Friday Body Switch Ch. 02

A gay sex stories: Friday Body Switch Ch. 02 Hi, all main characters in this story are work of fiction and above 18 years old. This story is a slowburn at the beginning but the pacing in terms of sex does pick up at around Chapter 4. Hopefully you guys have as much fun reading this story as I had when writing it. ______________________________________________________________________

Chapter 2: The Body Switch

The week passed uneventfully, and before I knew it, Thursday morning had arrived once again. The strange humanoid and his cryptic words had become a distant memory, dismissed as nothing more than a peculiar dream. Little did I know how mistaken I was.

I settled into my usual routine at work, occupying my corner desk in the quiet, overlooked area of the school district building. The monotonous tasks of spreadsheets, presentations, emails, and meetings filled my days, providing ample opportunity for me to indulge in my favorite pastime: playing Stellaris on my trusty laptop. Unlike other Redditors who indulged in games like WoW or LoL, I opted for offline games to avoid using the district’s WiFi and attracting unnecessary attention.

Besides, the cost of a personal hotspot seemed unnecessary when I had a perfectly functional laptop and no desire to splurge on extra internet expenses. I chuckled to myself, realizing how much I sounded like a penny-pinching old soul.

After work, I returned to my small studio apartment, where I enjoyed the luxury of solitude. Tonight, I warmed up a microwave dinner from the frozen food section of the grocery store, content with its convenience. Wrapped in a cozy blanket, I settled on the couch and indulged in some CW shows, eventually drifting off to sleep. Strangely, I felt unusually tired tonight, despite no apparent reason.

In my dreams, I experienced a sensation of floating through space and time, as if my consciousness existed in a state of distortion. It was a completely new experience, akin to zero gravity on a space station. After what felt like an hour of drifting through this ethereal realm, an iPhone alarm abruptly shattered the tranquility. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, I found myself confronted with a bewildering scene.

Sunlight streamed into the room, but instead of the customary left side, it illuminated the right side of the bed. As I glanced around, I realized that the room I found myself in was unfamiliar—a stranger’s room. Panic coursed through my veins as I struggled to recall how I ended up here or what had transpired.

The spacious room exuded a distinctly teenage vibe, adorned with posters of wrestlers and unfamiliar sports personalities. I never had an interest in sports, so their identities escaped me. The room boasted a master bedroom’s luxurious setup, complete with a hardwood floor and a plush white carpet near the bed. A table with a computer stood not far from the bed, adding to the room’s youthful ambiance.

A jolt of soreness in my left arm accompanied the overwhelming sensory input. Looking down, I noticed that my arms were no longer scrawny and weak. Instead, they possessed a newfound strength and definition, with bulging biceps and triceps that spoke of power. Curiosity led me to touch my left arm with my right hand, marveling at the sheer muscularity it displayed. Even more surprising was the noticeable bulge in my underwear, a combination of morning wood and the sight of my own muscles that left me feeling strangely aroused.

Unable to resist the urge, I found myself standing in front of a mirror in the restroom. The reflection that stared back at me was that of a completely different person—a muscular, well-built man with chiseled features and a confident smile. Tentatively, I reached out to touch my pecs, half-expecting them to vanish like an illusion. But my hand made contact with the solid, defined muscles adorning my chest.

Panic surged within me as the truth dawned: my consciousness had somehow been transplanted into this unfamiliar body. The words of the enigmatic humanoid from my encounter resurfaced in my mind, echoing with newfound significance. “I know you want to have a hot body desperately so I am going to grant you this wish from now on every Friday, and you can do whatever you please.” he had said. Was this his doing? And if so, why? Countless questions swirled in my head, but for now, I had to focus on the immediate task at hand—navigating this new reality.

Taking a deep breath, I attempted to piece together the events leading up to this bewildering body switch. Memories slowly surfaced, like fragments of a shattered mirror, revealing a nightmarish sequence of events. As I struggled to recall, the realization hit me—I had fallen victim to an inexplicable cosmic phenomenon, one that had transposed my consciousness into the body of a complete stranger.

I looked around on the bathroom floor to see that some jeans were just left on the ground. I picked up the one with a belt and put them on. On the left pocket of the jean, I found a Ridge Wallet. I know you’re not supposed to look through another person’s wallet, but curiosity got the best of me. The wallet has several card in them, ranging from gift cards to credit cards. At the end of the pile were 3 ID cards. 2 driver’s licenses and 1 school ID.

The school ID says Xander Matstlov, the school is OakPalm Community College and the first driver’s license also says Xander Matstlov, born in 12/27/2004. Huh, 2023-2004=19? I guess the owner of this wallet and this body I currently inhabit is 19 years old? Wait, he’s born in December, he’s technically 18 years old still if we’re talking about months. I hope I did my math right in my head. The other fake ID has Xander’s masculine face on it, but it has a false name: Justin Cornwall, I recognized it as a fake ID

Suddenly the iPhone alarm started to ring loudly again in the background. I went to snooze off the alarm, to find that the phone locks with facial recognition, and I was able to access Xander’s personal phone.

On the very first of the messages conveniently and uncreatively named “The Boys Chat” it would seem that Xander and his buddies are making plans to go to a bar tonight. The objective seems to be wing-manning this guy name Jordan with his crush. It is a typical high school chat, and it would explain the fake ID. But anyway it is still interesting to say the very least.

