Hole-Y Matrimony Ch. 02: Leki & Jordan

A gay sex stories: Hole-Y Matrimony Ch. 02: Leki & Jordan Hole-Y Matrimony

Chapter II – Jordan and Leki

They say, “People are brought into our lives for a reason”, I have never really ever believed it.

This changed the day I finally came face to face, with Leki.

Before I can tell you about him, one thing I need to touch up on is just a few updates of how Thomas (TJ) and Jordan are getting on:

Thomas and Jordan got together officially after just 3 weeks of our first meeting. Jordan had moved to be closer to TJ, and TJ moved in with Jordan a few months after Christmas, which that year, that had spent out with Thomas’ family out in Dubai.

The pair of them have really come leaps and bounds since we got together, and they both really learned to communicate. This brought them both closer together; the love, trust and happiness was so strong that nothing would ever break it.

Thomas and Jordan, were honestly one of the most strongest and influential couple around, they were the ones who taught others how to accept and learn new things. They even shared their own experiences, including how Jordan himself has overcome so many obstacles.

They agreed that, due to the excessiveness of Jordan’s hormone levels, they would be in a semi open relationship, and as long as he was meeting the same people regularly, Thomas granted permission to Jordan, for him to meet whom he wanted as long as he ensured he was being safe as he best could be.

Naturally, they set their rules when defining the terms of their relationship.

Both Thomas and Jordan were happy with the arrangement they had in place.

When sat at home one day, Jordan had an extended invitation offered to him to join a group chat with other people around the world. The group’s creator personally invited him.

He joined, not expecting anything to come from it, except to just make some new friends whom may be around the area.

Jordan posted his pictures in to the group and gave a little introduction.

Within 5 minutes, Jordan was overwhelmed with text messages from various lads in the group. They were very complimentary; they wished him welcome and gave him a very warm reception.

Once after a few days of the dust settling, names and faces married up together in Jordan’s mind. This made it much easier, as he was not prepared to save all the numbers into his contacts, he would be overwhelmed with then trying to remember names, numbers and faces too.

Jordan would chat to various members of the group privately and publicly. There was naturally, one or two, that had always caught the attention of Jordan.

One of these people was Leki. To Jordan, there was just something about him, that he liked the sense of, just from looking at his pictures. It was a sense he could just feel, a sense of pulling, almost gravitating towards him.

Leki was an attractive younger looking man, around 35. Quite an Aryan look, blonde hair, blue/ grey eyes, a glowing tan, a cute nice smile completed the look.

His body was one to be lust after, desired by all men, in a prospective partner and for themselves.

He was slim, defined, and not so muscular that it was overly noticeable but enough to show that he cared for his body and could see he was getting a nice health balance to his diet.

Jordan still was not the most confident when it came to making the first move on men, Thomas would vouch for that, but he was slowing building more and more confidence each day.

Leki sadly did not live anywhere close to Jordan, matter of fact, he was in a completely different country to Jordan, and meeting was not going to be an easy option.

The first hurdle, Jordan thought. Was going to be getting this man’s time and attention, fitting messaging around both of their time zones also.

Next time that Leki came on and said hello to everybody, Jordan was one of the first to respond, this was after waiting 10 minutes after the initial message, so he did not come across creepy, and scare him off.

Leki responded to Jordan’s message with an emoji reaction. Then, less than a minute later, a message replying saying “hi” came through to Jordan.

The two continued to chat more and more whenever they were both on at the same time Flirting, increased more and more.

Both Jordan and Leki knew there was a very slim chance of them meeting anytime, but that did not stop them from engaging in conversation and exchanging pictures, still within the group setting.

Jordan had gained a lot of confidence thanks to the amazing variety of the people within the group. His pictures were getting him so many compliments and was helping him to build confidence.

This group of people were truly people that Jordan could be friends with, whom he would happily meet up with, either for social and sometimes sexual purposes.

None more than Leki. He was the one that mostly caught Jordan’s eye and the one whom Jordan took a special interest in but was unsure why.

Jordan wanted to know this man more and so messaged him to ask if he can message private and continue on private conversation.

Leki agreed and the two men went to a more secluded chat where they could be alone. No other ears or eyes around to see whatever conversations may transpire.

They began with simple hellos and asking how the other was. Very quickly, the conversation had found a mutual interest; this was; that Leki was currently renovating a space that he had recently rented.

He would be turning it into a Hair salon and beauty studio for those whom wanted to rent space.

