Puppy Love Ch. 01

A gay sex stories: Puppy Love Ch. 01 Hi folks, this is another slow burn story. As usual, I always appreciate your feedback.

I really hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1 of 6

Dove Publishing, one of the largest creators of books and content for kids to young adults in the country, had been an institution in the city for more than 50 years. Employing over 200 people spread out over 3 floors of a refurbished downtown warehouse. Dove was known for it’s ability to create something for every age group – picture books for young preschoolers up to YA fiction for every variety for tweens to teens.

Bill Falcon, grandson of the original founder, oversaw all operations. He knew most employees, and a majority of their spouses or significant others, by name. He took pride knowing his staff weren’t just numbers on a spreadsheet, but family he could count on. He’d visit each department daily for updates on sales, details on new titles launching or in the pipeline, and assurances books were making it out on time.

Once a month, on a Friday, department heads from all areas convened. Each manager was urged to bring a few members of their staff… for what Bill called ‘transparency’. Information shouldn’t just flow from the top down, but sideways as well.


Bob Brown, head of creative, approached “Hey, Jack, you’re good for attending tomorrow’s staff meeting, right? Great, thanks.” What Jack thought was supposed to sound like a question, was, in all reality, a thinly veiled directive.

Jackson “Jack” Poole was an extremely talented artist and illustrator who’d been with Dove three years. He was well known throughout the company, plus the publishing industry as a whole, as someone who could turn the most obscure topic or title into a prize winner. He also had the awards to back it up.

“C’mon, Bob, I’ve got more illustrations to do on that ‘Princess Pig’ book, plus two more projects lined up after that.” Jack was hoping to appeal to Bob’s love of staying on deadline. “Plus no one will even notice I’m there” or playing to his sympathy, hoping he’d remember how introverted he was.

“Delegate.” You haven’t been to one of these breakfasts in almost a year. You’re going. Socialize. Enjoy a free meal.”

Bob approached him and put an arm around the young man’s shoulder “I’m not asking you to make friends” he said sympathetically “just be a warm body representing the department.”

“Ok, fine, we’ll be in right after it’s over.”


Jack tried sneaking into the gathering unnoticed. As usual though, he had to wait for Theo… performing his meet and greets.

“Let’s go already! The sooner we’re seated the sooner this can all be over with” Jack whined to Theo “why must you be the fucking good-will ambassador to the damn company.” He all but pulled him away.

They headed to the back of the room, not even stopping for food. Jack’s stomach was in knots and food was the last thing on his mind.

Theo on the other hand couldn’t help but check out the buffet.

“Here” one of the serving staff winked at Theo “I’ll fix you a plate.”

Theo plopped down next to Jack, his bacon and eggs placed in front of him. “Fine, go ahead. But don’t whine to me when that greasy mess makes you sick later.”

Bill Falcon took the podium to begin the presentation. “I see a lot of new faces here today. That’s excellent. Glad to see everyone wants to take part.

“Wants to or is forced to” Jack muttered under his breath. He’d never volunteer for this. Too much pressure and too many people.

Bill glanced at his notes “I think we should start by having a few folks introduce themselves. I know some of you have been with us for years… maybe this is your first monthly. Or you’re fresh to the company, and if that’s the case, we’d like to get to know a little about you.”

Jack slid down in his seat. “God, no” he muttered to himself “what am I going to do Theo?” It was a rhetorical question, there wasn’t really an answer.

“Let’s start with…. ummm…. let’s see” Bill looked at his notes again “oh here’s a good one. I’m sure many of you already know him, but it’s been a long time since we’ve had the pleasure of his company.”

‘No, no, no, no…’ Jack thought to himself ‘please not me, please not me.’

“Jackson Poole. Please stand up and introduce yourself.”

‘Fuck! Fuckin’ no!’ he muttered again.

He reluctantly stood up, looking down at this feet… terrified to make eye contact with anyone. His mouth went dry and a lump formed in his throat. He felt like he was going to pass out. Bob said he just had to be a warm body, he never mentioned he had to be a talking warm body.

