Friday Body Switch Ch. 01

A gay sex stories: Friday Body Switch Ch. 01 Hi, all main characters in this story are work of fiction and above 18 years old. This story is a slowburn at the beginning but the pacing in terms of sex does pick up at around Chapter 4. Hopefully you guys have as much fun reading this story as I had when writing it.


Chapter 1: The Strange Humanoid

In a darkened room I tap my fingers against the warm glass of my phone, doom-scrolling through an endless sea of pictures on Twitter and Reddit, pictures of hot men. I’ve been looking at these men for hours, most of them have well-defined pecs, washboard abs, bulging arms, and a firm ass.

Mmm…I imagine what it must feel like to wrap my hand around those arms, will my hands even be able to wrap around them? I wonder how those pecs feel, firm or squishy when I press against them? I fantasize about how it must feel to run my fingers through those abs, feeling the bumps and cracks of those muscles.

Some of those men are in gym gear, sweaty and musky, ahhh, I wonder how they smell, perhaps a mixture of the scent of cologne and sweat? Some of those men look like they just came out of the showers, water droplets clearly visible on their fair and flawless skins. I’m amazed at how such photos are even able to be taken, I guess props to the photographer and Photoshoppers.

I know better than to believe what you see on the internet, most of these male models are super dehydrated when these photos were taken to make them look like Greek gods. Some of those photos are photoshopped to enhance and exaggerate their already incredible physiques. And if not all of them are taking some sort of steroids to make their bodies look like absolute stallions. At least that’s what I try to tell myself to believe anyways.

A sudden mixture of extreme envy and sadness hit me like a wave, crashing on the shore of my heart. I feel this intense pain, emotional pain in the middle of my chest, like a black hole threatening to devour me whole. I feel like am choking, gasping for air. I got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to get a glass of water and my depression pills.

After a few seconds of recovery, I turn on the lights, the familiar reflection of myself in the mirror was the first thing I see. I took a close look at myself. My kinda wavy brown hair was messy, my brown eyes were red and watery from the tears I had just involuntarily shed. My face although youthful, was not the prettiest face on Earth. But next came the part I despise the most.

My 130lbs scrawny frame came into view, my flat chest and noodle arms staring right back at me through the mirror. I just stood there, looked and looked. This familiar image of myself looked rather unfamiliar today. They say when you look into the mirror for too long, you start to see yourself differently.

“AHHHHHH!!!! I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU ALEC!!!!!!!” I screamed out the mirror manically.

From now you probably guessed I hate the way my body looked, and you’d be correct. The truth of the matter is, I know I will never be able to look like the men in the pictures I saw, I know that I am not considered hot by gay standards.

While all the other 24-year-olds are at the clubs and bars partying on this Friday night, I’m driving myself toward madness in my room, alone.

After regaining some of my calm, I walked back to my bed and hopped into it. Sinking into the mattress, I pulled my comforters over my head, cocooning myself in the blanket. Soon I fell asleep and drifted to the dreamscape.

In my dreams, it was a bright sunny day, warm ocean breeze brushed against my skin. I can feel the sand slipping in between my toes. Next, I was teleported to a giant swimming pool, the weather still warm, the sun still shining bright. I saw a bunch of shirtless hot guys around the pool with me, some of them 19, some of them in their 20s, 30s, and even 40s. They were all laughing and having a good time. The contagious laughter brought a smile to my face, I can feel myself genuinely smiling.

They say when the devil temps you, he will not appear as a demonic hideous creature with horns, but rather a beautiful angel with light. There is a lot of truth to this and certainly is true in my story.

Before I know it, all the hot guys were gone from the pool but instead standing before me was a humanoid creature, he was so strikingly beautiful yet familiar in a way I just cannot quite tell. His face is what I can only describe as otherworldy handsome for lack of a better term.

This humanoid was maybe like 5’8 tall, what’s distinct are the pairs of wings he have on his back. The first pair of wings look like pointy fairy-pixie wings, but the wing patterns are weirdly hexagonal, making them look almost cybernetic. It has a beautiful translucent purple glow to it. The second pair of wings were black angel wings, the type of wings you’d normally associate with fallen angels, it has a longer wing span than the first pair of wings, making them look almost majestic. He has short and straight dark hair.

His clothes look like they are simultaneously from the medieval past and the sci-fi future. It is very fantasy-like and definitely different from anything I’ve seen in this world. He has a pair of amber eyes that pierce directly into your soul like no secret or thought will be revealed the very next second. As frightening as this is, I did not feel scared, his presence while strong, was not dominating, and I have an eerie feeling that he isn’t going to harm me.

“Do not be scared Alec, for I came with a deal, an offer, a present if you will” his voice surprisingly calm and smooth.

“H-How did you know my name” I fumbled my thoughts barely forming a sentence.

“Well, I’ve been watching you for a very long time, you have ignored your heart’s desire for too long and I am here to fulfill it”

“W-what?! W-who are you? What do you mean?” I wanted to ask so much more but that’s all I manage to squeeze out of my mouth.

“You might want to say I’m like a guardian angel of sorts, for you at least.” The humanoid paused, “I know you want to have a hot body desperately so I am going to grant you this wish from now on every Friday, and you can do whatever you please.”

“What? I-I, what are you saying?” I am still dumbfounded, baffled by the strange sentence just spoken by the humanoid.

“Of course, I’m not doing this just out of the goodness of my heart, consider this more like a forced transaction, I am giving you want in exchange I will get what I need, that is all for now, farewell Alec, we shall see each other in the not so distant future.”

I suddenly found myself awoke in my own bed, the rays of the morning sun shining in my eyes through the cracks of my window curtain. I looked at my body, nothing has changed, but the cryptic message of the humanoid deeply worries me.

I checked my phone, and the lock screen displays that right now it’s 9 AM, Saturday.

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