Jordan’s heteroerotic side reared its head getting all semi hard talking real manly construction, but then within a few days, it went onto interior design, and again Jordan’s heteroerotic side tucked away and his homoerotic side came back talking layouts, designs.

Conversation from then on became more personal, they both gave the other a little more insight into each other’s lives.

Leki explained he had two bitches, he worked on a stable, he also owned had a few horses.

Jordan would mostly talk about Thomas.

After a week, conversations were now beginning to heat up. The more risqué pictures, swapped.

Clearly, Jordan had spent too much time with Thomas, as he began sounding like him, even imitating his little quips and quirks.

WOW, WOW, WOW (Thomas’s voice echoed in Jordan’s mind)

Not only did Leki, look attractive, have a great body, he also had a nicely size cock, not too big, not too thin, the kind of dick you just wanted to have inside you.

What made him even more beautiful thou, was his soul! All Leki’s looks aside, he had an amazing personality; he was polite, charismatic, charming, ambitious, driven, and successful.

An all-round amazing man, Jordan thought. Very interested as someone he would be interested in getting to know, on a more personal and intimate level.

I mean he was half way around the world to the West, around 2,716 miles. But it was only a flight and maybe a little drive, it technically was do able but would need time and patience and if Leki was willing to put in the time then so was Jordan and Thomas.

Even Thomas would be around at times and may join in conversations when he could. There was no reason he had to miss out, on all the fun.

Pictures received via Jordan are usually, shared with Thomas anyway. Especially, if Jordan thought Thomas would be interested too. Which if anyone just looked at Leki would be an instant yes anyway.

Chats became a daily conversation, every morning, every daytime, every night, as they would both lay their heads down, they always message the other goodnight.

It built up a great rapport and friendship, but there was still that attraction, on a bit of a deeper level than just a bit of fun.

They really connected with each other, they had many similar interests, and both were sexually attracted to each other. It was as if they were both two peas from the same pod.

It was as if they had their own understanding and connection with each other. If one had not, of heard from the other in a while, they would check in, just a polite courtesy that the other is thinking of them and hoping they are ok.

Jordan was really feeling a connection with Leki, this was not just one sided either. Thomas had also expressed an interest in also getting to know Leki. The way Leki was talking too, he also, was interested in meeting Jordan and Thomas too.

Thomas and Jordan sat down one evening together, Leki about to phone to have a video conversation that Jordan and he had arranged.

This would be the first time that Leki and Thomas would speak Face to Face.

Leki’s face appeared as it connected, Jordan smiled and greeted Leki and made the introductions between he and Thomas.

Thomas discreetly sat there squeezing subconsciously at Jordan’s leg. Jordan felt this and gave a slight glance in Thomas’ direction.

Thomas turned to Jordan, and mouthed the words “WOW, WOW, WOW”

Thomas clearly was getting excited over the thought of Leki. A bulge began to appear in Thomas’ trousers.

The boys carried on talking, the conversation never once went quiet or stagnant because all three were talking like they were all friends and had been most their lives.

During the call when they were all becoming relaxed, Leki turned to Jordan and Thomas, and extended them an open invitation.

In just a few week’s Leki would be opening their new salon which he decided to call: Micorah Beauty.

Leki being the sweet caring person that they both were getting to know him as, courteously invited them both to go out to their country sometime and see it, and they were welcomed there anytime.

The call ended, Thomas was working the next morning early and due to the time zones. It was later for Thomas and Jordan than it was for Leki, who four hours behind.

Thomas and Jordan discussed what Thomas thought about Leki. He was shocked! He could not believe that this very attractive man was interested in meeting US.

“WOW, WOW, WOW” Thomas thought. He could not believe how his life was now turning out, meeting Jordan, brought with it so much adventure, more than he had ever experienced in his life.

Thomas, for the first time in his life, was at his most sexual.

He was amazed that he at forty-five, was in a relationship, with his dream man. As well as this, he was beginning to open up to a life of new sexual experiences, exploring new avenues that are normally closed, in his mind.

Thomas had confidence, but he was not THAT confident. When it came to it, he became self-conscious and insecure and he really did not need to be. He satisfied Jordan on so many levels, sexually, romantically, spiritually.

Thomas and Jordan actually had a conversation about actually going out there sometime and actually meeting Leki. The thought of this did get Jordan and Thomas slightly erect at the thought of such a handsome man, who not only had an amazing body, but also an amazing person inside too and had a beautiful soul that just radiated.