“Hi, I’m Jack Poole… I’ve been with Dove 3 years and I try to avoid these things” the room laughed, thinking he was making some kind of colossal joke “but here I am. I’m an artist, right now working on children’s books.” He was sweating profusely “so, yeah, that’s me.”

He sat back down quickly, shaking like he’d just returned from an alien abduction. He looked to Theo for support, but he didn’t – or maybe wouldn’t – acknowledge him. He was too busy finishing the last of the bacon on his plate and giving eyes to a girl at the next table.

The rest of the introductions were a blur, he wasn’t really paying attention… he was too busy figuring out his escape route for when this was over. Fastest way out with encountering the least amount of people.

Bill released them after the presentation was complete.

‘At last, freedom’ he muttered under his breath ‘C’mon Theo, let’s get out of here.’

“Just be a warm body you said… did you know warm bodies were expected to speak?!”

Bob gave Jack a remorseful look “Jack, I’m so sorry. I had no idea Falcon would make you talk.” He patted the young man on the back and led him to his desk. “Were you able to say anything?”

“He made me introduce myself! I’ve worked here for 3 years and he acted like it was my first day of kindergarten.” Jack shook, unable to tell if it was anger, nerves or nervous anger. “Tell us a little about yourself Jackson” he said in mocking tone “like I was a child!”

The anger he began with was slowly receded to embarrassment “I tried keeping it as brief as I could… but he made me freakin’ speak Bob!”

“What about Theo?” Bob asked

“What about him?”

“Didn’t he help you?”

“He was too busy working the room and eating bacon.”

“I’m sorry” Bob snickered

“Thanks for the support.” Jack sat down as Bob walked away.

Jack turned, looking at Theo at the desk next to him “Thanks pal… thanks for all the help you gave me.” Sarcasm dripping from his tone.

The whole morning was humiliating, and as he was trying to block it out of his mind, something stood out – refusing to be deleted. Jack wasn’t sure what it was… he honestly had little recollection of the morning after his ‘debut’.


Bob stopped by Luke’s work station personally delivering him an invite.

“Mr. Larson… Luke… there’s a company breakfast tomorrow. We have them once a month and like when new staff members attend. You get to know what’s going on in the company and we get to know more about you.”

A smile spread across Luke’s face “sounds great. What do I have to do?”

“It’s easy. Just sit and listen to the the monthly report, have breakfast and maybe just soak up what’s happening in other departments. The company President, Bill Falcon, usually asks new employees to introduce themselves and then sit through a short speech.”

“Introduce myself? What do they want to know?” Luke gave a puzzled look.

“Relax” Bob laughed “it’s not the Spanish Inquisition. Whatever you’re comfortable sharing with others… what department you’re in, what are you currently working on… hobbies or family life… things like that.”

“Sounds like fun. I can handle that.” Luke smiled a wide grin.


Luke arrived a half hour early just to get the lay of the land. He wanted to know what the room looked like and where the best place to sit might be. The servers were just setting up the buffet.

‘Big spread for so few people’. Luke said to himself.

As more folks began filing in, Luke found a place at a smaller table – along the wall, near the windows. A few more people from the company filled the remaining seats near him and introduced themselves. All were from different departments, and most had been with the company for years. He was excited to learn other aspects of the business and maybe meet some coworkers.

Luke talked with his table mates while waiting for breakfast to be ready and the meeting to begin. Luke was very outgoing and chatted with the strangers on a variety of work related topics. The servers indicated the food was ready so everyone began lining up at the buffet. Roughly a half hour passed before any indication was given the meeting was ready to start.

Bill stepped to the podium as the large video screen behind him lit up.

“Good morning folks” Bill crowed “Before we dive into the facts and figures of this morning, I see a lot of new faces here today. That’s excellent. Glad to see everyone wants to take part.”

Bill glanced at his notes “I think we should start by having the new people introduce themselves. I know some of you have been with us for years… maybe this is your first monthly. Or you’re fresh to the company, and if that’s the case, we’d like to get to know a little about you.”

Luke sat back and listened as two or three people explained who they were and what they did… waiting for what he assumed would be his turn.

