Night at the Inn

Night at the Inn by PeachApocalypse,PeachApocalypse Author’s Note: To the kind soul who informed me that someone stole my work and is selling it on Amazon…Holy Shit. You were right. Thanks for letting me know.


The orc stuck around through the dinner rush, lounging in the corner and nursing a mug of ale. His bright yellow eyes followed me as I delivered drinks and collected coin in an endless cycle.

Empty mugs and plates went to the back counter. Full mugs and plates were plucked off the bar and brought to tables. The innkeeper, Trencher, would tell me who got what to eat and drink. He dealt with counting the coin and marking it all down in his book.

I just delivered the goods.

The orc stayed.

Whenever I brought him a fresh mug of ale, his gaze lingered in places that went hot under his attention.

Oh yeah. I was getting fed tonight.

The hours ran on. Trencher urged a few of the more tipsy customers back to their rooms. A bit later, he banished some drunks with the business end of the broom.

Eventually, the big man yawned and pulled the key from around his neck. He locked the coin box and tucked it under his arm, shuffling out from behind the bar. He’d been awake longer than I had.

There was a reason I didn’t own part of the inn: too much responsibility, too many long hours.

“Goin’ to bed, Seb,” he mumbled.

“Alright,” I told him, delivering one last load of mugs for the dishmaid.

Trencher yawned again, dropped a hand on my shoulder, and squeezed as he eyed the orc in the corner. “Be careful with that one, lad. You never know with their kind.”

I nodded and said nothing. Trencher had fought in the war. His animosity ran deep, but he never turned down paying customers. Besides, he had no room to talk. Happily married, he got his pleasure on the regular, and he kept his wife well-sated in return.

The second the big man shuffled out the back door, the orc stood. He thoughtfully brought his latest ale mug to the bar instead of leaving it for me collect.

Strong hands grabbed my shirt and swung me around before slamming my back into the bar.

The empty mugs rattled. I grunted, pain stealing my breath for a moment as he crowded into my space.

We were the same height, which was not all that tall to begin with. But where I had the lean flowing lines of my father, the orc was blocky and thick with hard muscle.

“I don’t like it with pain,” I told him, my voice coming out hard.

He slid a hand up my neck, fingers curling in the hair at my nape. With a sharp tug, he pulled my head back. Rough lips and a hint of tusks brushed over my exposed throat. He licked a hard line over the bounding heartbeat in my neck before easing back.

He leered as he palmed the front of my trousers. “Liar, liar, little demon elf. You’ll take it however I give it to you. I’ve been smelling you all night–hot and sweet and drenched with want.”

My hips lurched against the heavy strokes of his hand. I did want it. It had been far too long since I’d taken pleasure from a man. With an elf father and succubus mother, most of my one-time lays didn’t have the stamina to fully satiate me anyway.

It was a pitiful life, stealing bits of pleasure where I could find them. But it was the best I could do.

“Fine,” I snapped. “But you better make it good for me.”

He hefted me up easily and threw me over his brawny shoulder, slapping my ass–hard–when I protested. He lugged me up the stairs and entered one of the better rooms. One with an actual bed instead of a straw pallet.

Whoever this orc was, he had money.

Before I knew it, he tossed me easily from his shoulder. I landed face down in the blankets with an undignified “oomph” and lay there momentarily stunned.

“Ow!” I hissed, trying to keep quiet, when he walloped my trouser-clad ass with an open hand. He was strong, and it fucking hurt. I rolled onto my back, scooting out of his reach. “Stop fucking hitting me, you bastard.”

“Then get moving,” he said agreeably, shedding his armor and clothes at an alarming rate.

I swallowed hard, stripping out of mine but unable to fully pull my gaze away from the hard length of him.

He was big. Thick. Not overly long, but proportional to his stocky, muscular frame. Fuck.

He grinned, moving forward to plant a knee on the bed as he tossed me a vial. “Get yourself ready.”

I tossed it back to him with a scoff. “Maybe you get yourself ready.”

Hard yellow eyes blinked at me for a long moment. Then–thick throat on full display–he tipped his head back and laughed. It was a nice sound, and amusement lit up his craggy face.

“As if you could fuck me, little elfling.” He laughed again, but it wasn’t mean.

I grinned at him, motioning for the vial. He passed it back, and I slicked up two fingers.

He watched as I worked myself open. His nostrils would flare occasionally, and his dark pupils got wider at the sounds I made. I knew how to play it up, but I also knew I had to open myself thoroughly to accommodate an orc cock.

The succubus side of me would lubricate my channel but not prepare me for the stretch.

When he couldn’t watch any longer, he knocked my hand aside and slicked up his long green cock. It was…substantial.

“I won’t hurt you, elfling.” The quiet promise sat heavy between us. I waited for the subtle hum when my magic highlighted his untruth. It never came. Huh.

He eased between my legs, tugging and positioning me until my hips canted up his thighs. Thick fingers breached me, shuttling more oil into my hole with easy thrusts.

I moaned, shuddering. All too soon, he tapped the rim of my ass with his cock and nudged inside.

It didn’t start out good. It never did.