Thomas was all about new experiences now a day’s, and so he wanted to explore this potential new connection he has made with Leki but currently it was high season at work and there were too many events going on for him to have any days off. Even thou Thomas sadly would not be able to get the time off work, Jordan could, that, would be possible.

Thomas, seeing that Jordan did not want to miss out also, told Jordan to go and surprise him, turn up at his new salons opening and show him how happy for him they were, also to showing support.

Jordan booked a flight unbeknown to Leki, for the day before the salons opening. It worked out quite well with connecting flights and travel that Jordan would arrive only an hour after it had been open.

If he would be correct, Leki would have said all of his speeches and cut the ceremony ribbon to officially open it and Jordan sadly would have missed that part, but someone would have recorded it and he would someday, be able to see the proud and achievable moment.

Everyone will be happily chatting to each other, tours would be completed showing people around, which meant when Jordan arrived he would have Leki’s full attention.

The next afternoon, Thomas took Jordan to the airport.

When they arrived at the airport, they parked up, Thomas jumped out of the driver’s seat and ran to the boot, grabbing out Jordan’s suitcase, being a typical gentleman that Thomas was, it was one of the many things Jordan had come to love about Thomas.

Jordan placed his muscular arms around Thomas back squeezing him tight in his embrace, as he leaned in and placed two kisses on top of Thomas’s head, softly saying “I Love you”.

Thomas tried to look up at Jordan, but he was too out of focus and so just closed his eyes, took a deep inhale of Jordan’s musk that was mixing with his aftershave, emanating through Jordan’s clothes.

Thomas softly whispered, “I love you too”.

Jordan gave Thomas another two kisses on his forehead holding the last one in place just a little longer than the rest.

Jordan took one last breath in and took in Thomas’ sent. Thomas sweet scent filled up Jordan’s nose one last time until his return in a few days.

As they said goodbye, both holding back the tears, they was used to the separation of a few miles or counties, this time they would be separated by oceans.

Thomas watched on as Jordan entered the terminal, Jordan turning around to flash one last smile to Thomas, whilst thinking, he was literally the MAN of my dreams.

Jordan boarded his flight a few hours later, took a sleeping pill and gently drifted away and dreamed about how fun it was going to be, finally meeting Leki, after all their days and hours of conversations and messages.

When Jordan woke they were shortly about to begin their descent, Jordan adjusted the time to fit with his new time zone. Checked the upcoming weather report and changed into some shorts and T-shirt as temperatures were hitting 26ͦͦ Degrees (78.8F).

From the airport, Jordan thought it best to quickly ring home to Thomas to let him know he was safe. It would not have surprised Jordan if Thomas had already known he had landed safely, because he would have been checking the online status with Jordan having to have written down all his flight information before he left.

Jordan looked on the maps for the address of where he had to go, it was 94 miles away. Jordan thought it was best to be safe so he checked how much a cab would cost. He jumped in the first he could find.

Jordan did not care one bit how much it was going to cost him, he just wanted to get there, meet Leki and toast him to his success.

The taxicab driver told Jordan he was only five miles away and nerves began to set in. Jordan called Thomas so they could both be there in spirit, even though Thomas was back home.

Jordan stepped out of the taxicab. Thomas’ smiling face beaming up at him from his phone, Thomas was in bed, as it was quite late back home but only evening here where Leki and now Jordan was.

Jordan placed down his case and pulled out its handle, Jordan then took in a deep breath and entered into the salon entrance.

He looked around at the crowd, trying his hardest to hear what Thomas was trying to say, making his excuses as he fights his way through the crowd and there around the corner, over towards the salon chair, a glass of OJ in hand, was Leki.

A smile of happiness spread all across his face. The pride was beaming out of him as he chatted with a group of women. He was officially successful. He achieved his dream, it was really was here, this was all his from his hard work.

As Jordan approached closer fighting through the crowd, Jordan could first hear Leki as he spoke with a, what sounded, to Jordan at least, a thick accent. He was smiling so hard, and had no idea that he was just about to meet Jordan and Thomas.

Jordan stood behind a smaller woman, one he could tower over and yet, still noticed. Jordan having manors he did not want to appear to be rude and interrupt Leki from this clearly glorified moment of achievement he was currently experiencing.

Leki and Jordan’s eyes met and locked onto each other. Jordan let out a masculine “Hi”, which was returned with an almost double sized smile. His eyes fixed onto Jordan. Thomas had a big smile on his face, seeing how happy Leki was meeting Jordan.