“Lastly this morning” Bill spoke “is Lukas Larson…. Lukas, would you do us the honor?”

Luke quickly jumped up, ready and eager.

“Good morning! I’m Luke Larson and I’ve been here a little over 3 months. I worked at another publishing house out of state before I moved to Philly, lucky enough to land a job at Dove” so far so good he thought “I’m an author currently working on a YA novel… my first, of what I hope are many, for the company. I like the outdoors and I’m single.”

Luke closed his eyes and audibly groaned “sorry, don’t know why I said that last part” the room laughed “this isn’t Tinder.”

As he sat down the room applauded him.

Luke came back to the office, took his desk, and immediately got back to work. His current book was a romance novel for young adults. Set there in Philly, a boy and girl fall for each other while working with animals, a topic he had working knowledge of… it was a big part of his last relationship.

Bob approached Luke when he returned “So, what did you think? Painless?”

“Oh, totally painless before I made an ass out of myself by oversharing.” Luke shook his head.

“I’m sure it was fine. Seriously, Luke, that’s what meet and greets are supposed to be like.”

He let out an audible sigh and Bob laughed.

“I need to get back to work” Luke looked up at Bob and smirked “these kids aren’t going to fall in love by themselves.”

“All right, I’ll let you get to it then.”

Five o’ clock rolled around and everyone made their way to the stairs or elevator.

Jack and Theo, as always, opted for the stairs. When they finally reached the first floor, Jack picked up his pace like he was trying to outrun the building. Theo stayed behind mixing in with the goodbye conversation. As Jack continued walking Theo grudgingly jogged up behind him.

Jack inhaled a deep breath ‘thank god this day is over’ he muttered to himself.

Luke stood waiting for the elevator. Coworkers congratulated him on a great introduction… not everyone on his floor knew him, so they got a better understanding of his personality. Staff from the other floors welcomed him to the company.

Arriving on the first floor, Luke headed out the main doors for his relatively short walk home.

It was a beautiful Summer evening. He noticed Jack and Theo, a few paces ahead of him, across he street. Luke remembered them from the sales meeting. He was going to call out, but they were walking fast – with a purpose – and didn’t want to distract them. Another time he thought.

“I guess I’ll just relieve the sitter and go for the night.” Luke said out loud… to no one.

Jack got home, his foul mood slowly softening. He was happy to be home… he was happy to just be.

“I’m sorry Theo, I had a shitty day and I took it out on you. I’m sorry I’m not the friend you deserve. I love you… you’re the best of anything I have going in my life right now.”

Collapsing in tears, Jack sat on the floor with his back against the front door.

Theo stared at Jack, not sure how to comfort him. What do you do when your best friend is in distress and you can’t fix it? When Mike, Jack’s last boyfriend, crushed him by cheating – with Jack’s own best friend – things changed drastically. Jack wasn’t the person that Theo always knew anymore. He was a quieter, more self exiled shell.

He used to stand out – tall, broad shouldered… all 6’2″of him. Now he stood just trying to blend in. His blonde hair, once always short cropped and tidy, was a far cry from the long mop that crashed like waves against his temples now. What used to be bright crystal blue eyes seemed glazed over. Even the things he loved – running and days at the beach – came to a slow. He still did them, but felt like he was just going through the motions. They were things he and Mike used to do together, and now that was over.

Despite everything that happened, Jack missed Mike. He was the person Jack turned to on days like this. But, days like this were created by Mike – he took away the confidence and enthusiasm Jack used to possess. Still, he missed Mike’s warm kisses, the way he’d hold him when they were together, but especially when they were in bed, just the two of them. Jack longed for the way Mike would run his hands across his body, closing his eyes and imagining that caress. Jack on his knees sucking Mike’s dick – soaking in his moans of pleasure from him. He missed the way Mike would grab the back of his head and force his ample length down his throat… laughing as Jack choked on it. He missed the unexpected loads Mike would fire down his throat causing him to gag on the surprise.

There were a lot of things he missed, even now after finally realizing his friends were right when they told him Mike was an asshole.