I winced, trying to focus on breathing. He worked his way in, stopped, and shoved in some more.

I started to shake, my own cock wilting at the pain. His clawed fingers petted my sides, maybe trying to be comforting.

“It’s a lot,” he said, sounding nearly kind. “But you’ll be thanking me for this later.”

He shoved in fully, panting against my shoulder and letting me adjust.

The orc started to move, his heavy frame grinding against mine.

“Oh,” I said. “Oh, oh, oh.”

I couldn’t breathe for a few minutes, choking and gasping at the fullness. The burn eased, leaving behind the languid slide and stretch. He eased back, fingering his cock for a moment before sniffing his hand. He grinned, licking the natural slick my body produced off his fingers.

“You’re made for this,” he said. “You’re taking my cock so well.” He bottomed out inside me with one quick plunge, swiveling his hips until the exquisite pressure was all I could think about.

I howled into my fist.

He fucked me steadily, relentlessly consistent. His heavy breaths puffed air over me, slightly sour with ale.

I rocked my hips, trying to keep pace and trying to get him to grind over the good place inside.

He must have known what I was after because he tucked my legs over his shoulders and slammed deep.

“There,” I groaned. “Right fucking there.”

He grunted and kicked up a brisk pace, easily pinning me in place so all I could do was take it.

I writhed and gasped, relishing the glide of his cock over that hot place inside. It was perfect. It was everything I needed.

He growled, shortening his long thrusts into a quicker bumping grind.

“Close,” I panted. I was. Liquid heat filled my gut, taking me closer and closer to the edge. My balls got tight, and I curled my toes. “Please. Oh fuck, yes. Don’t stop. Right there. Please!”

I shot hard, seeing white and wailing against the thick fingers that hurried to cover my mouth.

He fucked me through the orgasm, hissing at the way my muscles clamped around him.

I milked his cock as best I could while flying high on feel-good.

“Fuck,” he groaned, drawing the word out into a husky growl.

His pounding took me right to the edge of too much stimulation before his hips stuttered and wet heat bloomed inside me.

He let out a long sigh, slapping his hips against mine once and then twice more.

“Fuck, that was nice,” he said, pulling out and collapsing beside me.

I blinked up at the ceiling, steeling myself for the inevitable exit.

Only once had I ever let a man fuck me twice. After the second time, we’d fallen asleep together. A few hours later, he’d declared his love for me.

Weeks of small tokens and heartfelt poems had progressed to obsession. He’d started following my every move. Eventually, he’d come at me with a dagger, crying that he had to have a piece of me to call his own.

Trencher had beaten him. Badly. And we’d never seen him again.

So I didn’t do that anymore. No matter how much I wanted it. No matter how hungry I felt after a good fucking.

When I’d finally caught my breath, I wriggled free of the orc’s heavy limbs. Clambering out of the bed, I stooped to grab my scattered clothes.

He propped himself up on his elbows, thick jaw cocked to the side as he squinted at me. “We aren’t done.”

I shot him an apologetic look. “We are. It was nice. But now it’s over.”

“Your scent betrays you, little demon elf,” he growled, out of the bed in a flash. He moved faster than I thought an orc should have been able to.

I clutched my shirt between us, like it was some kind of barrier, and stumbled back until I hit the wall.

He crowded into my space, pinning me with his bulk. His hand settled on my hips as he pressed forward, practically purring into the side of my neck.

“Your demon is still hungry, starving maybe. It’s screaming inside you, and I know just how to quiet it.” His voice bottomed out, the guttural growl making me freeze. “So no. We aren’t done–not even close.”

I swallowed hard. “I’m leaving. We both got what we wanted. It’s dangerous to go again. Dangerous for you. That part of me is evil–it can make you mad with wanting me.”

I didn’t want to say it. I was hungry. Gods, I was hungry for more.

The orc chuckled, nipping at the corner of my jaw before pressing a kiss to my throat. “Your lust demon doesn’t hold any sway over my kind. You clearly don’t know what your body needs, else you would have fed yourself better.”

That rankled. Of course, I knew I needed more. I just wasn’t willing to turn men into violent, addled loons to get it.

“Bastard,” I snapped. “You don’t know my life.”

I shoved him back. Or tried.

In reality, he barely rocked against my best effort. And then his hands were on my upper arms, swinging me around and flinging me down face-first into the bed.

I fought him, uselessly, as he draped himself over me in a sweaty, sticky sprawl.

His groin lurched against my ass, rubbing and humping.

I shivered when his growl tickled my ear. “You didn’t even need me to stroke you to release, little one. You’re meant for this. And oh, the pleasure I’m going to wring from you.”

Hard. He was hard again. Okay. Maybe another round wouldn’t be so bad. I could deal with that. He hadn’t been lying when he claimed my magic wouldn’t twist him.

He slid into my ass like it was butter. The stretch and utter sense of fullness still sparked. The pain from earlier didn’t.

He started a slow pace, filling me to the brim before a steady withdrawal. It was nothing like the hot, frantic fuck from before. He left a hand on my hip and one on the back of my neck as he drove into me lazily.