Leki threw his arms around Jordan and gave him a big hug, squeezing him tight. It was as if he never wanted him to leave now he was here. Leki turned to Jordan’s phone and began talking to Thomas, asking how he was and wondering why he also was not here.

Leki, Jordan and Thomas came to realize, the Leki was a very inclusive person. Never did he like to make anyone feel excluded, yet he always ensured you felt welcome, this was apparent when Jordan first noticed Leki, from across the room, and anyone who looked at him, he was sure to acknowledge.

Jordan quickly made his excuses and went outside to continue chatting to Thomas. They finished their conversation, said “I love you” blew each other a kiss and disconnected the call.

Returning back to the opening, Jordan went to the bar and got himself a mock tail. He had a few people looking at him unsure who he was as no one had recognized him from around the area.

Leki’s guests eventually started to say their goodbyes and made their way home, Leaving Jordan and Leki alone to clean up.

Jordan grabbed a black sack and began to start collecting up cups and confetti that scattered around the newly designed salon.

Leki locked up the salon and closed the front shutter, leaving him and Jordan inside.

Leki insisted that Jordan put the bag down and stop cleaning that was not the reason he had flown all that way to meet him.

Jordan, being mildly jet lagged, as he has been awake longer was happy for Leki to let him take break. Leki had hired a cleaning crew to come in the morning to clean up for him so he could relax after the party.

Leki was currently on a high and nothing was bringing him down anytime soon. They left the salon and Jordan asked for a local number of a taxi so he could get a lift to this hotel. Leki insisted that Jordan stayed in his spare room and save money on a hotel, Jordan pondered for a moment, he did not want to put Leki on the spot.

Leki insisted and drove Jordan back to his so Jordan could freshen up before they went into town for drinks and dinner.

The next morning, Leki gave Jordan a proper tour of his apartment, not long after, Jordan had the pleasure of meeting Leki’s two favorite girls in his life. The sitter had dropped them back off and left there leads by the door.

They took to Jordan as if he had been their best friend, their entire life. Leki smiled seeing the three of them playing together.

Leki popped his head around and shouted to Jordan, who was still happily playing with the girls on the floor, both of them taking it in turns licking Jordan’s face when they could.

Jordan could hear the shower running and his mind went to Thomas, how much he was missing him right now and wished he were there to just hold him as he fell to sleep.

Jordan then heard the door lock of the bathroom click. His cock began to twitch at the thought of Leki all wet and just in a towel.

Jordan continued to play with the dogs trying to ignore the sound of the door opening, knowing if he turned round, Leki, for sure would have a towel around his waist.

His body would be on display, his tanned, toned body, wet and potentially dripping still, steam coming off him. Jordan’s cock began swelling harder in his trousers.

Biting his lip, forcing himself not to turn around, as much as he really wanted to, but Jordan just continued to bite into his lip harder.

Once Leki was in his bedroom, Jordan began to lessen the pressure on his lip, and continued to focus on the beautiful dogs in front of him.

Leki came out dressed up ready to get all dirty, and not in the way Jordan most wanted him to be right now.

Leki had needed to go up to the farm to attend to the animals. Obviously, he would have cancelled had he known of Jordan’s arrival.

Jordan was more than happy to go to the farm, he had heard so much about it. Jordan was excited to see EVERYTHING that he had only ever seen on camera before.

Jordan went and changed into something more farm appropriate, while Leki attended to the dogs and fed them.

On the drive up there, Jordan could not help but take in the amazing views around him, the mountains looking high and clear, Trees and forests surrounding them, Fresh smell of salt water filling the air, making Jordan happy as he was a man of the water himself.

They arrived. Jordan stepped out the car and was just mesmerized with this beautiful country and its beautiful scenery.

Leki led the way to the horses stable, a new girl foal, was born only a few days before Jordan’s arrival.

She needed lots of encouragement to be social and interact with others, but she was looking so stable standing now.

“Right, what can I do?” – Jordan said looking energetic, ready to get stuck in. He was glad that he and Leki were same size in footwear, otherwise his nice Adidas trainers could have been messy, but Leki, luckily had a spare pair of trainers for him to use.

Jordan offered out a hand of food to the little foal. She sniffed his hand, cautious of the new smell, the mare to Jordan’s left clearly was watching making sure her baby was safe and gave a little nod and neigh to her foal.

With that, she took the food from Jordan’s hand, her tiny hairs tickling his hand. Leki was keeping the mum distracted and stroking her just above the muzzle, playing kissy face too it seemed which made Jordan laugh.