He missed waking up to Mike’s expectation to fuck him before work, flipping him over and pushing himself in – rough and hard. He missed wincing with pain as Mike used him as a human fuck doll, no love or emotion, just a way to get off. He missed the cum dripping from his tortured hole after Mike got off. He missed Mike immediately exiting the bed – getting in the shower, dressing for work and leaving the apartment – no concern whether he was satisfied. He missed Mike ignoring his phone calls and texts during the day. He missed the shitty excuses – being in meetings or not seeing the notifications. He missed the lame lies about working late alone. Despite everything Jack still missed Mike.

Jack undressed and laid on his bed… working himself hard while his free hand fingered his hole. Closing his eyes, Mike’s face came into focus. He imagined Mike pinching his nipples, occasionally taking one between his lips and sucking it, while running his hands across Jack’s body. He fingering himself, one finger twisting inside his ass – eventually being followed by a second and then a third – pretending his ex was there… readying him for a fuck. He reached for the nightstand, grabbing lube and his dildo – the one he bough after the breakup. The size and girth reminded him of Mike’s long, hard dick.

Slicking the up the toy, and teasingly inching it deep inside himself, he sighed. A long, breathy sigh of yielding. Jack worked a rhythm – slowly at first but picking up speed as it repeatedly hit the right spots. He found a pace of some hard deep thrusts, followed by a softer teasing of his hole. Jack felt his balls tighten, his chest heaving while his breathing became rapid. Groaning deep and plaintive. He slowly pulled the toy out, just the tip remaining inside, and shoved it back in hard – the same as Mike’s early morning fucks. Shockwaves scattered through his body. Finally, after teasing he let continue forever, he came. Long, thick spurts of cum covering his chest and abdomen – dripping down his cock to his tightly trimmed pubes.

He took the toy, fresh from his ass, and rolled it through the cum covering his torso – collecting his load. He opened his mouth and slid his funk across his tongue, savoring the taste of himself.

Regret. Instant overwhelming regret immediately followed. What had he done? He just jerked off thinking about the man who dumped him, the man who treated him like shit – albeit the man he still loved. Fuck!

Luke stopped at the daycare and picked up Olive.

“How was she today?” Luke asked

His sitter looked at Luke “about the same as she is everyday.”

She put her in Luke’s arms and he just sighed. He kissed Olive’s forehead “Let’s go home, sweetie.”

The daycare worker packed up Olive’s bag and handed it to Luke. He always made sure he brought the things that gave her comfort – her favorite blanket and toys – the foods and snacks she loved the most – just in case today was the day she let down her walls and allowed happy in.

At home he turned on the TV and put Olive on the sofa. “I’ll find something for dinner” he told her “daddy’s hungry.” Luke checked the fridge, the only thing there was the cold air that accosted him as he opened the door. He looked through the pantry, but everything he found required too much time and attention – he was just to tired to be bothered.

An empty fridge wasn’t a new thing for Luke Larson, he was never the ‘stay at home and cook’ type. It wasn’t until Chris left him – leaving Olive behind – that he even began thinking of things like grocery shopping and daycare. Family and responsibilities weren’t Luke’s strong points… so much so that Chris, the ex, got tired of living with – to quote – ‘a self absorbed man child’. Luke considered himself adventurous, Chris labeled him irresponsible.

His light brown, curly hair was always on the long side, but now without anyone to nag him into a haircut, it grew past his shoulders. He had lost some weight adjusting to living single again, so at 5’7″ his clothes slightly hung on him. Honestly, the only thing unchanged since the breakup were his bright green eyes – still sparkly despite his upset – and his wide smile. Not totally happy go lucky anymore, but still happy enough to be able to smile.

Luke had only eaten breakfast at the presentation, so he was hungry. Daycare told him Olive picked at her food, as usual, so he knew she must be hungry too.

Jack felt like he was in the need of something special.

“Tell you what” he said to Theo “let’s go out… just for a little bit. It’s Friday night, we’ll find something to do.”

“Olive, it’s Friday, we’re going out for dinner and fun tonight” Luke told her.