It was then I heard a female voice that yelled, “Xander, it is time for breakfast, come downstairs!” I was a bit startled, from the sound of the voice I guessed it probably was Xander’s mom so I answered with a “Yes”.

I went inside Xander’s closet and put on a random white T-shirt on one of the hangers. I notice how tight the T-shirt fits, the way it perfectly hugs my arms and chest. The T-shirts that I wore, even the S-sized ones fit very loosely on me, and I always look like I’m drowning in my own clothes whenever I’d wear anything casual.

Summoning all the courage I could muster, I decided to explore the unfamiliar surroundings. Stepping out of the room, I found myself in a modest suburban home. The walls were adorned with family photos—a young boy beaming with joy, embracing his parents, and a sense of warmth permeated the air. Whose life had I stumbled into? And where was my own body?

As I went downstairs, I can feel the bounce of my pecs, god damn. Is this what girls feel like when their boobs bounce? I tried to tighten and flex my pectoral muscles to keep them from bouncing, and it amazingly worked.

I stopped at the second to last step of the stairs to do a quick pec bounce using the technique that I just learn to stop the pecs from bouncing while going downstairs. I watched as the pecs on my chest started to dance, and I cannot believe how weird this is going to sound, but I did my first pec bounce in another person’s body.

I guess the muscle memories of Xander’s body led me to the kitchen, it was then I saw the backyard of the house, it had a nice spacious garden, with various trees, bushes, and flowers.

I saw a 50-year-old woman and his husband sitting already at the table, along with a 15-year-old girl who I presumed to be Xander’s little sister.

“Honey, how’d you sleep?” Xander’s mom asked

“I slept well, thanks for asking m-mom?” it was at that moment I knew I messed up as when I said the word “mom” I ended the sentence with a rising, questioning tone.

“Sweetie what’s wrong, your saying it like I’m not your mother” Xander’s mom laughed.

“Sorry, I just recovered from a bad dream, Mom,” I said it this time with a more natural and convincing tone.

The rest of the breakfast was a pretty normal family breakfast conversation, but I did get a feeling that everyone from Xander’s mom to Xander’s dad to Xander’s sister is avoiding a specific topic, a topic that I will soon find out.

At the breakfast table, Xander’s parents mentioned how it is close to summer break, how I am about to graduate, how they are planning on vacationing in Europe for a week, and how Xander’s? Mine? Little sister is going to summer camp.

I was told to drive Xander’s little sister to her middle school and then drive myself to college when we finished breakfast.

On the car and my way to school, Xander’s little sister started the conversation with a bombshell of a news as I try to set the GPS to the route of her middle school.

“You usually don’t use the GPS when going to my school, but anyways, how’s the breakup going between you and Jessica?” Xander’s little sister asked. It was at this point started to think, I know nothing about Jessica or even Xander’s little sister’s name. I’m about to go to Xander’s high school and I don’t know anything about his life.

“It’s going, it’s none of your business lil’ sis” I tried to come up with what Xander would call his little sister, and lil sis is the best thing I can come up with at the point, it cringes me when I said it out loud, and it definitely cringed his little sister.

“I thought you promised to not call me that BIG BRO” Xander’s sister said in a mocking tone, “Call me Alexa or I will reveal your secret to Dad” she said. “That’s right, I know the real reason why you and Jessica broke up!”

I got a little bit scared of what my little sister is talking about but decided to play it cool. “Alright, I’m sorry Alexa, but you know nothing,” I said.

“Oh, I know, I know your gay, and that’s why Jessica broke up with you” Damn, I thought to myself. This 15-year-old is seriously blackmailing me right now? “Now, I zelle me $20 bucks by the end of today and I will forget this whole conversation happened”

“Okay, I’ll Zelle you when I have the time”, and with that, I dropped Alexa off at her middle school and drove off to Xander’s college, OakPalm Community College

It was after I drove into the campus parking lot, a familiar voice caught me off guard.


“AHHHHHH!!!!” I screamed in a deep but still high-pitched tone, when I looked over at my passenger seat, I saw the humanoid I encountered in my dreams.

“You! What are you doing here? You switched my body! Tell me what’s going on now!” I said in a mixture of anger and confusion to the humanoid

I took a look at the humanoid again, he looked more normal this time, without his wings, and dressed like a regular person this time. You can say he is in his “human form” if you will.

“Please, calm down, I know how confusing this all is, but I promise it would all make sense soon, and please call me Samanuel. Right now please read the message that’s about to be sent to your phone carefully” After Samanuel said those words, he vanished from the passenger seat out of thin air.

The message on my phone is from my own phone number and it reads:

Hi Alec, this is Xander and I’m sorry for the abrupt body switch bro. But ya need to understand I wanted to experience a different life, and that’s why I asked Samanuel to switch our souls temporarily, after tomorrow you will be back into your body. But as of today you will be me and I will be you.

I know you hate my life as much as I hate mine, so I just thought that this would be a good opportunity to do something different. Yes bro, magic does exist, and Samanuel is some higher dimensional being dude that did this to us. In my school locker, the code is 10-2-8, you’ll find an ancient-looking tome that summons Samanuel, If you have any questions feel free to reach out to your own number and ask me or summon Sam from the book, you’ll know how to summon him once you touch the book.

PS: Thank you for this cute body, lol, I can’t wait to see what a day in your life is like.

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