Leki Looked at Jordan, their eyes locking for a few moments.

Both blushing, look away and flushed a pale crimson in the face.

“Mucking the stables time, let’s clear it all out and clean it” – Leki shouted, as he tried to stop himself blushing every-time he tried to look at Jordan to talk to him.

You could tell Jordan had not done this before. The aim was to get the manure into the barrow, and then, taken to the big heap outside, but to begin Jordan was making more mess than actually helping.

While Leki had his back to Jordan, Leki trying to sweep it into a pile so that Jordan could do the back breaking work of shoveling it in to the barrow and transferring it to the outside.

Jordan would occasionally have to stop, the sun and humidity hitting him, causing him to perspire, sweat starting to form on his forehead.

Jordan took a second to breath, wiping his head with the back of his arm, trying to catch his vest top to absorb some of the moisture.

Jordan could not help but take in the whole of Leki while he swept piles of manure together. The sports shorts Leki was wearing, contouring to all the best parts of his lower extremities.

Jordan began to get back to work, as he continued to think about the shorts snug against Leki’s body. He was so distracted. He began to miss getting the manure into the barrow provided.

Lumps of manure began to hit Leki’s foot. “Ew” Leki shrieked.

Jordan turned and could see the mess he had made at Leki’s feet. Jordan let out a little chuckle and apologized.

Walking over to Leki, Jordan got down and began to manually, remove the Manure, consisting of hay and straw blend away from Leki’s foot.

Jordan looked up, Leki’s smiling face looking down at him, a smile came across both their face, not long after it had gone, the pale crimson faces had made an appearance again.

Leki turned back to face Jordan.

Jordan rose slowly from the ground, his eyes following the whole of Leki’s silhouette as he rises.

A slight raise in Leki’s tank top meant a small part of his abs flashed through.

Jordan began biting his lip again. Jordan came face to face to Leki. Their lips only a few inches apart, Leki looked up at Jordan biting his lip.

The scent of each other’s breath against the others face. Leki had a sweet scent that was just intoxicating to him It reminded him of Thomas being back home. He began to think about his love for Thomas and pulled away resisting the magnetic pull that was drawing him closer to Leki.

Jordan grabbed the shovel and got back to the job at hand. This time more focused about where he was throwing the dirty pile, as not to cover Leki again.

They completed the stable, the Mare and her foul stood comfortable eating their new fresh hay. Jordan gave the foal another hand fed piece of food. Leki stroked the Mare, feeding her, kissing her goodbye.

They moved onto the next stable next, with it being empty, it meant that there was more room to work.

They quickly got in to a flow and soon the whole stable was empty. Jordan grabbed the hose and began to start to wet the floor giving it a wet coating.

Leki grabbed a scrubbing brush, and began to scrub the paddock clean.

The temptation was too strong and Jordan could not help resist, especially, he thought, because he got manure on them previously; they probably would need a clean.

Jordan moved the hose close to Leki’s feet. Leki Jumped back laughing and looking straight at Jordan.

Jordan chuckled to himself and continued.

Cleaner, dryer, more sawdust down, fresh straw, fresh hay in the bales. Jordan and Leki stopped and admired their handy work. Both breathless from the exhausting work, they gave a high five to each other.

When their hands connected, the reflex of not feeling Thomas’ hand in his, made Jordan feel a little home sick. His fingers still interlaced with Leki’s, Jordan used his spare hand, to grab Leki’s waist and pulled him in closer to him.

Their hot, sweaty bodies pressed against each other, the sweat on their tops pressing into each other, both panting, their chests pressed tight as they both tried to stabilize their breathing. Leki was the first to lean in for a kiss.

Jordan’s embrace tightened around Leki’s waist bringing him on to his toes to reach Jordan’s level. They stayed frozen still for what felt like a lifetime. Leki slowly pulled away, eyes fixed on Jordan’s lips.

Leki began to bite his lip, Jordan still gentle breathe barely escaping his mouth as his whole body tensed up. Pulsations running through their fingertips, from one in to the other, their two kindred souls, imprinting on each other.

Jordan let out a soft moan of pleasure as his muscles became relaxed, his tongue, coming out slightly to moisten his lips, drops of Leki’s saliva on his lip, transferred to Jordan’s tongue.

Just like his breath, Leki’s saliva was too, sweet. It was all Jordan could think about in that moment. Then, a flash of thought for Thomas, whom he knows would have loved to be here, in this moment with the two of them.