He grabbed a light jacket for her – it was a breezy evening despite being a summer day, locked the front door, and out they went.

Both guys recently had their lives turned upside down. While Jack was trying to move on, Luke convinced himself he already had. They had their dogs, but maybe they needed more. Neither was looking for anything else.

The city had just created a new dog park at 7th and Hamilton Streets… part of the new urban redevelopment project spreading through the neighborhood. It was a cute, fenced in space with real grass, benches and a ‘water park’ for the dogs on hot days. Every pooch parent within walking distance frequented the place.

Jack and Theo stopped at the same cafe, Press Pawz, they visited every morning – Jack getting an ice coffee for himself, and for Theo his favorite, a cup of dog-friendly ice cream. They walked towards the park, Jack sipping his drink and stopping every now and then for Theo to have a lick of this treat. Looking around, the area was thriving with new condos and apartments popping up on every vacant lot.

“Let’s go kiddo” Jack called to Theo, who had stopped to lick the rest of his ice cream cup clean “lets play in the water.”

Theo came running, forgetting his treat even existed. He loved the water and Jack got a kick out of watching him enjoy himself.

“At least one of us will be having a good time.” Jack told Theo… as the dog dragged him to the edge of the spray fountain.

Luke and Olive walked slowly to the dog park… he liked watching the other pups play. Luke had hoped that bringing Olive to the park on a regular basis would help the timid Terrier get over her fear of… well… everything. She had always been anxious, but had gotten worse when Chris abandoned her when dumping him.

She was hesitant, her head swiveling and darting at every noise. Her ears would perk and twitch with uncertainty. Arriving at the park, Luke sat down on a bench, Olive crawling underneath taking refuge behind his legs. As Luke watched the other dogs and their owners play, he wished he could get Olive involved. No amount of coaxing brought her out to meet new people or other dogs.

Jack was a little tired chasing after Theo, and a little wet from being pulled through the water spray. He made his way over to the only bench with any space.

“Mind if I sit for a little” Jack asked Luke.

“No… not at all. Have a seat.”

Jack scanned the park looking for a dog playing by themselves “Which one is yours?” He asked.

Luke looked down, pointing under the bench “this one” he said, motioning to Olive. “She’s a little shy… uncomfortable around unfamiliar people or other dogs.

“She’s so cute. Is she OK to pet?” Jack asked with a smile.

“You can try. She’s harmless, but she’ll probably just squirm away.”

Jack reached down under the bench, and with much surprise, Olive came over and pushed her head against his fingers, looking to be petted, then licked his hand.

“Holy shit!” Luke exclaimed laughing “she doesn’t react like that to anyone! Seriously… anyone. Are you a dog whisperer?”

“I don’t know” Jack laughed back “maybe she relates – one shy person to another.”

“The only people she ever reacts to is me… and then my ex of course.”

“How about you?” Luke asked

Jack pointed out into the park “the Golden Retriever. The one running around in the spray area like a maniac” He laughed.

“Beautiful dog.” Luke responded.

Jack stood up and called him. Patting his leg as he yelled his name “Theo… c’mon Theo. Let’s go.”

Theo’s ears perked up, he turned his head and looked at Jack. He bolted across the yard and ran straight to him – the wet dog bouncing with excitement between the two guys – wanting some attention.”

Olive poked her head out between Luke’s legs, sniffing at Theo. She quickly emerged and ran around him – the leash Luke was holding getting wrapped around his legs – to get to Theo.

“Woah, Ollie… slow down” Luke yelled as her running wrapped it tighter around his legs.

Jack jumped up and went after Theo, grabbing his collar and putting his leash on and leading him away.

“Ok, what’s going on here?” Luke asked in amazement, laughing “what did you do to my dog?” he was surprised at Olive’s activity.

Heartedly laughing out loud Jack asked “she really isn’t like this normally?” He reached down to give Olive a few more pets and scratches behind her ears “she just seems so happy and outgoing.”

“Yeah, honestly, this is not the same dog I know.”

“Well, glad I could help… it seems she gets along great with Theo, too.”