It felt glorious, a steady hum of pleasure, no matter how unfulfilling the pace.

Seconds stretched to minutes, and the happy buzz never changed, never morphed into something fiery and sharp.

It drove me wild. I flailed until my hand caught and clenched against one masterfully carved ass cheek.

“More,” I pleaded, trying to force him to speed up. “Please, need more.”

He chuckled, the smug asshole. “Don’t worry, I know what you need. Remember this later. You asked for it.”

He kicked my legs a little farther apart and moved both hands to my hips. For a moment he hung suspended, just the tip of him in my ass.

He slammed inside. I yelped, and he did it again. And again. And again.

He fucked me, good and true. Never faltering, never slowing.

The rutting eked on with no end in sight. Our raspy pants and slapping skin echoed in the small space, nearly deafening on top of my wildly thundering heart.

The happy buzz I’d initially resented sparked hot. Heat built, crackling in my groin and gut, stoked with every nudge of that spot inside me and every drag of my cock against the blankets.

I wriggled a hand between my legs intent on hastening my release. He yanked my hand clear, tutting like I was a naughty child, and pinned my wrists at the small of my back.

Not that it mattered. He drove me over the edge anyway in the next few minutes. I jolted, exhaling sharply into the bed as I lost control of my body. It didn’t stop him in any way.

When I tried to crawl away, he dragged me back down onto his cock and rolled us until he was sprawled on the bed. I lay on top of him, his arms snaking up under mine with his fingers laced behind my neck. He got me cinched tight in a brawler’s hold before his hips jacked up into mine.

I screeched and struggled.

He fucked me through it.

I begged and babbled.

He looped one arm around my neck and used the other to jerk my cock until I was a pliant mess atop him.

His breathing grew heavier past the steady squelch of his cock plundering my hole.

I jerked and twitched, crying out as he drew out my orgasm for far too long. But I still couldn’t fight him, and he never stopped fucking me.

He came eventually, burying teeth in the side of my neck, right where it met my shoulder.

Pain flared as his teeth broke skin, but it was quickly swamped by a wave of heat searing through me–setting off another chain reaction of pleasure. Alarm flared in the back of my mind, recognizing the sharp fizz of magic egging me on.

The concern was quickly lost in a haze as I shook and cried and begged him to stop, still coming dry.

He rolled us onto our sides, finally grinding to a halt.

“Gods be damned,” he husked, kissing my nape and licking a stripe up the side of my neck. “You smell so fucking good, it makes me lose my mind.”

I felt utterly and happily sated for the first time in maybe…ever. Too lazy to move, my eyes drifted shut.

He woke me again sometime later, clawed fingers stroking my ribs as his heat pressed up behind me. He was hard. His fingers slid down the outside of my thigh before slipping underneath and levering my leg up over his.

And we were off again, him rutting into my ass in an endless glide and me shuddering my way through another near-painful release.

He came sometime later with a satisfied grunt. Went soft. Hardened again inside me.

“Please,” I ground out after he forced another hard spend from me. The succubus inside me reveled, keening a song of lust and satiety. The elf blood kept me healing, soothing the irritation of my hole and easing away the sharp bruises and marks the orc left on my skin. “Please stop.”

“I can’t,” he said simply. “I just fucking can’t.”

He took me on my belly again, his long legs intertwined with mine and forcing my legs far apart. He drove down, humping me into the mattress at a frantic pace until he spurted inside me.

I didn’t come from that one.

I did come from the next round.

He shuffled over to the edge of the bed, dragging me with him.

Setting me in his lap, chest to chest, he wrapped his big hands around my hips and fed his slick cock into my waiting channel.

I moaned and set my forehead onto his shoulder, letting him grind and rock my hips down into his lap. I didn’t realize what would come next.

His grip tightened enough to ache, and he started pistoning me up and down.

I didn’t stop him. Didn’t even try to break free. My boneless compliance made it easy, I think.

I sobbed, my dick flopping between us as he bounced me onto his cock.

The heft of him sparked heat from that good place inside me. With every sharp jolt of our bodies slamming together, I grew closer and closer to something fantastic.

“Wait, wait,” I gasped, feeling the abyss yawn up.

He didn’t. In fact, he sped up, shuttling me onto his cock like I was nothing more than a warm sleeve.

I came. And kept coming. Sunbursts lit up my vision in one prolonged stretch of release. Nothing came out of my cock, but my body quaked again and again in blissful waves.

His cock continued to tunnel into me, and I just kept coming.

My fangs, little more than sharp canines, tingled viciously. I needed…I needed to bite. I wasn’t sure why but something inside me was restless and yearning.

I bounced and wailed and came, muscles contracting again and again.

The orc’s meaty profile swam into view through my tears. My chin grated against his sturdy shoulder, and the next time he thrust in, I sank my teeth into the meat of his neck.

Magic burst between us in a maelstrom.

I spurted then, thick white streams that coated his chest and splashed the underside of his square chin.

He roared, hammering me down onto his cock and filling my guts with what felt like buckets of come.

“What the fuck,” I mumbled before everything went dark.

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