Thomas would love to hear about this, he thought, Jordan’s cock became Semi erect.

Leki went back in for another kiss. This time their hands breaking from each other, they run them all over each other’s bodies.

Jordan began to stroke the back of Leki’s back, running his fingers up and down his spine, a gentle caress. Leki reached to Jordan’s biceps and began to squeeze.

The passion between them was intensifying. Leki reached his hand underneath Jordan’s loose tank top and reached up towards his trimmed, shaved, chest.

Leki began to claw at Jordan’s chest. Jordan then began to dig his, into the small of Leki’s spine, pulling him even closer, both their erections were apparent, both rock hard, being pressed in to the others groins.

Jordan took control. He lifted Leki up in to his arms. Leki immediately wrapping his legs around Jordan’s waist, his hands’ travelled up to the back of Jordan’s neck, and grabbed him tightly.

Jordan began to walk towards the bale of hay and gently laid Leki down. Laid himself on top of him. Leki placed his head back down to rest on the bale under him.

Jordan lifted Leki’s legs, placing them around his waist, placed his groin against Leki’s and got comfortable against Leki body, reaching under his top, lifting it up. Leki’s stomach and chest on full show.

Jordan pulled away and began to kiss at Leki’s neck. Leki threw back their head and began to moan. Working his lips down to Leki’s collarbone. His hands reaching up, taking Leki’s nipple between his fingers and gently began to squeeze.

Jordan stood, Grabbing Leki’s hand pulling him up. Jordan straddled across him. Lifting his tank top up and over Leki’s head. Jordan used Leki’s top to lay across the hay bale to protect his skin.

Jordan laid Leki down again, pressing his chest in closer. Leki’s legs wrapping around Jordan’s waist again. Leki reaching down, grabbed Jordan’s top, pulled it over his head and threw it on to the ground!

Their hot, sweaty bodies gliding against each other sweat acting like a lubricant between them both.

Jordan continued kissing from where he finished. This time, both hands simultaneously moving up Leki’s body. Starting above Leki’s socks, gently stroking and caressing as he worked his fingertips over the inside of Leki’s thigh, going right to the top.

As Jordan reached the base of Leki’s shorts, Jordan did not hesitate to keep going, grazing the inner groin of Leki. Leki let out mini soft moans of ecstasy.

Jordan paused for a brief moment, his fingertips resting centimeters from Leki’s, throbbing tail.

Jordan took his hands from under Leki’s shorts and placed them at the top of Leki’s waistband, Just below, where the waistband of his CK’s rest.

Feeling the sweat over Leki body, Jordan continued over Leki’s washboard abs, along his sides, and up along his pecs, tracing the definition outline, finally finishing one hand around each pec.

Jordan began pinching Leki’s now fully erect nipples, sending gentle little pulses through each one, in a slow rhythm, gradually increasing speed and pressure.

Jordan replaced his tongue with one of his hands and began gently, pinching between his fingertips. Moans more frequently escaping from Leki’s body.

Jordan switched his hand and moved his tongue across to the other side, not to leave out the other nipple, edging Leki a little longer.

Jordan adjusted so he was straddling over Leki’s chest. Leki lifted his hands over Jordan’s legs and pushed aside Jordan’s underwear, exposing his testicles.

Leki could not wait to sink his teeth in to Jordan but not literally, well not just yet.

Leki began to use his tongue to stroke in-between Jordan’s groin. Taking Jordan’s testicles into his mouth. Gently rolling each one in his mouth. Now it was Jordan’s time to start letting moans escape.

Jordan leaned forward, supported himself on the wall and was able to give Leki a deeper approach, meaning Leki could take more. Jordan stood, taking off his shorts.

Leki followed suit and removed his shorts leaving them both naked, nothing on, well nothing but their trainers and socks.

Jordan hovered above Leki’s face again as he momentarily just was, and Leki carried on taking each one of Jordan’s balls into his mouth and began tea bagging.

The pre cum began oozing out of Jordan, slowly leaking down the side of his shaft. Jordan moved more forward, placing his hole directly over Leki’s mouth.

Leki took a long inhale in; taking in Jordan’s musk, on the breath out, Leki let the air escape his mouth. The breath making Jordan’s entrance twitch under the sensation.

Leki reached out his tongue and Jordan allowed himself to relax more sitting on Leki’s face. Jordan placed both his arms on the wall. Rest his head upon them.

Jordan’s moans getting louder and deeper.

Jordan’s hips began to rock across Leki’s tongue, a slow deeper rhythm building up.