Luke stared at Jack for a moment, his mind racing. “You look so familiar… do I know you?”

“I don’t think so” Jack looked down at his feet and the dogs.

“No… I definitely recognize you from somewhere. Do you work in town?”

“Yeah, I’m at Dove Publishing, a couple blocks down from here.”

“Yes! That’s where I know you” Luke was excited to figure it out “I work there too. I saw you at the breakfast this morning – during the introductions.”

Jack turned bright red – embarrassed that Luke remembered him.

“Jason, right? You’re in the art department?”

Audibly groaning “Jackson… Jackson Poole, but call me Jack. Yeah, I’m doing illustrations right now.”

Extending his hand out for a shake “I’m Luke Larson…. currently writing YA romance. I remember you because you had Theo with you. Do you always bring him to work?”

“Yeah, it’s a really chill office. You should bring Olive along for the day.”

Luke laughed “I don’t know if that’s a great idea. She’d probably spend the day hiding under my desk. She spends most of her time hiding at doggie daycare, so…”

“Well, she’s not hiding now. Maybe she should spend time with Theo… and me.”

“I’ll give it some thought.”

Jack mentally scanned Luke. Very attractive, friendly, great personality. The tan shorts he was wearing clung to his thick thighs. For a brief moment Jack thought about asking Luke out, but why? He knew this was the type of guy he’d never have a chance with.

“Hey, Theo and I were just going to grab something to eat. If you don’t have any plans, would you like to come along?”

“Absolutely! We were just going to do the same thing.” Luke said with excitement.

“There’s a great pub right around the corner. Dogs are welcome if you sit outside on the patio – the four of us could have a meal and maybe a few beers.”

“Olive doesn’t really care for beer” Luke laughed “but I’m up for it.”

Jack found himself getting lost in Luke’s eyes – the greenest of green – and, wow, that smile… so wide and bright. Who needed streetlights when Luke had that megawatt smile. He glanced down to him, Luke was slightly shorter than Jack, and resisted the urge to run his fingers through his curly hair.

“That’s good to know, Theo isn’t much of a drinker either.” Jack returned the laugh.

They hooked the dogs back on their leashes and headed towards Dunderbak’s, an authentic German alehouse. Grabbing a table near the front of the patio, Luke and Jack sat down waiting to place their orders while Theo and Olive lay beneath the table at their feet.

“So” Jack began “when did you get Olive?”

“She came along when I met my ex Chris… I was’t really a dog person – or an animal person actually – but as soon as I met her I just melted. I know that sounds sappy, but she’d been through so much that I couldn’t help wanting to protect her.”

Again, Jack briefly thought of asking Luke out, but he still doubted he’d have a shot – or even wanted one. Fresh from his own breakup with Mike, he was just recently burned and wasn’t going to start another fire.

“Olive had been abused by her first owners, then dumped in a shelter. She’d been adopted a few weeks later and then returned because she was so timid… the new family wanted a frisky puppy and not a dog with abandonment issues. That’s when Chris got ahold of her.”Luke paused, searching for appropriate words. “They moved from town to town for about 2 years, as Chris worked up the corporate ladder, before we met and eventually landed here in Philly. We split shortly after because I, and I quote, ‘was immature’.”Chris abandoned Olive and me and took off for the next rung on the ladder.”

Feeling he said more than enough, Luke paused, “I couldn’t just ditch her after that. She needed me. Actually, we needed each other. She never recovered, or came out of her shell, until today. Because of you.”

Luke seemed like a good person… not like that asshole Mike. He seemed sensitive and honest.

“How about you?” Luke asked “how did you and Theo meet?”

Luke looked at Jack attentively.

“Well, after Mike – that’s my ex – dumped me, I felt like I needed something to do with my life… and honestly my time. My best friend volunteers at an animal shelter and coerced me into coming along. That’s where I met Theo. Theodore actually… but he never really responded to that name.” Jack laughed “He dislikes that name I guess as much as I do mine.”

They picked up their beer mugs and Luke toasted Jack “Here’s to shitty exes and the dogs that replaced them.”

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