reasonable distance, they began gossiping. Riordan wondered if he should have gotten to his feet, too. After a second of deliberation, he decided against it. He rested one arm over the back of the plush seating and brought one knee to rest against the table, in what he hoped looked enough of a provocation.

Xana sat across from him, and quickly, found a way to come closer. That treacherous tail reached with ease between his legs, causing a sudden jolt on his part.

“Watch it,” he whispered, not wanting to be heard by others, but not wanting to let this one slip either.

“For what?” Xana asked innocently, while his bifurcated tongue made a short dart out only to be retrieved just as fast.

“For humping me with all these shitheads watching,” Riordan supplied.

Xana’s eyes glinted with mischief.

“Is this something you like? Being watched?”

“No, not really. How about we ditch this joint and head back home?” Riordan proposed, as he pushed the empty glass away from him with his lips pursed in disgust.

“Why are you in such a hurry?” Xana whispered in his ear, blowing hot air over it.

“The booze here is crap. But that’s not it. Let’s fuck.”

Xana remained motionless and silent for a few seconds, making Riordan wonder if the guy’s brain hadn’t shortcircuited or something.

“Just the other day, you were so bent on telling me how much you hated it.”

“Today’s another day, isn’t it?” he asked aggressively.

“So it seems. But such functions demand certain etiquette. We cannot leave just yet.”

“Alright.” Riordan looked away, trying hard to ignore the wandering tail feeling him up, now wrapped around one leg and poking at the hem of his pants.

“Disappointed?” The alien laughed, teasing the human’s ear.

“Yeah,” Riordan shot back.

“Satisfaction can be offered in many ways,” Xana cooed and the tip of his tail brushed over the human’s naked belly, teasing the belly button in passing.

“I don’t want satisfaction. I want your cum in me. Tons of it. Is it how you get that match, right?”

“At least, you’re being honest.” Xana Lei withdrew his tail and moved away from him.

“Hah, if you don’t like it, just send me back already,” Riordan said triumphantly.

“You wish,” Xana said with a small smile.

“Are you going to keep me unfucked?” Riordan set his chin high.

“Stop saying that word,” Xana warned, but his lips were twitching into a smile.

“What? Fuck? Why?”

“Because it’s a dirty word.”

“Tough luck. On Earth, we like it dirty.”

He gasped when the alien moved and pressed him into his seat, effortlessly pushing his legs apart. His top was ripped from his body and now Xana was twisting his nipples viciously. By the way there was sudden silence around them, they were causing a scene.

“What the fuck got into you?” He struggled against Xana.

“I have my limits, bearer. Don’t forget that I’m not the cause of your embarrassment.”

“What are you talking… arrgh!”

The tail was now in his mouth, pushing in and out and filling him with that sweet gooey substance he both craved and abhorred. Xana’s voice was strained, but steady.

“Etiquette demands that I don’t copulate with you in public, but there’s no law against feeding your bearer with enough seth to calm him down.”

There was so much pleasure bursting through his skin right now. His eyes were rolling in his head and he had no more coherent thoughts. Without being touched, without being stimulated in his genital area, he soiled his pants. When Xana withdrew, he was crying, something he hadn’t done since he was just a 5 year old brat.

He was overly conscious of the whispers around them, of the seth pouring from his mouth freely, down on his naked chest. The hair was gluing on his forehead and he was sticky between his legs. At the same time, he felt bereft while coming down from that shot like high. And, above all, Xana was looking at him like he was some comedic act.

“You bastard,” he murmured, willing his tears to stop.

“Watch your tongue, or I can arrange to have it cut,” Xana said slowly, but his eyes were still laughing. “Now, stand up. We need to see some important people.”

“I need the bathroom first. And some clothes,” he trembled as he tried to recollect himself.

“No.” The beautiful alien shook his head. “I told you, you’re the only one to blame for your shame.”

“You want me to parade around like this? Won’t it reflect badly on you?”

“Why would it? I’m not the inferior creature who cannot rein in his base desires. Everyone will think I showed you mercy. I should have set an example.”

“What could be worse than this?” Riordan complained, while trying the get rid of the goo on his body with both his hands.

“I could have had you bent over and have some sex toys brought over to stimulate you. You’re lucky I don’t want anyone looking at your behind. I find it lovely and it’s mine only. But it will do you good to show off my seth.”

“So you make me take a walk of shame like a whore because I don’t like licking your boots like these idiots around here?”

“I have no boots,” Xana said, frowning.

“It’s a figure of speech, asshole.”

“I see. Can I offer you something else instead? You can always lick the tip of my tail. It loves both your mouth and your ass.”

“Stop talking about your tail like it’s a thing.”

“You have so much to learn, my beautiful bearer. Now up on your feet. I’m starting to lose my patience and there’s plenty of seth to feed you again. There might be a few who didn’t hear you scream in pleasure the first time.”

“Alright.” Riordan stood up and set his eyes on the carpet, with his hands balled into fists and set stubbornly to the sides. “After you, master,” he said scathingly.

“No, please, I’ll be right behind you.”

The alien rested a hand on his shoulder and guided him out of the room. By the time they were out, Riordan was certain every punk in the room had laughed on his account. A glimpse in one of the large mirrors let him know he did look like a total prostitute.


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