Jordan raised up of Leki’s face a brief moment but only to turn round. As Jordan readjusted himself, some of his excitement was showing, when Leki felt a warm drop hit his face he knew too.

Jordan was leaking so much it was running down his testicles and was now covering Leki’s face. Jordan leant forward and took Leki into his mouth, instantly, that sweet taste that Jordan earlier had on his lips was now trickling down his throat. Jordan began to milk Leki’s cock, stroking it, milking every ounce of pre cum out of him.

Leki grabbed Jordan’s waist and pushed him back so he stood, allowing him to adjust and move position. Leki sat up and turned around to face Jordan.

Straddling the hay bale Leki, brought Jordan closer and grabbed him at the base of his cock. Taking Jordan in his mouth and mimicking Jordan’s technique, cupping Jordan’s balls and playing them between his fingers and palms.

Jordan placed both his hands behind his back and leant his shoulders against the wall. Looking down at Leki taking his full length in and taking it deep into his throat.

Jordan leaned forward, placed his hand at Leki’s throat. Holding him down gently thrusting his cock, deeper in to Leki’s throat. Jordan took Leki’s cock into his mouth again lapping up more pre cum that had produced since he last tackled his meat.

Jordan’s mouth became very wet and saliva was running down the sides of Leki’s cock. Making him leak even harder.

Jordan pulled his hips away from Leki, allowing him to catch his breath. Jordan still stood behind got to his knees, leaned above Leki’s face and gently kissed him on his lips.

Jordan raised to his feet, walked over to Leki’s feet and straddled him at his waist, Leki’s cock pressed against Jordan’s taint.

Jordan began to grind against Leki, massaging Leki’s cock with his hole. Jordan placed some spit on to his fingertips and slid the saliva up and down against his hole.

Leki grabbed himself at the base, holding himself up inviting Jordan to come and take a seat on him. Jordan had already planned that himself and certainly was not wasting anymore time.

Jordan eased himself onto Leki, the saliva helping a little, but the friction still felt as Leki continued to push inside. Jordan kept pushing back while, Leki continued to thrust up, on occasions, both using the opposite force to adjust to the tightness around Leki’s cock and the for pressure inside Jordan’s hole to relax once he adjusted to this uncut 7.5″ cock plunging deep inside him.

Jordan finally made it comfortable for both and relaxed on to it. As he held down on to Leki’s abs forcing him down into the bale even harder, as he began to ride him deep and hard.

Leki lifted his head and began stroking Jordan. Feeling his abs harden Jordan began to ride Leki harder, faster and deeper.

Moans escaping out of them both. Jordan leaned back, trying to fill his hole full of only Leki, not wanting to leave any inches out. Leki pulsating and throbbing inside Jordan ensured that Leki was enjoying, and this was, reciprocated with Jordan’s ass tightening in response.

Jordan leaned in and passionately began kissing Leki. Leki began to thrust harder and deeper, lifting Jordan’s hips up so he could gain more momentum behind him.

Moans turned into screams, ecstasy pulsating through Jordan. Leki was just going and going, nothing was stopping him.

Leki slowed down and slowly pulled out, Jordan got up and laid on his front, replacing Leki’s position bent over and ass raised into the air, ready for Leki to re-enter him.

Leki did not hesitate, and soon slid back into Jordan, forcing his hips in to the bale. No choice but to take Leki full force. Leki had not been with anyone recently and was holding onto a heavy load, and Jordan was not giving him a choice other than to unload deep into him neither.

Pressure began to build inside Jordan’s rear he could feel his prostrate swelling the more, harder, faster and rougher Leki became.

Leki was doing some swelling of his own. Leki’s cock began to mushroom at the head, the force putting more pressure onto Jordan’s g-spot. Leki took in a deep breath, then began to force Jordan deeper into the bale, the string holding it together being stretched out to its capacity.

With a force sending pulses and shockwaves through Jordan’s entire legs and spine, Leki released his load deep in to Jordan. Pulse, after pulse, squirt after squirt, Jordan’s hole tightening around Leki would just make Leki throb harder, it was still coming out of him, Pressing his chest into Jordan, a delayed moan resonated from Leki’s throat.

Deep into his ears, the sound of his moan going right through Jordan, his spine confused with all the signals and pleasures he was getting right now he was not sure what was going on.

Leki’s balls truly were unloaded deep into Jordan. Leki, panting hard gently pulled back and out of Jordan. Cum began leaking from Jordan’s tight hole, Leki, leaned down, placing his still semi erect cock at Jordan’s entrance and forces it back in side.

Jordan not wanting to move from the pleasure, but at the same time wanting to release his own pressures deep inside his balls, but first he had to make a decision and fast.

Jordan flipped onto his back and began stroking his wet, dripping cock, gently massaging the pre cum into his head, making himself nice and sticky.

Not wanting a moment to pass him, Leki spat on his fingers, rubbed his saliva into his hole and sat on Jordan’s lap. Jordan’s ass still throbbing, his already mushroomed head swelling to its maximum, made Jordan ache as Leki slowly eased himself down onto Jordan.

Not waiting no longer, Jordan pulled Leki into his lap, forcing him down, Jordan had the perfect muscles for guy’s who like to ride him as he was able to lift them and often fuck them against a wall.

This was about to be the case for Leki, but Jordan was just letting him adjust before springing that surprise onto him. Jordan began thrusting at Leki’s ass, battering him the same way he had Jordan.

The strings on the bale gave out, causing it to drop to the floor. The crash down making Jordan get most deep he could into Leki.

Jordan and Leki Stood up, Jordan pushed Leki against the door, flipped him round and kissed him, Jordan’s wet dripping cock leaking onto Leki’s stomach.

Jordan reach his hands down and grabbed Leki’s ass on either side, with one swift motion he lifted Leki up against the barn door, lifted Leki’s legs up and over his shoulders.

His cock pressed against Leki’s hole, Leki grabbed onto the bars above the door as Jordan fed him his cock. Leki was banging against the barn door as Jordan continued to slam into Leki’s hole battering it with force, Jordan’s mushroom head forcing its way deep inside.

Jordan spread Leki’s ass wide and pushed him hard against the wall, pulling him down, forcing as much cock into him as he could. Jordan began to moan harder, Leki unable to hold on much longer, wrapped his hands around Jordan’s neck.

Jordan pulled Leki away from the wall, his shoulders pressing back, just to support him.

Jordan groaned as he unloaded a fountain deep in to Leki. Leki’s back slammed back into the wall as Jordan continued to unload deep inside. Leki’s legs shaking around Jordan’s waist.

Jordan lifted Leki up, pulled out and helped Leki to the ground, steadying him as his feet touched down.

Walking like a newborn foal, Leki sat on the floor stabilizing himself.

Jordan at his side, the two, looked at each other, panting away. Jordan placed his arm around Leki, brought him into his chest and attempted to control his breathing.

Leki and Jordan had done everything the needed to do at the farm, but even if they had not, neither of them was going to be doing much else today.

Leki drove them both back to Leki’s, Jordan had offered to cook tonight and was not about to disappoint now.

Jordan cooked them a meal, Leki talking while Jordan prepared his signature dish.

These two really connected by spirituality, passion, sexual attraction, and love for lots of common things it seemed.

Jordan was sadly leaving the next afternoon, and Leki had offered to drive Jordan to the airport.

Once dinner cooked, Leki and Jordan retired to the living room and cuddled onto the sofa, Jordan cuddled Leki into his embrace, kissed his forehead and the two passed out on the sofa.

When they awoke, the sun was beaming down into the living room and the skies appeared clear. It was a shame that Jordan and Leki were separating today, as both clearly were destined to be in each other’s lives, and Jordan for one was very happy to have met Leki, but more wanting to get home to his love Thomas.

They enjoyed breakfast together, took the dogs for a walk. Jordan upon returning packed up his stuff and placed it into the car. Leki had not met someone whom he connected with on such a deeper, emotional level and was sad to be seeing Jordan go home.

The two made a stop on the way to the airport, just on a whim

They pulled up to the airport, Leki and Jordan shared one final kiss and hugged each other tightly. Jordan collected his bag from the trunk said goodbye to Eevie and Prada and again headed for the terminal, this time leaving Leki behind.

Jordan’s flight took off no problem, but now Jordan felt like he had left a part of him back with Leki, but now knew he would be seeing him again sometime that was a certainty.

Jordan exited into the arrival’s, Thomas was stood there waiting for him unexpectedly with a bunch of flowers, and holding a sign with Jordan’s name on and hearts all over it.

Jordan dropped his belongings and held his arms open as Thomas came running towards him. Thomas kissed Jordan with such love, that Jordan could not wait no longer.

Jordan reached into his back pocket, knelt down on one knee, looked up at Thomas and asked him, “Will You Marry Me?”

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